Interface Summary |
Association |
A RegistryObject instance may be associated with zero or more RegistryObject instances. |
AuditableEvent |
AuditableEvent instances provide a long term record of events that effect a
change of state in a RegistryObject. |
Classification |
The Classification interface is used to classify RegistryObject instances. |
ClassificationScheme |
A ClassificationScheme instance represents a taxonomy that may be used to classify or categorize RegistryObject instances. |
Concept |
The Concept interface is used to represent taxonomy elements and their structural relationship with each other in order to describe an internal taxonomy. |
EmailAddress |
Represents an email address. |
ExtensibleObject |
An ExtensibleObject is one that allows itself to be extended by utilizing
dynamically added Slots that add arbitrary attributes to the object on a
per instance basis. |
ExternalIdentifier |
ExternalIdentifier instances provide the additional identifier information
to RegistryObjects such as DUNS number, Social Security Number, or an alias
name of the organization. |
ExternalLink |
ExternalLink instances model a named URI to content that may reside outside
the registry. |
ExtrinsicObject |
ExtrinsicObjects provide metadata that describes submitted content whose
type is not intrinsically known to the registry and therefore must be
described by means of additional attributes (e.g., mime type). |
InternationalString |
This interface represents a String that has been internationalized into several Locales. |
Key |
Represents a unique key that identifies a RegistryObject. |
LocalizedString |
This interface is used as a simple wrapper interface that associates a String with its Locale. |
Organization |
Organization instances provide information on organizations such as a Submitting Organization. |
PersonName |
Represents a person's name. |
PostalAddress |
PostalAddress is a simple re-usable entity class that defines attributes of a postal Address. |
RegistryEntry |
The RegistryEntry interface is a base interface for interfaces in the model that require additional metadata beyond what is provided by the RegistryObject interface. |
RegistryObject |
The RegistryObject class is an abstract base class used by most classes in the model. |
RegistryPackage |
RegistryPackage instances are RegistryEntries that group logically related
RegistryEntries together. |
Service |
Service instances are RegistryObjects that provide information on services
(for example, web services) offered by an Organization. |
ServiceBinding |
ServiceBinding instances are RegistryObjects that represent technical information on a specific way to access a specific interface offered by a Service instance. |
Slot |
Slot instances provide a dynamic way to add arbitrary attributes to
RegistryObject instances. |
SpecificationLink |
A SpecificationLink provides the linkage between a ServiceBinding and one of its technical specifications that describes how to use the service using the ServiceBinding. |
TelephoneNumber |
A simple re-usable entity class that defines attributes of a telephone number. |
URIValidator |
Defines common behavior expected of any class that validates URIs. |
User |
User instances are RegistryObjects that are used to provide information about registered users within the registry. |
Versionable |
The Versionable interface defines the behavior common to classes that
are capable of creating versions of their instances. |