Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use IOException
java.applet Provides the classes necessary to create an applet and the classes an applet uses to communicate with its applet context. 
java.awt Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images. 
java.awt.color Provides classes for color spaces. 
java.awt.datatransfer Provides interfaces and classes for transferring data between and within applications. 
java.awt.dnd Drag and Drop is a direct manipulation gesture found in many Graphical User Interface systems that provides a mechanism to transfer information between two entities logically associated with presentation elements in the GUI. 
java.awt.print Provides classes and interfaces for a general printing API. 
java.beans Contains classes related to developing beans -- components based on the JavaBeansTM architecture. 
java.beans.beancontext Provides classes and interfaces relating to bean context. Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system. 
java.lang Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language. Provides the management interface for monitoring and management of the Java virtual machine as well as the operating system on which the Java virtual machine is running. Provides the classes for implementing networking applications. 
java.nio Defines buffers, which are containers for data, and provides an overview of the other NIO packages. 
java.nio.channels Defines channels, which represent connections to entities that are capable of performing I/O operations, such as files and sockets; defines selectors, for multiplexed, non-blocking I/O operations. 
java.nio.channels.spi Service-provider classes for the java.nio.channels package. 
java.nio.charset Defines charsets, decoders, and encoders, for translating between bytes and Unicode characters. 
java.rmi Provides the RMI package. 
java.rmi.activation Provides support for RMI Object Activation. 
java.rmi.server Provides classes and interfaces for supporting the server side of RMI. Provides the classes and interfaces for the security framework. Provides classes and interfaces for parsing and managing certificates, certificate revocation lists (CRLs), and certification paths. 
java.util Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes (a string tokenizer, a random-number generator, and a bit array). 
java.util.jar Provides classes for reading and writing the JAR (Java ARchive) file format, which is based on the standard ZIP file format with an optional manifest file. 
java.util.logging Provides the classes and interfaces of the JavaTM 2 platform's core logging facilities. 
java.util.prefs This package allows applications to store and retrieve user and system preference and configuration data. Provides classes for reading and writing the standard ZIP and GZIP file formats. 
javax.activity Contains Activity service related exceptions thrown by the ORB machinery during unmarshalling. 
javax.annotation.processing Facilities for declaring annotation processors and for allowing annotation processors to communicate with an annotation processing tool environment. 
javax.crypto Provides the classes and interfaces for cryptographic operations. 
javax.imageio The main package of the Java Image I/O API. 
javax.imageio.metadata A package of the Java Image I/O API dealing with reading and writing metadata. 
javax.imageio.spi A package of the Java Image I/O API containing the plug-in interfaces for readers, writers, transcoders, and streams, and a runtime registry. A package of the Java Image I/O API dealing with low-level I/O from files and streams. Provides the core classes for the Java Management Extensions. Provides the classes which implement advanced dynamic loading. Interfaces for remote access to JMX MBean servers. The RMI connector is a connector for the JMX Remote API that uses RMI to transmit client requests to a remote MBean server. 
javax.naming.ldap Provides support for LDAPv3 extended operations and controls. Provides classes for networking applications. Provides classes for the secure socket package. 
javax.print Provides the principal classes and interfaces for the JavaTM Print Service API. 
javax.rmi.CORBA Contains portability APIs for RMI-IIOP. 
javax.rmi.ssl Provides implementations of RMIClientSocketFactory and RMIServerSocketFactory over the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocols. This package provides the classes necessary for services to interact with applications in order to retrieve information (authentication data including usernames or passwords, for example) or to display information (error and warning messages, for example). Contains class and interfaces for supporting SASL. 
javax.sound.midi Provides interfaces and classes for I/O, sequencing, and synthesis of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) data. 
javax.sound.midi.spi Supplies interfaces for service providers to implement when offering new MIDI devices, MIDI file readers and writers, or sound bank readers. 
javax.sound.sampled Provides interfaces and classes for capture, processing, and playback of sampled audio data. 
javax.sound.sampled.spi Supplies abstract classes for service providers to subclass when offering new audio devices, sound file readers and writers, or audio format converters. 
javax.sql.rowset Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBC RowSet implementations. 
javax.swing Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms. 
javax.swing.filechooser Contains classes and interfaces used by the JFileChooser component. 
javax.swing.plaf.synth Synth is a skinnable look and feel in which all painting is delegated. 
javax.swing.text Provides classes and interfaces that deal with editable and noneditable text components. 
javax.swing.text.html Provides the class HTMLEditorKit and supporting classes for creating HTML text editors. 
javax.swing.text.html.parser Provides the default HTML parser, along with support classes. 
javax.swing.text.rtf Provides a class (RTFEditorKit) for creating Rich-Text-Format text editors. Provides interfaces for tools which can be invoked from a program, for example, compilers. 
javax.transaction Contains three exceptions thrown by the ORB machinery during unmarshalling. 
javax.xml.bind Provides a runtime binding framework for client applications including unmarshalling, marshalling, and validation capabilities. 
javax.xml.parsers Provides classes allowing the processing of XML documents. 
javax.xml.soap Provides the API for creating and building SOAP messages. 
javax.xml.validation This package provides an API for validation of XML documents. 
org.omg.CORBA.portable Provides a portability layer, that is, a set of ORB APIs that makes it possible for code generated by one vendor to run on another vendor's ORB. 
org.xml.sax This package provides the core SAX APIs. 
org.xml.sax.ext This package contains interfaces to SAX2 facilities that conformant SAX drivers won't necessarily support. 
org.xml.sax.helpers This package contains "helper" classes, including support for bootstrapping SAX-based applications. 

Uses of IOException in java.applet

Methods in java.applet that throw IOException
 void AppletContext.setStream(String key, InputStream stream)
          Associates the specified stream with the specified key in this applet context.

Uses of IOException in java.awt

Methods in java.awt that throw IOException
 void Desktop.browse(URI uri)
          Launches the default browser to display a URI.
static Font Font.createFont(int fontFormat, File fontFile)
          Returns a new Font using the specified font type and the specified font file.
static Font Font.createFont(int fontFormat, InputStream fontStream)
          Returns a new Font using the specified font type and input data.
 void Desktop.edit(File file)
          Launches the associated editor application and opens a file for editing.
 void Desktop.mail()
          Launches the mail composing window of the user default mail client.
 void Desktop.mail(URI mailtoURI)
          Launches the mail composing window of the user default mail client, filling the message fields specified by a mailto: URI.
 void file)
          Launches the associated application to open the file.
 void Desktop.print(File file)
          Prints a file with the native desktop printing facility, using the associated application's print command.
protected static void s, String k, EventListener l)
protected  void AWTEventMulticaster.saveInternal(ObjectOutputStream s, String k)
 void SplashScreen.setImageURL(URL imageURL)
          Changes the splash screen image.

Uses of IOException in java.awt.color

Methods in java.awt.color that throw IOException
static ICC_Profile ICC_Profile.getInstance(InputStream s)
          Constructs an ICC_Profile corresponding to the data in an InputStream.
static ICC_Profile ICC_Profile.getInstance(String fileName)
          Constructs an ICC_Profile corresponding to the data in a file.
 void ICC_Profile.write(OutputStream s)
          Write this ICC_Profile to an OutputStream.
 void ICC_Profile.write(String fileName)
          Write this ICC_Profile to a file.

Uses of IOException in java.awt.datatransfer

Methods in java.awt.datatransfer that throw IOException
 Object Clipboard.getData(DataFlavor flavor)
          Returns an object representing the current contents of this clipboard in the specified DataFlavor.
 Reader DataFlavor.getReaderForText(Transferable transferable)
          Gets a Reader for a text flavor, decoded, if necessary, for the expected charset (encoding).
 Object StringSelection.getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor)
          Returns the Transferable's data in the requested DataFlavor if possible.
 Object Transferable.getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor)
          Returns an object which represents the data to be transferred.
 void DataFlavor.readExternal(ObjectInput is)
          Restores this DataFlavor from a Serialized state.
 void DataFlavor.writeExternal(ObjectOutput os)
          Serializes this DataFlavor.

Uses of IOException in java.awt.dnd

Methods in java.awt.dnd that throw IOException
 Object DropTargetContext.TransferableProxy.getTransferData(DataFlavor df)
          Returns an object which represents the data provided by the encapsulated transferable for the requested data flavor.

Uses of IOException in java.awt.print

Methods in java.awt.print that return IOException
 IOException PrinterIOException.getIOException()
          Returns the IOException that terminated the print job.

Constructors in java.awt.print with parameters of type IOException
PrinterIOException(IOException exception)
          Constructs a new PrinterIOException with the string representation of the specified IOException.

Uses of IOException in java.beans

Methods in java.beans that throw IOException
static Object Beans.instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName)
           Instantiate a JavaBean.
static Object Beans.instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName, BeanContext beanContext)
           Instantiate a JavaBean.
static Object Beans.instantiate(ClassLoader cls, String beanName, BeanContext beanContext, AppletInitializer initializer)
          Instantiate a bean.

Uses of IOException in java.beans.beancontext

Methods in java.beans.beancontext that throw IOException
protected  void BeanContextServicesSupport.bcsPreDeserializationHook(ObjectInputStream ois)
          called from BeanContextSupport readObject before it deserializes the children ...
protected  void BeanContextSupport.bcsPreDeserializationHook(ObjectInputStream ois)
          called by readObject after defaultReadObject() but prior to deserialization of any children.
protected  void BeanContextServicesSupport.bcsPreSerializationHook(ObjectOutputStream oos)
          called from BeanContextSupport writeObject before it serializes the children ...
protected  void BeanContextSupport.bcsPreSerializationHook(ObjectOutputStream oos)
          called by writeObject after defaultWriteObject() but prior to serialization of currently serializable children.
protected  void BeanContextSupport.deserialize(ObjectInputStream ois, Collection coll)
          used by readObject to deserialize a collection.
 Object BeanContextSupport.instantiateChild(String beanName)
           The instantiateChild method is a convenience hook in BeanContext to simplify the task of instantiating a Bean, nested, into a BeanContext.
 Object BeanContext.instantiateChild(String beanName)
          Instantiate the javaBean named as a child of this BeanContext.
 void BeanContextSupport.readChildren(ObjectInputStream ois)
          When an instance of this class is used as a delegate for the implementation of the BeanContext protocols (and its subprotocols) there exists a 'chicken and egg' problem during deserialization
protected  void BeanContextSupport.serialize(ObjectOutputStream oos, Collection coll)
          Used by writeObject to serialize a Collection.
 void BeanContextSupport.writeChildren(ObjectOutputStream oos)
          Used to serialize all children of this BeanContext.

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class CharConversionException
          Base class for character conversion exceptions.
 class EOFException
          Signals that an end of file or end of stream has been reached unexpectedly during input.
 class FileNotFoundException
          Signals that an attempt to open the file denoted by a specified pathname has failed.
 class InterruptedIOException
          Signals that an I/O operation has been interrupted.
 class InvalidClassException
          Thrown when the Serialization runtime detects one of the following problems with a Class.
 class InvalidObjectException
          Indicates that one or more deserialized objects failed validation tests.
 class NotActiveException
          Thrown when serialization or deserialization is not active.
 class NotSerializableException
          Thrown when an instance is required to have a Serializable interface.
 class ObjectStreamException
          Superclass of all exceptions specific to Object Stream classes.
 class OptionalDataException
          Exception indicating the failure of an object read operation due to unread primitive data, or the end of data belonging to a serialized object in the stream.
 class StreamCorruptedException
          Thrown when control information that was read from an object stream violates internal consistency checks.
 class SyncFailedException
          Signals that a sync operation has failed.
 class UnsupportedEncodingException
          The Character Encoding is not supported.
 class UTFDataFormatException
          Signals that a malformed string in modified UTF-8 format has been read in a data input stream or by any class that implements the data input interface.
 class WriteAbortedException
          Signals that one of the ObjectStreamExceptions was thrown during a write operation.

