Interface Summary | |
IndexDeletionPolicy | Expert: policy for deletion of stale index commits . |
IndexReader.ReaderClosedListener | A custom listener that's invoked when the IndexReader is closed. |
SegmentReader.CoreClosedListener | Called when the shared core for this SegmentReader is closed. |
TermDocs | TermDocs provides an interface for enumerating <document, frequency> pairs for a term. |
TermFreqVector | Provides access to stored term vector of a document field. |
TermPositions | TermPositions provides an interface for enumerating the <document, frequency, <position>* > tuples for a term. |
TermPositionVector | Extends TermFreqVector to provide additional information about
positions in which each of the terms is found. |
Class Summary | |
AbstractAllTermDocs | Base class for enumerating all but deleted docs. |
BalancedSegmentMergePolicy | Merge policy that tries to balance not doing large segment merges with not accumulating too many segments in the index, to provide for better performance in near real-time setting. |
BalancedSegmentMergePolicy.MergePolicyParams | Specifies configuration parameters for BalancedSegmentMergePolicy. |
CheckIndex | Basic tool and API to check the health of an index and write a new segments file that removes reference to problematic segments. |
CheckIndex.Status | Returned from CheckIndex.checkIndex() detailing the health and status of the index. |
CheckIndex.Status.FieldNormStatus | Status from testing field norms. |
CheckIndex.Status.SegmentInfoStatus | Holds the status of each segment in the index. |
CheckIndex.Status.StoredFieldStatus | Status from testing stored fields. |
CheckIndex.Status.TermIndexStatus | Status from testing term index. |
CheckIndex.Status.TermVectorStatus | Status from testing stored fields. |
CompoundFileExtractor | Command-line tool for extracting sub-files out of a compound file. |
CompoundFileWriter | Combines multiple files into a single compound file. |
ConcurrentMergeScheduler | A MergeScheduler that runs each merge using a
separate thread. |
FieldInfo | Access to the Fieldable Info file that describes document fields and whether or not they are indexed. |
FieldInfos | Collection of FieldInfo s (accessible by number or by name). |
FieldInvertState | This class tracks the number and position / offset parameters of terms being added to the index. |
FieldNormModifier | Deprecated. This class is broken, as it does not correctly take position overlaps into account. |
FieldSortedTermVectorMapper | For each Field, store a sorted collection of TermVectorEntry s
This is not thread-safe. |
FilterIndexReader | A FilterIndexReader contains another IndexReader, which it
uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the
way or providing additional functionality. |
FilterIndexReader.FilterTermDocs | Base class for filtering TermDocs implementations. |
FilterIndexReader.FilterTermEnum | Base class for filtering TermEnum implementations. |
FilterIndexReader.FilterTermPositions | Base class for filtering TermPositions implementations. |
IndexCommit | Expert: represents a single commit into an index as seen by the
IndexDeletionPolicy or IndexReader . |
IndexFileNameFilter | Filename filter that accept filenames and extensions only created by Lucene. |
IndexFileNames | This class contains useful constants representing filenames and extensions
used by lucene, as well as convenience methods for querying whether a file
name matches an extension (matchesExtension ), as well as generating file names from a segment name,
generation and extension (
fileNameFromGeneration ,
segmentFileName ). |
IndexReader | IndexReader is an abstract class, providing an interface for accessing an index. |
IndexSorter | Sort an index by document importance factor. |
IndexSplitter | Command-line tool that enables listing segments in an index, copying specific segments to another index, and deleting segments from an index. |
IndexUpgrader | This is an easy-to-use tool that upgrades all segments of an index from previous Lucene versions to the current segment file format. |
IndexWriter | An IndexWriter creates and maintains an index. |
IndexWriter.IndexReaderWarmer | If IndexWriter.getReader() has been called (ie, this writer
is in near real-time mode), then after a merge
completes, this class can be invoked to warm the
reader on the newly merged segment, before the merge
commits. |
IndexWriter.MaxFieldLength | Deprecated. use LimitTokenCountAnalyzer instead. |
IndexWriterConfig | Holds all the configuration of IndexWriter . |
KeepOnlyLastCommitDeletionPolicy | This IndexDeletionPolicy implementation that
keeps only the most recent commit and immediately removes
all prior commits after a new commit is done. |
LogByteSizeMergePolicy | This is a LogMergePolicy that measures size of a
segment as the total byte size of the segment's files. |
LogDocMergePolicy | This is a LogMergePolicy that measures size of a
segment as the number of documents (not taking deletions
into account). |
LogMergePolicy | This class implements a MergePolicy that tries
to merge segments into levels of exponentially
increasing size, where each level has fewer segments than
the value of the merge factor. |
MergePolicy | Expert: a MergePolicy determines the sequence of primitive merge operations. |
MergePolicy.MergeSpecification | A MergeSpecification instance provides the information necessary to perform multiple merges. |
MergePolicy.OneMerge | OneMerge provides the information necessary to perform an individual primitive merge operation, resulting in a single new segment. |
MergeScheduler | Expert: IndexWriter uses an instance
implementing this interface to execute the merges
selected by a MergePolicy . |
