Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use ServiceRegistry
javax.imageio.spi A package of the Java Image I/O API containing the plug-in interfaces for readers, writers, transcoders, and streams, and a runtime registry. 

Uses of ServiceRegistry in javax.imageio.spi

Subclasses of ServiceRegistry in javax.imageio.spi
 class IIORegistry
          A registry for service provider instances.

Methods in javax.imageio.spi with parameters of type ServiceRegistry
 void RegisterableService.onDeregistration(ServiceRegistry registry, Class<?> category)
          Called when an object implementing this interface is removed from the given category of the given registry.
 void IIOServiceProvider.onDeregistration(ServiceRegistry registry, Class<?> category)
          A callback that will be whenever the Spi class has been deregistered from a ServiceRegistry.
 void RegisterableService.onRegistration(ServiceRegistry registry, Class<?> category)
          Called when an object implementing this interface is added to the given category of the given registry.
 void IIOServiceProvider.onRegistration(ServiceRegistry registry, Class<?> category)
          A callback that will be called exactly once after the Spi class has been instantiated and registered in a ServiceRegistry.

Java™ Platform
Standard Ed. 6

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