Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType
org.hibernate.type A Hibernate Type is a strategy for mapping a Java property type to a JDBC type or types. 

Uses of AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType in org.hibernate.type

Subclasses of AbstractSingleColumnStandardBasicType in org.hibernate.type
 class AdaptedImmutableType<T>
          Optimize a mutable type, if the user promises not to mutable the instances.
 class BigDecimalType
          A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigDecimal.
 class BigIntegerType
          A type that maps between a NUMERIC and BigInteger.
 class BinaryType
          A type that maps between a VARBINARY and byte[]
 class BlobType
          A type that maps between BLOB and Blob
 class BooleanType
          A type that maps between BOOLEAN and Boolean
 class ByteType
          A type that maps between TINYINT and Byte
 class CalendarDateType
          A type mapping DATE and Calendar
 class CalendarType
          A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and Calendar
 class CharacterArrayClobType
          A type that maps between CLOB and Character[]

Essentially a MaterializedClobType but represented as a Character[] in Java rather than String.

 class CharacterArrayType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and Character[]
 class CharacterType
          A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Character
 class CharArrayType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and char[]
 class CharBooleanType
          Deprecated. Use the AbstractStandardBasicType approach instead
 class ClassType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and Class
 class ClobType
          A type that maps between CLOB and Clob
 class CurrencyType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and Currency
 class DateType
          A type that maps between DATE and Date
 class DbTimestampType
          dbtimestamp: An extension of TimestampType which maps to the database's current timestamp, rather than the jvm's current timestamp.
 class DoubleType
          A type that maps between DOUBLE and Double
 class FloatType
          A type that maps between FLOAT and Float
 class ImageType
          A type that maps between LONGVARBINARY and byte[]
 class IntegerType
          A type that maps between INTEGER and @link Integer}
 class LocaleType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and @link Locale}
 class LongType
          A type that maps between BIGINT and Long
 class MaterializedBlobType
          A type that maps between BLOB and byte[]
 class MaterializedClobType
          A type that maps between CLOB and String
 class NumericBooleanType
          A type that maps between INTEGER and Boolean (using 1 and 0)
 class PostgresUUIDType
          Specialized type mapping for UUID and the Postgres UUID data type (which is mapped as OTHER in its JDBC driver).
 class PrimitiveCharacterArrayClobType
          Map a char[] to a Clob
 class SerializableType<T extends Serializable>
          A type that maps between a VARBINARY and Serializable classes.
 class ShortType
          A type that maps between SMALLINT and Short
 class StringType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and String
 class TextType
          A type that maps between LONGVARCHAR and String
 class TimestampType
          A type that maps between TIMESTAMP and Timestamp
 class TimeType
          A type that maps between TIME and Time
 class TimeZoneType
          A type mapping VARCHAR and TimeZone
 class TrueFalseType
          A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'T' and 'F')
 class UrlType
          A type that maps between VARCHAR and URL
 class UUIDBinaryType
          A type mapping Types.BINARY and UUID
 class UUIDCharType
          A type mapping Types.CHAR (or Types.VARCHAR) and UUID
 class WrappedMaterializedBlobType
          A type that maps JDBC BLOB and Byte[].
 class WrapperBinaryType
          A type mapping VARBINARY and Byte[]
 class YesNoType
          A type that maps between CHAR(1) and Boolean (using 'Y' and 'N')

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