Uses of Class

Packages that use MockDirectoryWrapper Binary i/o API, used for all index data. 
org.apache.lucene.util Some utility classes. 

Uses of MockDirectoryWrapper in

Methods in with parameters of type MockDirectoryWrapper
 void MockDirectoryWrapper.Failure.eval(MockDirectoryWrapper dir)
          eval is called on the first write of every new file.

Constructors in with parameters of type MockDirectoryWrapper
MockIndexInputWrapper(MockDirectoryWrapper dir, String name, IndexInput delegate)
          Construct an empty output buffer.
MockIndexOutputWrapper(MockDirectoryWrapper dir, IndexOutput delegate, String name)
          Construct an empty output buffer.
MockLockFactoryWrapper(MockDirectoryWrapper dir, LockFactory delegate)

Uses of MockDirectoryWrapper in org.apache.lucene.util

Fields in org.apache.lucene.util with type parameters of type MockDirectoryWrapper
protected static Map<MockDirectoryWrapper,StackTraceElement[]> LuceneTestCase.stores

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util that return MockDirectoryWrapper
static MockDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory()
          Returns a new Directory instance.
static MockDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory(Directory d)
          Returns a new Directory instance, with contents copied from the provided directory.
static MockDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory(Random r)
          Returns a new Directory instance, using the specified random.
static MockDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newDirectory(Random r, Directory d)
          Returns a new Directory instance, using the specified random with contents copied from the provided directory.
static MockDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newFSDirectory(File f)
          Returns a new FSDirectory instance over the given file, which must be a folder.
static MockDirectoryWrapper LuceneTestCase.newFSDirectory(File f, LockFactory lf)
          Returns a new FSDirectory instance over the given file, which must be a folder.