Methods in that throw IOException
protected  void ObjectOutputStream.annotateClass(Class<?> cl)
          Subclasses may implement this method to allow class data to be stored in the stream.
protected  void ObjectOutputStream.annotateProxyClass(Class<?> cl)
          Subclasses may implement this method to store custom data in the stream along with descriptors for dynamic proxy classes.
 Writer Writer.append(char c)
          Appends the specified character to this writer.
 Writer Writer.append(CharSequence csq)
          Appends the specified character sequence to this writer.
 Writer Writer.append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
          Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence to this writer.
 int LineNumberInputStream.available()
          Deprecated. Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
 int SequenceInputStream.available()
          Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from the current underlying input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for the current underlying input stream.
 int PushbackInputStream.available()
          Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream.
 int BufferedInputStream.available()
          Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream.
 int FileInputStream.available()
          Returns an estimate of the number of remaining bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream.
 int PipedInputStream.available()
          Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
 int ObjectInput.available()
          Returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking.
 int ObjectInputStream.available()
          Returns the number of bytes that can be read without blocking.
 int FilterInputStream.available()
          Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next caller of a method for this input stream.
 int InputStream.available()
          Returns an estimate of the number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this input stream without blocking by the next invocation of a method for this input stream.
 void StringWriter.close()
          Closing a StringWriter has no effect.
 void FilterWriter.close()
 void PipedWriter.close()
          Closes this piped output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
 void PipedReader.close()
          Closes this piped stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void InputStreamReader.close()
 void PushbackReader.close()
          Closes the stream and releases any system resources associated with it.
 void FilterReader.close()
 void RandomAccessFile.close()
          Closes this random access file stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void ByteArrayOutputStream.close()
          Closing a ByteArrayOutputStream has no effect.
 void FileOutputStream.close()
          Closes this file output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
 void SequenceInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void PushbackInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void ByteArrayInputStream.close()
          Closing a ByteArrayInputStream has no effect.
 void BufferedInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void FileInputStream.close()
          Closes this file input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void PipedOutputStream.close()
          Closes this piped output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
 void PipedInputStream.close()
          Closes this piped input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void BufferedReader.close()
abstract  void Reader.close()
          Closes the stream and releases any system resources associated with it.
 void OutputStreamWriter.close()
 void BufferedWriter.close()
 void ObjectInput.close()
          Closes the input stream.
 void ObjectInputStream.close()
          Closes the input stream.
 void FilterInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void ObjectOutput.close()
          Closes the stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.close()
          Closes the stream.
abstract  void Writer.close()
          Closes the stream, flushing it first.
 void OutputStream.close()
          Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
 void FilterOutputStream.close()
          Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void Closeable.close()
          Closes this stream and releases any system resources associated with it.
 void InputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void PipedOutputStream.connect(PipedInputStream snk)
          Connects this piped output stream to a receiver.
 void PipedInputStream.connect(PipedOutputStream src)
          Causes this piped input stream to be connected to the piped output stream src.
 void PipedWriter.connect(PipedReader snk)
          Connects this piped writer to a receiver.
 void PipedReader.connect(PipedWriter src)
          Causes this piped reader to be connected to the piped writer src.
 boolean File.createNewFile()
          Atomically creates a new, empty file named by this abstract pathname if and only if a file with this name does not yet exist.
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix)
          Creates an empty file in the default temporary-file directory, using the given prefix and suffix to generate its name.
static File File.createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File directory)
           Creates a new empty file in the specified directory, using the given prefix and suffix strings to generate its name.
abstract  boolean ObjectInputStream.GetField.defaulted(String name)
          Return true if the named field is defaulted and has no value in this stream.
 void ObjectInputStream.defaultReadObject()
          Read the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class from this stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.defaultWriteObject()
          Write the non-static and non-transient fields of the current class to this stream.
protected  void ObjectOutputStream.drain()
          Drain any buffered data in ObjectOutputStream.
protected  void FileOutputStream.finalize()
          Cleans up the connection to the file, and ensures that the close method of this file output stream is called when there are no more references to this stream.
protected  void FileInputStream.finalize()
          Ensures that the close method of this file input stream is called when there are no more references to it.
 void FilterWriter.flush()
          Flushes the stream.
 void PipedWriter.flush()
          Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output characters to be written out.
 void BufferedOutputStream.flush()
          Flushes this buffered output stream.
 void PipedOutputStream.flush()
          Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out.
 void OutputStreamWriter.flush()
          Flushes the stream.
 void BufferedWriter.flush()
          Flushes the stream.
 void DataOutputStream.flush()
          Flushes this data output stream.
 void ObjectOutput.flush()
          Flushes the stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.flush()
          Flushes the stream.
abstract  void Writer.flush()
          Flushes the stream.
 void Flushable.flush()
          Flushes this stream by writing any buffered output to the underlying stream.
 void OutputStream.flush()
          Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out.
 void FilterOutputStream.flush()
          Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out to the stream.
abstract  boolean ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, boolean val)
          Get the value of the named boolean field from the persistent field.
abstract  byte ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, byte val)
          Get the value of the named byte field from the persistent field.
abstract  char ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, char val)
          Get the value of the named char field from the persistent field.
abstract  double ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, double val)
          Get the value of the named double field from the persistent field.
abstract  float ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, float val)
          Get the value of the named float field from the persistent field.
abstract  int ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, int val)
          Get the value of the named int field from the persistent field.
abstract  long ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, long val)
          Get the value of the named long field from the persistent field.
abstract  Object ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, Object val)
          Get the value of the named Object field from the persistent field.
abstract  short ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(String name, short val)
          Get the value of the named short field from the persistent field.
 File File.getCanonicalFile()
          Returns the canonical form of this abstract pathname.
 String File.getCanonicalPath()
          Returns the canonical pathname string of this abstract pathname.
 FileDescriptor RandomAccessFile.getFD()
          Returns the opaque file descriptor object associated with this stream.
 FileDescriptor FileOutputStream.getFD()
          Returns the file descriptor associated with this stream.
 FileDescriptor FileInputStream.getFD()
          Returns the FileDescriptor object that represents the connection to the actual file in the file system being used by this FileInputStream.
 long RandomAccessFile.getFilePointer()
          Returns the current offset in this file.
 long RandomAccessFile.length()
          Returns the length of this file.
 void StringReader.mark(int readAheadLimit)
          Marks the present position in the stream.
 void PushbackReader.mark(int readAheadLimit)
          Marks the present position in the stream.
 void FilterReader.mark(int readAheadLimit)
          Marks the present position in the stream.
 void CharArrayReader.mark(int readAheadLimit)
          Marks the present position in the stream.
 void LineNumberReader.mark(int readAheadLimit)
          Mark the present position in the stream.
 void BufferedReader.mark(int readAheadLimit)
          Marks the present position in the stream.
 void Reader.mark(int readAheadLimit)
          Marks the present position in the stream.
 void BufferedWriter.newLine()
          Writes a line separator.
 int StreamTokenizer.nextToken()
          Parses the next token from the input stream of this tokenizer.
 ObjectOutputStream.PutField ObjectOutputStream.putFields()
          Retrieve the object used to buffer persistent fields to be written to the stream.
          Reads a single character.
          Reads the next character of data from this piped stream.
          Reads a single character.
          Reads a single character.
          Reads a single character.
          Reads a single character.
          Read a single character.
          Reads a byte of data from this file.
          Deprecated. Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
          Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
          Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
          See the general contract of the read method of InputStream.
          Reads a byte of data from this input stream.
          Reads the next byte of data from this piped input stream.
          Reads a single character.
          Reads a single character.
          Reads a byte of data.
          Reads a byte of data.
          Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
abstract  int
          Reads the next byte of data from the input stream.
 int[] b)
          Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this file into an array of bytes.
 int[] b)
          Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b)
          Reads some number of bytes from the contained input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
 int[] b)
          Reads into an array of bytes.
 int[] b)
          Reads up to byte.length bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b)
          Reads some number of bytes from the input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from this file into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Deprecated. Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads bytes from this byte-input stream into the specified byte array, starting at the given offset.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from this piped input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from the contained input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads into an array of bytes.
 int[] buf, int off, int len)
          Reads into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from the input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] cbuf)
          Reads characters into an array.
 int[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Reads characters into a portion of an array.
 int[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len characters of data from this piped stream into an array of characters.
 int[] cbuf, int offset, int length)
          Reads characters into a portion of an array.
 int[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Reads characters into a portion of an array.
 int[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Reads characters into a portion of an array.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads characters into a portion of an array.
 int[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Read characters into a portion of an array.
 int[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Reads characters into a portion of an array.
abstract  int[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Reads characters into a portion of an array.
 int target)
          Attempts to read characters into the specified character buffer.
 boolean RandomAccessFile.readBoolean()
          Reads a boolean from this file.
 boolean DataInputStream.readBoolean()
          See the general contract of the readBoolean method of DataInput.
 boolean DataInput.readBoolean()
          Reads one input byte and returns true if that byte is nonzero, false if that byte is zero.
 boolean ObjectInputStream.readBoolean()
          Reads in a boolean.
 byte RandomAccessFile.readByte()
          Reads a signed eight-bit value from this file.
 byte DataInputStream.readByte()
          See the general contract of the readByte method of DataInput.
 byte DataInput.readByte()
          Reads and returns one input byte.
 byte ObjectInputStream.readByte()
          Reads an 8 bit byte.
 char RandomAccessFile.readChar()
          Reads a character from this file.
 char DataInputStream.readChar()
          See the general contract of the readChar method of DataInput.
 char DataInput.readChar()
          Reads two input bytes and returns a char value.
 char ObjectInputStream.readChar()
          Reads a 16 bit char.
protected  ObjectStreamClass ObjectInputStream.readClassDescriptor()
          Read a class descriptor from the serialization stream.
 double RandomAccessFile.readDouble()
          Reads a double from this file.
 double DataInputStream.readDouble()
          See the general contract of the readDouble method of DataInput.
 double DataInput.readDouble()
          Reads eight input bytes and returns a double value.
 double ObjectInputStream.readDouble()
          Reads a 64 bit double.
 void Externalizable.readExternal(ObjectInput in)
          The object implements the readExternal method to restore its contents by calling the methods of DataInput for primitive types and readObject for objects, strings and arrays.
 ObjectInputStream.GetField ObjectInputStream.readFields()
          Reads the persistent fields from the stream and makes them available by name.
 float RandomAccessFile.readFloat()
          Reads a float from this file.
 float DataInputStream.readFloat()
          See the general contract of the readFloat method of DataInput.
 float DataInput.readFloat()
          Reads four input bytes and returns a float value.
 float ObjectInputStream.readFloat()
          Reads a 32 bit float.
 void RandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[] b)
          Reads b.length bytes from this file into the byte array, starting at the current file pointer.
 void DataInputStream.readFully(byte[] b)
          See the general contract of the readFully method of DataInput.
 void DataInput.readFully(byte[] b)
          Reads some bytes from an input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
 void ObjectInputStream.readFully(byte[] buf)
          Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read.
 void RandomAccessFile.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads exactly len bytes from this file into the byte array, starting at the current file pointer.
 void DataInputStream.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          See the general contract of the readFully method of DataInput.
 void DataInput.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads len bytes from an input stream.
 void ObjectInputStream.readFully(byte[] buf, int off, int len)
          Reads bytes, blocking until all bytes are read.
 int RandomAccessFile.readInt()
          Reads a signed 32-bit integer from this file.
 int DataInputStream.readInt()
          See the general contract of the readInt method of DataInput.
 int DataInput.readInt()
          Reads four input bytes and returns an int value.
 int ObjectInputStream.readInt()
          Reads a 32 bit int.
 String LineNumberReader.readLine()
          Read a line of text.
 String RandomAccessFile.readLine()
          Reads the next line of text from this file.
 String BufferedReader.readLine()
          Reads a line of text.
 String DataInputStream.readLine()
          Deprecated. This method does not properly convert bytes to characters. As of JDK 1.1, the preferred way to read lines of text is via the BufferedReader.readLine() method. Programs that use the DataInputStream class to read lines can be converted to use the BufferedReader class by replacing code of the form:
     DataInputStream d = new DataInputStream(in);
     BufferedReader d
          = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
 String DataInput.readLine()
          Reads the next line of text from the input stream.
 String ObjectInputStream.readLine()
          Deprecated. This method does not properly convert bytes to characters. see DataInputStream for the details and alternatives.
 long RandomAccessFile.readLong()
          Reads a signed 64-bit integer from this file.
 long DataInputStream.readLong()
          See the general contract of the readLong method of DataInput.
 long DataInput.readLong()
          Reads eight input bytes and returns a long value.
 long ObjectInputStream.readLong()
          Reads a 64 bit long.
 Object ObjectInput.readObject()
          Read and return an object.
 Object ObjectInputStream.readObject()
          Read an object from the ObjectInputStream.
protected  Object ObjectInputStream.readObjectOverride()
          This method is called by trusted subclasses of ObjectOutputStream that constructed ObjectOutputStream using the protected no-arg constructor.
 short RandomAccessFile.readShort()
          Reads a signed 16-bit number from this file.
 short DataInputStream.readShort()
          See the general contract of the readShort method of DataInput.
 short DataInput.readShort()
          Reads two input bytes and returns a short value.
 short ObjectInputStream.readShort()
          Reads a 16 bit short.
protected  void ObjectInputStream.readStreamHeader()
          The readStreamHeader method is provided to allow subclasses to read and verify their own stream headers.
 Object ObjectInputStream.readUnshared()
          Reads an "unshared" object from the ObjectInputStream.
 int RandomAccessFile.readUnsignedByte()
          Reads an unsigned eight-bit number from this file.
 int DataInputStream.readUnsignedByte()
          See the general contract of the readUnsignedByte method of DataInput.
 int DataInput.readUnsignedByte()
          Reads one input byte, zero-extends it to type int, and returns the result, which is therefore in the range 0 through 255.
 int ObjectInputStream.readUnsignedByte()
          Reads an unsigned 8 bit byte.
 int RandomAccessFile.readUnsignedShort()
          Reads an unsigned 16-bit number from this file.
 int DataInputStream.readUnsignedShort()
          See the general contract of the readUnsignedShort method of DataInput.
 int DataInput.readUnsignedShort()
          Reads two input bytes and returns an int value in the range 0 through 65535.
 int ObjectInputStream.readUnsignedShort()
          Reads an unsigned 16 bit short.
 String RandomAccessFile.readUTF()
          Reads in a string from this file.
 String DataInputStream.readUTF()
          See the general contract of the readUTF method of DataInput.
 String DataInput.readUTF()
          Reads in a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format.
 String ObjectInputStream.readUTF()
          Reads a String in modified UTF-8 format.
static String DataInputStream.readUTF(DataInput in)
          Reads from the stream in a representation of a Unicode character string encoded in modified UTF-8 format; this string of characters is then returned as a String.
 boolean StringReader.ready()
          Tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
 boolean PipedReader.ready()
          Tell whether this stream is ready to be read.
 boolean InputStreamReader.ready()
          Tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
 boolean PushbackReader.ready()
          Tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
 boolean FilterReader.ready()
          Tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
 boolean CharArrayReader.ready()
          Tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
 boolean BufferedReader.ready()
          Tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
 boolean Reader.ready()
          Tells whether this stream is ready to be read.
protected  void PipedInputStream.receive(int b)
          Receives a byte of data.
protected  Object ObjectOutputStream.replaceObject(Object obj)
          This method will allow trusted subclasses of ObjectOutputStream to substitute one object for another during serialization.
 void StringReader.reset()
          Resets the stream to the most recent mark, or to the beginning of the string if it has never been marked.
 void PushbackReader.reset()
          Resets the stream.
 void FilterReader.reset()
          Resets the stream.
 void CharArrayReader.reset()
          Resets the stream to the most recent mark, or to the beginning if it has never been marked.
 void LineNumberReader.reset()
          Reset the stream to the most recent mark.
 void LineNumberInputStream.reset()
          Deprecated. Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
 void PushbackInputStream.reset()
          Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
 void BufferedInputStream.reset()
          See the general contract of the reset method of InputStream.
 void BufferedReader.reset()
          Resets the stream to the most recent mark.
 void Reader.reset()
          Resets the stream.
 void FilterInputStream.reset()
          Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.reset()
          Reset will disregard the state of any objects already written to the stream.
 void InputStream.reset()
          Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
protected  Class<?> ObjectInputStream.resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass desc)
          Load the local class equivalent of the specified stream class description.
protected  Object ObjectInputStream.resolveObject(Object obj)
          This method will allow trusted subclasses of ObjectInputStream to substitute one object for another during deserialization.
protected  Class<?> ObjectInputStream.resolveProxyClass(String[] interfaces)
          Returns a proxy class that implements the interfaces named in a proxy class descriptor; subclasses may implement this method to read custom data from the stream along with the descriptors for dynamic proxy classes, allowing them to use an alternate loading mechanism for the interfaces and the proxy class.
 void pos)
          Sets the file-pointer offset, measured from the beginning of this file, at which the next read or write occurs.
 void RandomAccessFile.setLength(long newLength)
          Sets the length of this file.
 long StringReader.skip(long ns)
          Skips the specified number of characters in the stream.
 long PushbackReader.skip(long n)
          Skips characters.
 long FilterReader.skip(long n)
          Skips characters.
 long CharArrayReader.skip(long n)
          Skips characters.
 long LineNumberReader.skip(long n)
          Skip characters.
 long LineNumberInputStream.skip(long n)
          Deprecated. Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
 long PushbackInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
 long BufferedInputStream.skip(long n)
          See the general contract of the skip method of InputStream.
 long FileInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips over and discards n bytes of data from the input stream.
 long BufferedReader.skip(long n)
          Skips characters.
 long Reader.skip(long n)
          Skips characters.
 long ObjectInput.skip(long n)
          Skips n bytes of input.
 long FilterInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
 long InputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips over and discards n bytes of data from this input stream.
 int RandomAccessFile.skipBytes(int n)
          Attempts to skip over n bytes of input discarding the skipped bytes.
 int DataInputStream.skipBytes(int n)
          See the general contract of the skipBytes method of DataInput.
 int DataInput.skipBytes(int n)
          Makes an attempt to skip over n bytes of data from the input stream, discarding the skipped bytes.
 int ObjectInputStream.skipBytes(int len)
          Skips bytes.
 void PushbackInputStream.unread(byte[] b)
          Pushes back an array of bytes by copying it to the front of the pushback buffer.
 void PushbackInputStream.unread(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Pushes back a portion of an array of bytes by copying it to the front of the pushback buffer.
 void PushbackReader.unread(char[] cbuf)
          Pushes back an array of characters by copying it to the front of the pushback buffer.
 void PushbackReader.unread(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Pushes back a portion of an array of characters by copying it to the front of the pushback buffer.
 void PushbackReader.unread(int c)
          Pushes back a single character by copying it to the front of the pushback buffer.
 void PushbackInputStream.unread(int b)
          Pushes back a byte by copying it to the front of the pushback buffer.
 void ObjectOutputStream.useProtocolVersion(int version)
          Specify stream protocol version to use when writing the stream.
 void RandomAccessFile.write(byte[] b)
          Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this file, starting at the current file pointer.
 void FileOutputStream.write(byte[] b)
          Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this file output stream.
 void DataOutput.write(byte[] b)
          Writes to the output stream all the bytes in array b.
 void ObjectOutput.write(byte[] b)
          Writes an array of bytes.
 void ObjectOutputStream.write(byte[] buf)
          Writes an array of bytes.
 void OutputStream.write(byte[] b)
          Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this output stream.
 void FilterOutputStream.write(byte[] b)
          Writes b.length bytes to this output stream.
 void RandomAccessFile.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this file.
 void BufferedOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this buffered output stream.
 void FileOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this file output stream.
 void PipedOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this piped output stream.
 void DataOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to the underlying output stream.
 void DataOutput.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from array b, in order, to the output stream.
 void ObjectOutput.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes a sub array of bytes.
 void ObjectOutputStream.write(byte[] buf, int off, int len)
          Writes a sub array of bytes.
 void OutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this output stream.
 void FilterOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this output stream.
 void Writer.write(char[] cbuf)
          Writes an array of characters.
 void FilterWriter.write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of an array of characters.
 void PipedWriter.write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Writes len characters from the specified character array starting at offset off to this piped output stream.
 void OutputStreamWriter.write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of an array of characters.
 void BufferedWriter.write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of an array of characters.
abstract  void Writer.write(char[] cbuf, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of an array of characters.
 void FilterWriter.write(int c)
          Writes a single character.
 void PipedWriter.write(int c)
          Writes the specified char to the piped output stream.
 void RandomAccessFile.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte to this file.
 void BufferedOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte to this buffered output stream.
 void FileOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte to this file output stream.
 void PipedOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte to the piped output stream.
 void OutputStreamWriter.write(int c)
          Writes a single character.
 void BufferedWriter.write(int c)
          Writes a single character.
 void DataOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte (the low eight bits of the argument b) to the underlying output stream.
 void DataOutput.write(int b)
          Writes to the output stream the eight low-order bits of the argument b.
 void ObjectOutput.write(int b)
          Writes a byte.
 void ObjectOutputStream.write(int val)
          Writes a byte.
 void Writer.write(int c)
          Writes a single character.
abstract  void OutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
 void FilterOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
abstract  void ObjectOutputStream.PutField.write(ObjectOutput out)
          Deprecated. This method does not write the values contained by this PutField object in a proper format, and may result in corruption of the serialization stream. The correct way to write PutField data is by calling the ObjectOutputStream.writeFields() method.
 void Writer.write(String str)
          Writes a string.
 void FilterWriter.write(String str, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of a string.
 void OutputStreamWriter.write(String str, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of a string.
 void BufferedWriter.write(String s, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of a String.
 void Writer.write(String str, int off, int len)
          Writes a portion of a string.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeBoolean(boolean v)
          Writes a boolean to the file as a one-byte value.
 void DataOutputStream.writeBoolean(boolean v)
          Writes a boolean to the underlying output stream as a 1-byte value.
 void DataOutput.writeBoolean(boolean v)
          Writes a boolean value to this output stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeBoolean(boolean val)
          Writes a boolean.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeByte(int v)
          Writes a byte to the file as a one-byte value.
 void DataOutputStream.writeByte(int v)
          Writes out a byte to the underlying output stream as a 1-byte value.
 void DataOutput.writeByte(int v)
          Writes to the output stream the eight low- order bits of the argument v.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeByte(int val)
          Writes an 8 bit byte.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeBytes(String s)
          Writes the string to the file as a sequence of bytes.
 void DataOutputStream.writeBytes(String s)
          Writes out the string to the underlying output stream as a sequence of bytes.
 void DataOutput.writeBytes(String s)
          Writes a string to the output stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeBytes(String str)
          Writes a String as a sequence of bytes.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeChar(int v)
          Writes a char to the file as a two-byte value, high byte first.
 void DataOutputStream.writeChar(int v)
          Writes a char to the underlying output stream as a 2-byte value, high byte first.
 void DataOutput.writeChar(int v)
          Writes a char value, which is comprised of two bytes, to the output stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeChar(int val)
          Writes a 16 bit char.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeChars(String s)
          Writes a string to the file as a sequence of characters.
 void DataOutputStream.writeChars(String s)
          Writes a string to the underlying output stream as a sequence of characters.
 void DataOutput.writeChars(String s)
          Writes every character in the string s, to the output stream, in order, two bytes per character.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeChars(String str)
          Writes a String as a sequence of chars.
protected  void ObjectOutputStream.writeClassDescriptor(ObjectStreamClass desc)
          Write the specified class descriptor to the ObjectOutputStream.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeDouble(double v)
          Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the file as an eight-byte quantity, high byte first.
 void DataOutputStream.writeDouble(double v)
          Converts the double argument to a long using the doubleToLongBits method in class Double, and then writes that long value to the underlying output stream as an 8-byte quantity, high byte first.
 void DataOutput.writeDouble(double v)
          Writes a double value, which is comprised of eight bytes, to the output stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeDouble(double val)
          Writes a 64 bit double.
 void Externalizable.writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
          The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings, and arrays.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeFields()
          Write the buffered fields to the stream.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeFloat(float v)
          Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the file as a four-byte quantity, high byte first.
 void DataOutputStream.writeFloat(float v)
          Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the underlying output stream as a 4-byte quantity, high byte first.
 void DataOutput.writeFloat(float v)
          Writes a float value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeFloat(float val)
          Writes a 32 bit float.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeInt(int v)
          Writes an int to the file as four bytes, high byte first.
 void DataOutputStream.writeInt(int v)
          Writes an int to the underlying output stream as four bytes, high byte first.
 void DataOutput.writeInt(int v)
          Writes an int value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeInt(int val)
          Writes a 32 bit int.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeLong(long v)
          Writes a long to the file as eight bytes, high byte first.
 void DataOutputStream.writeLong(long v)
          Writes a long to the underlying output stream as eight bytes, high byte first.
 void DataOutput.writeLong(long v)
          Writes a long value, which is comprised of eight bytes, to the output stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeLong(long val)
          Writes a 64 bit long.
 void ObjectOutput.writeObject(Object obj)
          Write an object to the underlying storage or stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeObject(Object obj)
          Write the specified object to the ObjectOutputStream.
protected  void ObjectOutputStream.writeObjectOverride(Object obj)
          Method used by subclasses to override the default writeObject method.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeShort(int v)
          Writes a short to the file as two bytes, high byte first.
 void DataOutputStream.writeShort(int v)
          Writes a short to the underlying output stream as two bytes, high byte first.
 void DataOutput.writeShort(int v)
          Writes two bytes to the output stream to represent the value of the argument.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeShort(int val)
          Writes a 16 bit short.
protected  void ObjectOutputStream.writeStreamHeader()
          The writeStreamHeader method is provided so subclasses can append or prepend their own header to the stream.
 void ByteArrayOutputStream.writeTo(OutputStream out)
          Writes the complete contents of this byte array output stream to the specified output stream argument, as if by calling the output stream's write method using out.write(buf, 0, count).
 void CharArrayWriter.writeTo(Writer out)
          Writes the contents of the buffer to another character stream.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeUnshared(Object obj)
          Writes an "unshared" object to the ObjectOutputStream.
 void RandomAccessFile.writeUTF(String str)
          Writes a string to the file using modified UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
 void DataOutputStream.writeUTF(String str)
          Writes a string to the underlying output stream using modified UTF-8 encoding in a machine-independent manner.
 void DataOutput.writeUTF(String s)
          Writes two bytes of length information to the output stream, followed by the modified UTF-8 representation of every character in the string s.
 void ObjectOutputStream.writeUTF(String str)
          Primitive data write of this String in modified UTF-8 format.

