Uses of Class

Packages that use SpanQuery
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query This package contains SrndQuery and its subclasses. Code to search indices. The highlight package contains classes to provide "keyword in context" features typically used to highlight search terms in the text of results pages.
The payloads package provides Query mechanisms for finding and using payloads. Regular expression Query. The calculus of spans. Builders to support various Lucene queries. 

Uses of SpanQuery in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query that return SpanQuery
 SpanQuery SpanNearClauseFactory.makeSpanNearClause()

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query with parameters of type SpanQuery
protected  void SpanNearClauseFactory.addSpanQueryWeighted(SpanQuery sq, float weight)

Uses of SpanQuery in

Fields in declared as SpanQuery
protected  SpanQuery SpanQueryFilter.query

Methods in that return SpanQuery
 SpanQuery SpanQueryFilter.getQuery()

Constructors in with parameters of type SpanQuery
SpanQueryFilter(SpanQuery query)
          Constructs a filter which only matches documents matching query.

Uses of SpanQuery in

Methods in with parameters of type SpanQuery
protected  void WeightedSpanTermExtractor.collectSpanQueryFields(SpanQuery spanQuery, Set<String> fieldNames)
protected  void WeightedSpanTermExtractor.extractWeightedSpanTerms(Map<String,WeightedSpanTerm> terms, SpanQuery spanQuery)
          Fills a Map with <@link WeightedSpanTerm>s using the terms from the supplied SpanQuery.
protected  boolean WeightedSpanTermExtractor.mustRewriteQuery(SpanQuery spanQuery)

Uses of SpanQuery in

Subclasses of SpanQuery in
 class PayloadNearQuery
          This class is very similar to SpanNearQuery except that it factors in the value of the payloads located at each of the positions where the TermSpans occurs.
 class PayloadTermQuery
          This class is very similar to SpanTermQuery except that it factors in the value of the payload located at each of the positions where the Term occurs.

Constructors in with parameters of type SpanQuery
PayloadNearQuery.PayloadNearSpanWeight(SpanQuery query, Searcher searcher)
PayloadNearQuery(SpanQuery[] clauses, int slop, boolean inOrder)
PayloadNearQuery(SpanQuery[] clauses, int slop, boolean inOrder, PayloadFunction function)

Uses of SpanQuery in

Subclasses of SpanQuery in
 class SpanRegexQuery
          Deprecated. Use new SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper<RegexQuery>(new RegexQuery()) instead. This query will be removed in Lucene 4.0

Uses of SpanQuery in

Subclasses of SpanQuery in
 class FieldMaskingSpanQuery
          Wrapper to allow SpanQuery objects participate in composite single-field SpanQueries by 'lying' about their search field.
 class SpanFirstQuery
          Matches spans near the beginning of a field.
 class SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper<Q extends MultiTermQuery>
          Wraps any MultiTermQuery as a SpanQuery, so it can be nested within other SpanQuery classes.
 class SpanNearPayloadCheckQuery
          Only return those matches that have a specific payload at the given position.
 class SpanNearQuery
          Matches spans which are near one another.
 class SpanNotQuery
          Removes matches which overlap with another SpanQuery.
 class SpanOrQuery
          Matches the union of its clauses.
 class SpanPayloadCheckQuery
          Only return those matches that have a specific payload at the given position.
 class SpanPositionCheckQuery
          Base class for filtering a SpanQuery based on the position of a match.
 class SpanPositionRangeQuery
          Checks to see if the SpanPositionCheckQuery.getMatch() lies between a start and end position
 class SpanTermQuery
          Matches spans containing a term.

Fields in declared as SpanQuery
protected  SpanQuery SpanPositionCheckQuery.match
protected  SpanQuery SpanWeight.query

Fields in with type parameters of type SpanQuery
protected  List<SpanQuery> SpanNearQuery.clauses

Methods in that return SpanQuery
 SpanQuery[] SpanOrQuery.getClauses()
          Return the clauses whose spans are matched.
 SpanQuery[] SpanNearQuery.getClauses()
          Return the clauses whose spans are matched.
 SpanQuery SpanNotQuery.getExclude()
          Return the SpanQuery whose matches must not overlap those returned.
 SpanQuery SpanNotQuery.getInclude()
          Return the SpanQuery whose matches are filtered.
 SpanQuery FieldMaskingSpanQuery.getMaskedQuery()
 SpanQuery SpanPositionCheckQuery.getMatch()
abstract  SpanQuery SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper.SpanRewriteMethod.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
 SpanQuery SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper.TopTermsSpanBooleanQueryRewrite.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)

Methods in with parameters of type SpanQuery
 void SpanOrQuery.addClause(SpanQuery clause)
          Adds a clause to this query

Constructors in with parameters of type SpanQuery
FieldMaskingSpanQuery(SpanQuery maskedQuery, String maskedField)
SpanFirstQuery(SpanQuery match, int end)
          Construct a SpanFirstQuery matching spans in match whose end position is less than or equal to end.
SpanNearQuery(SpanQuery[] clauses, int slop, boolean inOrder)
          Construct a SpanNearQuery.
SpanNearQuery(SpanQuery[] clauses, int slop, boolean inOrder, boolean collectPayloads)
SpanNotQuery(SpanQuery include, SpanQuery exclude)
          Construct a SpanNotQuery matching spans from include which have no overlap with spans from exclude.
SpanOrQuery(SpanQuery... clauses)
          Construct a SpanOrQuery merging the provided clauses.
SpanPayloadCheckQuery(SpanQuery match, Collection<byte[]> payloadToMatch)
SpanPositionCheckQuery(SpanQuery match)
SpanPositionRangeQuery(SpanQuery match, int start, int end)
SpanWeight(SpanQuery query, Searcher searcher)

Uses of SpanQuery in

Methods in that return SpanQuery
 SpanQuery SpanOrBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery SpanNotBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery SpanFirstBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery BoostingTermBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery SpanNearBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery SpanQueryBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery SpanTermBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery SpanQueryBuilderFactory.getSpanQuery(Element e)
 SpanQuery SpanOrTermsBuilder.getSpanQuery(Element e)