Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Packages that use SQLException | |
java.sql | Provides the API for accessing and processing data stored in a data source (usually a relational database) using the JavaTM programming language. |
javax.sql | Provides the API for server side data source access and processing from the JavaTM programming language. |
javax.sql.rowset | Standard interfaces and base classes for JDBC RowSet
implementations. |
javax.sql.rowset.serial | Provides utility classes to allow serializable mappings between SQL types and data types in the Java programming language. |
javax.sql.rowset.spi | The standard classes and interfaces that a third party vendor has to use in its implementation of a synchronization provider. |
Uses of SQLException in java.sql |
Subclasses of SQLException in java.sql | |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when an error
occurs during a batch update operation. |
class |
An exception thrown as a DataTruncation exception
(on writes) or reported as a
DataTruncation warning (on reads)
when a data values is unexpectedly truncated for reasons other than its having
execeeded MaxFieldSize . |
class |
The subclass of SQLException is thrown when one or more client info properties
could not be set on a Connection . |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '22'. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '0A'
( the value is 'zero' A). |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '23'. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '28'. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown for the SQLState
class value '08', representing
that the connection operation that failed will not succeed when
the operation is retried without the cause of the failure being corrected. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when an instance where a retry
of the same operation would fail unless the cause of the SQLException
is corrected. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown in situations where a
previously failed operation might be able to succeed if the application performs
some recovery steps and retries the entire transaction or in the case of a
distributed transaction, the transaction branch. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '42'. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the timeout specified by Statement
has expired. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException thrown when the SQLState class value is '40'. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException for the SQLState class
value '08', representing
that the connection operation that failed might be able to succeed when
the operation is retried without any application-level changes. |
class |
The subclass of SQLException is thrown in situations where a
previoulsy failed operation might be able to succeed when the operation is
retried without any intervention by application-level functionality. |
class |
An exception that provides information on database access warnings. |
Methods in java.sql that return SQLException | |
SQLException |
Retrieves the exception chained to this SQLException object by setNextException(SQLException ex). |
Methods in java.sql with parameters of type SQLException | |
void |
SQLException.setNextException(SQLException ex)
Adds an SQLException object to the end of the chain. |
Methods in java.sql that throw SQLException | ||
boolean |
ResultSet.absolute(int row)
Moves the cursor to the given row number in this ResultSet object. |
boolean |
Driver.acceptsURL(String url)
Retrieves whether the driver thinks that it can open a connection to the given URL. |
void |
Adds a set of parameters to this PreparedStatement
object's batch of commands. |
void |
Statement.addBatch(String sql)
Adds the given SQL command to the current list of commmands for this Statement object. |
void |
Moves the cursor to the end of this ResultSet object, just after the
last row. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the current user can call all the procedures returned by the method getProcedures . |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the current user can use all the tables returned by the method getTables in a SELECT
statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a SQLException while autoCommit is true inidcates
that all open ResultSets are closed, even ones that are holdable. |
void |
Moves the cursor to the front of this ResultSet object, just before the
first row. |
void |
Cancels this Statement object if both the DBMS and
driver support aborting an SQL statement. |
void |
Cancels the updates made to the current row in this ResultSet object. |
void |
Empties this Statement object's current list of
SQL commands. |
void |
Clears the current parameter values immediately. |
void |
Clears all warnings reported for this Connection object. |
void |
Clears all the warnings reported on this Statement
object. |
void |
Clears all warnings reported on this ResultSet object. |
void |
Releases this Connection object's database and JDBC resources
immediately instead of waiting for them to be automatically released. |
void |
Releases this Statement object's database
and JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for
this to happen when it is automatically closed. |
void |
Releases this ResultSet object's database and
JDBC resources immediately instead of waiting for
this to happen when it is automatically closed. |
void |
Makes all changes made since the previous commit/rollback permanent and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object. |
Connection |
Driver.connect(String url,
Properties info)
Attempts to make a database connection to the given URL. |
Array |
Connection.createArrayOf(String typeName,
Object[] elements)
Factory method for creating Array objects. |
Blob |
Constructs an object that implements the Blob interface. |
Clob |
Constructs an object that implements the Clob interface. |
NClob |
Constructs an object that implements the NClob interface. |
Constructs an object that implements the SQLXML interface. |
Statement |
Creates a Statement object for sending
SQL statements to the database. |
Statement |
Connection.createStatement(int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
Creates a Statement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
Statement |
Connection.createStatement(int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency,
int resultSetHoldability)
Creates a Statement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency,
and holdability. |
Struct |
Connection.createStruct(String typeName,
Object[] attributes)
Factory method for creating Struct objects. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a data definition statement within a transaction forces the transaction to commit. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database ignores a data definition statement within a transaction. |
void |
Deletes the current row from this ResultSet object
and from the underlying database. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.deletesAreDetected(int type)
Retrieves whether or not a visible row delete can be detected by calling the method ResultSet.rowDeleted . |
static void |
DriverManager.deregisterDriver(Driver driver)
Drops a driver from the DriverManager 's list. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the return value for the method getMaxRowSize includes the SQL data types
boolean |
Executes the SQL statement in this PreparedStatement object,
which may be any kind of SQL statement. |
boolean |
Statement.execute(String sql)
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results. |
boolean |
Statement.execute(String sql,
int autoGeneratedKeys)
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that any auto-generated keys should be made available for retrieval. |
boolean |
Statement.execute(String sql,
int[] columnIndexes)
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval. |
boolean |
Statement.execute(String sql,
String[] columnNames)
Executes the given SQL statement, which may return multiple results, and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval. |
int[] |
Submits a batch of commands to the database for execution and if all commands execute successfully, returns an array of update counts. |
ResultSet |
Executes the SQL query in this PreparedStatement object
and returns the ResultSet object generated by the query. |
ResultSet |
Statement.executeQuery(String sql)
Executes the given SQL statement, which returns a single ResultSet object. |
int |
Executes the SQL statement in this PreparedStatement object,
which must be an SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) statement, such as INSERT , UPDATE or
DELETE ; or an SQL statement that returns nothing,
such as a DDL statement. |
int |
Statement.executeUpdate(String sql)
Executes the given SQL statement, which may be an INSERT ,
UPDATE , or DELETE statement or an
SQL statement that returns nothing, such as an SQL DDL statement. |
int |
Statement.executeUpdate(String sql,
int autoGeneratedKeys)
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver with the given flag about whether the auto-generated keys produced by this Statement object
should be made available for retrieval. |
int |
Statement.executeUpdate(String sql,
int[] columnIndexes)
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval. |
int |
Statement.executeUpdate(String sql,
String[] columnNames)
Executes the given SQL statement and signals the driver that the auto-generated keys indicated in the given array should be made available for retrieval. |
int |
ResultSet.findColumn(String columnLabel)
Maps the given ResultSet column label to its
ResultSet column index. |
boolean |
Moves the cursor to the first row in this ResultSet object. |
void |
This method closes this object and releases the resources that it held. |
void |
This method frees the Clob object and releases the resources the resources
that it holds. |
void |
This method frees the Blob object and releases the resources that
it holds. |
void |
This method frees the Array object and releases the resources that
it holds. |
Object |
Retrieves the contents of the SQL ARRAY value designated
by this
Array object in the form of an array in the Java
programming language. |
Array |
CallableStatement.getArray(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC ARRAY parameter as an
Array object in the Java programming language. |
Array |
ResultSet.getArray(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Array object
in the Java programming language. |
Object |
Array.getArray(long index,
int count)
Retrieves a slice of the SQL ARRAY
value designated by this Array object, beginning with the
specified index and containing up to count
successive elements of the SQL array. |
Object |
Array.getArray(long index,
int count,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Retreives a slice of the SQL ARRAY value
designated by this Array object, beginning with the specified
index and containing up to count
successive elements of the SQL array. |
Object |
Array.getArray(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Retrieves the contents of the SQL ARRAY value designated by this
Array object. |
Array |
CallableStatement.getArray(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC ARRAY parameter as an
Array object in the Java programming language. |
Array |
ResultSet.getArray(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Array object
in the Java programming language. |
InputStream |
Retrieves the CLOB value designated by this Clob
object as an ascii stream. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getAsciiStream(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a stream of ASCII characters. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getAsciiStream(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a stream of
ASCII characters. |
Object[] |
Produces the ordered values of the attributes of the SQL structured type that this Struct object represents. |
Object[] |
Struct.getAttributes(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Produces the ordered values of the attributes of the SQL structured type that this Struct object represents. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getAttributes(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String typeNamePattern,
String attributeNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the given attribute of the given type for a user-defined type (UDT) that is available in the given schema and catalog. |
boolean |
Retrieves the current auto-commit mode for this Connection
object. |
int |
Retrieves the JDBC type of the elements in the array designated by this Array object. |
String |
Retrieves the fully-qualified SQL name of the SQL structured type that this Ref object references. |
String |
Retrieves the SQL type name of the elements in the array designated by this Array object. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getBestRowIdentifier(String catalog,
String schema,
String table,
int scope,
boolean nullable)
Retrieves a description of a table's optimal set of columns that uniquely identifies a row. |
BigDecimal |
CallableStatement.getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC NUMERIC parameter as a
java.math.BigDecimal object with as many digits to the
right of the decimal point as the value contains. |
BigDecimal |
ResultSet.getBigDecimal(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a
java.math.BigDecimal with full precision. |
BigDecimal |
CallableStatement.getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex,
int scale)
Deprecated. use getBigDecimal(int parameterIndex)
or getBigDecimal(String parameterName) |
BigDecimal |
ResultSet.getBigDecimal(int columnIndex,
int scale)
Deprecated. |
BigDecimal |
CallableStatement.getBigDecimal(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC NUMERIC parameter as a
java.math.BigDecimal object with as many digits to the
right of the decimal point as the value contains. |
BigDecimal |
ResultSet.getBigDecimal(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a
java.math.BigDecimal with full precision. |
BigDecimal |
ResultSet.getBigDecimal(String columnLabel,
int scale)
Deprecated. |
InputStream |
Retrieves the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance as a stream. |
InputStream |
Retrieves the BLOB value designated by this
Blob instance as a stream. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getBinaryStream(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a stream of
uninterpreted bytes. |
InputStream |
Blob.getBinaryStream(long pos,
long length)
Returns an InputStream object that contains a partial Blob value,
starting with the byte specified by pos, which is length bytes in length. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getBinaryStream(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a stream of uninterpreted
byte s. |
Blob |
CallableStatement.getBlob(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BLOB parameter as a
Blob object in the Java programming language. |
Blob |
ResultSet.getBlob(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Blob object
in the Java programming language. |
Blob |
CallableStatement.getBlob(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BLOB parameter as a
Blob object in the Java programming language. |
Blob |
ResultSet.getBlob(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Blob object
in the Java programming language. |
boolean |
CallableStatement.getBoolean(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BIT
or BOOLEAN parameter as a
boolean in the Java programming language. |
boolean |
ResultSet.getBoolean(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a boolean in the Java programming language. |
boolean |
CallableStatement.getBoolean(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BIT or BOOLEAN
parameter as a
boolean in the Java programming language. |
boolean |
ResultSet.getBoolean(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a boolean in the Java programming language. |
byte |
CallableStatement.getByte(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TINYINT parameter
as a byte in the Java programming language. |
byte |
ResultSet.getByte(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a byte in the Java programming language. |
byte |
CallableStatement.getByte(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TINYINT parameter as a byte
in the Java programming language. |
byte |
ResultSet.getByte(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a byte in the Java programming language. |
byte[] |
CallableStatement.getBytes(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BINARY or
VARBINARY parameter as an array of byte
values in the Java programming language. |
byte[] |
ResultSet.getBytes(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a byte array in the Java programming language. |
byte[] |
Blob.getBytes(long pos,
int length)
Retrieves all or part of the BLOB
value that this Blob object represents, as an array of
bytes. |
byte[] |
CallableStatement.getBytes(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BINARY or VARBINARY
parameter as an array of byte values in the Java
programming language. |
byte[] |
ResultSet.getBytes(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a byte array in the Java programming language. |
String |
Retrieves this Connection object's current catalog name. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getCatalogName(int column)
Gets the designated column's table's catalog name. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves the catalog names available in this database. |
String |
Retrieves the String that this database uses as the
separator between a catalog and table name. |
String |
Retrieves the database vendor's preferred term for "catalog". |
Reader |
Retrieves the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance as a java.io.Reader object. |
Reader |
Retrieves the CLOB value designated by this Clob
object as a java.io.Reader object (or as a stream of
characters). |
Reader |
CallableStatement.getCharacterStream(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.io.Reader object in the Java programming language. |
Reader |
ResultSet.getCharacterStream(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a
java.io.Reader object. |
Reader |
Clob.getCharacterStream(long pos,
long length)
Returns a Reader object that contains a partial Clob value, starting
with the character specified by pos, which is length characters in length. |
Reader |
CallableStatement.getCharacterStream(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.io.Reader object in the Java programming language. |
Reader |
ResultSet.getCharacterStream(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a
java.io.Reader object. |
Properties |
Returns a list containing the name and current value of each client info property supported by the driver. |
String |
Connection.getClientInfo(String name)
Returns the value of the client info property specified by name. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves a list of the client info properties that the driver supports. |
Clob |
CallableStatement.getClob(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC CLOB parameter as a
java.sql.Clob object in the Java programming language. |
Clob |
ResultSet.getClob(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Clob object
in the Java programming language. |
Clob |
CallableStatement.getClob(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC CLOB parameter as a
java.sql.Clob object in the Java programming language. |
Clob |
ResultSet.getClob(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Clob object
