Interface IdMapper

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractCompositeIdMapper, AbstractIdMapper, EmbeddedIdMapper, MultipleIdMapper, SingleIdMapper

public interface IdMapper

Method Summary
 void addIdEqualsToQuery(Parameters parameters, Object id, String prefix, boolean equals)
          Adds query statements, which contains restrictions, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix, is equal to the given object.
 void addIdsEqualToQuery(Parameters parameters, String prefix1, IdMapper mapper2, String prefix2)
          Adds query statements, which contains restrictions, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix1, is equal to the id of the entity with alias prefix2 mapped by the second mapper (the second mapper must be for the same entity, but it can have, for example, prefixed properties).
 void addIdsEqualToQuery(Parameters parameters, String prefix1, String prefix2)
          Adds query statements, which contains restrictions, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix1, is equal to the id of the entity with alias prefix2 (the entity is the same).
 void addNamedIdEqualsToQuery(Parameters parameters, String prefix, boolean equals)
          Adds query statements, which contains named parameters, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix, is equal to the given object.
 boolean mapToEntityFromMap(Object obj, Map data)
 Object mapToIdFromEntity(Object data)
 Object mapToIdFromMap(Map data)
 void mapToMapFromEntity(Map<String,Object> data, Object obj)
 void mapToMapFromId(Map<String,Object> data, Object obj)
 List<QueryParameterData> mapToQueryParametersFromId(Object obj)
 IdMapper prefixMappedProperties(String prefix)
          Creates a mapper with all mapped properties prefixed.

Method Detail


void mapToMapFromId(Map<String,Object> data,
                    Object obj)


void mapToMapFromEntity(Map<String,Object> data,
                        Object obj)


boolean mapToEntityFromMap(Object obj,
                           Map data)
obj - Object to map to.
data - Data to map.
True if data was mapped; false otherwise (when the id is null).


Object mapToIdFromEntity(Object data)


Object mapToIdFromMap(Map data)


IdMapper prefixMappedProperties(String prefix)
Creates a mapper with all mapped properties prefixed. A mapped property is a property which is directly mapped to values (not composite).

prefix - Prefix to add to mapped properties
A copy of the current property mapper, with mapped properties prefixed.


List<QueryParameterData> mapToQueryParametersFromId(Object obj)
obj - Id from which to map.
A set parameter data, needed to build a query basing on the given id.


void addIdsEqualToQuery(Parameters parameters,
                        String prefix1,
                        String prefix2)
Adds query statements, which contains restrictions, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix1, is equal to the id of the entity with alias prefix2 (the entity is the same).

parameters - Parameters, to which to add the statements.
prefix1 - First alias of the entity + prefix to add to the properties.
prefix2 - Second alias of the entity + prefix to add to the properties.


void addIdsEqualToQuery(Parameters parameters,
                        String prefix1,
                        IdMapper mapper2,
                        String prefix2)
Adds query statements, which contains restrictions, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix1, is equal to the id of the entity with alias prefix2 mapped by the second mapper (the second mapper must be for the same entity, but it can have, for example, prefixed properties).

parameters - Parameters, to which to add the statements.
prefix1 - First alias of the entity + prefix to add to the properties.
mapper2 - Second mapper for the same entity, which will be used to get properties for the right side of the equation.
prefix2 - Second alias of the entity + prefix to add to the properties.


void addIdEqualsToQuery(Parameters parameters,
                        Object id,
                        String prefix,
                        boolean equals)
Adds query statements, which contains restrictions, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix, is equal to the given object.

parameters - Parameters, to which to add the statements.
id - Value of id.
prefix - Prefix to add to the properties (may be null).
equals - Should this query express the "=" relation or the "<>" relation.


void addNamedIdEqualsToQuery(Parameters parameters,
                             String prefix,
                             boolean equals)
Adds query statements, which contains named parameters, which express the property that the id of the entity with alias prefix, is equal to the given object. It is the responsibility of the using method to read parameter values from the id and specify them on the final query object.

parameters - Parameters, to which to add the statements.
prefix - Prefix to add to the properties (may be null).
equals - Should this query express the "=" relation or the "<>" relation.

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