Class SearchTravTask

  extended by org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks.PerfTask
      extended by org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks.ReadTask
          extended by org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks.SearchTravTask
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
SearchTravRetHighlightTask, SearchTravRetLoadFieldSelectorTask, SearchTravRetTask, SearchTravRetVectorHighlightTask

public class SearchTravTask
extends ReadTask

Search and Traverse task.

Note: This task reuses the reader if it is already open. Otherwise a reader is opened at start and closed at the end.

Takes optional param: traversal size (otherwise all results are traversed).

Other side effects: counts additional 1 (record) for each traversed hit.

Field Summary
protected  int traversalSize
Fields inherited from class org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks.PerfTask
logStep, NEW_LINE, params, stopNow
Constructor Summary
SearchTravTask(PerfRunData runData)
Method Summary
 QueryMaker getQueryMaker()
          Return query maker used for this task.
 void setParams(String params)
          Set the params of this task.
 boolean supportsParams()
          Sub classes that support parameters must override this method to return true.
 int traversalSize()
          Specify the number of hits to traverse.
 boolean withRetrieve()
          Return true if, with search & results traversing, docs should be retrieved.
 boolean withSearch()
          Return true if search should be performed.
 boolean withTraverse()
          Return true if, with search, results should be traversed.
 boolean withWarm()
          Return true if warming should be performed.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks.ReadTask
createCollector, doLogic, getBenchmarkHighlighter, getFieldsToHighlight, getSort, numHits, numToHighlight, retrieveDoc, setup, withCollector, withMaxScore, withScore
Methods inherited from class org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks.PerfTask
clone, close, getBackgroundDeltaPriority, getDepth, getLogMessage, getName, getParams, getRunData, getRunInBackground, isDisableCounting, runAndMaybeStats, setDepth, setDisableCounting, setName, setRunInBackground, shouldNeverLogAtStart, shouldNotRecordStats, stopNow, tearDown, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected int traversalSize
Constructor Detail


public SearchTravTask(PerfRunData runData)
Method Detail


public boolean withRetrieve()
Description copied from class: ReadTask
Return true if, with search & results traversing, docs should be retrieved.

Specified by:
withRetrieve in class ReadTask


public boolean withSearch()
Description copied from class: ReadTask
Return true if search should be performed.

Specified by:
withSearch in class ReadTask


public boolean withTraverse()
Description copied from class: ReadTask
Return true if, with search, results should be traversed.

Specified by:
withTraverse in class ReadTask


public boolean withWarm()
Description copied from class: ReadTask
Return true if warming should be performed.

Specified by:
withWarm in class ReadTask


public QueryMaker getQueryMaker()
Description copied from class: ReadTask
Return query maker used for this task.

Specified by:
getQueryMaker in class ReadTask


public int traversalSize()
Description copied from class: ReadTask
Specify the number of hits to traverse. Tasks should override this if they want to restrict the number of hits that are traversed when ReadTask.withTraverse() is true. Must be greater than 0.

Read task calculates the traversal as: Math.min(hits.length(), traversalSize())

traversalSize in class ReadTask


public void setParams(String params)
Description copied from class: PerfTask
Set the params of this task.

setParams in class PerfTask


public boolean supportsParams()
Description copied from class: PerfTask
Sub classes that support parameters must override this method to return true.

supportsParams in class PerfTask
true iff this task supports command line params.