in the Java programming language. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnClassName(int column)
Returns the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances are manufactured if the method ResultSet.getObject
is called to retrieve a value
from the column. |
int |
Returns the number of columns in this ResultSet object. |
int |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnDisplaySize(int column)
Indicates the designated column's normal maximum width in characters. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnLabel(int column)
Gets the designated column's suggested title for use in printouts and displays. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnName(int column)
Get the designated column's name. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getColumnPrivileges(String catalog,
String schema,
String table,
String columnNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the access rights for a table's columns. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getColumns(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String tableNamePattern,
String columnNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of table columns available in the specified catalog. |
int |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnType(int column)
Retrieves the designated column's SQL type. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getColumnTypeName(int column)
Retrieves the designated column's database-specific type name. |
int |
Retrieves the concurrency mode of this ResultSet object. |
Connection |
Retrieves the connection that produced this metadata object. |
Connection |
Retrieves the Connection object
that produced this Statement object. |
static Connection |
DriverManager.getConnection(String url)
Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. |
static Connection |
DriverManager.getConnection(String url,
Properties info)
Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. |
static Connection |
DriverManager.getConnection(String url,
String user,
String password)
Attempts to establish a connection to the given database URL. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getCrossReference(String parentCatalog,
String parentSchema,
String parentTable,
String foreignCatalog,
String foreignSchema,
String foreignTable)
Retrieves a description of the foreign key columns in the given foreign key table that reference the primary key or the columns representing a unique constraint of the parent table (could be the same or a different table). |
String |
Retrieves the name of the SQL cursor used by this ResultSet
object. |
int |
Retrieves the major version number of the underlying database. |
int |
Retrieves the minor version number of the underlying database. |
String |
Retrieves the name of this database product. |
String |
Retrieves the version number of this database product. |
Date |
CallableStatement.getDate(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DATE parameter as a
java.sql.Date object. |
Date |
ResultSet.getDate(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language. |
Date |
CallableStatement.getDate(int parameterIndex,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DATE parameter as a
java.sql.Date object, using
the given Calendar object
to construct the date. |
Date |
ResultSet.getDate(int columnIndex,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Date object
in the Java programming language. |
Date |
CallableStatement.getDate(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATE parameter as a
java.sql.Date object. |
Date |
ResultSet.getDate(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming language. |
Date |
CallableStatement.getDate(String parameterName,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATE parameter as a
java.sql.Date object, using
the given Calendar object
to construct the date. |
Date |
ResultSet.getDate(String columnLabel,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Date object
in the Java programming language. |
int |
Retrieves this database's default transaction isolation level. |
double |
CallableStatement.getDouble(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DOUBLE parameter as a double
in the Java programming language. |
double |
ResultSet.getDouble(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a double in the Java programming language. |
double |
CallableStatement.getDouble(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DOUBLE parameter as a double
in the Java programming language. |
double |
ResultSet.getDouble(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a double in the Java programming language. |
static Driver |
DriverManager.getDriver(String url)
Attempts to locate a driver that understands the given URL. |
String |
Retrieves the name of this JDBC driver. |
String |
Retrieves the version number of this JDBC driver as a String . |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getExportedKeys(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Retrieves a description of the foreign key columns that reference the given table's primary key columns (the foreign keys exported by a table). |
String |
Retrieves all the "extra" characters that can be used in unquoted identifier names (those beyond a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _). |
int |
Retrieves the direction for fetching rows from database tables that is the default for result sets generated from this Statement object. |
int |
Retrieves the fetch direction for this ResultSet object. |
int |
Retrieves the number of result set rows that is the default fetch size for ResultSet objects
generated from this Statement object. |
int |
Retrieves the fetch size for this ResultSet object. |
float |
CallableStatement.getFloat(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC FLOAT parameter
as a float in the Java programming language. |
float |
ResultSet.getFloat(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a float in the Java programming language. |
float |
CallableStatement.getFloat(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC FLOAT parameter as a float
in the Java programming language. |
float |
ResultSet.getFloat(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a float in the Java programming language. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getFunctionColumns(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String functionNamePattern,
String columnNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the given catalog's system or user function parameters and return type. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getFunctions(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String functionNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the system and user functions available in the given catalog. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves any auto-generated keys created as a result of executing this Statement object. |
int |
Retrieves the current holdability of ResultSet objects
created using this Connection object. |
int |
Retrieves the holdability of this ResultSet object |
String |
Retrieves the string used to quote SQL identifiers. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getImportedKeys(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Retrieves a description of the primary key columns that are referenced by the given table's foreign key columns (the primary keys imported by a table). |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getIndexInfo(String catalog,
String schema,
String table,
boolean unique,
boolean approximate)
Retrieves a description of the given table's indices and statistics. |
int |
CallableStatement.getInt(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC INTEGER parameter
as an int in the Java programming language. |
int |
ResultSet.getInt(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
an int in the Java programming language. |
int |
CallableStatement.getInt(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC INTEGER parameter as an int
in the Java programming language. |
int |
ResultSet.getInt(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
an int in the Java programming language. |
int |
Retrieves the major JDBC version number for this driver. |
int |
Retrieves the minor JDBC version number for this driver. |
long |
CallableStatement.getLong(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC BIGINT parameter
as a long in the Java programming language. |
long |
ResultSet.getLong(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a long in the Java programming language. |
long |
CallableStatement.getLong(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC BIGINT parameter as a long
in the Java programming language. |
long |
ResultSet.getLong(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a long in the Java programming language. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of hex characters this database allows in an inline binary literal. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters that this database allows in a catalog name. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters this database allows for a character literal. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters this database allows for a column name. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of columns this database allows in a GROUP BY clause. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of columns this database allows in an index. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of columns this database allows in an ORDER BY clause. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of columns this database allows in a SELECT list. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of columns this database allows in a table. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of concurrent connections to this database that are possible. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters that this database allows in a cursor name. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that can be returned for character and binary column values in a ResultSet
object produced by this Statement object. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of bytes this database allows for an index, including all of the parts of the index. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters that this database allows in a procedure name. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of rows that a ResultSet object produced by this
Statement object can contain. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of bytes this database allows in a single row. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters that this database allows in a schema name. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters this database allows in an SQL statement. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of active statements to this database that can be open at the same time. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters this database allows in a table name. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of tables this database allows in a SELECT statement. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of characters this database allows in a user name. |
ResultSetMetaData |
Retrieves a ResultSetMetaData object that contains
information about the columns of the ResultSet object
that will be returned when this PreparedStatement object
is executed. |
DatabaseMetaData |
Retrieves a DatabaseMetaData object that contains
metadata about the database to which this
Connection object represents a connection. |
ResultSetMetaData |
Retrieves the number, types and properties of this ResultSet object's columns. |
boolean |
Moves to this Statement object's next result, returns
true if it is a ResultSet object, and
implicitly closes any current ResultSet
object(s) obtained with the method getResultSet . |
boolean |
Statement.getMoreResults(int current)
Moves to this Statement object's next result, deals with
any current ResultSet object(s) according to the instructions
specified by the given flag, and returns
true if the next result is a ResultSet object. |
Reader |
CallableStatement.getNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.io.Reader object in the Java programming language. |
Reader |
ResultSet.getNCharacterStream(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a
java.io.Reader object. |
Reader |
CallableStatement.getNCharacterStream(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as a java.io.Reader object in the Java programming language. |
Reader |
ResultSet.getNCharacterStream(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a
java.io.Reader object. |
NClob |
CallableStatement.getNClob(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC NCLOB parameter as a
java.sql.NClob object in the Java programming language. |
NClob |
ResultSet.getNClob(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a NClob object
in the Java programming language. |
NClob |
CallableStatement.getNClob(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC NCLOB parameter as a
java.sql.NClob object in the Java programming language. |
NClob |
ResultSet.getNClob(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a NClob object
in the Java programming language. |
String |
CallableStatement.getNString(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated NCHAR ,
or LONGNVARCHAR parameter as
a String in the Java programming language. |
String |
ResultSet.getNString(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a String in the Java programming language. |
String |
CallableStatement.getNString(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of the designated NCHAR ,
or LONGNVARCHAR parameter as
a String in the Java programming language. |
String |
ResultSet.getNString(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a String in the Java programming language. |
String |
Retrieves a comma-separated list of math functions available with this database. |
Object |
Retrieves the SQL structured type instance referenced by this Ref object. |
Object |
CallableStatement.getObject(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated parameter as an Object
in the Java programming language. |
Object |
ResultSet.getObject(int columnIndex)
Gets the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
an Object in the Java programming language. |
Object |
CallableStatement.getObject(int parameterIndex,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Returns an object representing the value of OUT parameter parameterIndex and uses map for the custom
mapping of the parameter value. |
Object |
ResultSet.getObject(int columnIndex,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Object
in the Java programming language. |
Object |
Ref.getObject(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Retrieves the referenced object and maps it to a Java type using the given type map. |
Object |
CallableStatement.getObject(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a parameter as an Object in the Java
programming language. |
Object |
ResultSet.getObject(String columnLabel)
Gets the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
an Object in the Java programming language. |
Object |
CallableStatement.getObject(String parameterName,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Returns an object representing the value of OUT parameter parameterName and uses map for the custom
mapping of the parameter value. |
Object |
ResultSet.getObject(String columnLabel,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as an Object
in the Java programming language. |
String |
ParameterMetaData.getParameterClassName(int param)
Retrieves the fully-qualified name of the Java class whose instances should be passed to the method PreparedStatement.setObject . |
int |
Retrieves the number of parameters in the PreparedStatement
object for which this ParameterMetaData object contains
information. |
ParameterMetaData |
Retrieves the number, types and properties of this PreparedStatement object's parameters. |
int |
ParameterMetaData.getParameterMode(int param)
Retrieves the designated parameter's mode. |
int |
ParameterMetaData.getParameterType(int param)
Retrieves the designated parameter's SQL type. |
String |
ParameterMetaData.getParameterTypeName(int param)
Retrieves the designated parameter's database-specific type name. |
int |
ParameterMetaData.getPrecision(int param)
Retrieves the designated parameter's specified column size. |
int |
ResultSetMetaData.getPrecision(int column)
Get the designated column's specified column size. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getPrimaryKeys(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Retrieves a description of the given table's primary key columns. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getProcedureColumns(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String procedureNamePattern,
String columnNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the given catalog's stored procedure parameter and result columns. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getProcedures(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String procedureNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the stored procedures available in the given catalog. |
String |
Retrieves the database vendor's preferred term for "procedure". |
DriverPropertyInfo[] |
Driver.getPropertyInfo(String url,
Properties info)
Gets information about the possible properties for this driver. |
int |
Retrieves the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute. |
Ref |
CallableStatement.getRef(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC REF(<structured-type>)
parameter as a Ref object in the Java programming language. |
Ref |
ResultSet.getRef(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Ref object
in the Java programming language. |
Ref |
CallableStatement.getRef(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC REF(<structured-type>)
parameter as a Ref object in the Java programming language. |
Ref |
ResultSet.getRef(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a Ref object
in the Java programming language. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves the current result as a ResultSet object. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves a result set that contains the elements of the SQL ARRAY value
designated by this Array object. |
ResultSet |
Array.getResultSet(long index,
int count)
Retrieves a result set holding the elements of the subarray that starts at index index and contains up to
count successive elements. |
ResultSet |
Array.getResultSet(long index,
int count,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Retrieves a result set holding the elements of the subarray that starts at index index and contains up to
count successive elements. |
ResultSet |
Array.getResultSet(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Retrieves a result set that contains the elements of the SQL ARRAY value designated by this Array object. |
int |
Retrieves the result set concurrency for ResultSet objects
generated by this Statement object. |
int |
Retrieves this database's default holdability for ResultSet
objects. |
int |
Retrieves the result set holdability for ResultSet objects
generated by this Statement object. |
int |
Retrieves the result set type for ResultSet objects
generated by this Statement object. |
int |
Retrieves the current row number. |
RowId |
CallableStatement.getRowId(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC ROWID parameter as a
java.sql.RowId object. |
RowId |
ResultSet.getRowId(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.RowId object in the Java
programming language. |
RowId |