Constructors in that throw IOException
FileWriter(File file)
          Constructs a FileWriter object given a File object.
FileWriter(File file, boolean append)
          Constructs a FileWriter object given a File object.
FileWriter(String fileName)
          Constructs a FileWriter object given a file name.
FileWriter(String fileName, boolean append)
          Constructs a FileWriter object given a file name with a boolean indicating whether or not to append the data written.
          Provide a way for subclasses that are completely reimplementing ObjectInputStream to not have to allocate private data just used by this implementation of ObjectInputStream.
ObjectInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates an ObjectInputStream that reads from the specified InputStream.
          Provide a way for subclasses that are completely reimplementing ObjectOutputStream to not have to allocate private data just used by this implementation of ObjectOutputStream.
ObjectOutputStream(OutputStream out)
          Creates an ObjectOutputStream that writes to the specified OutputStream.
PipedInputStream(PipedOutputStream src)
          Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is connected to the piped output stream src.
PipedInputStream(PipedOutputStream src, int pipeSize)
          Creates a PipedInputStream so that it is connected to the piped output stream src and uses the specified pipe size for the pipe's buffer.
PipedOutputStream(PipedInputStream snk)
          Creates a piped output stream connected to the specified piped input stream.
PipedReader(PipedWriter src)
          Creates a PipedReader so that it is connected to the piped writer src.
PipedReader(PipedWriter src, int pipeSize)
          Creates a PipedReader so that it is connected to the piped writer src and uses the specified pipe size for the pipe's buffer.
PipedWriter(PipedReader snk)
          Creates a piped writer connected to the specified piped reader.

Uses of IOException in java.lang

Methods in java.lang that throw IOException
 Appendable Appendable.append(char c)
          Appends the specified character to this Appendable.
 Appendable Appendable.append(CharSequence csq)
          Appends the specified character sequence to this Appendable.
 Appendable Appendable.append(CharSequence csq, int start, int end)
          Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence to this Appendable.
 Process Runtime.exec(String command)
          Executes the specified string command in a separate process.
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray)
          Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process.
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp)
          Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process with the specified environment.
 Process Runtime.exec(String[] cmdarray, String[] envp, File dir)
          Executes the specified command and arguments in a separate process with the specified environment and working directory.
 Process Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp)
          Executes the specified string command in a separate process with the specified environment.
 Process Runtime.exec(String command, String[] envp, File dir)
          Executes the specified string command in a separate process with the specified environment and working directory.
protected  Enumeration<URL> ClassLoader.findResources(String name)
          Returns an enumeration of URL objects representing all the resources with the given name.
 Enumeration<URL> ClassLoader.getResources(String name)
          Finds all the resources with the given name.
static Enumeration<URL> ClassLoader.getSystemResources(String name)
          Finds all resources of the specified name from the search path used to load classes.
static Channel System.inheritedChannel()
          Returns the channel inherited from the entity that created this Java virtual machine.
 int cb)
          Attempts to read characters into the specified character buffer.
 Process ProcessBuilder.start()
          Starts a new process using the attributes of this process builder.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
<T> T
ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy(MBeanServerConnection connection, String mxbeanName, Class<T> mxbeanInterface)
          Returns a proxy for a platform MXBean interface of a given MXBean name that forwards its method calls through the given MBeanServerConnection.

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class BindException
          Signals that an error occurred while attempting to bind a socket to a local address and port.
 class HttpRetryException
          Thrown to indicate that a HTTP request needs to be retried but cannot be retried automatically, due to streaming mode being enabled.
 class MalformedURLException
          Thrown to indicate that a malformed URL has occurred.
 class NoRouteToHostException
          Signals that an error occurred while attempting to connect a socket to a remote address and port.
 class PortUnreachableException
          Signals that an ICMP Port Unreachable message has been received on a connected datagram.
 class ProtocolException
          Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error.
 class SocketException
          Thrown to indicate that there is an error in the underlying protocol, such as a TCP error.
 class SocketTimeoutException
          Signals that a timeout has occurred on a socket read or accept.
 class UnknownHostException
          Thrown to indicate that the IP address of a host could not be determined.
 class UnknownServiceException
          Thrown to indicate that an unknown service exception has occurred.

Methods in with parameters of type IOException
abstract  void ProxySelector.connectFailed(URI uri, SocketAddress sa, IOException ioe)
          Called to indicate that a connection could not be established to a proxy/socks server.

Methods in that throw IOException
 Socket ServerSocket.accept()
          Listens for a connection to be made to this socket and accepts it.
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.accept(SocketImpl s)
          Accepts a connection.
protected abstract  int SocketImpl.available()
          Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this socket without blocking.
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.bind(InetAddress host, int port)
          Binds this socket to the specified local IP address and port number.
 void Socket.bind(SocketAddress bindpoint)
          Binds the socket to a local address.
 void ServerSocket.bind(SocketAddress endpoint)
          Binds the ServerSocket to a specific address (IP address and port number).
 void ServerSocket.bind(SocketAddress endpoint, int backlog)
          Binds the ServerSocket to a specific address (IP address and port number).
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.close()
          Closes this socket.
 void Socket.close()
          Closes this socket.
 void ServerSocket.close()
          Closes this socket.
abstract  void URLConnection.connect()
          Opens a communications link to the resource referenced by this URL, if such a connection has not already been established.
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.connect(InetAddress address, int port)
          Connects this socket to the specified port number on the specified host.
 void Socket.connect(SocketAddress endpoint)
          Connects this socket to the server.
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.connect(SocketAddress address, int timeout)
          Connects this socket to the specified port number on the specified host.
 void Socket.connect(SocketAddress endpoint, int timeout)
          Connects this socket to the server with a specified timeout value.
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.connect(String host, int port)
          Connects this socket to the specified port on the named host.
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.create(boolean stream)
          Creates either a stream or a datagram socket.
 Enumeration<URL> URLClassLoader.findResources(String name)
          Returns an Enumeration of URLs representing all of the resources on the URL search path having the specified name.
 Map<String,List<String>> CookieManager.get(URI uri, Map<String,List<String>> requestHeaders)
abstract  Map<String,List<String>> CookieHandler.get(URI uri, Map<String,List<String>> requestHeaders)
          Gets all the applicable cookies from a cookie cache for the specified uri in the request header.
abstract  CacheResponse ResponseCache.get(URI uri, String rqstMethod, Map<String,List<String>> rqstHeaders)
          Retrieve the cached response based on the requesting uri, request method and request headers.
 Attributes JarURLConnection.getAttributes()
          Return the Attributes object for this connection if the URL for it points to a JAR file entry, null otherwise.
abstract  InputStream CacheResponse.getBody()
          Returns the response body as an InputStream.
abstract  OutputStream CacheRequest.getBody()
          Returns an OutputStream to which the response body can be written.
 Certificate[] JarURLConnection.getCertificates()
          Return the Certificate object for this connection if the URL for it points to a JAR file entry, null otherwise.
 Object URLConnection.getContent()
          Retrieves the contents of this URL connection.
 Object URL.getContent()
          Gets the contents of this URL.
 Object URLConnection.getContent(Class[] classes)
          Retrieves the contents of this URL connection.
 Object URL.getContent(Class[] classes)
          Gets the contents of this URL.
abstract  Object ContentHandler.getContent(URLConnection urlc)
          Given a URL connect stream positioned at the beginning of the representation of an object, this method reads that stream and creates an object from it.
 Object ContentHandler.getContent(URLConnection urlc, Class[] classes)
          Given a URL connect stream positioned at the beginning of the representation of an object, this method reads that stream and creates an object that matches one of the types specified.
abstract  Map<String,List<String>> CacheResponse.getHeaders()
          Returns the response headers as a Map.
protected abstract  InputStream SocketImpl.getInputStream()
          Returns an input stream for this socket.
 InputStream Socket.getInputStream()
          Returns an input stream for this socket.
 InputStream URLConnection.getInputStream()
          Returns an input stream that reads from this open connection.
 JarEntry JarURLConnection.getJarEntry()
          Return the JAR entry object for this connection, if any.
abstract  JarFile JarURLConnection.getJarFile()
          Return the JAR file for this connection.
 Attributes JarURLConnection.getMainAttributes()
          Returns the main Attributes for the JAR file for this connection.
 Manifest JarURLConnection.getManifest()
          Returns the Manifest for this connection, or null if none.
protected abstract  OutputStream SocketImpl.getOutputStream()
          Returns an output stream for this socket.
 OutputStream Socket.getOutputStream()
          Returns an output stream for this socket.
 OutputStream URLConnection.getOutputStream()
          Returns an output stream that writes to this connection.
 Permission HttpURLConnection.getPermission()
 Permission URLConnection.getPermission()
          Returns a permission object representing the permission necessary to make the connection represented by this object.
 int HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode()
          Gets the status code from an HTTP response message.
 String HttpURLConnection.getResponseMessage()
          Gets the HTTP response message, if any, returned along with the response code from a server.
 int ServerSocket.getSoTimeout()
          Retrieve setting for SO_TIMEOUT.
 int MulticastSocket.getTimeToLive()
          Get the default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on the socket.
protected abstract  int DatagramSocketImpl.getTimeToLive()
          Retrieve the TTL (time-to-live) option.
 byte MulticastSocket.getTTL()
          Deprecated. use the getTimeToLive method instead, which returns an int instead of a byte.
protected abstract  byte DatagramSocketImpl.getTTL()
          Deprecated. use getTimeToLive instead.
static String URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(InputStream is)
          Tries to determine the type of an input stream based on the characters at the beginning of the input stream.
protected  void ServerSocket.implAccept(Socket s)
          Subclasses of ServerSocket use this method to override accept() to return their own subclass of socket.
 boolean InetAddress.isReachable(int timeout)
          Test whether that address is reachable.
 boolean InetAddress.isReachable(NetworkInterface netif, int ttl, int timeout)
          Test whether that address is reachable.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.join(InetAddress inetaddr)
          Join the multicast group.
 void MulticastSocket.joinGroup(InetAddress mcastaddr)
          Joins a multicast group.
 void MulticastSocket.joinGroup(SocketAddress mcastaddr, NetworkInterface netIf)
          Joins the specified multicast group at the specified interface.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.joinGroup(SocketAddress mcastaddr, NetworkInterface netIf)
          Join the multicast group.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.leave(InetAddress inetaddr)
          Leave the multicast group.
 void MulticastSocket.leaveGroup(InetAddress mcastaddr)
          Leave a multicast group.
 void MulticastSocket.leaveGroup(SocketAddress mcastaddr, NetworkInterface netIf)
          Leave a multicast group on a specified local interface.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.leaveGroup(SocketAddress mcastaddr, NetworkInterface netIf)
          Leave the multicast group.
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.listen(int backlog)
          Sets the maximum queue length for incoming connection indications (a request to connect) to the count argument.
 URLConnection URL.openConnection()
          Returns a URLConnection object that represents a connection to the remote object referred to by the URL.
 URLConnection URL.openConnection(Proxy proxy)
          Same as openConnection(), except that the connection will be made through the specified proxy; Protocol handlers that do not support proxing will ignore the proxy parameter and make a normal connection.
protected abstract  URLConnection URLStreamHandler.openConnection(URL u)
          Opens a connection to the object referenced by the URL argument.
protected  URLConnection URLStreamHandler.openConnection(URL u, Proxy p)
          Same as openConnection(URL), except that the connection will be made through the specified proxy; Protocol handlers that do not support proxying will ignore the proxy parameter and make a normal connection.
 InputStream URL.openStream()
          Opens a connection to this URL and returns an InputStream for reading from that connection.
protected abstract  int DatagramSocketImpl.peek(InetAddress i)
          Peek at the packet to see who it is from.
protected abstract  int DatagramSocketImpl.peekData(DatagramPacket p)
          Peek at the packet to see who it is from.
 void CookieManager.put(URI uri, Map<String,List<String>> responseHeaders)
abstract  void CookieHandler.put(URI uri, Map<String,List<String>> responseHeaders)
          Sets all the applicable cookies, examples are response header fields that are named Set-Cookie2, present in the response headers into a cookie cache.
abstract  CacheRequest ResponseCache.put(URI uri, URLConnection conn)
          The protocol handler calls this method after a resource has been retrieved, and the ResponseCache must decide whether or not to store the resource in its cache.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.receive(DatagramPacket p)
          Receive the datagram packet.
 void DatagramSocket.receive(DatagramPacket p)
          Receives a datagram packet from this socket.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.send(DatagramPacket p)
          Sends a datagram packet.
 void DatagramSocket.send(DatagramPacket p)
          Sends a datagram packet from this socket.
 void MulticastSocket.send(DatagramPacket p, byte ttl)
          Deprecated. Use the following code or its equivalent instead: ...... int ttl = mcastSocket.getTimeToLive(); mcastSocket.setTimeToLive(newttl); mcastSocket.send(p); mcastSocket.setTimeToLive(ttl); ......
protected abstract  void SocketImpl.sendUrgentData(int data)
          Send one byte of urgent data on the socket.
 void Socket.sendUrgentData(int data)
          Send one byte of urgent data on the socket.
static void DatagramSocket.setDatagramSocketImplFactory(DatagramSocketImplFactory fac)
          Sets the datagram socket implementation factory for the application.
static void ServerSocket.setSocketFactory(SocketImplFactory fac)
          Sets the server socket implementation factory for the application.
static void Socket.setSocketImplFactory(SocketImplFactory fac)
          Sets the client socket implementation factory for the application.
 void MulticastSocket.setTimeToLive(int ttl)
          Set the default time-to-live for multicast packets sent out on this MulticastSocket in order to control the scope of the multicasts.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.setTimeToLive(int ttl)
          Set the TTL (time-to-live) option.
 void MulticastSocket.setTTL(byte ttl)
          Deprecated. use the setTimeToLive method instead, which uses int instead of byte as the type for ttl.
protected abstract  void DatagramSocketImpl.setTTL(byte ttl)
          Deprecated. use setTimeToLive instead.
protected  void SocketImpl.shutdownInput()
          Places the input stream for this socket at "end of stream".
 void Socket.shutdownInput()
          Places the input stream for this socket at "end of stream".
protected  void SocketImpl.shutdownOutput()
          Disables the output stream for this socket.
 void Socket.shutdownOutput()
          Disables the output stream for this socket.

Constructors in that throw IOException
          Create a multicast socket.
MulticastSocket(int port)
          Create a multicast socket and bind it to a specific port.
MulticastSocket(SocketAddress bindaddr)
          Create a MulticastSocket bound to the specified socket address.
          Creates an unbound server socket.
ServerSocket(int port)
          Creates a server socket, bound to the specified port.
ServerSocket(int port, int backlog)
          Creates a server socket and binds it to the specified local port number, with the specified backlog.
ServerSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress bindAddr)
          Create a server with the specified port, listen backlog, and local IP address to bind to.
Socket(InetAddress address, int port)
          Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number at the specified IP address.
Socket(InetAddress host, int port, boolean stream)
          Deprecated. Use DatagramSocket instead for UDP transport.
Socket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort)
          Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote address on the specified remote port.
Socket(String host, int port)
          Creates a stream socket and connects it to the specified port number on the named host.
Socket(String host, int port, boolean stream)
          Deprecated. Use DatagramSocket instead for UDP transport.
Socket(String host, int port, InetAddress localAddr, int localPort)
          Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote host on the specified remote port.

Uses of IOException in java.nio

Methods in java.nio that throw IOException
 int target)
          Attempts to read characters into the specified character buffer.

Uses of IOException in java.nio.channels

Subclasses of IOException in java.nio.channels
 class AsynchronousCloseException
          Checked exception received by a thread when another thread closes the channel or the part of the channel upon which it is blocked in an I/O operation.
 class ClosedByInterruptException
          Checked exception received by a thread when another thread interrupts it while it is blocked in an I/O operation upon a channel.
 class ClosedChannelException
          Checked exception thrown when an attempt is made to invoke or complete an I/O operation upon channel that is closed, or at least closed to that operation.
 class FileLockInterruptionException
          Checked exception received by a thread when another thread interrupts it while it is waiting to acquire a file lock.

Methods in java.nio.channels that throw IOException
abstract  SocketChannel ServerSocketChannel.accept()
          Accepts a connection made to this channel's socket.
abstract  void Selector.close()
          Closes this selector.
 void InterruptibleChannel.close()
          Closes this channel.
 void Channel.close()
          Closes this channel.
abstract  SelectableChannel SelectableChannel.configureBlocking(boolean block)
          Adjusts this channel's blocking mode.
abstract  boolean SocketChannel.connect(SocketAddress remote)
          Connects this channel's socket.
abstract  DatagramChannel DatagramChannel.connect(SocketAddress remote)
          Connects this channel's socket.
abstract  DatagramChannel DatagramChannel.disconnect()
          Disconnects this channel's socket.
abstract  boolean SocketChannel.finishConnect()
          Finishes the process of connecting a socket channel.
abstract  void FileChannel.force(boolean metaData)
          Forces any updates to this channel's file to be written to the storage device that contains it.
 FileLock FileChannel.lock()
          Acquires an exclusive lock on this channel's file.
abstract  FileLock FileChannel.lock(long position, long size, boolean shared)
          Acquires a lock on the given region of this channel's file.
abstract  MappedByteBuffer mode, long position, long size)
          Maps a region of this channel's file directly into memory.
static SocketChannel
          Opens a socket channel.
static ServerSocketChannel
          Opens a server-socket channel.
static Selector
          Opens a selector.
static Pipe
          Opens a pipe.
static DatagramChannel
          Opens a datagram channel.
static SocketChannel remote)
          Opens a socket channel and connects it to a remote address.
abstract  long FileChannel.position()
          Returns this channel's file position.
abstract  FileChannel FileChannel.position(long newPosition)
          Sets this channel's file position.
abstract  int dst)
abstract  int dst)
          Reads a datagram from this channel.
abstract  int dst)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer.
 int dst)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer.
 long[] dsts)
 long[] dsts)
          Reads a datagram from this channel.
 long[] dsts)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffers.
 long[] dsts)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffers.
abstract  long[] dsts, int offset, int length)
abstract  long[] dsts, int offset, int length)
          Reads a datagram from this channel.
 long[] dsts, int offset, int length)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.
abstract  long[] dsts, int offset, int length)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into a subsequence of the given buffers.
abstract  int dst, long position)
          Reads a sequence of bytes from this channel into the given buffer, starting at the given file position.
abstract  SocketAddress DatagramChannel.receive(ByteBuffer dst)
          Receives a datagram via this channel.
abstract  void FileLock.release()
          Releases this lock.
abstract  int
          Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
abstract  int timeout)
          Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
abstract  int Selector.selectNow()
          Selects a set of keys whose corresponding channels are ready for I/O operations.
abstract  int DatagramChannel.send(ByteBuffer src, SocketAddress target)
          Sends a datagram via this channel.
abstract  long FileChannel.size()
          Returns the current size of this channel's file.
abstract  long FileChannel.transferFrom(ReadableByteChannel src, long position, long count)
          Transfers bytes into this channel's file from the given readable byte channel.
abstract  long FileChannel.transferTo(long position, long count, WritableByteChannel target)
          Transfers bytes from this channel's file to the given writable byte channel.
abstract  FileChannel FileChannel.truncate(long size)
          Truncates this channel's file to the given size.
 FileLock FileChannel.tryLock()
          Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on this channel's file.
abstract  FileLock FileChannel.tryLock(long position, long size, boolean shared)
          Attempts to acquire a lock on the given region of this channel's file.
abstract  int SocketChannel.write(ByteBuffer src)
abstract  int DatagramChannel.write(ByteBuffer src)
          Writes a datagram to this channel.
abstract  int FileChannel.write(ByteBuffer src)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer.
 int WritableByteChannel.write(ByteBuffer src)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer.
 long SocketChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs)
 long DatagramChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs)
          Writes a datagram to this channel.
 long GatheringByteChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffers.
 long FileChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffers.
abstract  long SocketChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length)
abstract  long DatagramChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length)
          Writes a datagram to this channel.
 long GatheringByteChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.
abstract  long FileChannel.write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from a subsequence of the given buffers.
abstract  int FileChannel.write(ByteBuffer src, long position)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to this channel from the given buffer, starting at the given file position.

