Package org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements.association

Association category enhancements


Class Summary
AssociationEnhancement A CategoryEnhancement for adding associations data to the index (categories with AssociationPropertys).
AssociationFloatProperty An AssociationProperty which treats the association as float - the association bits are actually float bits, and thus merging two associations is done by float summation.
AssociationIntProperty An AssociationProperty which treats the association as int - merges two associations by summation.
AssociationListTokenizer Tokenizer for associations of a category
AssociationProperty A CategoryProperty associating a single integer value to a CategoryAttribute.
AssociationsPayloadIterator Allows easy iteration over the associations payload, decoding and breaking it to (ordinal, value) pairs, stored in a hash.

Package org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements.association Description

Association category enhancements

A CategoryEnhancement for adding associations data to the index (categories with AssociationProperty's).