Uses of Interface

Packages that use Hierarchical
org.hibernate.metamodel.domain This package defines metadata modeling of a logical domain model. 

Uses of Hierarchical in org.hibernate.metamodel.domain

Classes in org.hibernate.metamodel.domain that implement Hierarchical
 class AbstractAttributeContainer
          Convenient base class for AttributeContainer.
 class Component
          Models the notion of a component (what JPA calls an Embeddable).
 class Entity
          Models the notion of an entity
 class NonEntity
          Models the concept class in the hierarchy with no persistent attributes.
 class Superclass
          Models the concept of a (intermediate) superclass

Methods in org.hibernate.metamodel.domain that return Hierarchical
 Hierarchical AbstractAttributeContainer.getSuperType()
 Hierarchical Hierarchical.getSuperType()
          Retrieve the super type.

Constructors in org.hibernate.metamodel.domain with parameters of type Hierarchical
AbstractAttributeContainer(String name, String className, Value<Class<?>> classReference, Hierarchical superType)
Component(String name, String className, Value<Class<?>> classReference, Hierarchical superType)
Entity(String entityName, String className, Value<Class<?>> classReference, Hierarchical superType)
          Constructor for the entity
NonEntity(String entityName, String className, Value<Class<?>> classReference, Hierarchical superType)
          Constructor for the non-entity
Superclass(String entityName, String className, Value<Class<?>> classReference, Hierarchical superType)
          Constructor for the entity

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