Uses of Class

Packages that use CharArraySet
org.apache.lucene.analysis API and code to convert text into indexable/searchable tokens.
Analyzer for Simplified Chinese, which indexes words. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.compound A filter that decomposes compound words you find in many Germanic languages into the word parts. Analysis for Irish. 
org.apache.lucene.analysis.ja Analyzer for Japanese. Analyzer for Portuguese. 

Uses of CharArraySet in org.apache.lucene.analysis

Fields in org.apache.lucene.analysis declared as CharArraySet
static CharArraySet CharArraySet.EMPTY_SET
protected  CharArraySet StopwordAnalyzerBase.stopwords
          An immutable stopword set

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis that return CharArraySet
static CharArraySet CharArraySet.copy(Set<?> set)
          Deprecated. use copy(Version, Set) instead.
static CharArraySet CharArraySet.copy(Version matchVersion, Set<?> set)
          Returns a copy of the given set as a CharArraySet.
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getSnowballWordSet(Reader reader, CharArraySet result)
          Reads stopwords from a stopword list in Snowball format.
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getSnowballWordSet(Reader reader, Version matchVersion)
          Reads stopwords from a stopword list in Snowball format.
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getWordSet(Reader reader, CharArraySet result)
          Reads lines from a Reader and adds every line as an entry to a CharArraySet (omitting leading and trailing whitespace).
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getWordSet(Reader reader, String comment, CharArraySet result)
          Reads lines from a Reader and adds every non-comment line as an entry to a CharArraySet (omitting leading and trailing whitespace).
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getWordSet(Reader reader, String comment, Version matchVersion)
          Reads lines from a Reader and adds every non-comment line as an entry to a CharArraySet (omitting leading and trailing whitespace).
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getWordSet(Reader reader, Version matchVersion)
          Reads lines from a Reader and adds every line as an entry to a CharArraySet (omitting leading and trailing whitespace).
 CharArraySet CharArrayMap.keySet()
          Returns an CharArraySet view on the map's keys.
protected static CharArraySet StopwordAnalyzerBase.loadStopwordSet(boolean ignoreCase, Class<? extends ReusableAnalyzerBase> aClass, String resource, String comment)
          Creates a CharArraySet from a file resource associated with a class.
protected static CharArraySet StopwordAnalyzerBase.loadStopwordSet(File stopwords, Version matchVersion)
          Creates a CharArraySet from a file.
protected static CharArraySet StopwordAnalyzerBase.loadStopwordSet(Reader stopwords, Version matchVersion)
          Creates a CharArraySet from a file.
static CharArraySet CharArraySet.unmodifiableSet(CharArraySet set)
          Returns an unmodifiable CharArraySet.

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type CharArraySet
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getSnowballWordSet(Reader reader, CharArraySet result)
          Reads stopwords from a stopword list in Snowball format.
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getWordSet(Reader reader, CharArraySet result)
          Reads lines from a Reader and adds every line as an entry to a CharArraySet (omitting leading and trailing whitespace).
static CharArraySet WordlistLoader.getWordSet(Reader reader, String comment, CharArraySet result)
          Reads lines from a Reader and adds every non-comment line as an entry to a CharArraySet (omitting leading and trailing whitespace).
static CharArraySet CharArraySet.unmodifiableSet(CharArraySet set)
          Returns an unmodifiable CharArraySet.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis with parameters of type CharArraySet
KeywordMarkerFilter(TokenStream in, CharArraySet keywordSet)
          Create a new KeywordMarkerFilter, that marks the current token as a keyword if the tokens term buffer is contained in the given set via the KeywordAttribute.
MockAnalyzer(Random random, int pattern, boolean lowerCase, CharArraySet filter, boolean enablePositionIncrements)
          Creates a new MockAnalyzer.

Uses of CharArraySet in

Methods in that return CharArraySet
static CharArraySet SmartChineseAnalyzer.getDefaultStopSet()
          Returns an unmodifiable instance of the default stop-words set.

Uses of CharArraySet in org.apache.lucene.analysis.compound

Fields in org.apache.lucene.analysis.compound declared as CharArraySet
protected  CharArraySet CompoundWordTokenFilterBase.dictionary

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis.compound that return CharArraySet
static CharArraySet CompoundWordTokenFilterBase.makeDictionary(Version matchVersion, String[] dictionary)
          Deprecated. Only available for backwards compatibility.

Uses of CharArraySet in

Methods in that return CharArraySet
static CharArraySet IrishAnalyzer.getDefaultStopSet()
          Returns an unmodifiable instance of the default stop words set.

Constructors in with parameters of type CharArraySet
IrishAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, CharArraySet stopwords)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words.
IrishAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, CharArraySet stopwords, CharArraySet stemExclusionSet)
          Builds an analyzer with the given stop words.

Uses of CharArraySet in org.apache.lucene.analysis.ja

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis.ja that return CharArraySet
static CharArraySet JapaneseAnalyzer.getDefaultStopSet()

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.ja with parameters of type CharArraySet
JapaneseAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, UserDictionary userDict, JapaneseTokenizer.Mode mode, CharArraySet stopwords, Set<String> stoptags)

Uses of CharArraySet in

Fields in declared as CharArraySet
protected  CharArraySet RSLPStemmerBase.RuleWithSetExceptions.exceptions