Class Sampler

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
RandomSampler, RepeatableSampler

public abstract class Sampler
extends Object

Sampling definition for facets accumulation

The Sampler uses TAKMI style counting to provide a 'best guess' top-K result set of the facets accumulated.

Note: Sampling accumulation (Accumulation over a sampled-set of the results), does not guarantee accurate values for FacetResult.getNumValidDescendants() & FacetResultNode.getResidue().

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Nested Class Summary
static class Sampler.SampleResult
          Result of sample computation
Field Summary
protected  SamplingParams samplingParams
Constructor Summary
          Construct with SamplingParams
Sampler(SamplingParams params)
          Construct with certain SamplingParams
Method Summary
protected abstract  Sampler.SampleResult createSample(ScoredDocIDs docids, int actualSize, int sampleSetSize)
          Create and return a sample of the input set
 SampleFixer getSampleFixer(IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader, FacetSearchParams searchParams)
          Get a fixer of sample facet accumulation results.
 Sampler.SampleResult getSampleSet(ScoredDocIDs docids)
          Compute a sample set out of the input set, based on the SamplingParams.getSampleRatio() in effect.
 SamplingParams getSamplingParams()
          Return the sampling params in effect
 FacetSearchParams overSampledSearchParams(FacetSearchParams original)
          Over-sampled search params, wrapping each request with an over-sampled one.
 boolean shouldSample(ScoredDocIDs docIds)
          Check if this sampler would complement for the input docIds
 FacetResult trimResult(FacetResult facetResult)
          Trim the input facet result.
Note: It is only valid to call this method with result obtained for a facet request created through overSampledSearchParams(FacetSearchParams).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final SamplingParams samplingParams
Constructor Detail


public Sampler()
Construct with SamplingParams


public Sampler(SamplingParams params)
        throws IllegalArgumentException
Construct with certain SamplingParams

params - sampling params in effect
IllegalArgumentException - if the provided SamplingParams are not valid
Method Detail


public boolean shouldSample(ScoredDocIDs docIds)
Check if this sampler would complement for the input docIds


public Sampler.SampleResult getSampleSet(ScoredDocIDs docids)
                                  throws IOException
Compute a sample set out of the input set, based on the SamplingParams.getSampleRatio() in effect. Sub classes can override to alter how the sample set is computed.

If the input set is of size smaller than SamplingParams.getMinSampleSize(), the input set is returned (no sampling takes place).

Other than that, the returned set size will not be larger than SamplingParams.getMaxSampleSize() nor smaller than SamplingParams.getMinSampleSize().

docids - full set of matching documents out of which a sample is needed.


protected abstract Sampler.SampleResult createSample(ScoredDocIDs docids,
                                                     int actualSize,
                                                     int sampleSetSize)
                                              throws IOException
Create and return a sample of the input set

docids - input set out of which a sample is to be created
actualSize - original size of set, prior to sampling
sampleSetSize - required size of sample set
sample of the input set in the required size


public SampleFixer getSampleFixer(IndexReader indexReader,
                                  TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader,
                                  FacetSearchParams searchParams)
Get a fixer of sample facet accumulation results. Default implementation returns a TakmiSampleFixer which is adequate only for counting. For any other accumulator, provide a different fixer.


public final SamplingParams getSamplingParams()
Return the sampling params in effect


public FacetResult trimResult(FacetResult facetResult)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
Trim the input facet result.
Note: It is only valid to call this method with result obtained for a facet request created through overSampledSearchParams(FacetSearchParams).

IllegalArgumentException - if called with results not obtained for requests created through overSampledSearchParams(FacetSearchParams)


public FacetSearchParams overSampledSearchParams(FacetSearchParams original)
Over-sampled search params, wrapping each request with an over-sampled one.