CallableStatement.getRowId(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC ROWID parameter as a
java.sql.RowId object. |
RowId |
ResultSet.getRowId(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.RowId object in the Java
programming language. |
RowIdLifetime |
Indicates whether or not this data source supports the SQL ROWID type,
and if so the lifetime for which a RowId object remains valid. |
int |
Retrieves the generated ID for the savepoint that this Savepoint object represents. |
String |
Retrieves the name of the savepoint that this Savepoint
object represents. |
int |
ParameterMetaData.getScale(int param)
Retrieves the designated parameter's number of digits to right of the decimal point. |
int |
ResultSetMetaData.getScale(int column)
Gets the designated column's number of digits to right of the decimal point. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getSchemaName(int column)
Get the designated column's table's schema. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves the schema names available in this database. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getSchemas(String catalog,
String schemaPattern)
Retrieves the schema names available in this database. |
String |
Retrieves the database vendor's preferred term for "schema". |
String |
Retrieves the string that can be used to escape wildcard characters. |
short |
CallableStatement.getShort(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC SMALLINT parameter
as a short in the Java programming language. |
short |
ResultSet.getShort(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a short in the Java programming language. |
short |
CallableStatement.getShort(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC SMALLINT parameter as a short
in the Java programming language. |
short |
ResultSet.getShort(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a short in the Java programming language. |
SQLXML.getSource(Class<T> sourceClass)
Returns a Source for reading the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance. |
String |
Retrieves a comma-separated list of all of this database's SQL keywords that are NOT also SQL:2003 keywords. |
int |
Indicates whether the SQLSTATE returned by SQLException.getSQLState
is X/Open (now known as Open Group) SQL CLI or SQL:2003. |
String |
Returns the fully-qualified name of the SQL user-defined type that this object represents. |
String |
Retrieves the SQL type name of the SQL structured type that this Struct object represents. |
CallableStatement.getSQLXML(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated SQL XML parameter as a
java.sql.SQLXML object in the Java programming language. |
ResultSet.getSQLXML(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet as a
java.sql.SQLXML object in the Java programming language. |
CallableStatement.getSQLXML(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of the designated SQL XML parameter as a
java.sql.SQLXML object in the Java programming language. |
ResultSet.getSQLXML(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet as a
java.sql.SQLXML object in the Java programming language. |
Statement |
Retrieves the Statement object that produced this
ResultSet object. |
String |
Returns a string representation of the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance. |
String |
CallableStatement.getString(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC CHAR ,
VARCHAR , or LONGVARCHAR parameter as a
String in the Java programming language. |
String |
ResultSet.getString(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a String in the Java programming language. |
String |
CallableStatement.getString(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC CHAR , VARCHAR ,
or LONGVARCHAR parameter as a String in
the Java programming language. |
String |
ResultSet.getString(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a String in the Java programming language. |
String |
Retrieves a comma-separated list of string functions available with this database. |
String |
Clob.getSubString(long pos,
int length)
Retrieves a copy of the specified substring in the CLOB value
designated by this Clob object. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getSuperTables(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String tableNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the table hierarchies defined in a particular schema in this database. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getSuperTypes(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String typeNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the user-defined type (UDT) hierarchies defined in a particular schema in this database. |
String |
Retrieves a comma-separated list of system functions available with this database. |
String |
ResultSetMetaData.getTableName(int column)
Gets the designated column's table name. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getTablePrivileges(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String tableNamePattern)
Retrieves a description of the access rights for each table available in a catalog. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getTables(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String tableNamePattern,
String[] types)
Retrieves a description of the tables available in the given catalog. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves the table types available in this database. |
Time |
CallableStatement.getTime(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIME parameter as a
java.sql.Time object. |
Time |
ResultSet.getTime(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language. |
Time |
CallableStatement.getTime(int parameterIndex,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIME parameter as a
java.sql.Time object, using
the given Calendar object
to construct the time. |
Time |
ResultSet.getTime(int columnIndex,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Time object
in the Java programming language. |
Time |
CallableStatement.getTime(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIME parameter as a
java.sql.Time object. |
Time |
ResultSet.getTime(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming language. |
Time |
CallableStatement.getTime(String parameterName,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIME parameter as a
java.sql.Time object, using
the given Calendar object
to construct the time. |
Time |
ResultSet.getTime(String columnLabel,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Time object
in the Java programming language. |
String |
Retrieves a comma-separated list of the time and date functions available with this database. |
Timestamp |
CallableStatement.getTimestamp(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a
java.sql.Timestamp object. |
Timestamp |
ResultSet.getTimestamp(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language. |
Timestamp |
CallableStatement.getTimestamp(int parameterIndex,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a
java.sql.Timestamp object, using
the given Calendar object to construct
the Timestamp object. |
Timestamp |
ResultSet.getTimestamp(int columnIndex,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object
in the Java programming language. |
Timestamp |
CallableStatement.getTimestamp(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a
java.sql.Timestamp object. |
Timestamp |
ResultSet.getTimestamp(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as
a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming language. |
Timestamp |
CallableStatement.getTimestamp(String parameterName,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC TIMESTAMP parameter as a
java.sql.Timestamp object, using
the given Calendar object to construct
the Timestamp object. |
Timestamp |
ResultSet.getTimestamp(String columnLabel,
Calendar cal)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.sql.Timestamp object
in the Java programming language. |
int |
Retrieves this Connection object's current
transaction isolation level. |
int |
Retrieves the type of this ResultSet object. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves a description of all the data types supported by this database. |
Map<String,Class<?>> |
Retrieves the Map object associated with this
Connection object. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getUDTs(String catalog,
String schemaPattern,
String typeNamePattern,
int[] types)
Retrieves a description of the user-defined types (UDTs) defined in a particular schema. |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(int columnIndex)
Deprecated. use getCharacterStream in place of
getUnicodeStream |
InputStream |
ResultSet.getUnicodeStream(String columnLabel)
Deprecated. use getCharacterStream instead |
int |
Retrieves the current result as an update count; if the result is a ResultSet object or there are no more results, -1
is returned. |
String |
Retrieves the URL for this DBMS. |
CallableStatement.getURL(int parameterIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated JDBC DATALINK parameter as a
java.net.URL object. |
ResultSet.getURL(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.net.URL
object in the Java programming language. |
CallableStatement.getURL(String parameterName)
Retrieves the value of a JDBC DATALINK parameter as a
java.net.URL object. |
ResultSet.getURL(String columnLabel)
Retrieves the value of the designated column in the current row of this ResultSet object as a java.net.URL
object in the Java programming language. |
String |
Retrieves the user name as known to this database. |
ResultSet |
DatabaseMetaData.getVersionColumns(String catalog,
String schema,
String table)
Retrieves a description of a table's columns that are automatically updated when any value in a row is updated. |
SQLWarning |
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this Connection object. |
SQLWarning |
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this Statement object. |
SQLWarning |
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this ResultSet object. |
void |
Inserts the contents of the insert row into this ResultSet object and into the database. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.insertsAreDetected(int type)
Retrieves whether or not a visible row insert can be detected by calling the method ResultSet.rowInserted . |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the cursor is after the last row in this ResultSet object. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isAutoIncrement(int column)
Indicates whether the designated column is automatically numbered. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the cursor is before the first row in this ResultSet object. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isCaseSensitive(int column)
Indicates whether a column's case matters. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a catalog appears at the start of a fully qualified table name. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this Connection object has been
closed. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this Statement object has been closed. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this ResultSet object has been closed. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isCurrency(int column)
Indicates whether the designated column is a cash value. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isDefinitelyWritable(int column)
Indicates whether a write on the designated column will definitely succeed. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the cursor is on the first row of this ResultSet object. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the cursor is on the last row of this ResultSet object. |
int |
ParameterMetaData.isNullable(int param)
Retrieves whether null values are allowed in the designated parameter. |
int |
ResultSetMetaData.isNullable(int column)
Indicates the nullability of values in the designated column. |
boolean |
Returns a value indicating whether the Statement
is poolable or not. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database is in read-only mode. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this Connection
object is in read-only mode. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isReadOnly(int column)
Indicates whether the designated column is definitely not writable. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isSearchable(int column)
Indicates whether the designated column can be used in a where clause. |
boolean |
ParameterMetaData.isSigned(int param)
Retrieves whether values for the designated parameter can be signed numbers. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isSigned(int column)
Indicates whether values in the designated column are signed numbers. |
boolean |
Connection.isValid(int timeout)
Returns true if the connection has not been closed and is still valid. |
boolean |
Wrapper.isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface)
Returns true if this either implements the interface argument or is directly or indirectly a wrapper for an object that does. |
boolean |
ResultSetMetaData.isWritable(int column)
Indicates whether it is possible for a write on the designated column to succeed. |
boolean |
Moves the cursor to the last row in this ResultSet object. |
long |
Retrieves the number of characters in the CLOB value
designated by this Clob object. |
long |
Returns the number of bytes in the BLOB value
designated by this Blob object. |
boolean |
Indicates whether updates made to a LOB are made on a copy or directly to the LOB. |
void |
Moves the cursor to the remembered cursor position, usually the current row. |
void |
Moves the cursor to the insert row. |
String |
Connection.nativeSQL(String sql)
Converts the given SQL statement into the system's native SQL grammar. |
boolean |
Moves the cursor froward one row from its current position. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports concatenations between NULL and non-NULL values being
NULL . |
boolean |
Retrieves whether NULL values are sorted at the end regardless of
sort order. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether NULL values are sorted at the start regardless
of sort order. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether NULL values are sorted high. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether NULL values are sorted low. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.othersDeletesAreVisible(int type)
Retrieves whether deletes made by others are visible. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.othersInsertsAreVisible(int type)
Retrieves whether inserts made by others are visible. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.othersUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
Retrieves whether updates made by others are visible. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.ownDeletesAreVisible(int type)
Retrieves whether a result set's own deletes are visible. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.ownInsertsAreVisible(int type)
Retrieves whether a result set's own inserts are visible. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.ownUpdatesAreVisible(int type)
Retrieves whether for the given type of ResultSet object,
the result set's own updates are visible. |
long |
Blob.position(Blob pattern,
long start)
Retrieves the byte position in the BLOB value
designated by this Blob object at which
pattern begins. |
long |
Blob.position(byte[] pattern,
long start)
Retrieves the byte position at which the specified byte array pattern begins within the BLOB
value that this Blob object represents. |
long |
Clob.position(Clob searchstr,
long start)
Retrieves the character position at which the specified Clob object searchstr appears in this
Clob object. |
long |
Clob.position(String searchstr,
long start)
Retrieves the character position at which the specified substring searchstr appears in the SQL CLOB value
represented by this Clob object. |
CallableStatement |
Connection.prepareCall(String sql)
Creates a CallableStatement object for calling
database stored procedures. |
CallableStatement |
Connection.prepareCall(String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
CallableStatement |
Connection.prepareCall(String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency,
int resultSetHoldability)
Creates a CallableStatement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql)
Creates a PreparedStatement object for sending
parameterized SQL statements to the database. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql,
int autoGeneratedKeys)
Creates a default PreparedStatement object that has
the capability to retrieve auto-generated keys. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql,
int[] columnIndexes)
Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable
of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency)
Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type and concurrency. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql,
int resultSetType,
int resultSetConcurrency,
int resultSetHoldability)
Creates a PreparedStatement object that will generate
ResultSet objects with the given type, concurrency,
and holdability. |
PreparedStatement |
Connection.prepareStatement(String sql,
String[] columnNames)
Creates a default PreparedStatement object capable
of returning the auto-generated keys designated by the given array. |
boolean |
Moves the cursor to the previous row in this ResultSet object. |
Array |
Reads an SQL ARRAY value from the stream and returns it as an
Array object in the Java programming language. |
InputStream |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a stream of ASCII characters. |
BigDecimal |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a java.math.BigDecimal
object in the Java programming language. |
InputStream |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
Blob |
Reads an SQL BLOB value from the stream and returns it as a
Blob object in the Java programming language. |
boolean |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a boolean
in the Java programming language. |
byte |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a byte
in the Java programming language. |
byte[] |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as an array of bytes in the Java programming language. |
Reader |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a stream of Unicode characters. |
Clob |
Reads an SQL CLOB value from the stream and returns it as a
Clob object in the Java programming language. |
Date |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a java.sql.Date object. |
double |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a double
in the Java programming language. |
float |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a float
in the Java programming language. |
int |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as an int
in the Java programming language. |
long |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a long
in the Java programming language. |
NClob |
Reads an SQL NCLOB value from the stream and returns it as a
NClob object in the Java programming language. |
String |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a String
in the Java programming language. |
Object |
Reads the datum at the head of the stream and returns it as an Object in the Java programming language. |
Ref |
Reads an SQL REF value from the stream and returns it as a
Ref object in the Java programming language. |
RowId |
Reads an SQL ROWID value from the stream and returns it as a
RowId object in the Java programming language. |
short |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a short
in the Java programming language. |
void |
SQLData.readSQL(SQLInput stream,
