程序包 | 说明 |
org.codehaus.jackson |
Main public API classes of the core streaming JSON
processor: most importantly
used for constructing
JSON parser (JsonParser )
and generator
(JsonParser )
instances. |
org.codehaus.jackson.impl |
Parser and generator implementation classes that Jackson
defines and uses.
org.codehaus.jackson.sym |
Internal implementation classes for efficient handling of
of symbols in JSON (field names in Objects)
限定符和类型 | 字段和说明 |
protected CharsToNameCanonicalizer |
Each factory comes equipped with a shared root symbol table.
限定符和类型 | 字段和说明 |
protected CharsToNameCanonicalizer |
ReaderBasedParser._symbols |
限定符和类型 | 方法和说明 |
JsonParser |
ByteSourceBootstrapper.constructParser(int features,
ObjectCodec codec,
BytesToNameCanonicalizer rootByteSymbols,
CharsToNameCanonicalizer rootCharSymbols) |
构造器和说明 |
ReaderBasedParser(IOContext ctxt,
int features,
Reader r,
ObjectCodec codec,
CharsToNameCanonicalizer st) |
限定符和类型 | 字段和说明 |
protected CharsToNameCanonicalizer |
Sharing of learnt symbols is done by optional linking of symbol
table instances with their parents.
限定符和类型 | 方法和说明 |
static CharsToNameCanonicalizer |
Method called to create root canonicalizer for a
instance. |
protected static CharsToNameCanonicalizer |
CharsToNameCanonicalizer.createRoot(int hashSeed) |
CharsToNameCanonicalizer |
CharsToNameCanonicalizer.makeChild(boolean canonicalize,
boolean intern)
"Factory" method; will create a new child instance of this symbol