MockIndexInput | IndexInput backed by a byte[] for testing. |
MockRandomMergePolicy | MergePolicy that makes random decisions for testing. |
MultiPassIndexSplitter | This tool splits input index into multiple equal parts. |
MultipleTermPositions | Allows you to iterate over the TermPositions for multiple Term s as
a single TermPositions . |
MultiReader | An IndexReader which reads multiple indexes, appending their content. |
NoDeletionPolicy | An IndexDeletionPolicy which keeps all index commits around, never
deleting them. |
NoMergePolicy | A MergePolicy which never returns merges to execute (hence it's
name). |
NoMergeScheduler | A MergeScheduler which never executes any merges. |
ParallelReader | An IndexReader which reads multiple, parallel indexes. |
Payload | A Payload is metadata that can be stored together with each occurrence of a term. |
PayloadProcessorProvider | Provides a PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessor to be used for a Directory . |
PayloadProcessorProvider.DirPayloadProcessor | Deprecated. Use PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessor instead. |
PayloadProcessorProvider.PayloadProcessor | Processes the given payload. |
PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessor | Returns a PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessor for a given Term which allows
processing the payloads of different terms differently. |
PersistentSnapshotDeletionPolicy | A SnapshotDeletionPolicy which adds a persistence layer so that
snapshots can be maintained across the life of an application. |
PKIndexSplitter | Split an index based on a Filter . |
PositionBasedTermVectorMapper | For each Field, store position by position information. |
PositionBasedTermVectorMapper.TVPositionInfo | Container for a term at a position |
PruningReader | This class produces a subset of the input index, by removing some postings
data according to rules implemented in a TermPruningPolicy , and
optionally it can also remove stored fields of documents according to rules
implemented in a StorePruningPolicy . |
RandomIndexWriter | Silly class that randomizes the indexing experience. |
SegmentInfo | Information about a segment such as it's name, directory, and files related to the segment. |
SegmentInfos | A collection of segmentInfo objects with methods for operating on those segments in relation to the file system. |
SegmentInfos.FindSegmentsFile | Utility class for executing code that needs to do something with the current segments file. |
SegmentReader | IndexReader implementation over a single segment. |
SegmentWriteState | Holder class for common parameters used during write. |
SerialMergeScheduler | A MergeScheduler that simply does each merge
sequentially, using the current thread. |
SlowMultiReaderWrapper | Acts like Lucene 4.x's SlowMultiReaderWrapper for testing of top-level MultiTermEnum, MultiTermDocs, ... |
SnapshotDeletionPolicy | An IndexDeletionPolicy that wraps around any other
IndexDeletionPolicy and adds the ability to hold and later release
snapshots of an index. |
SortedTermVectorMapper | Store a sorted collection of TermVectorEntry s. |
Term | A Term represents a word from text. |
TermEnum | Abstract class for enumerating terms. |
TermVectorAccessor | Transparent access to the vector space model, either via TermFreqVector or by resolving it from the inverted index. |
TermVectorEntry | Convenience class for holding TermVector information. |
TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator | Compares TermVectorEntry s first by frequency and then by
the term (case-sensitive) |
TermVectorMapper | The TermVectorMapper can be used to map Term Vectors into your own
structure instead of the parallel array structure used by
IndexReader.getTermFreqVector(int,String) . |
TermVectorOffsetInfo | The TermVectorOffsetInfo class holds information pertaining to a Term in a TermPositionVector 's
offset information. |
ThreadedIndexingAndSearchingTestCase | Utility class that spawns multiple indexing and searching threads. |
TieredMergePolicy | Merges segments of approximately equal size, subject to an allowed number of segments per tier. |
TieredMergePolicy.MergeScore | Holds score and explanation for a single candidate merge. |
UpgradeIndexMergePolicy | This MergePolicy is used for upgrading all existing segments of
an index when calling IndexWriter.forceMerge(int) . |
Enum Summary | |
FieldInfo.IndexOptions | Controls how much information is stored in the postings lists. |
IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode | Specifies the open mode for IndexWriter :
IndexWriterConfig.OpenMode.CREATE - creates a new index or overwrites an existing one. |
Exception Summary | |
CorruptIndexException | This exception is thrown when Lucene detects an inconsistency in the index. |
FieldReaderException | Exception thrown when stored fields have an unexpected format. |
IndexFormatTooNewException | This exception is thrown when Lucene detects an index that is newer than this Lucene version. |
IndexFormatTooOldException | This exception is thrown when Lucene detects an index that is too old for this Lucene version |
IndexNotFoundException | Signals that no index was found in the Directory. |
MergePolicy.MergeAbortedException | |
MergePolicy.MergeException | Exception thrown if there are any problems while executing a merge. |
StaleReaderException | This exception is thrown when an IndexReader
tries to make changes to the index (via IndexReader.deleteDocument(int) , IndexReader.undeleteAll() or IndexReader.setNorm(int, java.lang.String, byte) )
but changes have already been committed to the index
since this reader was instantiated. |
Code to maintain and access indices.