String typeName)
Populates this object with data read from the database. |
Reads an SQL XML value from the stream and returns it as a
SQLXML object in the Java programming language. |
String |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a String
in the Java programming language. |
Time |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a java.sql.Time object. |
Timestamp |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a java.sql.Timestamp object. |
Reads an SQL DATALINK value from the stream and returns it as a
java.net.URL object in the Java programming language. |
void |
Refreshes the current row with its most recent value in the database. |
static void |
DriverManager.registerDriver(Driver driver)
Registers the given driver with the DriverManager . |
void |
CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType)
Registers the OUT parameter in ordinal position parameterIndex to the JDBC type
sqlType . |
void |
CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType,
int scale)
Registers the parameter in ordinal position parameterIndex to be of JDBC type
sqlType . |
void |
CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Registers the designated output parameter. |
void |
CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(String parameterName,
int sqlType)
Registers the OUT parameter named parameterName to the JDBC type
sqlType . |
void |
CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(String parameterName,
int sqlType,
int scale)
Registers the parameter named parameterName to be of JDBC type
sqlType . |
void |
CallableStatement.registerOutParameter(String parameterName,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Registers the designated output parameter. |
boolean |
ResultSet.relative(int rows)
Moves the cursor a relative number of rows, either positive or negative. |
void |
Connection.releaseSavepoint(Savepoint savepoint)
Removes the specified Savepoint and subsequent Savepoint objects from the current
transaction. |
void |
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction and releases any database locks currently held by this Connection object. |
void |
Connection.rollback(Savepoint savepoint)
Undoes all changes made after the given Savepoint object
was set. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a row has been deleted. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the current row has had an insertion. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the current row has been updated. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setArray(int parameterIndex,
Array x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Array object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
OutputStream |
Clob.setAsciiStream(long pos)
Retrieves a stream to be used to write Ascii characters to the CLOB value that this Clob object represents,
starting at position pos . |
void |
CallableStatement.setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
CallableStatement.setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
CallableStatement.setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
Connection.setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)
Sets this connection's auto-commit mode to the given state. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex,
BigDecimal x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBigDecimal(String parameterName,
BigDecimal x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. |
OutputStream |
Retrieves a stream that can be used to write the XML value that this SQLXML instance represents. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
OutputStream |
Blob.setBinaryStream(long pos)
Retrieves a stream that can be used to write to the BLOB
value that this Blob object represents. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
Blob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Blob object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
InputStream inputStream)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBlob(String parameterName,
Blob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Blob object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBlob(String parameterName,
InputStream inputStream)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBlob(String parameterName,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBoolean(int parameterIndex,
boolean x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBoolean(String parameterName,
boolean x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setByte(int parameterIndex,
byte x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setByte(String parameterName,
byte x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setBytes(int parameterIndex,
byte[] x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes. |
int |
Blob.setBytes(long pos,
byte[] bytes)
Writes the given array of bytes to the BLOB value that
this Blob object represents, starting at position
pos , and returns the number of bytes written. |
int |
Blob.setBytes(long pos,
byte[] bytes,
int offset,
int len)
Writes all or part of the given byte array to the
BLOB value that this Blob object represents
and returns the number of bytes written. |
void |
CallableStatement.setBytes(String parameterName,
byte[] x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes. |
void |
Connection.setCatalog(String catalog)
Sets the given catalog name in order to select a subspace of this Connection object's database
in which to work. |
Writer |
Retrieves a stream to be used to write the XML value that this SQLXML instance represents. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
Writer |
Clob.setCharacterStream(long pos)
Retrieves a stream to be used to write a stream of Unicode characters to the CLOB value that this Clob object
represents, at position pos . |
void |
CallableStatement.setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
CallableStatement.setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Clob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Clob object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setClob(String parameterName,
Clob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Clob object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
Statement.setCursorName(String name)
Sets the SQL cursor name to the given String , which
will be used by subsequent Statement object
execute methods. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setDate(int parameterIndex,
Date x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value
using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running
the application. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setDate(int parameterIndex,
Date x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setDate(String parameterName,
Date x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value
using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running
the application. |
void |
CallableStatement.setDate(String parameterName,
Date x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setDouble(int parameterIndex,
double x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setDouble(String parameterName,
double x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value. |
void |
Statement.setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
Sets escape processing on or off. |
void |
Statement.setFetchDirection(int direction)
Gives the driver a hint as to the direction in which rows will be processed in ResultSet
objects created using this Statement object. |
void |
ResultSet.setFetchDirection(int direction)
Gives a hint as to the direction in which the rows in this ResultSet object will be processed. |
void |
Statement.setFetchSize(int rows)
Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for ResultSet objects genrated by this Statement . |
void |
ResultSet.setFetchSize(int rows)
Gives the JDBC driver a hint as to the number of rows that should be fetched from the database when more rows are needed for this ResultSet object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setFloat(int parameterIndex,
float x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setFloat(String parameterName,
float x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value. |
void |
Connection.setHoldability(int holdability)
Changes the default holdability of ResultSet objects
created using this Connection object to the given
holdability. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setInt(int parameterIndex,
int x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setInt(String parameterName,
int x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setLong(int parameterIndex,
long x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setLong(String parameterName,
long x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value. |
void |
Statement.setMaxFieldSize(int max)
Sets the limit for the maximum number of bytes that can be returned for character and binary column values in a ResultSet
object produced by this Statement object. |
void |
Statement.setMaxRows(int max)
Sets the limit for the maximum number of rows that any ResultSet object generated by this Statement
object can contain to the given number. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader value)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader value,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setNCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader value)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setNCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader value,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
NClob value)
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClob object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setNClob(String parameterName,
NClob value)
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClob object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setNClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setNClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNString(int parameterIndex,
String value)
Sets the designated paramter to the given String object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setNString(String parameterName,
String value)
Sets the designated parameter to the given String object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNull(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
PreparedStatement.setNull(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
CallableStatement.setNull(String parameterName,
int sqlType)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
CallableStatement.setNull(String parameterName,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x)
Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x,
int targetSqlType)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x,
int targetSqlType,
int scaleOrLength)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
Ref.setObject(Object value)
Sets the structured type value that this Ref
object references to the given instance of Object . |
void |
CallableStatement.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x,
int targetSqlType)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x,
int targetSqlType,
int scale)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
Statement.setPoolable(boolean poolable)
Requests that a Statement be pooled or not pooled. |
void |
Statement.setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute to the given number of seconds. |
void |
Connection.setReadOnly(boolean readOnly)
Puts this connection in read-only mode as a hint to the driver to enable database optimizations. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setRef(int parameterIndex,
Ref x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given REF(<structured-type>) value. |
SQLXML.setResult(Class<T> resultClass)
Returns a Result for setting the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setRowId(int parameterIndex,
RowId x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setRowId(String parameterName,
RowId x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object. |
Savepoint |
Creates an unnamed savepoint in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it. |
Savepoint |
Connection.setSavepoint(String name)
Creates a savepoint with the given name in the current transaction and returns the new Savepoint object that represents it. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setShort(int parameterIndex,
short x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setShort(String parameterName,
short x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setSQLXML(int parameterIndex,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.SQLXML object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setSQLXML(String parameterName,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.SQLXML object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setString(int parameterIndex,
String x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value. |
int |
Clob.setString(long pos,
String str)
Writes the given Java String to the CLOB
value that this Clob object designates at the position
pos . |
int |
Clob.setString(long pos,
String str,
int offset,
int len)
Writes len characters of str , starting
at character offset , to the CLOB value
that this Clob represents. |
void |
SQLXML.setString(String value)
Sets the XML value designated by this SQLXML instance to the given String representation. |
void |
CallableStatement.setString(String parameterName,
String x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setTime(int parameterIndex,
Time x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setTime(int parameterIndex,
Time x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setTime(String parameterName,
Time x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setTime(String parameterName,
Time x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex,
Timestamp x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex,
Timestamp x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
CallableStatement.setTimestamp(String parameterName,
Timestamp x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setTimestamp(String parameterName,
Timestamp x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
Connection.setTransactionIsolation(int level)
Attempts to change the transaction isolation level for this Connection object to the one given. |
void |
Connection.setTypeMap(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Installs the given TypeMap object as the type map for
this Connection object. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Deprecated. |
void |
PreparedStatement.setURL(int parameterIndex,
URL x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL value. |
void |
CallableStatement.setURL(String parameterName,
URL val)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL object. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in lower case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in lower case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in mixed case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in mixed case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case insensitive and stores them in upper case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports ALTER TABLE
with add column. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports ALTER TABLE
with drop column. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the ANSI92 entry level SQL grammar. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the ANSI92 full SQL grammar supported. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the ANSI92 intermediate SQL grammar supported. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports batch updates. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a data manipulation statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in an index definition statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a privilege definition statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a procedure call statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a catalog name can be used in a table definition statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports column aliasing. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the JDBC scalar function CONVERT for the conversion of one JDBC type to another. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.supportsConvert(int fromType,
int toType)
Retrieves whether this database supports the JDBC scalar function CONVERT for conversions between the JDBC types fromType
and toType. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the ODBC Core SQL grammar. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports correlated subqueries. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports both data definition and data manipulation statements within a transaction. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports only data manipulation statements within a transaction. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether, when table correlation names are supported, they are restricted to being different from the names of the tables. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports expressions in ORDER BY lists. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the ODBC Extended SQL grammar. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports full nested outer joins. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether auto-generated keys can be retrieved after a statement has been executed |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports some form of GROUP BY clause. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports using columns not included in the SELECT statement in a GROUP BY clause
provided that all of the columns in the SELECT statement
are included in the GROUP BY clause. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports using a column that is not in the SELECT statement in a
GROUP BY clause. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the SQL Integrity Enhancement Facility. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports specifying a LIKE escape clause. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database provides limited support for outer joins. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports the ODBC Minimum SQL grammar. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case unquoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result stores them in mixed case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database treats mixed case quoted SQL identifiers as case sensitive and as a result stores them in mixed case. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether it is possible to have multiple ResultSet objects
returned from a CallableStatement object
simultaneously. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports getting multiple ResultSet objects from a single call to the
method execute . |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database allows having multiple transactions open at once (on different connections). |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports named parameters to callable statements. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether columns in this database may be defined as non-nullable. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping cursors open across commits. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping cursors open across rollbacks. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping statements open across commits. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports keeping statements open across rollbacks. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports using a column that is not in the SELECT statement in an