Uses of IOException in java.nio.channels.spi

Methods in java.nio.channels.spi that throw IOException
 void AbstractSelector.close()
          Closes this selector.
 void AbstractInterruptibleChannel.close()
          Closes this channel.
 SelectableChannel AbstractSelectableChannel.configureBlocking(boolean block)
          Adjusts this channel's blocking mode.
protected  void AbstractSelectableChannel.implCloseChannel()
          Closes this channel.
protected abstract  void AbstractInterruptibleChannel.implCloseChannel()
          Closes this channel.
protected abstract  void AbstractSelectableChannel.implCloseSelectableChannel()
          Closes this selectable channel.
protected abstract  void AbstractSelector.implCloseSelector()
          Closes this selector.
protected abstract  void AbstractSelectableChannel.implConfigureBlocking(boolean block)
          Adjusts this channel's blocking mode.
 Channel SelectorProvider.inheritedChannel()
          Returns the channel inherited from the entity that created this Java virtual machine.
abstract  DatagramChannel SelectorProvider.openDatagramChannel()
          Opens a datagram channel.
abstract  Pipe SelectorProvider.openPipe()
          Opens a pipe.
abstract  AbstractSelector SelectorProvider.openSelector()
          Opens a selector.
abstract  ServerSocketChannel SelectorProvider.openServerSocketChannel()
          Opens a server-socket channel.
abstract  SocketChannel SelectorProvider.openSocketChannel()
          Opens a socket channel.

Uses of IOException in java.nio.charset

Subclasses of IOException in java.nio.charset
 class CharacterCodingException
          Checked exception thrown when a character encoding or decoding error occurs.
 class MalformedInputException
          Checked exception thrown when an input byte sequence is not legal for given charset, or an input character sequence is not a legal sixteen-bit Unicode sequence.
 class UnmappableCharacterException
          Checked exception thrown when an input character (or byte) sequence is valid but cannot be mapped to an output byte (or character) sequence.

Uses of IOException in java.rmi

Subclasses of IOException in java.rmi
 class AccessException
          An AccessException is thrown by certain methods of the java.rmi.Naming class (specifically bind, rebind, and unbind) and methods of the java.rmi.activation.ActivationSystem interface to indicate that the caller does not have permission to perform the action requested by the method call.
 class ConnectException
          A ConnectException is thrown if a connection is refused to the remote host for a remote method call.
 class ConnectIOException
          A ConnectIOException is thrown if an IOException occurs while making a connection to the remote host for a remote method call.
 class MarshalException
          A MarshalException is thrown if a occurs while marshalling the remote call header, arguments or return value for a remote method call.
 class NoSuchObjectException
          A NoSuchObjectException is thrown if an attempt is made to invoke a method on an object that no longer exists in the remote virtual machine.
 class RemoteException
          A RemoteException is the common superclass for a number of communication-related exceptions that may occur during the execution of a remote method call.
 class ServerError
          A ServerError is thrown as a result of a remote method invocation when an Error is thrown while processing the invocation on the server, either while unmarshalling the arguments, executing the remote method itself, or marshalling the return value.
 class ServerException
          A ServerException is thrown as a result of a remote method invocation when a RemoteException is thrown while processing the invocation on the server, either while unmarshalling the arguments or executing the remote method itself.
 class ServerRuntimeException
          Deprecated. no replacement
 class StubNotFoundException
          A StubNotFoundException is thrown if a valid stub class could not be found for a remote object when it is exported.
 class UnexpectedException
          An UnexpectedException is thrown if the client of a remote method call receives, as a result of the call, a checked exception that is not among the checked exception types declared in the throws clause of the method in the remote interface.
 class UnmarshalException
          An UnmarshalException can be thrown while unmarshalling the parameters or results of a remote method call if any of the following conditions occur: if an exception occurs while unmarshalling the call header if the protocol for the return value is invalid if a occurs unmarshalling parameters (on the server side) or the return value (on the client side).

Methods in java.rmi that throw IOException
 T MarshalledObject.get()
          Returns a new copy of the contained marshalledobject.

Constructors in java.rmi that throw IOException
MarshalledObject(T obj)
          Creates a new MarshalledObject that contains the serialized representation of the current state of the supplied object.

Uses of IOException in java.rmi.activation

Subclasses of IOException in java.rmi.activation
 class ActivateFailedException
          This exception is thrown by the RMI runtime when activation fails during a remote call to an activatable object.

Uses of IOException in java.rmi.server

Subclasses of IOException in java.rmi.server
 class ExportException
          An ExportException is a RemoteException thrown if an attempt to export a remote object fails.
 class SkeletonMismatchException
          Deprecated. no replacement. Skeletons are no longer required for remote method calls in the Java 2 platform v1.2 and greater.
 class SkeletonNotFoundException
          Deprecated. no replacement. Skeletons are no longer required for remote method calls in the Java 2 platform v1.2 and greater.
 class SocketSecurityException
          An obsolete subclass of ExportException.

Methods in java.rmi.server that throw IOException
 ServerSocket RMIServerSocketFactory.createServerSocket(int port)
          Create a server socket on the specified port (port 0 indicates an anonymous port).
abstract  ServerSocket RMISocketFactory.createServerSocket(int port)
          Create a server socket on the specified port (port 0 indicates an anonymous port).
abstract  Socket RMISocketFactory.createSocket(String host, int port)
          Creates a client socket connected to the specified host and port.
 Socket RMIClientSocketFactory.createSocket(String host, int port)
          Create a client socket connected to the specified host and port.
 void RemoteCall.done()
          Deprecated. no replacement
 ObjectInput RemoteCall.getInputStream()
          Deprecated. no replacement
 ObjectOutput RemoteCall.getOutputStream()
          Deprecated. no replacement
 ObjectOutput RemoteCall.getResultStream(boolean success)
          Deprecated. no replacement
static UID in)
          Constructs and returns a new UID instance by unmarshalling a binary representation from an DataInput instance.
static ObjID in)
          Constructs and returns a new ObjID instance by unmarshalling a binary representation from an ObjectInput instance.
 void RemoteCall.releaseInputStream()
          Deprecated. no replacement
 void RemoteCall.releaseOutputStream()
          Deprecated. no replacement
static void RMISocketFactory.setSocketFactory(RMISocketFactory fac)
          Set the global socket factory from which RMI gets sockets (if the remote object is not associated with a specific client and/or server socket factory).
 void UID.write(DataOutput out)
          Marshals a binary representation of this UID to a DataOutput instance.
 void ObjID.write(ObjectOutput out)
          Marshals a binary representation of this ObjID to an ObjectOutput instance.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 void Certificate.decode(InputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Decodes a certificate from an input stream.
 void Certificate.encode(OutputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Encodes the certificate to an output stream in a format that can be decoded by the decode method.
protected abstract  byte[] AlgorithmParametersSpi.engineGetEncoded()
          Returns the parameters in their primary encoding format.
protected abstract  byte[] AlgorithmParametersSpi.engineGetEncoded(String format)
          Returns the parameters encoded in the specified format.
protected abstract  void AlgorithmParametersSpi.engineInit(byte[] params)
          Imports the specified parameters and decodes them according to the primary decoding format for parameters.
protected abstract  void AlgorithmParametersSpi.engineInit(byte[] params, String format)
          Imports the parameters from params and decodes them according to the specified decoding format.
abstract  void KeyStoreSpi.engineLoad(InputStream stream, char[] password)
          Loads the keystore from the given input stream.
 void KeyStoreSpi.engineLoad(KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter param)
          Loads the keystore using the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter.
 void KeyStoreSpi.engineStore(KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter param)
          Stores this keystore using the given KeyStore.LoadStoreParmeter.
abstract  void KeyStoreSpi.engineStore(OutputStream stream, char[] password)
          Stores this keystore to the given output stream, and protects its integrity with the given password.
 byte[] AlgorithmParameters.getEncoded()
          Returns the parameters in their primary encoding format.
 byte[] AlgorithmParameters.getEncoded(String format)
          Returns the parameters encoded in the specified scheme.
 Object SignedObject.getObject()
          Retrieves the encapsulated object.
 void AlgorithmParameters.init(byte[] params)
          Imports the specified parameters and decodes them according to the primary decoding format for parameters.
 void AlgorithmParameters.init(byte[] params, String format)
          Imports the parameters from params and decodes them according to the specified decoding scheme.
 void Provider.load(InputStream inStream)
          Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input stream.
 void KeyStore.load(InputStream stream, char[] password)
          Loads this KeyStore from the given input stream.
 void KeyStore.load(KeyStore.LoadStoreParameter param)
          Loads this keystore using the given LoadStoreParameter.
          Reads a byte, and updates the message digest (if the digest function is on).
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads into a byte array, and updates the message digest (if the digest function is on).
 void param)
          Stores this keystore using the given LoadStoreParameter.
 void stream, char[] password)
          Stores this keystore to the given output stream, and protects its integrity with the given password.
 void DigestOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Updates the message digest (if the digest function is on) using the specified subarray, and in any case writes the subarray to the output stream.
 void DigestOutputStream.write(int b)
          Updates the message digest (if the digest function is on) using the specified byte, and in any case writes the byte to the output stream.

Constructors in that throw IOException
SignedObject(Serializable object, PrivateKey signingKey, Signature signingEngine)
          Constructs a SignedObject from any Serializable object.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 void X509CRLSelector.addIssuerName(byte[] name)
          Adds a name to the issuerNames criterion.
 void X509CRLSelector.addIssuerName(String name)
          Denigrated, use X509CRLSelector.addIssuer(X500Principal) or X509CRLSelector.addIssuerName(byte[]) instead.
 void X509CertSelector.addPathToName(int type, byte[] name)
          Adds a name to the pathToNames criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.addPathToName(int type, String name)
          Adds a name to the pathToNames criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.addSubjectAlternativeName(int type, byte[] name)
          Adds a name to the subjectAlternativeNames criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.addSubjectAlternativeName(int type, String name)
          Adds a name to the subjectAlternativeNames criterion.
 byte[] X509CertSelector.getIssuerAsBytes()
          Returns the issuer criterion as a byte array.
 byte[] X509CertSelector.getSubjectAsBytes()
          Returns the subject criterion as a byte array.
 void X509CertSelector.setExtendedKeyUsage(Set<String> keyPurposeSet)
          Sets the extendedKeyUsage criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.setIssuer(byte[] issuerDN)
          Sets the issuer criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.setIssuer(String issuerDN)
          Denigrated, use X509CertSelector.setIssuer(X500Principal) or X509CertSelector.setIssuer(byte[]) instead.
 void X509CRLSelector.setIssuerNames(Collection<?> names)
          Note: use X509CRLSelector.setIssuers(Collection) instead or only specify the byte array form of distinguished names when using this method.
 void X509CertSelector.setNameConstraints(byte[] bytes)
          Sets the name constraints criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.setPathToNames(Collection<List<?>> names)
          Sets the pathToNames criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.setPolicy(Set<String> certPolicySet)
          Sets the policy constraint.
 void X509CertSelector.setSubject(byte[] subjectDN)
          Sets the subject criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.setSubject(String subjectDN)
          Denigrated, use X509CertSelector.setSubject(X500Principal) or X509CertSelector.setSubject(byte[]) instead.
 void X509CertSelector.setSubjectAlternativeNames(Collection<List<?>> names)
          Sets the subjectAlternativeNames criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.setSubjectPublicKey(byte[] key)
          Sets the subjectPublicKey criterion.
 void X509CertSelector.setSubjectPublicKeyAlgID(String oid)
          Sets the subjectPublicKeyAlgID criterion.

Constructors in that throw IOException
PolicyQualifierInfo(byte[] encoded)
          Creates an instance of PolicyQualifierInfo from the encoded bytes.

Uses of IOException in java.util

Subclasses of IOException in java.util
 class InvalidPropertiesFormatException
          Thrown to indicate that an operation could not complete because the input did not conform to the appropriate XML document type for a collection of properties, as per the Properties specification.

Methods in java.util that return IOException
 IOException Scanner.ioException()
          Returns the IOException last thrown by this Scanner's underlying Readable.
 IOException Formatter.ioException()
          Returns the IOException last thrown by this formatter's Appendable.

Methods in java.util that throw IOException
 void Properties.load(InputStream inStream)
          Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input byte stream.
 void Properties.load(Reader reader)
          Reads a property list (key and element pairs) from the input character stream in a simple line-oriented format.
 void Properties.loadFromXML(InputStream in)
          Loads all of the properties represented by the XML document on the specified input stream into this properties table.
 ResourceBundle ResourceBundle.Control.newBundle(String baseName, Locale locale, String format, ClassLoader loader, boolean reload)
          Instantiates a resource bundle for the given bundle name of the given format and locale, using the given class loader if necessary.
 void out, String comments)
          Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this Properties table to the output stream in a format suitable for loading into a Properties table using the load(InputStream) method.
 void writer, String comments)
          Writes this property list (key and element pairs) in this Properties table to the output character stream in a format suitable for using the load(Reader) method.
 void Properties.storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment)
          Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained in this table.
 void Properties.storeToXML(OutputStream os, String comment, String encoding)
          Emits an XML document representing all of the properties contained in this table, using the specified encoding.

Constructors in java.util that throw IOException
PropertyResourceBundle(InputStream stream)
          Creates a property resource bundle from an InputStream.
PropertyResourceBundle(Reader reader)
          Creates a property resource bundle from a Reader.

Uses of IOException in java.util.jar

Subclasses of IOException in java.util.jar
 class JarException
          Signals that an error of some sort has occurred while reading from or writing to a JAR file.

Methods in java.util.jar that throw IOException
 Attributes JarEntry.getAttributes()
          Returns the Manifest Attributes for this entry, or null if none.
 InputStream JarFile.getInputStream(ZipEntry ze)
          Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified zip file entry.
 Manifest JarFile.getManifest()
          Returns the jar file manifest, or null if none.
 ZipEntry JarInputStream.getNextEntry()
          Reads the next ZIP file entry and positions the stream at the beginning of the entry data.
 JarEntry JarInputStream.getNextJarEntry()
          Reads the next JAR file entry and positions the stream at the beginning of the entry data.
 void Pack200.Packer.pack(JarFile in, OutputStream out)
          Takes a JarFile and converts it into a Pack200 archive.
 void Pack200.Packer.pack(JarInputStream in, OutputStream out)
          Takes a JarInputStream and converts it into a Pack200 archive.
 void JarOutputStream.putNextEntry(ZipEntry ze)
          Begins writing a new JAR file entry and positions the stream to the start of the entry data.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads from the current JAR file entry into an array of bytes.
 void is)
          Reads the Manifest from the specified InputStream.
 void Pack200.Unpacker.unpack(File in, JarOutputStream out)
          Read a Pack200 archive, and write the encoded JAR to a JarOutputStream.
 void Pack200.Unpacker.unpack(InputStream in, JarOutputStream out)
          Read a Pack200 archive, and write the encoded JAR to a JarOutputStream.
 void Manifest.write(OutputStream out)
          Writes the Manifest to the specified OutputStream.

Constructors in java.util.jar that throw IOException
JarFile(File file)
          Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified File object.
JarFile(File file, boolean verify)
          Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified File object.
JarFile(File file, boolean verify, int mode)
          Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified File object in the specified mode.
JarFile(String name)
          Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified file name.
JarFile(String name, boolean verify)
          Creates a new JarFile to read from the specified file name.
JarInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a new JarInputStream and reads the optional manifest.
JarInputStream(InputStream in, boolean verify)
          Creates a new JarInputStream and reads the optional manifest.
JarOutputStream(OutputStream out)
          Creates a new JarOutputStream with no manifest.
JarOutputStream(OutputStream out, Manifest man)
          Creates a new JarOutputStream with the specified Manifest.
Manifest(InputStream is)
          Constructs a new Manifest from the specified input stream.

Uses of IOException in java.util.logging

Methods in java.util.logging that throw IOException
 void LogManager.readConfiguration()
          Reinitialize the logging properties and reread the logging configuration.
 void LogManager.readConfiguration(InputStream ins)
          Reinitialize the logging properties and reread the logging configuration from the given stream, which should be in java.util.Properties format.

Constructors in java.util.logging that throw IOException
          Construct a default FileHandler.
FileHandler(String pattern)
          Initialize a FileHandler to write to the given filename.
FileHandler(String pattern, boolean append)
          Initialize a FileHandler to write to the given filename, with optional append.
FileHandler(String pattern, int limit, int count)
          Initialize a FileHandler to write to a set of files.
FileHandler(String pattern, int limit, int count, boolean append)
          Initialize a FileHandler to write to a set of files with optional append.
          Create a SocketHandler, using only LogManager properties (or their defaults).
SocketHandler(String host, int port)
          Construct a SocketHandler using a specified host and port.

Uses of IOException in java.util.prefs

Methods in java.util.prefs that throw IOException
 void AbstractPreferences.exportNode(OutputStream os)
          Implements the exportNode method as per the specification in Preferences.exportNode(OutputStream).
abstract  void Preferences.exportNode(OutputStream os)
          Emits on the specified output stream an XML document representing all of the preferences contained in this node (but not its descendants).
 void AbstractPreferences.exportSubtree(OutputStream os)
          Implements the exportSubtree method as per the specification in Preferences.exportSubtree(OutputStream).
abstract  void Preferences.exportSubtree(OutputStream os)
          Emits an XML document representing all of the preferences contained in this node and all of its descendants.
static void Preferences.importPreferences(InputStream is)
          Imports all of the preferences represented by the XML document on the specified input stream.

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class ZipException
          Signals that a Zip exception of some sort has occurred.

