Uses of Class

Packages that use ZParams

Uses of ZParams in redis.clients.jedis

Methods in redis.clients.jedis that return ZParams
 ZParams ZParams.aggregate(ZParams.Aggregate aggregate)
 ZParams ZParams.weights(int... weights)

Methods in redis.clients.jedis with parameters of type ZParams
 void BinaryClient.zinterstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
 Response<Long> Pipeline.zinterstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
 Response<Long> BinaryTransaction.zinterstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
 Long BinaryJedis.zinterstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
          Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
 Response<Long> Transaction.zinterstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
 Long Jedis.zinterstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
          Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
 Response<Long> Pipeline.zinterstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
 void Commands.zinterstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
 void Client.zinterstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
 void BinaryClient.zunionstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
 Response<Long> Pipeline.zunionstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
 Response<Long> BinaryTransaction.zunionstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
 Long BinaryJedis.zunionstore(byte[] dstkey, ZParams params, byte[]... sets)
          Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
 Response<Long> Transaction.zunionstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
 Long Jedis.zunionstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
          Creates a union or intersection of N sorted sets given by keys k1 through kN, and stores it at dstkey.
 Response<Long> Pipeline.zunionstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
 void Commands.zunionstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)
 void Client.zunionstore(String dstkey, ZParams params, String... sets)

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