ORDER BY clause. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports some form of outer join. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports positioned DELETE
statements. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports positioned UPDATE
statements. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetConcurrency(int type,
int concurrency)
Retrieves whether this database supports the given concurrency type in combination with the given result set type. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetHoldability(int holdability)
Retrieves whether this database supports the given result set holdability. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.supportsResultSetType(int type)
Retrieves whether this database supports the given result set type. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports savepoints. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a data manipulation statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in an index definition statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a privilege definition statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a procedure call statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether a schema name can be used in a table definition statement. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports SELECT FOR UPDATE
statements. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports statement pooling. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports invoking user-defined or vendor functions using the stored procedure escape syntax. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports stored procedure calls that use the stored procedure escape syntax. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in comparison expressions. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in EXISTS expressions. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in IN expressions. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports subqueries in quantified expressions. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports table correlation names. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.supportsTransactionIsolationLevel(int level)
Retrieves whether this database supports the given transaction isolation level. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports transactions. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports SQL UNION . |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database supports SQL UNION ALL . |
void |
Clob.truncate(long len)
Truncates the CLOB value that this Clob
designates to have a length of len
characters. |
void |
Blob.truncate(long len)
Truncates the BLOB value that this Blob
object represents to be len bytes in length. |
Wrapper.unwrap(Class<T> iface)
Returns an object that implements the given interface to allow access to non-standard methods, or standard methods not exposed by the proxy. |
void |
ResultSet.updateArray(int columnIndex,
Array x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Array value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateArray(String columnLabel,
Array x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Array value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x)
Updates the designated column with an ascii stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Updates the designated column with an ascii stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x,
long length)
Updates the designated column with an ascii stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String columnLabel,
InputStream x)
Updates the designated column with an ascii stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String columnLabel,
InputStream x,
int length)
Updates the designated column with an ascii stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateAsciiStream(String columnLabel,
InputStream x,
long length)
Updates the designated column with an ascii stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBigDecimal(int columnIndex,
BigDecimal x)
Updates the designated column with a java.math.BigDecimal
value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBigDecimal(String columnLabel,
BigDecimal x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.BigDecimal
value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x)
Updates the designated column with a binary stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Updates the designated column with a binary stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(int columnIndex,
InputStream x,
long length)
Updates the designated column with a binary stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String columnLabel,
InputStream x)
Updates the designated column with a binary stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String columnLabel,
InputStream x,
int length)
Updates the designated column with a binary stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBinaryStream(String columnLabel,
InputStream x,
long length)
Updates the designated column with a binary stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBlob(int columnIndex,
Blob x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBlob(int columnIndex,
InputStream inputStream)
Updates the designated column using the given input stream. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBlob(int columnIndex,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Updates the designated column using the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBlob(String columnLabel,
Blob x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Blob value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBlob(String columnLabel,
InputStream inputStream)
Updates the designated column using the given input stream. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBlob(String columnLabel,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Updates the designated column using the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBoolean(int columnIndex,
boolean x)
Updates the designated column with a boolean value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBoolean(String columnLabel,
boolean x)
Updates the designated column with a boolean value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateByte(int columnIndex,
byte x)
Updates the designated column with a byte value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateByte(String columnLabel,
byte x)
Updates the designated column with a byte value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBytes(int columnIndex,
byte[] x)
Updates the designated column with a byte array value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateBytes(String columnLabel,
byte[] x)
Updates the designated column with a byte array value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex,
Reader x)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex,
Reader x,
int length)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(int columnIndex,
Reader x,
long length)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String columnLabel,
Reader reader)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String columnLabel,
Reader reader,
int length)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateCharacterStream(String columnLabel,
Reader reader,
long length)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateClob(int columnIndex,
Clob x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateClob(int columnIndex,
Reader reader)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
object. |
void |
ResultSet.updateClob(int columnIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
ResultSet.updateClob(String columnLabel,
Clob x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Clob value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateClob(String columnLabel,
Reader reader)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
object. |
void |
ResultSet.updateClob(String columnLabel,
Reader reader,
long length)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
ResultSet.updateDate(int columnIndex,
Date x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Date value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateDate(String columnLabel,
Date x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Date value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateDouble(int columnIndex,
double x)
Updates the designated column with a double value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateDouble(String columnLabel,
double x)
Updates the designated column with a double value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateFloat(int columnIndex,
float x)
Updates the designated column with a float value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateFloat(String columnLabel,
float x)
Updates the designated column with a float value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateInt(int columnIndex,
int x)
Updates the designated column with an int value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateInt(String columnLabel,
int x)
Updates the designated column with an int value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateLong(int columnIndex,
long x)
Updates the designated column with a long value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateLong(String columnLabel,
long x)
Updates the designated column with a long value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex,
Reader x)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(int columnIndex,
Reader x,
long length)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(String columnLabel,
Reader reader)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNCharacterStream(String columnLabel,
Reader reader,
long length)
Updates the designated column with a character stream value, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNClob(int columnIndex,
NClob nClob)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNClob(int columnIndex,
Reader reader)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
The data will be read from the stream
as needed until end-of-stream is reached. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNClob(int columnIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNClob(String columnLabel,
NClob nClob)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.NClob value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNClob(String columnLabel,
Reader reader)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
object. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNClob(String columnLabel,
Reader reader,
long length)
Updates the designated column using the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNString(int columnIndex,
String nString)
Updates the designated column with a String value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNString(String columnLabel,
String nString)
Updates the designated column with a String value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNull(int columnIndex)
Updates the designated column with a null value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateNull(String columnLabel)
Updates the designated column with a null value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateObject(int columnIndex,
Object x)
Updates the designated column with an Object value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateObject(int columnIndex,
Object x,
int scaleOrLength)
Updates the designated column with an Object value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateObject(String columnLabel,
Object x)
Updates the designated column with an Object value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateObject(String columnLabel,
Object x,
int scaleOrLength)
Updates the designated column with an Object value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateRef(int columnIndex,
Ref x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Ref value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateRef(String columnLabel,
Ref x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Ref value. |
void |
Updates the underlying database with the new contents of the current row of this ResultSet object. |
void |
ResultSet.updateRowId(int columnIndex,
RowId x)
Updates the designated column with a RowId value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateRowId(String columnLabel,
RowId x)
Updates the designated column with a RowId value. |
boolean |
DatabaseMetaData.updatesAreDetected(int type)
Retrieves whether or not a visible row update can be detected by calling the method ResultSet.rowUpdated . |
void |
ResultSet.updateShort(int columnIndex,
short x)
Updates the designated column with a short value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateShort(String columnLabel,
short x)
Updates the designated column with a short value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateSQLXML(int columnIndex,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.SQLXML value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateSQLXML(String columnLabel,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.SQLXML value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateString(int columnIndex,
String x)
Updates the designated column with a String value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateString(String columnLabel,
String x)
Updates the designated column with a String value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateTime(int columnIndex,
Time x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Time value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateTime(String columnLabel,
Time x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Time value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateTimestamp(int columnIndex,
Timestamp x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Timestamp
value. |
void |
ResultSet.updateTimestamp(String columnLabel,
Timestamp x)
Updates the designated column with a java.sql.Timestamp
value. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database uses a file for each table. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether this database stores tables in a local file. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the last value read was SQL NULL . |
boolean |
Retrieves whether the last OUT parameter read had the value of SQL NULL . |
boolean |
Reports whether the last column read had a value of SQL NULL . |
void |
SQLOutput.writeArray(Array x)
Writes an SQL ARRAY value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeAsciiStream(InputStream x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a stream of ASCII characters. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeBigDecimal(BigDecimal x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a java.math.BigDecimal object. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeBinaryStream(InputStream x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeBlob(Blob x)
Writes an SQL BLOB value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeBoolean(boolean x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java boolean. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeByte(byte x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java byte. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeBytes(byte[] x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as an array of bytes. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeCharacterStream(Reader x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a stream of Unicode characters. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeClob(Clob x)
Writes an SQL CLOB value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeDate(Date x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a java.sql.Date object. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeDouble(double x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java double. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeFloat(float x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java float. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeInt(int x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java int. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeLong(long x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java long. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeNClob(NClob x)
Writes an SQL NCLOB value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeNString(String x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a String
in the Java programming language. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeObject(SQLData x)
Writes to the stream the data contained in the given SQLData object. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeRef(Ref x)
Writes an SQL REF value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeRowId(RowId x)
Writes an SQL ROWID value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeShort(short x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a Java short. |
void |
SQLData.writeSQL(SQLOutput stream)
Writes this object to the given SQL data stream, converting it back to its SQL value in the data source. |
void |
Writes an SQL XML value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeString(String x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a String
in the Java programming language. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeStruct(Struct x)
Writes an SQL structured type value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeTime(Time x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a java.sql.Time object. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeTimestamp(Timestamp x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a java.sql.Timestamp object. |
void |
SQLOutput.writeURL(URL x)
Writes a SQL DATALINK value to the stream. |
Uses of SQLException in javax.sql |
Methods in javax.sql that return SQLException | |
SQLException |
Returns the SQLException the driver is about to throw |
SQLException |
Retrieves the SQLException for this
ConnectionEvent object. |
Methods in javax.sql that throw SQLException | |
void |
Clears the parameters set for this RowSet object's command. |
void |
Closes the physical connection that this PooledConnection
object represents. |
void |
Fills this RowSet object with data. |
Connection |
Retrieves the Connection object that was passed to this
RowSet object. |
Connection |
Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents. |
Connection |
Creates and returns a Connection object that is a handle
for the physical connection that
this PooledConnection object represents. |
Connection |
DataSource.getConnection(String username,
String password)
Attempts to establish a connection with the data source that this DataSource object represents. |
boolean |
Retrieves whether escape processing is enabled for this RowSet object. |
int |
Gets the maximum time in seconds that this data source can wait while attempting to connect to a database. |
PrintWriter |
Retrieves the log writer for this DataSource
object. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that may be returned for certain column values. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of rows that this RowSet
object can contain. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves a ResultSet object containing the original
value of this RowSet object. |
ResultSet |
Retrieves a ResultSet object containing the original value
of the current row only. |
Object[] |
Retrieves the parameters that have been set for this RowSet object's command. |
PooledConnection |
Attempts to establish a physical database connection that can be used as a pooled connection. |
