Class RAMDirectory

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Closeable, Serializable

public class RAMDirectory
extends Directory
implements Serializable

A memory-resident Directory implementation. Locking implementation is by default the SingleInstanceLockFactory but can be changed with Directory.setLockFactory(

Warning: This class is not intended to work with huge indexes. Everything beyond several hundred megabytes will waste resources (GC cycles), because it uses an internal buffer size of 1024 bytes, producing millions of byte[1024] arrays. This class is optimized for small memory-resident indexes. It also has bad concurrency on multithreaded environments.

It is recommended to materialize large indexes on disk and use MMapDirectory, which is a high-performance directory implementation working directly on the file system cache of the operating system, so copying data to Java heap space is not useful.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Map<String,RAMFile> fileMap
protected  AtomicLong sizeInBytes
Fields inherited from class
isOpen, lockFactory
Constructor Summary
          Constructs an empty Directory.
RAMDirectory(Directory dir)
          Creates a new RAMDirectory instance from a different Directory implementation.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Closes the store to future operations, releasing associated memory.
 IndexOutput createOutput(String name)
          Creates a new, empty file in the directory with the given name.
 void deleteFile(String name)
          Removes an existing file in the directory.
 boolean fileExists(String name)
          Returns true iff the named file exists in this directory.
 long fileLength(String name)
          Returns the length in bytes of a file in the directory.
 long fileModified(String name)
          Returns the time the named file was last modified.
 String[] listAll()
          Returns an array of strings, one for each file in the directory.
protected  RAMFile newRAMFile()
          Returns a new RAMFile for storing data.
 IndexInput openInput(String name)
          Returns a stream reading an existing file.
 long sizeInBytes()
          Return total size in bytes of all files in this directory.
 void touchFile(String name)
          Deprecated. Lucene never uses this API; it will be removed in 4.0.
Methods inherited from class
clearLock, copy, copy, ensureOpen, getLockFactory, getLockID, makeLock, openInput, setLockFactory, sync, sync, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final Map<String,RAMFile> fileMap


protected final AtomicLong sizeInBytes
Constructor Detail


public RAMDirectory()
Constructs an empty Directory.


public RAMDirectory(Directory dir)
             throws IOException
Creates a new RAMDirectory instance from a different Directory implementation. This can be used to load a disk-based index into memory.

Warning: This class is not intended to work with huge indexes. Everything beyond several hundred megabytes will waste resources (GC cycles), because it uses an internal buffer size of 1024 bytes, producing millions of byte[1024] arrays. This class is optimized for small memory-resident indexes. It also has bad concurrency on multithreaded environments.

For disk-based indexes it is recommended to use MMapDirectory, which is a high-performance directory implementation working directly on the file system cache of the operating system, so copying data to Java heap space is not useful.

Note that the resulting RAMDirectory instance is fully independent from the original Directory (it is a complete copy). Any subsequent changes to the original Directory will not be visible in the RAMDirectory instance.

dir - a Directory value
IOException - if an error occurs
Method Detail


public final String[] listAll()
Description copied from class: Directory
Returns an array of strings, one for each file in the directory.

Specified by:
listAll in class Directory


public final boolean fileExists(String name)
Returns true iff the named file exists in this directory.

Specified by:
fileExists in class Directory


public final long fileModified(String name)
                        throws IOException
Returns the time the named file was last modified.

Specified by:
fileModified in class Directory
IOException - if the file does not exist


public void touchFile(String name)
               throws IOException
Deprecated. Lucene never uses this API; it will be removed in 4.0.

Set the modified time of an existing file to now.

Specified by:
touchFile in class Directory
IOException - if the file does not exist


public final long fileLength(String name)
                      throws IOException
Returns the length in bytes of a file in the directory.

Specified by:
fileLength in class Directory
name - the name of the file for which to return the length.
IOException - if the file does not exist


public final long sizeInBytes()
Return total size in bytes of all files in this directory. This is currently quantized to RAMOutputStream.BUFFER_SIZE.


public void deleteFile(String name)
                throws IOException
Removes an existing file in the directory.

Specified by:
deleteFile in class Directory
IOException - if the file does not exist


public IndexOutput createOutput(String name)
                         throws IOException
Creates a new, empty file in the directory with the given name. Returns a stream writing this file.

Specified by:
createOutput in class Directory


protected RAMFile newRAMFile()
Returns a new RAMFile for storing data. This method can be overridden to return different RAMFile impls, that e.g. override RAMFile.newBuffer(int).


public IndexInput openInput(String name)
                     throws IOException
Returns a stream reading an existing file.

Specified by:
openInput in class Directory


public void close()
Closes the store to future operations, releasing associated memory.

Specified by:
close in interface Closeable
Specified by:
close in class Directory