Methods in that throw IOException
 int DeflaterInputStream.available()
          Returns 0 after EOF has been reached, otherwise always return 1.
 int InflaterInputStream.available()
          Returns 0 after EOF has been reached, otherwise always return 1.
 int ZipInputStream.available()
          Returns 0 after EOF has reached for the current entry data, otherwise always return 1.
 void InflaterOutputStream.close()
          Writes any remaining uncompressed data to the output stream and closes the underlying output stream.
 void DeflaterInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and its underlying input stream, discarding any pending uncompressed data.
 void DeflaterOutputStream.close()
          Writes remaining compressed data to the output stream and closes the underlying stream.
 void ZipOutputStream.close()
          Closes the ZIP output stream as well as the stream being filtered.
 void GZIPInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void InflaterInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void ZipInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void ZipFile.close()
          Closes the ZIP file.
 void ZipOutputStream.closeEntry()
          Closes the current ZIP entry and positions the stream for writing the next entry.
 void ZipInputStream.closeEntry()
          Closes the current ZIP entry and positions the stream for reading the next entry.
protected  void DeflaterOutputStream.deflate()
          Writes next block of compressed data to the output stream.
protected  void InflaterInputStream.fill()
          Fills input buffer with more data to decompress.
protected  void ZipFile.finalize()
          Ensures that the close method of this ZIP file is called when there are no more references to it.
 void InflaterOutputStream.finish()
          Finishes writing uncompressed data to the output stream without closing the underlying stream.
 void GZIPOutputStream.finish()
          Finishes writing compressed data to the output stream without closing the underlying stream.
 void DeflaterOutputStream.finish()
          Finishes writing compressed data to the output stream without closing the underlying stream.
 void ZipOutputStream.finish()
          Finishes writing the contents of the ZIP output stream without closing the underlying stream.
 void InflaterOutputStream.flush()
          Flushes this output stream, forcing any pending buffered output bytes to be written.
 InputStream ZipFile.getInputStream(ZipEntry entry)
          Returns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified zip file entry.
 ZipEntry ZipInputStream.getNextEntry()
          Reads the next ZIP file entry and positions the stream at the beginning of the entry data.
 void ZipOutputStream.putNextEntry(ZipEntry e)
          Begins writing a new ZIP file entry and positions the stream to the start of the entry data.
          Reads a single byte of compressed data from the input stream.
          Reads a byte.
          Reads a byte of uncompressed data.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads compressed data into a byte array.
 int[] buf, int off, int len)
          Reads into an array of bytes.
 int[] buf, int off, int len)
          Reads uncompressed data into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads uncompressed data into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads from the current ZIP entry into an array of bytes.
 void DeflaterInputStream.reset()
          This operation is not supported.
 void InflaterInputStream.reset()
          Repositions this stream to the position at the time the mark method was last called on this input stream.
 long DeflaterInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips over and discards data from the input stream.
 long CheckedInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips specified number of bytes of input.
 long InflaterInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips specified number of bytes of uncompressed data.
 long ZipInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips specified number of bytes in the current ZIP entry.
 void InflaterOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes an array of bytes to the uncompressed output stream.
 void GZIPOutputStream.write(byte[] buf, int off, int len)
          Writes array of bytes to the compressed output stream.
 void CheckedOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes an array of bytes.
 void DeflaterOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes an array of bytes to the compressed output stream.
 void ZipOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes an array of bytes to the current ZIP entry data.
 void InflaterOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes a byte to the uncompressed output stream.
 void CheckedOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes a byte.
 void DeflaterOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes a byte to the compressed output stream.

Constructors in that throw IOException
GZIPInputStream(InputStream in)
          Creates a new input stream with a default buffer size.
GZIPInputStream(InputStream in, int size)
          Creates a new input stream with the specified buffer size.
GZIPOutputStream(OutputStream out)
          Creates a new output stream with a default buffer size.
GZIPOutputStream(OutputStream out, int size)
          Creates a new output stream with the specified buffer size.
ZipFile(File file)
          Opens a ZIP file for reading given the specified File object.
ZipFile(File file, int mode)
          Opens a new ZipFile to read from the specified File object in the specified mode.
ZipFile(String name)
          Opens a zip file for reading.

Uses of IOException in javax.activation

Subclasses of IOException in javax.activation
 class UnsupportedDataTypeException
          Signals that the requested operation does not support the requested data type.

Methods in javax.activation that throw IOException
 Object CommandInfo.getCommandObject(DataHandler dh, ClassLoader loader)
          Return the instantiated JavaBean component.
 Object DataHandler.getContent()
          Return the data in its preferred Object form.
 Object DataContentHandler.getContent(DataSource ds)
          Return an object representing the data in its most preferred form.
 InputStream URLDataSource.getInputStream()
          The getInputStream method from the URL.
 InputStream FileDataSource.getInputStream()
          This method will return an InputStream representing the the data and will throw an IOException if it can not do so.
 InputStream DataSource.getInputStream()
          This method returns an InputStream representing the data and throws the appropriate exception if it can not do so.
 InputStream DataHandler.getInputStream()
          Get the InputStream for this object.
 OutputStream URLDataSource.getOutputStream()
          The getOutputStream method from the URL.
 OutputStream FileDataSource.getOutputStream()
          This method will return an OutputStream representing the the data and will throw an IOException if it can not do so.
 OutputStream DataSource.getOutputStream()
          This method returns an OutputStream where the data can be written and throws the appropriate exception if it can not do so.
 OutputStream DataHandler.getOutputStream()
          Get an OutputStream for this DataHandler to allow overwriting the underlying data.
 Object DataHandler.getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor)
          Returns an object that represents the data to be transferred.
 Object DataContentHandler.getTransferData(DataFlavor df, DataSource ds)
          Returns an object which represents the data to be transferred.
 void MimeType.readExternal(ObjectInput in)
          The object implements the readExternal method to restore its contents by calling the methods of DataInput for primitive types and readObject for objects, strings and arrays.
 void CommandObject.setCommandContext(String verb, DataHandler dh)
          Initialize the Command with the verb it is requested to handle and the DataHandler that describes the data it will operate on.
 void MimeType.writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
          The object implements the writeExternal method to save its contents by calling the methods of DataOutput for its primitive values or calling the writeObject method of ObjectOutput for objects, strings and arrays.
 void DataContentHandler.writeTo(Object obj, String mimeType, OutputStream os)
          Convert the object to a byte stream of the specified MIME type and write it to the output stream.
 void DataHandler.writeTo(OutputStream os)
          Write the data to an OutputStream.

Constructors in javax.activation that throw IOException
MailcapCommandMap(String fileName)
          Constructor that allows the caller to specify the path of a mailcap file.
MimetypesFileTypeMap(String mimeTypeFileName)
          Construct a MimetypesFileTypeMap with programmatic entries added from the named file.

Uses of IOException in javax.activity

Subclasses of IOException in javax.activity
 class ActivityCompletedException
          This exception may be thrown on any method for which Activity context is accessed and indicates that ongoing work within the Activity is not possible.
 class ActivityRequiredException
          This exception is thrown by a container if Activity context is not received on a method for which Activity context is mandatory.
 class InvalidActivityException
          This exception may be thrown on any method for which Activity context is accessed and indicates that the attempted invocation or the Activity context associated with the attempted invocation is incompatible with the Activity's current state.

Uses of IOException in javax.annotation.processing

Subclasses of IOException in javax.annotation.processing
 class FilerException
          Indicates a Filer detected an attempt to open a file that would violate the guarantees provided by the Filer.

Methods in javax.annotation.processing that throw IOException
 JavaFileObject Filer.createClassFile(CharSequence name, Element... originatingElements)
          Creates a new class file, and returns an object to allow writing to it.
 FileObject Filer.createResource(JavaFileManager.Location location, CharSequence pkg, CharSequence relativeName, Element... originatingElements)
          Creates a new auxiliary resource file for writing and returns a file object for it.
 JavaFileObject Filer.createSourceFile(CharSequence name, Element... originatingElements)
          Creates a new source file and returns an object to allow writing to it.
 FileObject Filer.getResource(JavaFileManager.Location location, CharSequence pkg, CharSequence relativeName)
          Returns an object for reading an existing resource.

Uses of IOException in javax.crypto

Methods in javax.crypto that throw IOException
 int CipherInputStream.available()
          Returns the number of bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
 void CipherOutputStream.close()
          Closes this output stream and releases any system resources associated with this stream.
 void CipherInputStream.close()
          Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void CipherOutputStream.flush()
          Flushes this output stream by forcing any buffered output bytes that have already been processed by the encapsulated cipher object to be written out.
 byte[] EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo.getEncoded()
          Returns the ASN.1 encoding of this object.
 Object SealedObject.getObject(Cipher c)
          Retrieves the original (encapsulated) object.
 Object SealedObject.getObject(Key key)
          Retrieves the original (encapsulated) object.
 Object SealedObject.getObject(Key key, String provider)
          Retrieves the original (encapsulated) object.
          Reads the next byte of data from this input stream.
 int[] b)
          Reads up to b.length bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes of data from this input stream into an array of bytes.
 long CipherInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips n bytes of input from the bytes that can be read from this input stream without blocking.
 void CipherOutputStream.write(byte[] b)
          Writes b.length bytes from the specified byte array to this output stream.
 void CipherOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this output stream.
 void CipherOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes the specified byte to this output stream.

Constructors in javax.crypto that throw IOException
EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo(byte[] encoded)
          Constructs (i.e., parses) an EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo from its ASN.1 encoding.
SealedObject(Serializable object, Cipher c)
          Constructs a SealedObject from any Serializable object.

Uses of IOException in javax.imageio

Subclasses of IOException in javax.imageio
 class IIOException
          An exception class used for signaling run-time failure of reading and writing operations.

Methods in javax.imageio that throw IOException
 boolean ImageWriter.canInsertEmpty(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if the writer supports the insertion of a new, empty image at the given index.
 boolean ImageWriter.canInsertImage(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if the writer supports the insertion of a new image at the given index.
 boolean ImageWriter.canRemoveImage(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if the writer supports the removal of an existing image at the given index.
 boolean ImageWriter.canReplaceImageMetadata(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if it is possible to replace the image metadata associated with an existing image with index imageIndex.
 boolean ImageWriter.canReplacePixels(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if the writer allows pixels of the given image to be replaced using the replacePixels methods.
 boolean ImageWriter.canReplaceStreamMetadata()
          Returns true if it is possible to replace the stream metadata already present in the output.
 boolean ImageWriter.canWriteEmpty()
          Returns true if the writer supports the writing of a complete image stream consisting of a single image with undefined pixel values and associated metadata and thumbnails to the output.
static ImageInputStream ImageIO.createImageInputStream(Object input)
          Returns an ImageInputStream that will take its input from the given Object.
static ImageOutputStream ImageIO.createImageOutputStream(Object output)
          Returns an ImageOutputStream that will send its output to the given Object.
 void ImageWriter.endInsertEmpty()
          Completes the insertion of a new image that was begun with a prior call to prepareInsertEmpty.
 void ImageWriter.endReplacePixels()
          Terminates a sequence of calls to replacePixels.
 void ImageWriter.endWriteEmpty()
          Completes the writing of a new image that was begun with a prior call to prepareWriteEmpty.
 void ImageWriter.endWriteSequence()
          Completes the writing of a sequence of images begun with prepareWriteSequence.
 float ImageReader.getAspectRatio(int imageIndex)
          Returns the aspect ratio of the given image (that is, its width divided by its height) as a float.
 String ImageReader.getFormatName()
          Returns a String identifying the format of the input source.
abstract  int ImageReader.getHeight(int imageIndex)
          Returns the height in pixels of the given image within the input source.
abstract  IIOMetadata ImageReader.getImageMetadata(int imageIndex)
          Returns an IIOMetadata object containing metadata associated with the given image, or null if the reader does not support reading metadata, is set to ignore metadata, or if no metadata is available.
 IIOMetadata ImageReader.getImageMetadata(int imageIndex, String formatName, Set<String> nodeNames)
          Returns an IIOMetadata object representing the metadata associated with the given image, or null if the reader does not support reading metadata or none is available.
abstract  Iterator<ImageTypeSpecifier> ImageReader.getImageTypes(int imageIndex)
          Returns an Iterator containing possible image types to which the given image may be decoded, in the form of ImageTypeSpecifierss.
abstract  int ImageReader.getNumImages(boolean allowSearch)
          Returns the number of images, not including thumbnails, available from the current input source.
 int ImageReader.getNumThumbnails(int imageIndex)
          Returns the number of thumbnail preview images associated with the given image.
 ImageTypeSpecifier ImageReader.getRawImageType(int imageIndex)
          Returns an ImageTypeSpecifier indicating the SampleModel and ColorModel which most closely represents the "raw" internal format of the image.
abstract  IIOMetadata ImageReader.getStreamMetadata()
          Returns an IIOMetadata object representing the metadata associated with the input source as a whole (i.e., not associated with any particular image), or null if the reader does not support reading metadata, is set to ignore metadata, or if no metadata is available.
 IIOMetadata ImageReader.getStreamMetadata(String formatName, Set<String> nodeNames)
          Returns an IIOMetadata object representing the metadata associated with the input source as a whole (i.e., not associated with any particular image).
 int ImageReader.getThumbnailHeight(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
          Returns the height of the thumbnail preview image indexed by thumbnailIndex, associated with the image indexed by ImageIndex.
 int ImageReader.getThumbnailWidth(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
          Returns the width of the thumbnail preview image indexed by thumbnailIndex, associated with the image indexed by ImageIndex.
 int ImageReader.getTileGridXOffset(int imageIndex)
          Returns the X coordinate of the upper-left corner of tile (0, 0) in the given image.
 int ImageReader.getTileGridYOffset(int imageIndex)
          Returns the Y coordinate of the upper-left corner of tile (0, 0) in the given image.
 int ImageReader.getTileHeight(int imageIndex)
          Returns the height of a tile in the given image.
 int ImageReader.getTileWidth(int imageIndex)
          Returns the width of a tile in the given image.
abstract  int ImageReader.getWidth(int imageIndex)
          Returns the width in pixels of the given image within the input source.
 boolean ImageReader.hasThumbnails(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if the given image has thumbnail preview images associated with it.
 boolean ImageReader.isImageTiled(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if the image is organized into tiles, that is, equal-sized non-overlapping rectangles.
 boolean ImageReader.isRandomAccessEasy(int imageIndex)
          Returns true if the storage format of the given image places no inherent impediment on random access to pixels.
 void ImageWriter.prepareInsertEmpty(int imageIndex, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, int width, int height, IIOMetadata imageMetadata, List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails, ImageWriteParam param)
          Begins the insertion of a new image with undefined pixel values into an existing image stream.
 void ImageWriter.prepareReplacePixels(int imageIndex, Rectangle region)
          Prepares the writer to handle a series of calls to the replacePixels methods.
 void ImageWriter.prepareWriteEmpty(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, ImageTypeSpecifier imageType, int width, int height, IIOMetadata imageMetadata, List<? extends BufferedImage> thumbnails, ImageWriteParam param)
          Begins the writing of a complete image stream, consisting of a single image with undefined pixel values and associated metadata and thumbnails, to the output.
 void ImageWriter.prepareWriteSequence(IIOMetadata streamMetadata)
          Prepares a stream to accept a series of subsequent writeToSequence calls, using the provided stream metadata object.
static BufferedImage input)
          Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied File with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered.
static BufferedImage stream)
          Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied ImageInputStream with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered.
static BufferedImage input)
          Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied InputStream with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered.
 BufferedImage imageIndex)
          Reads the image indexed by imageIndex and returns it as a complete BufferedImage, using a default ImageReadParam.
abstract  BufferedImage imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
          Reads the image indexed by imageIndex and returns it as a complete BufferedImage, using a supplied ImageReadParam.
static BufferedImage input)
          Returns a BufferedImage as the result of decoding a supplied URL with an ImageReader chosen automatically from among those currently registered.
 IIOImage ImageReader.readAll(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
          Reads the image indexed by imageIndex and returns an IIOImage containing the image, thumbnails, and associated image metadata, using a supplied ImageReadParam.
 Iterator<IIOImage> ImageReader.readAll(Iterator<? extends ImageReadParam> params)
          Returns an Iterator containing all the images, thumbnails, and metadata, starting at the index given by getMinIndex, from the input source in the form of IIOImage objects.
 RenderedImage ImageReader.readAsRenderedImage(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
          Returns a RenderedImage object that contains the contents of the image indexed by imageIndex.
 Raster ImageReader.readRaster(int imageIndex, ImageReadParam param)
          Returns a new Raster object containing the raw pixel data from the image stream, without any color conversion applied.
 BufferedImage ImageReader.readThumbnail(int imageIndex, int thumbnailIndex)
          Returns the thumbnail preview image indexed by thumbnailIndex, associated with the image indexed by ImageIndex as a BufferedImage.
 BufferedImage ImageReader.readTile(int imageIndex, int tileX, int tileY)
          Reads the tile indicated by the tileX and tileY arguments, returning it as a BufferedImage.
 Raster ImageReader.readTileRaster(int imageIndex, int tileX, int tileY)
          Returns a new Raster object containing the raw pixel data from the tile, without any color conversion applied.
 void ImageWriter.removeImage(int imageIndex)
          Removes an image from the stream.
 void ImageWriter.replaceImageMetadata(int imageIndex, IIOMetadata imageMetadata)
          Replaces the image metadata associated with an existing image.
 void ImageWriter.replacePixels(Raster raster, ImageWriteParam param)
          Replaces a portion of an image already present in the output with a portion of the given Raster.
 void ImageWriter.replacePixels(RenderedImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
          Replaces a portion of an image already present in the output with a portion of the given image.
 void ImageWriter.replaceStreamMetadata(IIOMetadata streamMetadata)
          Replaces the stream metadata in the output with new information.
 void ImageWriter.write(IIOImage image)
          Appends a complete image stream containing a single image with default metadata and thumbnails to the output.
abstract  void ImageWriter.write(IIOMetadata streamMetadata, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
          Appends a complete image stream containing a single image and associated stream and image metadata and thumbnails to the output.
 void ImageWriter.write(RenderedImage image)
          Appends a complete image stream consisting of a single image with default metadata and thumbnails to the output.
static boolean ImageIO.write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, File output)
          Writes an image using an arbitrary ImageWriter that supports the given format to a File.
static boolean ImageIO.write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, ImageOutputStream output)
          Writes an image using the an arbitrary ImageWriter that supports the given format to an ImageOutputStream.
static boolean ImageIO.write(RenderedImage im, String formatName, OutputStream output)
          Writes an image using an arbitrary ImageWriter that supports the given format to an OutputStream.
 void ImageWriter.writeInsert(int imageIndex, IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
          Inserts a new image into an existing image stream.
 void ImageWriter.writeToSequence(IIOImage image, ImageWriteParam param)
          Appends a single image and possibly associated metadata and thumbnails, to the output.

Uses of IOException in javax.imageio.metadata

Subclasses of IOException in javax.imageio.metadata
 class IIOInvalidTreeException
          An IIOInvalidTreeException is thrown when an attempt by an IIOMetadata object to parse a tree of IIOMetadataNodes fails.