PooledConnection |
ConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnection(String user,
String password)
Attempts to establish a physical database connection that can be used as a pooled connection. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a statement to execute. |
Map<String,Class<?>> |
Retrieves the Map object associated with this
RowSet object, which specifies the custom mapping
of SQL user-defined types, if any. |
String |
Retrieves the url property this RowSet object will use to
create a connection if it uses the DriverManager
instead of a DataSource object to establish the connection. |
XAConnection |
Attempts to establish a physical database connection that can be used in a distributed transaction. |
XAConnection |
XADataSource.getXAConnection(String user,
String password)
Attempts to establish a physical database connection, using the given user name and password. |
XAResource |
Retrieves an XAResource object that
the transaction manager will use
to manage this XAConnection object's participation in a
distributed transaction. |
void |
RowSetReader.readData(RowSetInternal caller)
Reads the new contents of the calling RowSet object. |
void |
RowSet.setArray(int i,
Array x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given Array value. |
void |
RowSet.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given input stream. |
void |
RowSet.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given java.io.InputStream value. |
void |
RowSet.setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
RowSet.setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setAutoIncrement(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is automatically numbered, The default is for a RowSet object's
columns not to be automatically numbered. |
void |
RowSet.setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex,
BigDecimal x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given java.math.BigDeciaml value. |
void |
RowSet.setBigDecimal(String parameterName,
BigDecimal x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. |
void |
RowSet.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given input stream. |
void |
RowSet.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given java.io.InputStream value. |
void |
RowSet.setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
RowSet.setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
RowSet.setBlob(int i,
Blob x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given Blob value. |
void |
RowSet.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
InputStream inputStream)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
RowSet.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
RowSet.setBlob(String parameterName,
Blob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Blob object. |
void |
RowSet.setBlob(String parameterName,
InputStream inputStream)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
RowSet.setBlob(String parameterName,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
RowSet.setBoolean(int parameterIndex,
boolean x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java boolean value. |
void |
RowSet.setBoolean(String parameterName,
boolean x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value. |
void |
RowSet.setByte(int parameterIndex,
byte x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java byte value. |
void |
RowSet.setByte(String parameterName,
byte x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value. |
void |
RowSet.setBytes(int parameterIndex,
byte[] x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java array of byte values. |
void |
RowSet.setBytes(String parameterName,
byte[] x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setCaseSensitive(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is case sensitive. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setCatalogName(int columnIndex,
String catalogName)
Sets the designated column's table's catalog name, if any, to the given String . |
void |
RowSet.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Reader
object. |
void |
RowSet.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given java.io.Reader value. |
void |
RowSet.setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object. |
void |
RowSet.setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
RowSet.setClob(int i,
Clob x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given Clob value. |
void |
RowSet.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setClob(String parameterName,
Clob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Clob object. |
void |
RowSet.setClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setColumnCount(int columnCount)
Sets the number of columns in the RowSet object to
the given number. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setColumnDisplaySize(int columnIndex,
int size)
Sets the designated column's normal maximum width in chars to the given int . |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setColumnLabel(int columnIndex,
String label)
Sets the suggested column title for use in printouts and displays, if any, to the given String . |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setColumnName(int columnIndex,
String columnName)
Sets the name of the designated column to the given String . |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setColumnType(int columnIndex,
int SQLType)
Sets the designated column's SQL type to the one given. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setColumnTypeName(int columnIndex,
String typeName)
Sets the designated column's type name that is specific to the data source, if any, to the given String . |
void |
RowSet.setCommand(String cmd)
Sets this RowSet object's command property to the given
SQL query. |
void |
RowSet.setConcurrency(int concurrency)
Sets the concurrency of this RowSet object to the given
concurrency level. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setCurrency(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is a cash value. |
void |
RowSet.setDataSourceName(String name)
Sets the data source name property for this RowSet object to the
given String . |
void |
RowSet.setDate(int parameterIndex,
Date x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given java.sql.Date value. |
void |
RowSet.setDate(int parameterIndex,
Date x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given java.sql.Date value. |
void |
RowSet.setDate(String parameterName,
Date x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value
using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running
the application. |
void |
RowSet.setDate(String parameterName,
Date x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
RowSet.setDouble(int parameterIndex,
double x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java double value. |
void |
RowSet.setDouble(String parameterName,
double x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value. |
void |
RowSet.setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
Sets escape processing for this RowSet object on or
off. |
void |
RowSet.setFloat(int parameterIndex,
float x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java float value. |
void |
RowSet.setFloat(String parameterName,
float x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value. |
void |
RowSet.setInt(int parameterIndex,
int x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java int value. |
void |
RowSet.setInt(String parameterName,
int x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value. |
void |
CommonDataSource.setLoginTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the maximum time in seconds that this data source will wait while attempting to connect to a database. |
void |
CommonDataSource.setLogWriter(PrintWriter out)
Sets the log writer for this DataSource
object to the given java.io.PrintWriter object. |
void |
RowSet.setLong(int parameterIndex,
long x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java long value. |
void |
RowSet.setLong(String parameterName,
long x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value. |
void |
RowSet.setMaxFieldSize(int max)
Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be returned for a column value to the given number of bytes. |
void |
RowSet.setMaxRows(int max)
Sets the maximum number of rows that this RowSet
object can contain to the specified number. |
void |
RowSetInternal.setMetaData(RowSetMetaData md)
Sets the given RowSetMetaData object as the
RowSetMetaData object for this RowSet
object. |
void |
RowSet.setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader value)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader value,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader value)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader value,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
NClob value)
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClob object. |
void |
RowSet.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNClob(String parameterName,
NClob value)
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClob object. |
void |
RowSet.setNClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSet.setNString(int parameterIndex,
String value)
Sets the designated paramter to the given String object. |
void |
RowSet.setNString(String parameterName,
String value)
Sets the designated paramter to the given String object. |
void |
RowSet.setNull(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's SQL
command to SQL NULL . |
void |
RowSet.setNull(int paramIndex,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's SQL
command to SQL NULL . |
void |
RowSet.setNull(String parameterName,
int sqlType)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
RowSet.setNull(String parameterName,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setNullable(int columnIndex,
int property)
Sets whether the designated column's value can be set to NULL . |
void |
RowSet.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with a Java Object . |
void |
RowSet.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x,
int targetSqlType)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with a Java Object . |
void |
RowSet.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x,
int targetSqlType,
int scaleOrLength)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given Java Object . |
void |
RowSet.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
RowSet.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x,
int targetSqlType)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
RowSet.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x,
int targetSqlType,
int scale)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
RowSet.setPassword(String password)
Sets the database password for this RowSet object to
the given String . |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setPrecision(int columnIndex,
int precision)
Sets the designated column's number of decimal digits to the given int . |
void |
RowSet.setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
Sets the maximum time the driver will wait for a statement to execute to the given number of seconds. |
void |
RowSet.setReadOnly(boolean value)
Sets whether this RowSet object is read-only to the
given boolean . |
void |
RowSet.setRef(int i,
Ref x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given Ref value. |
void |
RowSet.setRowId(int parameterIndex,
RowId x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object. |
void |
RowSet.setRowId(String parameterName,
RowId x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setScale(int columnIndex,
int scale)
Sets the designated column's number of digits to the right of the decimal point to the given int . |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setSchemaName(int columnIndex,
String schemaName)
Sets the name of the designated column's table's schema, if any, to the given String . |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setSearchable(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column can be used in a where clause. |
void |
RowSet.setShort(int parameterIndex,
short x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java short value. |
void |
RowSet.setShort(String parameterName,
short x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setSigned(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is a signed number. |
void |
RowSet.setSQLXML(int parameterIndex,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.SQLXML object. |
void |
RowSet.setSQLXML(String parameterName,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.SQLXML object. |
void |
RowSet.setString(int parameterIndex,
String x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Java String value. |
void |
RowSet.setString(String parameterName,
String x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value. |
void |
RowSetMetaData.setTableName(int columnIndex,
String tableName)
Sets the designated column's table name, if any, to the given String . |
void |
RowSet.setTime(int parameterIndex,
Time x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given java.sql.Time value. |
void |
RowSet.setTime(int parameterIndex,
Time x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given java.sql.Time value. |
void |
RowSet.setTime(String parameterName,
Time x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value. |
void |
RowSet.setTime(String parameterName,
Time x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
RowSet.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex,
Timestamp x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void |
RowSet.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex,
Timestamp x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
with the given java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void |
RowSet.setTimestamp(String parameterName,
Timestamp x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void |
RowSet.setTimestamp(String parameterName,
Timestamp x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
RowSet.setTransactionIsolation(int level)
Sets the transaction isolation level for this RowSet obejct. |
void |
RowSet.setType(int type)
Sets the type of this RowSet object to the given type. |
void |
RowSet.setTypeMap(Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Installs the given java.util.Map object as the default
type map for this RowSet object. |
void |
RowSet.setURL(int parameterIndex,
URL x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL value. |
void |
RowSet.setUrl(String url)
Sets the URL this RowSet object will use when it uses the
DriverManager to create a connection. |
void |
RowSet.setUsername(String name)
Sets the username property for this RowSet object to the
given String . |
boolean |
RowSetWriter.writeData(RowSetInternal caller)
Writes the changes in this RowSetWriter object's
rowset back to the data source from which it got its data. |
Constructors in javax.sql with parameters of type SQLException | |
ConnectionEvent(PooledConnection con,
SQLException ex)
Constructs a ConnectionEvent object initialized with
the given PooledConnection object and
SQLException object. |
StatementEvent(PooledConnection con,
PreparedStatement statement,
SQLException exception)
Constructs a StatementEvent with the specified PooledConnection ,
PreparedStatement and SQLException |
Uses of SQLException in javax.sql.rowset |
Subclasses of SQLException in javax.sql.rowset | |
class |
An extension of SQLException that provides information
about database warnings set on RowSet objects. |
Methods in javax.sql.rowset that throw SQLException | ||
void |
JoinRowSet.addRowSet(Joinable rowset)
Adds the given RowSet object to this JoinRowSet
object. |
void |
JoinRowSet.addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset,
int[] columnIdx)
Adds one or more RowSet objects contained in the given
array of RowSet objects to this JoinRowSet
object and sets the match column for
each of the RowSet objects to the match columns
in the given array of column indexes. |
void |
JoinRowSet.addRowSet(RowSet[] rowset,
String[] columnName)
Adds one or more RowSet objects contained in the given
array of RowSet objects to this JoinRowSet
object and sets the match column for
each of the RowSet objects to the match columns
in the given array of column names. |
void |
JoinRowSet.addRowSet(RowSet rowset,
int columnIdx)
Adds the given RowSet object to this JoinRowSet
object and sets the designated column as the match column for
the RowSet object. |
void |
JoinRowSet.addRowSet(RowSet rowset,
String columnName)
Adds rowset to this JoinRowSet object and
sets the designated column as the match column. |
void |
Clears all of the current parameter values in this RowSet
object's internal representation of the parameters to be set in
this RowSet object's command when it is executed. |
boolean |
CachedRowSet.columnUpdated(int idx)
Indicates whether the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object has been updated. |
boolean |
CachedRowSet.columnUpdated(String columnName)
Indicates whether the designated column in the current row of this CachedRowSet object has been updated. |
void |
Each JdbcRowSet contains a Connection object from
the ResultSet or JDBC properties passed to it's constructors. |
void |
Each CachedRowSet object's SyncProvider contains
a Connection object from the ResultSet or JDBC
properties passed to it's constructors. |
CachedRowSet |
Creates a RowSet object that is a deep copy of the data in
this CachedRowSet object. |
CachedRowSet |
Creates a CachedRowSet object that is a deep copy of
this CachedRowSet object's data but is independent of it. |
CachedRowSet |
Creates a CachedRowSet object that is an empty copy of this
CachedRowSet object. |
RowSet |
Returns a new RowSet object backed by the same data as
that of this CachedRowSet object. |
boolean |
Predicate.evaluate(Object value,
int column)
This method is called by a FilteredRowSet object
to check whether the value lies between the filtering criterion (or criteria
if multiple constraints exist) set using the setFilter() method. |
boolean |
Predicate.evaluate(Object value,
String columnName)
This method is called by the FilteredRowSet object
to check whether the value lies between the filtering criteria set
using the setFilter method. |
void |
CachedRowSet.execute(Connection conn)
Populates this CachedRowSet object with data, using the
given connection to produce the result set from which the data will be read. |
boolean |
Each JdbcRowSet contains a Connection object from
the original ResultSet or JDBC properties passed to it. |
String |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getCatalogName(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the catalog name of the table from which the value in the designated column was derived. |
String |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getColumnClassName(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the fully-qualified name of the class in the Java programming language to which a value in the designated column will be mapped. |
int |
Retrieves the number of columns in the RowSet object
for which this RowSetMetaDataImpl object was created. |
int |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getColumnDisplaySize(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the normal maximum width in chars of the designated column. |
String |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getColumnLabel(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the the suggested column title for the designated column for use in printouts and displays. |
String |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getColumnName(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the name of the designated column. |
