Uses of Class

Packages that use TrecDocParser
org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds Sources for benchmark inputs: documents and queries. 

Uses of TrecDocParser in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds

Subclasses of TrecDocParser in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.feeds
 class TrecFBISParser
          Parser for the FBIS docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
 class TrecFR94Parser
          Parser for the FR94 docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
 class TrecFTParser
          Parser for the FT docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
 class TrecGov2Parser
          Parser for the GOV2 collection format
 class TrecLATimesParser
          Parser for the FT docs in trec disks 4+5 collection format
 class TrecParserByPath
          Parser for trec docs which selects the parser to apply according to the source files path, defaulting to TrecGov2Parser.