Uses of IOException in javax.imageio.spi

Methods in javax.imageio.spi that throw IOException
abstract  boolean ImageReaderSpi.canDecodeInput(Object source)
          Returns true if the supplied source object appears to be of the format supported by this reader.
 ImageInputStream ImageInputStreamSpi.createInputStreamInstance(Object input)
          Returns an instance of the ImageInputStream implementation associated with this service provider.
abstract  ImageInputStream ImageInputStreamSpi.createInputStreamInstance(Object input, boolean useCache, File cacheDir)
          Returns an instance of the ImageInputStream implementation associated with this service provider.
 ImageOutputStream ImageOutputStreamSpi.createOutputStreamInstance(Object output)
          Returns an instance of the ImageOutputStream implementation associated with this service provider.
abstract  ImageOutputStream ImageOutputStreamSpi.createOutputStreamInstance(Object output, boolean useCache, File cacheDir)
          Returns an instance of the ImageOutputStream implementation associated with this service provider.
 ImageReader ImageReaderSpi.createReaderInstance()
          Returns an instance of the ImageReader implementation associated with this service provider.
abstract  ImageReader ImageReaderSpi.createReaderInstance(Object extension)
          Returns an instance of the ImageReader implementation associated with this service provider.
 ImageWriter ImageWriterSpi.createWriterInstance()
          Returns an instance of the ImageWriter implementation associated with this service provider.
abstract  ImageWriter ImageWriterSpi.createWriterInstance(Object extension)
          Returns an instance of the ImageWriter implementation associated with this service provider.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
protected  void ImageInputStreamImpl.checkClosed()
          Throws an IOException if the stream has been closed.
 void FileImageOutputStream.close()
 void MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.close()
          Closes this MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.
 void FileImageInputStream.close()
 void FileCacheImageOutputStream.close()
          Closes this FileCacheImageOututStream.
 void MemoryCacheImageInputStream.close()
          Closes this MemoryCacheImageInputStream, freeing the cache.
 void FileCacheImageInputStream.close()
          Closes this FileCacheImageInputStream, closing and removing the cache file.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.close()
 void ImageInputStream.close()
          Closes the stream.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.flush()
 void ImageInputStream.flush()
          Discards the initial position of the stream prior to the current stream position.
 void MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.flushBefore(long pos)
 void FileCacheImageOutputStream.flushBefore(long pos)
 void MemoryCacheImageInputStream.flushBefore(long pos)
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.flushBefore(long pos)
 void ImageOutputStream.flushBefore(long pos)
          Flushes all data prior to the given position to the underlying destination, such as an OutputStream or File.
 void ImageInputStream.flushBefore(long pos)
          Discards the initial portion of the stream prior to the indicated postion.
protected  void ImageOutputStreamImpl.flushBits()
          If the bit offset is non-zero, forces the remaining bits in the current byte to 0 and advances the stream position by one.
 int ImageInputStreamImpl.getBitOffset()
 int ImageInputStream.getBitOffset()
          Returns the current bit offset, as an integer between 0 and 7, inclusive.
 long ImageInputStreamImpl.getStreamPosition()
 long ImageInputStream.getStreamPosition()
          Returns the current byte position of the stream.
 long ImageInputStream.length()
          Returns the total length of the stream, if known.
abstract  int
          Reads a single byte from the stream and returns it as an int between 0 and 255.
          Reads a single byte from the stream and returns it as an integer between 0 and 255.
 int[] b)
          A convenience method that calls read(b, 0, b.length).
 int[] b)
          Reads up to b.length bytes from the stream, and stores them into b starting at index 0.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
 int[] b, int off, int len)
abstract  int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes from the stream, and stores them into b starting at index off.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes from the stream, and stores them into b starting at index off.
 int ImageInputStreamImpl.readBit()
 int ImageInputStream.readBit()
          Reads a single bit from the stream and returns it as an int with the value 0 or 1.
 long ImageInputStreamImpl.readBits(int numBits)
 long ImageInputStream.readBits(int numBits)
          Reads a bitstring from the stream and returns it as a long, with the first bit read becoming the most significant bit of the output.
 boolean ImageInputStreamImpl.readBoolean()
 boolean ImageInputStream.readBoolean()
          Reads a byte from the stream and returns a boolean value of true if it is nonzero, false if it is zero.
 byte ImageInputStreamImpl.readByte()
 byte ImageInputStream.readByte()
          Reads a byte from the stream and returns it as a byte value.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readBytes(IIOByteBuffer buf, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readBytes(IIOByteBuffer buf, int len)
          Reads up to len bytes from the stream, and modifies the supplied IIOByteBuffer to indicate the byte array, offset, and length where the data may be found.
 char ImageInputStreamImpl.readChar()
 char ImageInputStream.readChar()
          Equivalent to readUnsignedShort, except that the result is returned using the char datatype.
 double ImageInputStreamImpl.readDouble()
 double ImageInputStream.readDouble()
          Reads 8 bytes from the stream, and (conceptually) concatenates them according to the current byte order and returns the result as a double.
 float ImageInputStreamImpl.readFloat()
 float ImageInputStream.readFloat()
          Reads 4 bytes from the stream, and (conceptually) concatenates them according to the current byte order and returns the result as a float.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(byte[] b)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(byte[] b)
          Reads b.length bytes from the stream, and stores them into b starting at index 0.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads len bytes from the stream, and stores them into b starting at index off.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(char[] c, int off, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(char[] c, int off, int len)
          Reads len chars (unsigned 16-bit integers) from the stream according to the current byte order, and stores them into c starting at index off.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(double[] d, int off, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(double[] d, int off, int len)
          Reads len doubles (64-bit IEEE double-precision floats) from the stream according to the current byte order, and stores them into d starting at index off.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(float[] f, int off, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(float[] f, int off, int len)
          Reads len floats (32-bit IEEE single-precision floats) from the stream according to the current byte order, and stores them into f starting at index off.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(int[] i, int off, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(int[] i, int off, int len)
          Reads len ints (signed 32-bit integers) from the stream according to the current byte order, and stores them into i starting at index off.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(long[] l, int off, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(long[] l, int off, int len)
          Reads len longs (signed 64-bit integers) from the stream according to the current byte order, and stores them into l starting at index off.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.readFully(short[] s, int off, int len)
 void ImageInputStream.readFully(short[] s, int off, int len)
          Reads len shorts (signed 16-bit integers) from the stream according to the current byte order, and stores them into s starting at index off.
 int ImageInputStreamImpl.readInt()
 int ImageInputStream.readInt()
          Reads 4 bytes from the stream, and (conceptually) concatenates them according to the current byte order and returns the result as an int.
 String ImageInputStreamImpl.readLine()
 String ImageInputStream.readLine()
          Reads the next line of text from the input stream.
 long ImageInputStreamImpl.readLong()
 long ImageInputStream.readLong()
          Reads 8 bytes from the stream, and (conceptually) concatenates them according to the current byte order and returns the result as a long.
 short ImageInputStreamImpl.readShort()
 short ImageInputStream.readShort()
          Reads two bytes from the stream, and (conceptually) concatenates them according to the current byte order, and returns the result as a short value.
 int ImageInputStreamImpl.readUnsignedByte()
 int ImageInputStream.readUnsignedByte()
          Reads a byte from the stream, and (conceptually) converts it to an int, masks it with 0xff in order to strip off any sign-extension bits, and returns it as a byte value.
 long ImageInputStreamImpl.readUnsignedInt()
 long ImageInputStream.readUnsignedInt()
          Reads 4 bytes from the stream, and (conceptually) concatenates them according to the current byte order, converts the result to a long, masks it with 0xffffffffL in order to strip off any sign-extension bits, and returns the result as an unsigned long value.
 int ImageInputStreamImpl.readUnsignedShort()
 int ImageInputStream.readUnsignedShort()
          Reads two bytes from the stream, and (conceptually) concatenates them according to the current byte order, converts the resulting value to an int, masks it with 0xffff in order to strip off any sign-extension buts, and returns the result as an unsigned int value.
 String ImageInputStreamImpl.readUTF()
 String ImageInputStream.readUTF()
          Reads in a string that has been encoded using a modified UTF-8 format.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.reset()
          Resets the current stream byte and bit positions from the stack of marked positions.
 void ImageInputStream.reset()
          Returns the stream pointer to its previous position, including the bit offset, at the time of the most recent unmatched call to mark.
 void pos)
          Sets the current stream position and resets the bit offset to 0.
 void pos)
 void pos)
          Sets the current stream position and resets the bit offset to 0.
 void pos)
 void pos)
          Sets the current stream position to the desired location.
 void ImageInputStreamImpl.setBitOffset(int bitOffset)
 void ImageInputStream.setBitOffset(int bitOffset)
          Sets the bit offset to an integer between 0 and 7, inclusive.
 int ImageInputStreamImpl.skipBytes(int n)
          Advances the current stream position by calling seek(getStreamPosition() + n).
 int ImageInputStream.skipBytes(int n)
          Moves the stream position forward by a given number of bytes.
 long ImageInputStreamImpl.skipBytes(long n)
          Advances the current stream position by calling seek(getStreamPosition() + n).
 long ImageInputStream.skipBytes(long n)
          Moves the stream position forward by a given number of bytes.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.write(byte[] b)
 void ImageOutputStream.write(byte[] b)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream at the current position.
 void FileImageOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 void MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 void FileCacheImageOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
abstract  void ImageOutputStreamImpl.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
 void ImageOutputStream.write(byte[] b, int off, int len)
          Writes a sequence of bytes to the stream at the current position.
 void FileImageOutputStream.write(int b)
 void MemoryCacheImageOutputStream.write(int b)
 void FileCacheImageOutputStream.write(int b)
abstract  void ImageOutputStreamImpl.write(int b)
 void ImageOutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes a single byte to the stream at the current position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeBit(int bit)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeBit(int bit)
          Writes a single bit, given by the least significant bit of the argument, to the stream at the current bit offset within the current byte position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeBits(long bits, int numBits)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeBits(long bits, int numBits)
          Writes a sequence of bits, given by the numBits least significant bits of the bits argument in left-to-right order, to the stream at the current bit offset within the current byte position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeBoolean(boolean v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeBoolean(boolean v)
          Writes a boolean value to the stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeByte(int v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeByte(int v)
          Writes the 8 low-order bits of v to the stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeBytes(String s)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeBytes(String s)
          Writes a string to the output stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeChar(int v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeChar(int v)
          This method is a synonym for writeShort.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeChars(char[] c, int off, int len)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeChars(char[] c, int off, int len)
          Writes a sequence of chars to the stream at the current position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeChars(String s)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeChars(String s)
          Writes a string to the output stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeDouble(double v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeDouble(double v)
          Writes a double value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeDoubles(double[] d, int off, int len)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeDoubles(double[] d, int off, int len)
          Writes a sequence of doubles to the stream at the current position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeFloat(float v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeFloat(float v)
          Writes a float value, which is comprised of four bytes, to the output stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeFloats(float[] f, int off, int len)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeFloats(float[] f, int off, int len)
          Writes a sequence of floats to the stream at the current position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeInt(int v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeInt(int v)
          Writes the 32 bits of v to the stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeInts(int[] i, int off, int len)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeInts(int[] i, int off, int len)
          Writes a sequence of ints to the stream at the current position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeLong(long v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeLong(long v)
          Writes the 64 bits of v to the stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeLongs(long[] l, int off, int len)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeLongs(long[] l, int off, int len)
          Writes a sequence of longs to the stream at the current position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeShort(int v)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeShort(int v)
          Writes the 16 low-order bits of v to the stream.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeShorts(short[] s, int off, int len)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeShorts(short[] s, int off, int len)
          Writes a sequence of shorts to the stream at the current position.
 void ImageOutputStreamImpl.writeUTF(String s)
 void ImageOutputStream.writeUTF(String s)
          Writes two bytes of length information to the output stream in network byte order, followed by the modified UTF-8 representation of every character in the string s.

Constructors in that throw IOException
FileCacheImageInputStream(InputStream stream, File cacheDir)
          Constructs a FileCacheImageInputStream that will read from a given InputStream.
FileCacheImageOutputStream(OutputStream stream, File cacheDir)
          Constructs a FileCacheImageOutputStream that will write to a given outputStream.
FileImageInputStream(File f)
          Constructs a FileImageInputStream that will read from a given File.
FileImageOutputStream(File f)
          Constructs a FileImageOutputStream that will write to a given File.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 void MBeanServerConnection.addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)
          Adds a listener to a registered MBean.
 void MBeanServerConnection.addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)
          Adds a listener to a registered MBean.
 ObjectInstance MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name)
          Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server.
 ObjectInstance MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, Object[] params, String[] signature)
          Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server.
 ObjectInstance MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName)
          Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server.
 ObjectInstance MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, Object[] params, String[] signature)
          Instantiates and registers an MBean in the MBean server.
 Object MBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute)
          Gets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean.
 AttributeList MBeanServerConnection.getAttributes(ObjectName name, String[] attributes)
          Enables the values of several attributes of a named MBean.
 String MBeanServerConnection.getDefaultDomain()
          Returns the default domain used for naming the MBean.
 String[] MBeanServerConnection.getDomains()
          Returns the list of domains in which any MBean is currently registered.
 Integer MBeanServerConnection.getMBeanCount()
          Returns the number of MBeans registered in the MBean server.
 MBeanInfo MBeanServerConnection.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name)
          This method discovers the attributes and operations that an MBean exposes for management.
 ObjectInstance MBeanServerConnection.getObjectInstance(ObjectName name)
          Gets the ObjectInstance for a given MBean registered with the MBean server.
 Object MBeanServerConnection.invoke(ObjectName name, String operationName, Object[] params, String[] signature)
          Invokes an operation on an MBean.
 boolean MBeanServerConnection.isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className)
          Returns true if the MBean specified is an instance of the specified class, false otherwise.
 boolean MBeanServerConnection.isRegistered(ObjectName name)
          Checks whether an MBean, identified by its object name, is already registered with the MBean server.
 Set<ObjectInstance> MBeanServerConnection.queryMBeans(ObjectName name, QueryExp query)
          Gets MBeans controlled by the MBean server.
 Set<ObjectName> MBeanServerConnection.queryNames(ObjectName name, QueryExp query)
          Gets the names of MBeans controlled by the MBean server.
 void MBeanServerConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener)
          Removes a listener from a registered MBean.
 void MBeanServerConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, NotificationListener listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)
          Removes a listener from a registered MBean.
 void MBeanServerConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener)
          Removes a listener from a registered MBean.
 void MBeanServerConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, NotificationFilter filter, Object handback)
          Removes a listener from a registered MBean.
 void MBeanServerConnection.setAttribute(ObjectName name, Attribute attribute)
          Sets the value of a specific attribute of a named MBean.
 AttributeList MBeanServerConnection.setAttributes(ObjectName name, AttributeList attributes)
          Sets the values of several attributes of a named MBean.
 void MBeanServerConnection.unregisterMBean(ObjectName name)
          Unregisters an MBean from the MBean server.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 Enumeration<URL> MLetMBean.getResources(String name)
          Finds all the resources with the given name.
 void MLet.readExternal(ObjectInput in)
          Restore this MLet's contents from the given ObjectInput.
 void MLet.writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
          Save this MLet's contents to the given ObjectOutput.

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class JMXProviderException
          Exception thrown by JMXConnectorFactory and JMXConnectorServerFactory when a provider exists for the required protocol but cannot be used for some reason.
 class JMXServerErrorException
          Exception thrown as the result of a remote MBeanServer method invocation when an Error is thrown while processing the invocation in the remote MBean server.