int |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getColumnType(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the type code (one of the java.sql.Types
constants) for the SQL type of the value stored in the
designated column. |
String |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getColumnTypeName(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the DBMS-specific type name for values stored in the designated column. |
int |
Returns the concurrency for this RowSet object. |
boolean |
Ascertains whether escape processing is enabled for this RowSet object. |
int |
Retrieves this RowSet object's current setting for the
fetch direction. |
int |
Returns the fetch size for this RowSet object. |
int |
Returns a int describing the set SQL JOIN type
governing this JoinRowSet instance. |
int[] |
Returns an array containing one or more column numbers indicating the columns that form a key that uniquely identifies a row in this CachedRowSet object. |
int[] |
Retrieves the indexes of the match columns that were set for this RowSet object with the method
setMatchColumn(int[] columnIdxes) . |
String[] |
Retrieves the names of the match columns that were set for this RowSet object with the method
setMatchColumn(String [] columnNames) . |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in this RowSet object. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of rows that this RowSet object may contain. |
ResultSet |
Returns a ResultSet object containing the original value of this
CachedRowSet object. |
ResultSet |
Returns a ResultSet object containing the original value for the
current row only of this CachedRowSet object. |
Object[] |
Retrieves an array containing the parameter values (both Objects and primitives) that have been set for this RowSet object's command and throws an SQLException object
if all parameters have not been set. |
int |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getPrecision(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the total number of digits for values stored in the designated column. |
int |
Retrieves the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute. |
String[] |
Returns a String array containing the names of the
RowSet objects added to this JoinRowSet
object. |
Collection<?> |
Returns a Collection object containing the
RowSet objects that have been added to this
JoinRowSet object. |
RowSetWarning |
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this JdbcRowSet
object. |
RowSetWarning |
Retrieves the first warning reported by calls on this RowSet object. |
int |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getScale(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the number of digits to the right of the decimal point for values stored in the designated column. |
String |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getSchemaName(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the schema name of the table from which the value in the designated column was derived. |
boolean |
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether rows marked
for deletion appear in the set of current rows. |
boolean |
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether rows marked
for deletion appear in the set of current rows. |
boolean |
Retrieves a boolean indicating whether rows marked
for deletion appear in the set of current rows. |
SyncProvider |
Retrieves the SyncProvider implementation for this
CachedRowSet object. |
String |
Returns an identifier for the object (table) that was used to create this CachedRowSet object. |
String |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.getTableName(int columnIndex)
Retrieves the name of the table from which the value in the designated column was derived. |
int |
Returns the type of this RowSet object. |
String |
Retrieves the JDBC URL that this RowSet object's
javax.sql.Reader object uses to make a connection
with a relational database using a JDBC technology-enabled driver. |
String |
Return a SQL-like description of the WHERE clause being used in a JoinRowSet object. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isAutoIncrement(int columnIndex)
Retrieves whether a value stored in the designated column is automatically numbered, and thus readonly. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isCaseSensitive(int columnIndex)
Indicates whether the case of the designated column's name matters. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isCurrency(int columnIndex)
Indicates whether a value stored in the designated column is a cash value. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isDefinitelyWritable(int columnIndex)
Indicates whether a write operation on the designated column will definitely succeed. |
int |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isNullable(int columnIndex)
Retrieves a constant indicating whether it is possible to store a NULL value in the designated column. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isReadOnly(int columnIndex)
Indicates whether the designated column is definitely not writable, thus readonly. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isSearchable(int columnIndex)
Indicates whether a value stored in the designated column can be used in a WHERE clause. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isSigned(int columnIndex)
Indicates whether a value stored in the designated column is a signed number. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isWrapperFor(Class<?> interfaces)
Returns true if this either implements the interface argument or is directly or indirectly a wrapper for an object that does. |
boolean |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.isWritable(int columnIndex)
Indicates whether it is possible for a write operation on the designated column to succeed. |
boolean |
Increments the current page of the CachedRowSet . |
protected void |
Notifies all of the listeners registered with this RowSet object that its cursor has moved. |
protected void |
Notifies all of the listeners registered with this RowSet object that
one of its rows has changed. |
protected void |
Notifies all of the listeners registered with this RowSet
object that its entire contents have changed. |
void |
CachedRowSet.populate(ResultSet data)
Populates this CachedRowSet object with data from
the given ResultSet object. |
void |
CachedRowSet.populate(ResultSet rs,
int startRow)
Populates this CachedRowSet object with data from
the given ResultSet object. |
boolean |
Decrements the current page of the CachedRowSet . |
void |
WebRowSet.readXml(InputStream iStream)
Reads a stream based XML input to populate this WebRowSet
object. |
void |
WebRowSet.readXml(Reader reader)
Reads a WebRowSet object in its XML format from the given
Reader object. |
void |
Releases the current contents of this CachedRowSet
object and sends a rowSetChanged event to all
registered listeners. |
void |
Restores this CachedRowSet object to its original
value, that is, its value before the last set of changes. |
void |
Each JdbcRowSet contains a Connection object from
the original ResultSet or JDBC properties passed to it. |
void |
Each CachedRowSet object's SyncProvider contains
a Connection object from the original ResultSet
or JDBC properties passed to it. |
void |
JdbcRowSet.rollback(Savepoint s)
Each JdbcRowSet contains a Connection object from
the original ResultSet or JDBC properties passed to it. |
void |
CachedRowSet.rollback(Savepoint s)
Each CachedRowSet object's SyncProvider contains
a Connection object from the original ResultSet
or JDBC properties passed to it. |
void |
CachedRowSet.rowSetPopulated(RowSetEvent event,
int numRows)
Notifies registered listeners that a RowSet object in the given RowSetEvent object has populated a number of additional rows. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setArray(int parameterIndex,
Array array)
Sets the designated parameter to an Array object in the
Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given input stream. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setAsciiStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.InputStream object,
which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setAsciiStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
JdbcRowSet.setAutoCommit(boolean autoCommit)
Each JdbcRowSet contains a Connection object from
the original ResultSet or JDBC properties passed to it. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setAutoIncrement(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether the designated column is automatically numbered, thus read-only, to the given boolean
value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBigDecimal(int parameterIndex,
BigDecimal x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.lang.BigDecimal value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBigDecimal(String parameterName,
BigDecimal x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given input stream. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBinaryStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.InputStream
object, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBinaryStream(String parameterName,
InputStream x,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream, which will have the specified number of bytes. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
Blob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Blob object in
the Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
InputStream inputStream)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBlob(int parameterIndex,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBlob(String parameterName,
Blob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Blob object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBlob(String parameterName,
InputStream inputStream)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBlob(String parameterName,
InputStream inputStream,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a InputStream object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBoolean(int parameterIndex,
boolean x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given boolean in the
Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBoolean(String parameterName,
boolean x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setByte(int parameterIndex,
byte x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given byte in the Java
programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setByte(String parameterName,
byte x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBytes(int parameterIndex,
byte[] x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given array of bytes. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setBytes(String parameterName,
byte[] x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setCaseSensitive(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether the name of the designated column is case sensitive to the given boolean . |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setCatalogName(int columnIndex,
String catalogName)
Sets the catalog name of the table from which the designated column was derived to catalogName. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to the given Reader
object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.io.Reader
object, which will have the specified number of characters. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
int length)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Reader
object, which is the given number of characters long. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Clob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Clob object in
the Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setClob(String parameterName,
Clob x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Clob object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setColumnCount(int columnCount)
Sets to the given number the number of columns in the RowSet
object for which this RowSetMetaDataImpl object was created. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setColumnDisplaySize(int columnIndex,
int size)
Sets the normal maximum number of chars in the designated column to the given number. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setColumnLabel(int columnIndex,
String label)
Sets the suggested column label for use in printouts and displays, if any, to label. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setColumnName(int columnIndex,
String columnName)
Sets the column name of the designated column to the given name. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setColumnType(int columnIndex,
int SQLType)
Sets the SQL type code for values stored in the designated column to the given type code from the class java.sql.Types . |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setColumnTypeName(int columnIndex,
String typeName)
Sets the type name used by the data source for values stored in the designated column to the given type name. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setCommand(String cmd)
Sets this RowSet object's command property to
the given String object and clears the parameters, if any,
that were set for the previous command. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setConcurrency(int concurrency)
Sets the concurrency for this RowSet object to
the specified concurrency. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setCurrency(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column is a cash value to the given boolean . |
void |
BaseRowSet.setDataSourceName(String name)
Sets the DataSource name property for this RowSet
object to the given logical name and sets this RowSet object's
Url property to null . |
void |
BaseRowSet.setDate(int parameterIndex,
Date x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date
value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setDate(int parameterIndex,
Date x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date
object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setDate(String parameterName,
Date x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value
using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running
the application. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setDate(String parameterName,
Date x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setDouble(int parameterIndex,
double x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given double in the
Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setDouble(String parameterName,
double x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable)
Sets to the given boolean whether or not the driver will
scan for escape syntax and do escape substitution before sending SQL
statements to the database. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setFetchDirection(int direction)
Gives the driver a performance hint as to the direction in which the rows in this RowSet object will be
processed. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setFetchSize(int rows)
Sets the fetch size for this RowSet object to the given number of
rows. |
void |
FilteredRowSet.setFilter(Predicate p)
Applies the given Predicate object to this
object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setFloat(int parameterIndex,
float x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given float in the
Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setFloat(String parameterName,
float x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setInt(int parameterIndex,
int x)
Sets the designated parameter to an int in the Java
programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setInt(String parameterName,
int x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value. |
void |
JoinRowSet.setJoinType(int joinType)
Allow the application to adjust the type of JOIN imposed
on tables contained within the JoinRowSet object instance. |
void |
CachedRowSet.setKeyColumns(int[] keys)
Sets this CachedRowSet object's keyCols
field with the given array of column numbers, which forms a key
for uniquely identifying a row in this CachedRowSet object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setLong(int parameterIndex,
long x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given long in the Java
programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setLong(String parameterName,
long x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value. |
void |
Joinable.setMatchColumn(int columnIdx)
Sets the designated column as the match column for this RowSet
object. |
void |
Joinable.setMatchColumn(int[] columnIdxes)
Sets the designated columns as the match column for this RowSet
object. |
void |
Joinable.setMatchColumn(String columnName)
Sets the designated column as the match column for this RowSet
object. |
void |
Joinable.setMatchColumn(String[] columnNames)
Sets the designated columns as the match column for this RowSet
object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setMaxFieldSize(int max)
Sets the maximum number of bytes that can be used for a column value in this RowSet object to the given number. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setMaxRows(int max)
Sets the maximum number of rows that this RowSet object may contain to
the given number. |
void |
CachedRowSet.setMetaData(RowSetMetaData md)
Sets the metadata for this CachedRowSet object with
the given RowSetMetaData object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader value)
Sets the designated parameter in this RowSet object's command
to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNCharacterStream(int parameterIndex,
Reader value,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader value)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNCharacterStream(String parameterName,
Reader value,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
NClob value)
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClob object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNClob(int parameterIndex,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNClob(String parameterName,
NClob value)
Sets the designated parameter to a java.sql.NClob object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNClob(String parameterName,
Reader reader,
long length)
Sets the designated parameter to a Reader object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNString(int parameterIndex,
String value)
Sets the designated paramter to the given String object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNString(String parameterName,
String value)
Sets the designated paramter to the given String object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNull(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNull(int parameterIndex,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNull(String parameterName,
int sqlType)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
BaseRowSet.setNull(String parameterName,
int sqlType,
String typeName)
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL . |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setNullable(int columnIndex,
int property)
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column can be set to NULL to the given constant from the interface
ResultSetMetaData . |
void |
BaseRowSet.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x)
Sets the designated parameter to an Object in the Java
programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x,
int targetSqlType)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given Object value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setObject(int parameterIndex,
Object x,
int targetSqlType,
int scale)
Sets the designated parameter to an Object in the Java
programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x,
int targetSqlType)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setObject(String parameterName,
Object x,
int targetSqlType,
int scale)
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object. |
void |
Sets the current row in this CachedRowSet object as the original
row. |
void |
CachedRowSet.setPageSize(int size)
Sets the CachedRowSet object's page-size. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setPrecision(int columnIndex,
int precision)
Sets the total number of decimal digits in a value stored in the designated column to the given number. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setQueryTimeout(int seconds)
Sets to the given number the maximum number of seconds the driver will wait for a query to execute. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setRef(int parameterIndex,
Ref ref)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Ref object in
the Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setRowId(int parameterIndex,
RowId x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setRowId(String parameterName,
RowId x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setScale(int columnIndex,
int scale)
Sets the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a value stored in the designated column to the given number. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setSchemaName(int columnIndex,
String schemaName)
Sets the designated column's table's schema name, if any, to schemaName. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setSearchable(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column can be used in a WHERE clause to the given boolean value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setShort(int parameterIndex,
short x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given short in the
Java programming language. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setShort(String parameterName,
short x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value. |
void |
JdbcRowSet.setShowDeleted(boolean b)
Sets the property showDeleted to the given
boolean value. |
void |
CachedRowSet.setShowDeleted(boolean b)
Sets the property showDeleted to the given
boolean value, which determines whether
rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setShowDeleted(boolean value)
Sets the property showDeleted to the given
boolean value, which determines whether
rows marked for deletion appear in the set of current rows. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setSigned(int columnIndex,
boolean property)
Sets whether a value stored in the designated column is a signed number to the given boolean . |
void |
BaseRowSet.setSQLXML(int parameterIndex,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.SQLXML object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setSQLXML(String parameterName,
SQLXML xmlObject)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.SQLXML object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setString(int parameterIndex,
String x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given String
value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setString(String parameterName,
String x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value. |
void |
CachedRowSet.setSyncProvider(String provider)
Sets the SyncProvider objec for this CachedRowSet
object to the one specified. |
void |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.setTableName(int columnIndex,
String tableName)
Sets the name of the table from which the designated column was derived to the given table name. |
void |
CachedRowSet.setTableName(String tabName)
Sets the identifier for the table from which this CachedRowSet
object was derived to the given table name. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTime(int parameterIndex,
Time x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time
value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTime(int parameterIndex,
Time x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time
object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTime(String parameterName,
Time x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTime(String parameterName,
Time x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex,
Timestamp x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTimestamp(int parameterIndex,
Timestamp x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTimestamp(String parameterName,
Timestamp x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTimestamp(String parameterName,
Timestamp x,
Calendar cal)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value,
using the given Calendar object. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setTransactionIsolation(int level)
Sets the transaction isolation property for this JDBC RowSet object to the given
constant. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setType(int type)
Sets the type for this RowSet object to the specified type. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setUnicodeStream(int parameterIndex,
InputStream x,
int length)
Deprecated. getCharacterStream should be used in its place |
void |
BaseRowSet.setURL(int parameterIndex,
URL x)
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.net.URL value. |
void |
BaseRowSet.setUrl(String url)
Sets the Url property for this RowSet object
to the given String object and sets the dataSource name
property to null . |
CachedRowSet |
Creates a new CachedRowSet object containing the
data in this JoinRowSet object, which can be saved
to a data source using the SyncProvider object for
the CachedRowSet object. |
Collection<?> |
Converts this CachedRowSet object to a Collection
object that contains all of this CachedRowSet object's data. |
Collection<?> |
CachedRowSet.toCollection(int column)
Converts the designated column in this CachedRowSet object
to a Collection object. |
Collection<?> |
CachedRowSet.toCollection(String column)
Converts the designated column in this CachedRowSet object
to a Collection object. |
void |
Cancels the deletion of the current row and notifies listeners that a row has changed. |
void |
Immediately removes the current row from this CachedRowSet
object if the row has been inserted, and also notifies listeners that a
row has changed. |
void |
Immediately reverses the last update operation if the row has been modified. |
void |
Joinable.unsetMatchColumn(int columnIdx)
Unsets the designated column as the match column for this RowSet
object. |
void |
Joinable.unsetMatchColumn(int[] columnIdxes)
Unsets the designated columns as the match column for this RowSet
object. |
void |
Joinable.unsetMatchColumn(String columnName)
Unsets the designated column as the match column for this RowSet
object. |
void |
Joinable.unsetMatchColumn(String[] columnName)
Unsets the designated columns as the match columns for this RowSet
object. |
RowSetMetaDataImpl.unwrap(Class<T> iface)
Returns an object that implements the given interface to allow access to non-standard methods, or standard methods not exposed by the proxy. |
void |
WebRowSet.writeXml(OutputStream oStream)
Writes the data, properties, and metadata for this WebRowSet object
to the given OutputStream object in XML format. |
void |
WebRowSet.writeXml(ResultSet rs,
OutputStream oStream)
Populates this WebRowSet object with
the contents of the given ResultSet object and writes its
data, properties, and metadata
to the given OutputStream object in XML format. |
void |
WebRowSet.writeXml(ResultSet rs,
Writer writer)
Populates this WebRowSet object with
the contents of the given ResultSet object and writes its
data, properties, and metadata
to the given Writer object in XML format. |
void |
WebRowSet.writeXml(Writer writer)
Writes the data, properties, and metadata for this WebRowSet object
to the given Writer object in XML format. |
Uses of SQLException in javax.sql.rowset.serial |
Subclasses of SQLException in javax.sql.rowset.serial | |
class |
Indicates and an error with the serialization or de-serialization of SQL types such as BLOB, CLOB, STRUCT or ARRAY in
addition to SQL types such as DATALINK and JAVAOBJECT |
Methods in javax.sql.rowset.serial that throw SQLException | |
void |
void |
This method frees the Blob object and releases the resources that it holds. |
void |
This method frees the Array object and releases the resources that
it holds. |
InputStream |
Retrieves the CLOB value designated by this SerialClob
object as an ascii stream. |
InputStream |
SerialBlob.getBinaryStream(long pos,
long length)
Returns an InputStream object that contains a partial Blob value,
starting with the byte specified by pos, which is length bytes in length. |
Reader |
SerialClob.getCharacterStream(long pos,
long length)
long |
SerialBlob.position(Blob pattern,
long start)
Returns the position in this SerialBlob object where
the given Blob object begins, starting the search at the
specified position. |
long |
SerialBlob.position(byte[] pattern,
long start)
Returns the position in this SerialBlob object where
the given pattern of bytes begins, starting the search at the
specified position. |
long |
SerialClob.position(Clob searchStr,
long start)
Returns the position in this SerialClob object
where the given Clob signature begins, starting
the search at the specified position. |
long |
SerialClob.position(String searchStr,
long start)
Returns the position in this SerialClob object
where the given String object begins, starting
the search at the specified position. |
Array |
Reads an SQL ARRAY value from the stream and
returns it as an Array object in the Java programming
language. |
InputStream |
Returns the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a stream of ASCII characters. |
BigDecimal |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a java.math.BigDecimal . |
InputStream |
Returns the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a stream of uninterpreted bytes. |
Blob |
Retrieves the BLOB value at the head of this
SQLInputImpl object as a Blob object
in the Java programming language. |
boolean |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object as
a boolean in the Java programming language. |
byte |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object as
a byte in the Java programming language. |
byte[] |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as an array of bytes. |
Reader |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a stream of Unicode characters. |
Clob |
Retrieves the CLOB value at the head of this
SQLInputImpl object as a Clob object
in the Java programming language. |
Date |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl as
a java.sql.Date object. |
double |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a double in the Java programming language. |
float |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a float in the Java programming language. |
int |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as an int in the Java programming language. |
long |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a long in the Java programming language. |
NClob |
Reads an SQL NCLOB value from the stream and returns it as a
Clob object in the Java programming language. |
String |
Reads the next attribute in the stream and returns it as a String
in the Java programming language. |
Object |
Retrieves the value at the head of this SQLInputImpl
object as an Object in the Java programming language. |
Ref |
Retrieves the value at the head of this SQLInputImpl object
as a Ref object in the Java programming language. |
RowId |
Reads an SQL ROWID value from the stream and returns it as a
RowId object in the Java programming language. |
short |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object
as a short in the Java programming language. |
Reads an SQL XML value from the stream and returns it as a
SQLXML object in the Java programming language. |
String |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object as
a String in the Java programming language. |
Time |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object as
a java.sql.Time object. |
Timestamp |
Retrieves the next attribute in this SQLInputImpl object as
a java.sql.Timestamp object. |
Reads an SQL DATALINK value from the stream and
returns it as an URL object in the Java programming
language. |
OutputStream |
SerialClob.setAsciiStream(long pos)
Retrieves a stream to be used to write Ascii characters to the CLOB value that this SerialClob object represents,
starting at position pos . |
OutputStream |
SerialBlob.setBinaryStream(long pos)
Retrieves a stream that can be used to write to the BLOB
value that this Blob object represents. |
int |
SerialBlob.setBytes(long pos,
byte[] bytes)
Writes the given array of bytes to the BLOB value that
this Blob object represents, starting at position
pos , and returns the number of bytes written. |
int |
SerialBlob.setBytes(long pos,
byte[] bytes,
int offset,
int length)
Writes all or part of the given byte array to the
BLOB value that this Blob object represents
and returns the number of bytes written. |
Writer |
SerialClob.setCharacterStream(long pos)
Retrieves a stream to be used to write a stream of Unicode characters to the CLOB value that this SerialClob object
represents, at position pos . |
boolean |
Ascertains whether the last value read from this SQLInputImpl object was null . |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeArray(Array x)
Writes an Array object in the Java
programming language to this SQLOutputImpl
object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeAsciiStream(InputStream x)
Writes a stream of ASCII characters to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeBigDecimal(BigDecimal x)
Writes a java.math.BigDecimal object in the Java programming
language to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeBinaryStream(InputStream x)
Writes a stream of uninterpreted bytes to this SQLOutputImpl
object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeBlob(Blob x)
Writes a Blob object in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeBoolean(boolean x)
Writes a boolean in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeByte(byte x)
Writes a byte in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeBytes(byte[] x)
Writes an array of bytes in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeCharacterStream(Reader x)
Writes a stream of Unicode characters to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeClob(Clob x)
Writes a Clob object in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeDate(Date x)
Writes a java.sql.Date object in the Java programming
language to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeDouble(double x)
Writes a double in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeFloat(float x)
Writes a float in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeInt(int x)
Writes an int in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeLong(long x)
Writes a long in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeNClob(NClob x)
Writes an SQL NCLOB value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeNString(String x)
Writes the next attribute to the stream as a String
in the Java programming language. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeObject(SQLData x)
Writes to the stream the data contained in the given SQLData object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeRef(Ref x)
Writes a Ref object in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeRowId(RowId x)
Writes an SQL ROWID value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeShort(short x)
Writes a short in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeSQLXML(SQLXML x)
Writes an SQL XML value to the stream. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeString(String x)
Writes a String in the Java programming language
to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeStruct(Struct x)
Writes a Struct object in the Java
programming language to this SQLOutputImpl
object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeTime(Time x)
Writes a java.sql.Time object in the Java programming
language to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeTimestamp(Timestamp x)
Writes a java.sql.Timestamp object in the Java programming
language to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
void |
SQLOutputImpl.writeURL(URL url)
Writes an java.sql.Type.DATALINK object in the Java
programming language to this SQLOutputImpl object. |
Constructors in javax.sql.rowset.serial that throw SQLException | |
SerialArray(Array array)
Constructs a new SerialArray object from the given
Array object. |
SerialArray(Array array,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Constructs a new SerialArray object from the given
Array object, using the given type map for the custom
mapping of each element when the elements are SQL UDTs. |
SerialBlob(Blob blob)
Constructs a SerialBlob object that is a serialized
version of the given Blob object. |
SerialBlob(byte[] b)
Constructs a SerialBlob object that is a serialized version of
the given byte array. |
SerialClob(char[] ch)
Constructs a SerialClob object that is a serialized version of
the given char array. |
SerialClob(Clob clob)
Constructs a SerialClob object that is a serialized
version of the given Clob object. |
SerialRef(Ref ref)
Constructs a SerialRef object from the given Ref
object. |
SQLInputImpl(Object[] attributes,
Map<String,Class<?>> map)
Creates an SQLInputImpl object initialized with the
given array of attributes and the given type map. |
SQLOutputImpl(Vector<?> attributes,
Map<String,?> map)
Creates a new SQLOutputImpl object
initialized with the given vector of attributes and
type map. |
Uses of SQLException in javax.sql.rowset.spi |
Subclasses of SQLException in javax.sql.rowset.spi | |
class |
Indicates an error with SyncFactory mechanism. |
class |
Indicates an error with the SyncProvider mechanism. |
Methods in javax.sql.rowset.spi that throw SQLException | |
void |
Makes permanent all changes that have been performed by the acceptChanges method since the last call to either the
commit or rollback methods. |
Object |
SyncResolver.getConflictValue(int index)
Retrieves the value in the designated column in the current row of this SyncResolver object, which is the value in the data source
that caused a conflict. |
Object |
SyncResolver.getConflictValue(String columnName)
Retrieves the value in the designated column in the current row of this SyncResolver object, which is the value in the data source
that caused a conflict. |
boolean |
Moves the cursor down from its current position to the next row that contains a conflict value. |
boolean |
Moves the cursor up from its current position to the previous conflict row in this SyncResolver object. |
void |
XmlReader.readXML(WebRowSet caller,
Reader reader)
Reads and parses the given WebRowSet object from the given
input stream in XML format. |
void |
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction. |
void |
TransactionalWriter.rollback(Savepoint s)
Undoes all changes made in the current transaction made prior to the given Savepoint object. |
void |
SyncResolver.setResolvedValue(int index,
Object obj)
Sets obj as the value in column index in the current row of the RowSet object that is being synchronized. |
void |
SyncResolver.setResolvedValue(String columnName,
Object obj)
Sets obj as the value in column columnName in the current row of the RowSet object that is being synchronized. |
void |
XmlWriter.writeXML(WebRowSet caller,
Writer writer)
Writes the given WebRowSet object to the specified
java.io.Writer output stream as an XML document. |
Java™ Platform Standard Ed. 6 |
Copyright © 1993, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.