Methods in that throw IOException
 void JMXConnector.close()
          Closes the client connection to its server.
 void JMXConnector.connect()
          Establishes the connection to the connector server.
static JMXConnector JMXConnectorFactory.connect(JMXServiceURL serviceURL)
          Creates a connection to the connector server at the given address.
static JMXConnector JMXConnectorFactory.connect(JMXServiceURL serviceURL, Map<String,?> environment)
          Creates a connection to the connector server at the given address.
 void JMXConnector.connect(Map<String,?> env)
          Establishes the connection to the connector server.
 String JMXConnector.getConnectionId()
          Gets this connection's ID from the connector server.
 MBeanServerConnection JMXConnector.getMBeanServerConnection()
          Returns an MBeanServerConnection object representing a remote MBean server.
 MBeanServerConnection JMXConnector.getMBeanServerConnection(Subject delegationSubject)
          Returns an MBeanServerConnection object representing a remote MBean server on which operations are performed on behalf of the supplied delegation subject.
 JMXConnector JMXConnectorProvider.newJMXConnector(JMXServiceURL serviceURL, Map<String,?> environment)
          Creates a new connector client that is ready to connect to the connector server at the given address.
static JMXConnector JMXConnectorFactory.newJMXConnector(JMXServiceURL serviceURL, Map<String,?> environment)
          Creates a connector client for the connector server at the given address.
 JMXConnectorServer JMXConnectorServerProvider.newJMXConnectorServer(JMXServiceURL serviceURL, Map<String,?> environment, MBeanServer mbeanServer)
          Creates a new connector server at the given address.
static JMXConnectorServer JMXConnectorServerFactory.newJMXConnectorServer(JMXServiceURL serviceURL, Map<String,?> environment, MBeanServer mbeanServer)
          Creates a connector server at the given address.
 void JMXConnectorServerMBean.start()
          Activates the connector server, that is, starts listening for client connections.
 void JMXConnectorServerMBean.stop()
          Deactivates the connector server, that is, stops listening for client connections.
 JMXConnector JMXConnectorServer.toJMXConnector(Map<String,?> env)
          Returns a client stub for this connector server.
 JMXConnector JMXConnectorServerMBean.toJMXConnector(Map<String,?> env)
          Returns a client stub for this connector server.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 void RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.addNotificationListener(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_2, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_3, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_4, Subject $param_Subject_5)
 void RMIConnectionImpl.addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, MarshalledObject filter, MarshalledObject handback, Subject delegationSubject)
 void RMIConnection.addNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, MarshalledObject filter, MarshalledObject handback, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.addNotificationListener(ObjectName, ObjectName, NotificationFilter, Object).
 Integer[] RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.addNotificationListeners(ObjectName[] $param_arrayOf_ObjectName_1, MarshalledObject[] $param_arrayOf_MarshalledObject_2, Subject[] $param_arrayOf_Subject_3)
 Integer[] RMIConnectionImpl.addNotificationListeners(ObjectName[] names, MarshalledObject[] filters, Subject[] delegationSubjects)
 Integer[] RMIConnection.addNotificationListeners(ObjectName[] names, MarshalledObject[] filters, Subject[] delegationSubjects)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.addNotificationListener(ObjectName, NotificationListener, NotificationFilter, Object).
protected  void RMIServerImpl.clientClosed(RMIConnection client)
          Method called when a client connection created by makeClient is closed.
 void RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.close()
 void RMIConnectionImpl.close()
 void RMIConnector.close()
 void RMIConnection.close()
          Closes this connection.
 void RMIServerImpl.close()
          Closes this connection server.
protected  void RMIIIOPServerImpl.closeClient(RMIConnection client)
protected  void RMIJRMPServerImpl.closeClient(RMIConnection client)
protected abstract  void RMIServerImpl.closeClient(RMIConnection client)
          Closes a client connection made by makeClient.
protected  void RMIIIOPServerImpl.closeServer()
          Called by RMIServerImpl.close() to close the connector server by unexporting this object.
protected  void RMIJRMPServerImpl.closeServer()
          Called by RMIServerImpl.close() to close the connector server by unexporting this object.
protected abstract  void RMIServerImpl.closeServer()
          Called by RMIServerImpl.close() to close the connector server.
 void RMIConnector.connect()
 void RMIConnector.connect(Map<String,?> environment)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.createMBean(String $param_String_1, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_2, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_3, String[] $param_arrayOf_String_4, Subject $param_Subject_5)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, MarshalledObject params, String[] signature, Subject delegationSubject)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, MarshalledObject params, String[] signature, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String, ObjectName, Object[], String[]).
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.createMBean(String $param_String_1, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_2, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_3, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_4, String[] $param_arrayOf_String_5, Subject $param_Subject_6)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, MarshalledObject params, String[] signature, Subject delegationSubject)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, MarshalledObject params, String[] signature, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String, ObjectName, ObjectName, Object[], String[]).
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.createMBean(String $param_String_1, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_2, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_3, Subject $param_Subject_4)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, Subject delegationSubject)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, ObjectName loaderName, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String, ObjectName, ObjectName).
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.createMBean(String $param_String_1, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnection.createMBean(String className, ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.createMBean(String, ObjectName).
protected  void RMIIIOPServerImpl.export()
protected  void RMIJRMPServerImpl.export()
protected abstract  void RMIServerImpl.export()
          Exports this RMI object.
 NotificationResult RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.fetchNotifications(long $param_long_1, int $param_int_2, long $param_long_3)
 NotificationResult RMIConnectionImpl.fetchNotifications(long clientSequenceNumber, int maxNotifications, long timeout)
 NotificationResult RMIConnection.fetchNotifications(long clientSequenceNumber, int maxNotifications, long timeout)
          Retrieves notifications from the connector server.
 Object RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getAttribute(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, String $param_String_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 Object RMIConnectionImpl.getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute, Subject delegationSubject)
 Object RMIConnection.getAttribute(ObjectName name, String attribute, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getAttribute(ObjectName, String).
 AttributeList RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getAttributes(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, String[] $param_arrayOf_String_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 AttributeList RMIConnectionImpl.getAttributes(ObjectName name, String[] attributes, Subject delegationSubject)
 AttributeList RMIConnection.getAttributes(ObjectName name, String[] attributes, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getAttributes(ObjectName, String[]).
 String RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getConnectionId()
 String RMIConnectionImpl.getConnectionId()
 String RMIConnector.getConnectionId()
 String RMIConnection.getConnectionId()
          Returns the connection ID.
 String RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getDefaultDomain(Subject $param_Subject_1)
 String RMIConnectionImpl.getDefaultDomain(Subject delegationSubject)
 String RMIConnection.getDefaultDomain(Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getDefaultDomain().
 String[] RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getDomains(Subject $param_Subject_1)
 String[] RMIConnectionImpl.getDomains(Subject delegationSubject)
 String[] RMIConnection.getDomains(Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getDomains().
 Integer RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getMBeanCount(Subject $param_Subject_1)
 Integer RMIConnectionImpl.getMBeanCount(Subject delegationSubject)
 Integer RMIConnection.getMBeanCount(Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getMBeanCount().
 MBeanInfo RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, Subject $param_Subject_2)
 MBeanInfo RMIConnectionImpl.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
 MBeanInfo RMIConnection.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getMBeanInfo(ObjectName).
 MBeanServerConnection RMIConnector.getMBeanServerConnection()
 MBeanServerConnection RMIConnector.getMBeanServerConnection(Subject delegationSubject)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.getObjectInstance(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, Subject $param_Subject_2)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnectionImpl.getObjectInstance(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
 ObjectInstance RMIConnection.getObjectInstance(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.getObjectInstance(ObjectName).
 Object RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.invoke(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, String $param_String_2, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_3, String[] $param_arrayOf_String_4, Subject $param_Subject_5)
 Object RMIConnectionImpl.invoke(ObjectName name, String operationName, MarshalledObject params, String[] signature, Subject delegationSubject)
 Object RMIConnection.invoke(ObjectName name, String operationName, MarshalledObject params, String[] signature, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.invoke(ObjectName, String, Object[], String[]).
 boolean RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.isInstanceOf(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, String $param_String_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 boolean RMIConnectionImpl.isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className, Subject delegationSubject)
 boolean RMIConnection.isInstanceOf(ObjectName name, String className, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.isInstanceOf(ObjectName, String).
 boolean RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.isRegistered(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, Subject $param_Subject_2)
 boolean RMIConnectionImpl.isRegistered(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
 boolean RMIConnection.isRegistered(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.isRegistered(ObjectName).
protected  RMIConnection RMIIIOPServerImpl.makeClient(String connectionId, Subject subject)
          Creates a new client connection as an RMI object exported through IIOP.
protected  RMIConnection RMIJRMPServerImpl.makeClient(String connectionId, Subject subject)
          Creates a new client connection as an RMI object exported through JRMP.
protected abstract  RMIConnection RMIServerImpl.makeClient(String connectionId, Subject subject)
          Creates a new client connection.
 RMIConnection RMIServerImpl_Stub.newClient(Object $param_Object_1)
 RMIConnection RMIServer.newClient(Object credentials)
          Makes a new connection through this RMI connector.
 RMIConnection RMIServerImpl.newClient(Object credentials)
          Creates a new client connection.
 Set RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.queryMBeans(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 Set<ObjectInstance> RMIConnectionImpl.queryMBeans(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject query, Subject delegationSubject)
 Set<ObjectInstance> RMIConnection.queryMBeans(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject query, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.queryMBeans(ObjectName, QueryExp).
 Set RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.queryNames(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 Set<ObjectName> RMIConnectionImpl.queryNames(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject query, Subject delegationSubject)
 Set<ObjectName> RMIConnection.queryNames(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject query, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.queryNames(ObjectName, QueryExp).
 void RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_2, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_3, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_4, Subject $param_Subject_5)
 void RMIConnectionImpl.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, MarshalledObject filter, MarshalledObject handback, Subject delegationSubject)
 void RMIConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, MarshalledObject filter, MarshalledObject handback, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName, ObjectName, NotificationFilter, Object).
 void RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, ObjectName $param_ObjectName_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 void RMIConnectionImpl.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, Subject delegationSubject)
 void RMIConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName name, ObjectName listener, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.removeNotificationListener(ObjectName, ObjectName).
 void RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.removeNotificationListeners(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, Integer[] $param_arrayOf_Integer_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 void RMIConnectionImpl.removeNotificationListeners(ObjectName name, Integer[] listenerIDs, Subject delegationSubject)
 void RMIConnection.removeNotificationListeners(ObjectName name, Integer[] listenerIDs, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the removeNotificationListener(ObjectName, NotificationListener) and removeNotificationListener(ObjectName, NotificationListener, NotificationFilter, Object) methods.
 void RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.setAttribute(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 void RMIConnectionImpl.setAttribute(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject attribute, Subject delegationSubject)
 void RMIConnection.setAttribute(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject attribute, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.setAttribute(ObjectName, Attribute).
 AttributeList RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.setAttributes(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, MarshalledObject $param_MarshalledObject_2, Subject $param_Subject_3)
 AttributeList RMIConnectionImpl.setAttributes(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject attributes, Subject delegationSubject)
 AttributeList RMIConnection.setAttributes(ObjectName name, MarshalledObject attributes, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.setAttributes(ObjectName, AttributeList).
 void RMIConnectorServer.start()
          Activates the connector server, that is starts listening for client connections.
 void RMIConnectorServer.stop()
          Deactivates the connector server, that is, stops listening for client connections.
 JMXConnector RMIConnectorServer.toJMXConnector(Map<String,?> env)
          Returns a client stub for this connector server.
 Remote RMIIIOPServerImpl.toStub()
          Returns an IIOP stub.
 Remote RMIJRMPServerImpl.toStub()
          Returns a serializable stub for this RMIServer object.
abstract  Remote RMIServerImpl.toStub()
          Returns a remotable stub for this server object.
 void RMIConnectionImpl_Stub.unregisterMBean(ObjectName $param_ObjectName_1, Subject $param_Subject_2)
 void RMIConnectionImpl.unregisterMBean(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
 void RMIConnection.unregisterMBean(ObjectName name, Subject delegationSubject)
          Handles the method MBeanServerConnection.unregisterMBean(ObjectName).

Constructors in that throw IOException
RMIConnectorServer(JMXServiceURL url, Map<String,?> environment)
          Makes an RMIConnectorServer.
RMIConnectorServer(JMXServiceURL url, Map<String,?> environment, MBeanServer mbeanServer)
          Makes an RMIConnectorServer for the given MBean server.
RMIConnectorServer(JMXServiceURL url, Map<String,?> environment, RMIServerImpl rmiServerImpl, MBeanServer mbeanServer)
          Makes an RMIConnectorServer for the given MBean server.
RMIIIOPServerImpl(Map<String,?> env)
          Creates a new RMIServerImpl.
RMIJRMPServerImpl(int port, RMIClientSocketFactory csf, RMIServerSocketFactory ssf, Map<String,?> env)
          Creates a new RMIServer object that will be exported on the given port using the given socket factories.

Uses of IOException in javax.naming.ldap

Methods in javax.naming.ldap that throw IOException
abstract  void StartTlsResponse.close()
          Closes the TLS connection gracefully and reverts back to the underlying connection.
abstract  SSLSession StartTlsResponse.negotiate()
          Negotiates a TLS session using the default SSL socket factory.
abstract  SSLSession StartTlsResponse.negotiate(SSLSocketFactory factory)
          Negotiates a TLS session using an SSL socket factory.

Constructors in javax.naming.ldap that throw IOException
PagedResultsControl(int pageSize, boolean criticality)
          Constructs a control to set the number of entries to be returned per page of results.
PagedResultsControl(int pageSize, byte[] cookie, boolean criticality)
          Constructs a control to set the number of entries to be returned per page of results.
PagedResultsResponseControl(String id, boolean criticality, byte[] value)
          Constructs a paged-results response control.
SortControl(SortKey[] sortBy, boolean criticality)
          Constructs a control to sort on a list of sort keys.
SortControl(String[] sortBy, boolean criticality)
          Constructs a control to sort on a list of attributes in ascending order.
SortControl(String sortBy, boolean criticality)
          Constructs a control to sort on a single attribute in ascending order.
SortResponseControl(String id, boolean criticality, byte[] value)
          Constructs a control to indicate the outcome of a sort request.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 ServerSocket ServerSocketFactory.createServerSocket()
          Returns an unbound server socket.
abstract  ServerSocket ServerSocketFactory.createServerSocket(int port)
          Returns a server socket bound to the specified port.
abstract  ServerSocket ServerSocketFactory.createServerSocket(int port, int backlog)
          Returns a server socket bound to the specified port, and uses the specified connection backlog.
abstract  ServerSocket ServerSocketFactory.createServerSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress ifAddress)
          Returns a server socket bound to the specified port, with a specified listen backlog and local IP.
 Socket SocketFactory.createSocket()
          Creates an unconnected socket.
abstract  Socket SocketFactory.createSocket(InetAddress host, int port)
          Creates a socket and connects it to the specified port number at the specified address.
abstract  Socket SocketFactory.createSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress localAddress, int localPort)
          Creates a socket and connect it to the specified remote address on the specified remote port.
abstract  Socket SocketFactory.createSocket(String host, int port)
          Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote host at the specified remote port.
abstract  Socket SocketFactory.createSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress localHost, int localPort)
          Creates a socket and connects it to the specified remote host on the specified remote port.

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class SSLException
          Indicates some kind of error detected by an SSL subsystem.
 class SSLHandshakeException
          Indicates that the client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security.
 class SSLKeyException
          Reports a bad SSL key.
 class SSLPeerUnverifiedException
          Indicates that the peer's identity has not been verified.
 class SSLProtocolException
          Reports an error in the operation of the SSL protocol.

Methods in that throw IOException
abstract  Socket SSLSocketFactory.createSocket(Socket s, String host, int port, boolean autoClose)
          Returns a socket layered over an existing socket connected to the named host, at the given port.
abstract  void SSLSocket.startHandshake()
          Starts an SSL handshake on this connection.

Constructors in that throw IOException
          Used only by subclasses.
SSLServerSocket(int port)
          Used only by subclasses.
SSLServerSocket(int port, int backlog)
          Used only by subclasses.
SSLServerSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress address)
          Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(InetAddress address, int port)
          Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(InetAddress address, int port, InetAddress clientAddress, int clientPort)
          Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(String host, int port)
          Used only by subclasses.
SSLSocket(String host, int port, InetAddress clientAddress, int clientPort)
          Used only by subclasses.

Uses of IOException in javax.print

Methods in javax.print that throw IOException
 Doc MultiDoc.getDoc()
          Obtain the current doc object.
 Object SimpleDoc.getPrintData()
 Object Doc.getPrintData()
          Obtains the print data representation object that contains this doc object's piece of print data in the format corresponding to the supported doc flavor.
 Reader SimpleDoc.getReaderForText()
          Obtains a reader for extracting character print data from this doc.
 Reader Doc.getReaderForText()
          Obtains a reader for extracting character print data from this doc.
 InputStream SimpleDoc.getStreamForBytes()
          Obtains an input stream for extracting byte print data from this doc.
 InputStream Doc.getStreamForBytes()
          Obtains an input stream for extracting byte print data from this doc.
          Go to the multidoc object that contains the next doc object in the sequence of doc objects.

Uses of IOException in javax.rmi.CORBA

Methods in javax.rmi.CORBA that throw IOException
 void StubDelegate.readObject(Stub self, ObjectInputStream s)
          Delegation call for Stub.readObject(
 void StubDelegate.writeObject(Stub self, ObjectOutputStream s)
          Delegation call for Stub.writeObject(

Uses of IOException in javax.rmi.ssl

Methods in javax.rmi.ssl that throw IOException
 ServerSocket SslRMIServerSocketFactory.createServerSocket(int port)
          Creates a server socket that accepts SSL connections configured according to this factory's SSL socket configuration parameters.
 Socket SslRMIClientSocketFactory.createSocket(String host, int port)
          Creates an SSL socket.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 void CallbackHandler.handle(Callback[] callbacks)
           Retrieve or display the information requested in the provided Callbacks.

Uses of IOException in

Subclasses of IOException in
 class AuthenticationException
          This exception is thrown by a SASL mechanism implementation to indicate that the SASL exchange has failed due to reasons related to authentication, such as an invalid identity, passphrase, or key.
 class SaslException
          This class represents an error that has occurred when using SASL.

Uses of IOException in javax.sound.midi

Methods in javax.sound.midi that throw IOException
static MidiFileFormat MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat(File file)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the specified File.
static MidiFileFormat MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat(InputStream stream)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the data in the specified input stream.
static MidiFileFormat MidiSystem.getMidiFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the data in the specified URL.
static Sequence MidiSystem.getSequence(File file)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified File.
static Sequence MidiSystem.getSequence(InputStream stream)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified input stream.
static Sequence MidiSystem.getSequence(URL url)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the specified URL.
static Soundbank MidiSystem.getSoundbank(File file)
          Constructs a Soundbank by reading it from the specified File.
static Soundbank MidiSystem.getSoundbank(InputStream stream)
          Constructs a MIDI sound bank by reading it from the specified stream.
static Soundbank MidiSystem.getSoundbank(URL url)
          Constructs a Soundbank by reading it from the specified URL.
 void Sequencer.setSequence(InputStream stream)
          Sets the current sequence on which the sequencer operates.
static int MidiSystem.write(Sequence in, int type, File out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing a file of the MIDI file type indicated to the external file provided.
static int MidiSystem.write(Sequence in, int fileType, OutputStream out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing a file of the MIDI file type indicated to the output stream provided.

Uses of IOException in javax.sound.midi.spi

Methods in javax.sound.midi.spi that throw IOException
abstract  MidiFileFormat MidiFileReader.getMidiFileFormat(File file)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the File provided.
abstract  MidiFileFormat MidiFileReader.getMidiFileFormat(InputStream stream)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the input stream provided.
abstract  MidiFileFormat MidiFileReader.getMidiFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the MIDI file format of the URL provided.
abstract  Sequence MidiFileReader.getSequence(File file)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the File provided.
abstract  Sequence MidiFileReader.getSequence(InputStream stream)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the input stream provided.
abstract  Sequence MidiFileReader.getSequence(URL url)
          Obtains a MIDI sequence from the URL provided.
abstract  Soundbank SoundbankReader.getSoundbank(File file)
          Obtains a soundbank object from the File provided.
abstract  Soundbank SoundbankReader.getSoundbank(InputStream stream)
          Obtains a soundbank object from the InputStream provided.
abstract  Soundbank SoundbankReader.getSoundbank(URL url)
          Obtains a soundbank object from the URL provided.
abstract  int MidiFileWriter.write(Sequence in, int fileType, File out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing a MIDI file of the file type indicated to the external file provided.
abstract  int MidiFileWriter.write(Sequence in, int fileType, OutputStream out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing a MIDI file of the file type indicated to the output stream provided.

Uses of IOException in javax.sound.sampled

Methods in javax.sound.sampled that throw IOException
 int AudioInputStream.available()
          Returns the maximum number of bytes that can be read (or skipped over) from this audio input stream without blocking.
 void AudioInputStream.close()
          Closes this audio input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
static AudioFileFormat AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat(File file)
          Obtains the audio file format of the specified File.
static AudioFileFormat AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat(InputStream stream)
          Obtains the audio file format of the provided input stream.
static AudioFileFormat AudioSystem.getAudioFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the audio file format of the specified URL.
static AudioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(File file)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the provided File.
static AudioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(InputStream stream)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the provided input stream.
static AudioInputStream AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(URL url)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the URL provided.
 void stream)
          Opens the clip with the format and audio data present in the provided audio input stream.
          Reads the next byte of data from the audio input stream.
 int[] b)
          Reads some number of bytes from the audio input stream and stores them into the buffer array b.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Reads up to a specified maximum number of bytes of data from the audio stream, putting them into the given byte array.
 void AudioInputStream.reset()
          Repositions this audio input stream to the position it had at the time its mark method was last invoked.
 long AudioInputStream.skip(long n)
          Skips over and discards a specified number of bytes from this audio input stream.
static int AudioSystem.write(AudioInputStream stream, AudioFileFormat.Type fileType, File out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing an audio file of the specified file type to the external file provided.
static int AudioSystem.write(AudioInputStream stream, AudioFileFormat.Type fileType, OutputStream out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing an audio file of the specified file type to the output stream provided.

Uses of IOException in javax.sound.sampled.spi

Methods in javax.sound.sampled.spi that throw IOException
abstract  AudioFileFormat AudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(File file)
          Obtains the audio file format of the File provided.
abstract  AudioFileFormat AudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(InputStream stream)
          Obtains the audio file format of the input stream provided.
abstract  AudioFileFormat AudioFileReader.getAudioFileFormat(URL url)
          Obtains the audio file format of the URL provided.
abstract  AudioInputStream AudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(File file)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the File provided.
abstract  AudioInputStream AudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(InputStream stream)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the input stream provided.
abstract  AudioInputStream AudioFileReader.getAudioInputStream(URL url)
          Obtains an audio input stream from the URL provided.
abstract  int AudioFileWriter.write(AudioInputStream stream, AudioFileFormat.Type fileType, File out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing an audio file of the file format indicated to the external file provided.
abstract  int AudioFileWriter.write(AudioInputStream stream, AudioFileFormat.Type fileType, OutputStream out)
          Writes a stream of bytes representing an audio file of the file type indicated to the output stream provided.

Uses of IOException in javax.sql.rowset

Methods in javax.sql.rowset that throw IOException
 void WebRowSet.readXml(InputStream iStream)
          Reads a stream based XML input to populate this WebRowSet object.
 void WebRowSet.writeXml(OutputStream oStream)
          Writes the data, properties, and metadata for this WebRowSet object to the given OutputStream object in XML format.
 void WebRowSet.writeXml(ResultSet rs, OutputStream oStream)
          Populates this WebRowSet object with the contents of the given ResultSet object and writes its data, properties, and metadata to the given OutputStream object in XML format.

Uses of IOException in javax.swing

Methods in javax.swing that throw IOException
 void ProgressMonitorInputStream.close()
          Overrides FilterInputStream.close to close the progress monitor as well as the stream.
protected  InputStream JEditorPane.getStream(URL page)
          Fetches a stream for the given URL, which is about to be loaded by the setPage method.
          Overrides to update the progress monitor after the read.
 int[] b)
          Overrides to update the progress monitor after the read.
 int[] b, int off, int len)
          Overrides to update the progress monitor after the read.
 void in, Object desc)
          This method initializes from a stream.
 void ProgressMonitorInputStream.reset()
          Overrides FilterInputStream.reset to reset the progress monitor as well as the stream.
 void JEditorPane.setPage(String url)
          Sets the current URL being displayed.
 void JEditorPane.setPage(URL page)
          Sets the current URL being displayed.
 long ProgressMonitorInputStream.skip(long n)
          Overrides FilterInputStream.skip to update the progress monitor after the skip.

Constructors in javax.swing that throw IOException
JEditorPane(String url)
          Creates a JEditorPane based on a string containing a URL specification.
JEditorPane(URL initialPage)
          Creates a JEditorPane based on a specified URL for input.

Uses of IOException in javax.swing.filechooser

Methods in javax.swing.filechooser that throw IOException
abstract  File FileSystemView.createNewFolder(File containingDir)
          Creates a new folder with a default folder name.

Uses of IOException in javax.swing.plaf.synth

Methods in javax.swing.plaf.synth that throw IOException
 void SynthLookAndFeel.load(URL url)
          Loads the set of SynthStyles that will be used by this SynthLookAndFeel.

Uses of IOException in javax.swing.text

Subclasses of IOException in javax.swing.text
 class ChangedCharSetException
          ChangedCharSetException as the name indicates is an exception thrown when the charset is changed.

Methods in javax.swing.text that throw IOException
protected  void AbstractWriter.indent()
          Does indentation.
protected  void AbstractWriter.output(char[] content, int start, int length)
          The last stop in writing out content.
 void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Inserts content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
abstract  void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Inserts content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
 void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Inserts content from the given stream, which will be treated as plain text.
abstract  void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Inserts content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
 void in, Object desc)
          Initializes from a stream.
 void StyleContext.readAttributes(ObjectInputStream in, MutableAttributeSet a)
          Context-specific handling of reading in attributes
static void StyleContext.readAttributeSet(ObjectInputStream in, MutableAttributeSet a)
          Reads a set of attributes from the given object input stream that have been previously written out with writeAttributeSet.
protected  void AbstractWriter.text(Element elem)
          Writes out text.
protected abstract  void AbstractWriter.write()
          This abstract method needs to be implemented by subclasses.
protected  void AbstractWriter.write(char ch)
          Writes out a character.
protected  void AbstractWriter.write(char[] chars, int startIndex, int length)
          All write methods call into this one.
 void DefaultEditorKit.write(OutputStream out, Document doc, int pos, int len)
          Writes content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
abstract  void EditorKit.write(OutputStream out, Document doc, int pos, int len)
          Writes content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
protected  void AbstractWriter.write(String content)
          Writes out a string.
 void JTextComponent.write(Writer out)
          Stores the contents of the model into the given stream.
 void DefaultEditorKit.write(Writer out, Document doc, int pos, int len)
          Writes content from a document to the given stream as plain text.
abstract  void EditorKit.write(Writer out, Document doc, int pos, int len)
          Writes content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
protected  void AbstractWriter.writeAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
          Writes out the set of attributes as " =" pairs.
 void StyleContext.writeAttributes(ObjectOutputStream out, AttributeSet a)
          Context-specific handling of writing out attributes
static void StyleContext.writeAttributeSet(ObjectOutputStream out, AttributeSet a)
          Writes a set of attributes to the given object stream for the purpose of serialization.
protected  void AbstractWriter.writeLineSeparator()
          Writes the line separator.

Uses of IOException in javax.swing.text.html

Methods in javax.swing.text.html that throw IOException
protected  void HTMLWriter.closeOutUnwantedEmbeddedTags(AttributeSet attr)
          Searches the attribute set and for each tag that is stored in the tag vector.
protected  void HTMLWriter.comment(Element elem)
          Writes out comments.
protected  void HTMLWriter.emptyTag(Element elem)
          Writes out all empty elements (all tags that have no corresponding end tag).
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.endFontTag()
          This is no longer used, instead <span> will be written out.
protected  void HTMLWriter.endTag(Element elem)
          Writes out an end tag for the element.
 void HTMLDocument.insertAfterEnd(Element elem, String htmlText)
          Inserts the HTML specified as a string after the the end of the given element.
 void HTMLDocument.insertAfterStart(Element elem, String htmlText)
          Inserts the HTML specified as a string at the start of the element.
 void HTMLDocument.insertBeforeEnd(Element elem, String htmlText)
          Inserts the HTML specified as a string at the end of the element.
 void HTMLDocument.insertBeforeStart(Element elem, String htmlText)
          Inserts the HTML specified as a string before the start of the given element.
 void HTMLEditorKit.insertHTML(HTMLDocument doc, int offset, String html, int popDepth, int pushDepth, HTML.Tag insertTag)
          Inserts HTML into an existing document.
 void StyleSheet.loadRules(Reader in, URL ref)
          Loads a set of rules that have been specified in terms of CSS1 grammar.
protected  void HTMLWriter.output(char[] chars, int start, int length)
          This method is overriden to map any character entities, such as < to &lt;.
abstract  void HTMLEditorKit.Parser.parse(Reader r, HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback cb, boolean ignoreCharSet)
          Parse the given stream and drive the given callback with the results of the parse.
 void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Inserts content from the given stream.
protected  void HTMLWriter.selectContent(AttributeSet attr)
          Writes out the content of the SELECT form element.
 void HTMLDocument.setInnerHTML(Element elem, String htmlText)
          Replaces the children of the given element with the contents specified as an HTML string.
 void HTMLDocument.setOuterHTML(Element elem, String htmlText)
          Replaces the given element in the parent with the contents specified as an HTML string.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.startFontTag(String style)
          This is no longer used, instead <span> will be written out.
protected  void HTMLWriter.startTag(Element elem)
          Writes out a start tag for the element.
protected  void HTMLWriter.text(Element elem)
          Writes out text.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.text(Element elem)
          Writes out text.
protected  void HTMLWriter.textAreaContent(AttributeSet attr)
          Writes out text that is contained in a TEXTAREA form element.
 void HTMLWriter.write()
          Iterates over the Element tree and controls the writing out of all the tags and its attributes.
 void MinimalHTMLWriter.write()
          Generates HTML output from a StyledDocument.
 void HTMLEditorKit.write(Writer out, Document doc, int pos, int len)
          Write content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
protected  void HTMLWriter.writeAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
          Writes out the attribute set.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
          Writes out all the attributes for the following types: StyleConstants.ParagraphConstants, StyleConstants.CharacterConstants, StyleConstants.FontConstants, StyleConstants.ColorConstants.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeBody()
          Iterates over the elements in the document and processes elements based on whether they are branch elements or leaf elements.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeComponent(Element elem)
          Responsible for handling Component Elements; deliberately unimplemented.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeContent(Element elem, boolean needsIndenting)
          Writes out the attribute set in an HTML-compliant manner.
protected  void HTMLWriter.writeEmbeddedTags(AttributeSet attr)
          Searches for embedded tags in the AttributeSet and writes them out.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeEndParagraph()
          Emits an end tag for a <p> tag.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeEndTag(String endTag)
          Writes out an end tag appropriately indented.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeHeader()
          Writes out the <head> and <style> tags, and then invokes writeStyles() to write out all the named styles as the content of the <style> tag.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeHTMLTags(AttributeSet attr)
          Generates bold <b>, italic <i>, and <u> tags for the text based on its attribute settings.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeImage(Element elem)
          Responsible for handling Icon Elements; deliberately unimplemented.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeLeaf(Element elem)
          Responsible for writing out other non-text leaf elements.
protected  void HTMLWriter.writeLineSeparator()
          Writes the line separator.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeNonHTMLAttributes(AttributeSet attr)
          Writes out the remaining character-level attributes (attributes other than bold, italic, and underline) in an HTML-compliant way.
protected  void HTMLWriter.writeOption(Option option)
          Writes out the content of the Option form element.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeStartParagraph(Element elem)
          Emits the start tag for a paragraph.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeStartTag(String tag)
          Writes out a start tag appropriately indented.
protected  void MinimalHTMLWriter.writeStyles()
          Writes out all the named styles as the content of the <style> tag.

Uses of IOException in javax.swing.text.html.parser

Methods in javax.swing.text.html.parser that throw IOException
static DTD DTD.getDTD(String name)
          Returns a DTD with the specified name.
 void Parser.parse(Reader in)
          Parse an HTML stream, given a DTD.
 void DocumentParser.parse(Reader in, HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback callback, boolean ignoreCharSet)
 void ParserDelegator.parse(Reader r, HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback cb, boolean ignoreCharSet)
 String Parser.parseDTDMarkup()
          Parses th Document Declaration Type markup declaration.
protected  boolean Parser.parseMarkupDeclarations(StringBuffer strBuff)
          Parse markup declarations.
 void in)
          Recreates a DTD from an archived format.

Uses of IOException in javax.swing.text.rtf

Methods in javax.swing.text.rtf that throw IOException
 void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Insert content from the given stream which is expected to be in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
 void in, Document doc, int pos)
          Insert content from the given stream, which will be treated as plain text.
 void RTFEditorKit.write(OutputStream out, Document doc, int pos, int len)
          Write content from a document to the given stream in a format appropriate for this kind of content handler.
 void RTFEditorKit.write(Writer out, Document doc, int pos, int len)
          Write content from a document to the given stream as plain text.

Uses of IOException in

Methods in that throw IOException
 void ForwardingJavaFileManager.close()
 void JavaFileManager.close()
          Releases any resources opened by this file manager directly or indirectly.
 void ForwardingJavaFileManager.flush()
 void JavaFileManager.flush()
          Flushes any resources opened for output by this file manager directly or indirectly.
 CharSequence SimpleJavaFileObject.getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
          This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
 CharSequence ForwardingFileObject.getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
 CharSequence FileObject.getCharContent(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
          Gets the character content of this file object, if available.
 FileObject ForwardingJavaFileManager.getFileForInput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String packageName, String relativeName)
 FileObject JavaFileManager.getFileForInput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String packageName, String relativeName)
          Gets a file object for input representing the specified relative name in the specified package in the given location.
 FileObject ForwardingJavaFileManager.getFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String packageName, String relativeName, FileObject sibling)
 FileObject JavaFileManager.getFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String packageName, String relativeName, FileObject sibling)
          Gets a file object for output representing the specified relative name in the specified package in the given location.
 JavaFileObject ForwardingJavaFileManager.getJavaFileForInput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String className, JavaFileObject.Kind kind)
 JavaFileObject JavaFileManager.getJavaFileForInput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String className, JavaFileObject.Kind kind)
          Gets a file object for input representing the specified class of the specified kind in the given location.
 JavaFileObject ForwardingJavaFileManager.getJavaFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String className, JavaFileObject.Kind kind, FileObject sibling)
 JavaFileObject JavaFileManager.getJavaFileForOutput(JavaFileManager.Location location, String className, JavaFileObject.Kind kind, FileObject sibling)
          Gets a file object for output representing the specified class of the specified kind in the given location.
 Iterable<JavaFileObject> ForwardingJavaFileManager.list(JavaFileManager.Location location, String packageName, Set<JavaFileObject.Kind> kinds, boolean recurse)
 Iterable<JavaFileObject> JavaFileManager.list(JavaFileManager.Location location, String packageName, Set<JavaFileObject.Kind> kinds, boolean recurse)
          Lists all file objects matching the given criteria in the given location.
 InputStream SimpleJavaFileObject.openInputStream()
          This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
 InputStream ForwardingFileObject.openInputStream()
 InputStream FileObject.openInputStream()
          Gets an InputStream for this file object.
 OutputStream SimpleJavaFileObject.openOutputStream()
          This implementation always throws UnsupportedOperationException.
 OutputStream ForwardingFileObject.openOutputStream()
 OutputStream FileObject.openOutputStream()
          Gets an OutputStream for this file object.
 Reader SimpleJavaFileObject.openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
          Wraps the result of SimpleJavaFileObject.getCharContent(boolean) in a Reader.
 Reader ForwardingFileObject.openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
 Reader FileObject.openReader(boolean ignoreEncodingErrors)
          Gets a reader for this object.
 Writer SimpleJavaFileObject.openWriter()
          Wraps the result of openOutputStream in a Writer.
 Writer ForwardingFileObject.openWriter()
 Writer FileObject.openWriter()
          Gets a Writer for this file object.
 void StandardJavaFileManager.setLocation(JavaFileManager.Location location, Iterable<? extends File> path)
          Associates the given path with the given location.

Uses of IOException in javax.transaction

Subclasses of IOException in javax.transaction
 class InvalidTransactionException
          This exception indicates that the request carried an invalid transaction context.
 class TransactionRequiredException
          This exception indicates that a request carried a null transaction context, but the target object requires an activate transaction.
 class TransactionRolledbackException
          This exception indicates that the transaction associated with processing of the request has been rolled back, or marked to roll back.

Uses of IOException in javax.xml.bind

Methods in javax.xml.bind that throw IOException
abstract  Result SchemaOutputResolver.createOutput(String namespaceUri, String suggestedFileName)
          Decides where the schema file (of the given namespace URI) will be written, and return it as a Result object.
 void JAXBContext.generateSchema(SchemaOutputResolver outputResolver)
          Generates the schema documents for this context.

Uses of IOException in javax.xml.parsers

Methods in javax.xml.parsers that throw IOException
 Document DocumentBuilder.parse(File f)
          Parse the content of the given file as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object.
 void SAXParser.parse(File f, DefaultHandler dh)
          Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
 void SAXParser.parse(File f, HandlerBase hb)
          Parse the content of the file specified as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
abstract  Document DocumentBuilder.parse(InputSource is)
          Parse the content of the given input source as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object.
 void SAXParser.parse(InputSource is, DefaultHandler dh)
          Parse the content given InputSource as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
 void SAXParser.parse(InputSource is, HandlerBase hb)
          Parse the content given InputSource as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
 Document DocumentBuilder.parse(InputStream is)
          Parse the content of the given InputStream as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object.
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream is, DefaultHandler dh)
          Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream is, DefaultHandler dh, String systemId)
          Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream is, HandlerBase hb)
          Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
 void SAXParser.parse(InputStream is, HandlerBase hb, String systemId)
          Parse the content of the given InputStream instance as XML using the specified HandlerBase.
 Document DocumentBuilder.parse(InputStream is, String systemId)
          Parse the content of the given InputStream as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object.
 Document DocumentBuilder.parse(String uri)
          Parse the content of the given URI as an XML document and return a new DOM Document object.
 void SAXParser.parse(String uri, DefaultHandler dh)
          Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified DefaultHandler.
 void SAXParser.parse(String uri, HandlerBase hb)
          Parse the content described by the giving Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as XML using the specified HandlerBase.

Uses of IOException in javax.xml.soap

Methods in javax.xml.soap that throw IOException
abstract  SOAPMessage MessageFactory.createMessage(MimeHeaders headers, InputStream in)
          Internalizes the contents of the given InputStream object into a new SOAPMessage object and returns the SOAPMessage object.
abstract  void SOAPMessage.writeTo(OutputStream out)
          Writes this SOAPMessage object to the given output stream.

Uses of IOException in javax.xml.validation

Methods in javax.xml.validation that throw IOException
 void Validator.validate(Source source)
          Validates the specified input.
abstract  void Validator.validate(Source source, Result result)
          Validates the specified input and send the augmented validation result to the specified output.

Uses of IOException in org.omg.CORBA.portable

Methods in org.omg.CORBA.portable that throw IOException
 void OutputStream.write(int b)
          Writes an integer (length of arrays) onto this stream.

Uses of IOException in org.xml.sax

Methods in org.xml.sax that throw IOException
 void XMLReader.parse(InputSource input)
          Parse an XML document.
 void Parser.parse(InputSource source)
          Deprecated. Parse an XML document.
 void XMLReader.parse(String systemId)
          Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI).
 void Parser.parse(String systemId)
          Deprecated. Parse an XML document from a system identifier (URI).
 InputSource EntityResolver.resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
          Allow the application to resolve external entities.

Uses of IOException in org.xml.sax.ext

Methods in org.xml.sax.ext that throw IOException
 InputSource EntityResolver2.getExternalSubset(String name, String baseURI)
          Allows applications to provide an external subset for documents that don't explicitly define one.
 InputSource DefaultHandler2.getExternalSubset(String name, String baseURI)
          Tells the parser that if no external subset has been declared in the document text, none should be used.
 InputSource DefaultHandler2.resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
          Invokes EntityResolver2.resolveEntity() with null entity name and base URI.
 InputSource EntityResolver2.resolveEntity(String name, String publicId, String baseURI, String systemId)
          Allows applications to map references to external entities into input sources, or tell the parser it should use conventional URI resolution.
 InputSource DefaultHandler2.resolveEntity(String name, String publicId, String baseURI, String systemId)
          Tells the parser to resolve the systemId against the baseURI and read the entity text from that resulting absolute URI.

Uses of IOException in org.xml.sax.helpers

Methods in org.xml.sax.helpers that throw IOException
 void XMLReaderAdapter.parse(InputSource input)
          Parse the document.
 void ParserAdapter.parse(InputSource input)
          Parse an XML document.
 void XMLFilterImpl.parse(InputSource input)
          Parse a document.
 void XMLReaderAdapter.parse(String systemId)
          Parse the document.
 void ParserAdapter.parse(String systemId)
          Parse an XML document.
 void XMLFilterImpl.parse(String systemId)
          Parse a document.
 InputSource XMLFilterImpl.resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
          Filter an external entity resolution.
 InputSource DefaultHandler.resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
          Resolve an external entity.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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For further API reference and developer documentation, see Java SE Developer Documentation. That documentation contains more detailed, developer-targeted descriptions, with conceptual overviews, definitions of terms, workarounds, and working code examples.

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