Class InstantiatedTermPositionVector

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, TermFreqVector, TermPositionVector

public class InstantiatedTermPositionVector
extends InstantiatedTermFreqVector
implements TermPositionVector, Serializable

Extended vector space view of a document in an InstantiatedIndexReader.

See Also:
TermPositionVector, Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
InstantiatedTermPositionVector(InstantiatedDocument document, String field)
Method Summary
 TermVectorOffsetInfo[] getOffsets(int index)
          Returns an array of TermVectorOffsetInfo in which the term is found.
 int[] getTermPositions(int index)
          Returns an array of positions in which the term is found.
Methods inherited from class
getField, getTermDocumentInformations, getTermFrequencies, getTerms, indexesOf, indexOf, size, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.lucene.index.TermFreqVector
getField, getTermFrequencies, getTerms, indexesOf, indexOf, size

Constructor Detail


public InstantiatedTermPositionVector(InstantiatedDocument document,
                                      String field)
Method Detail


public int[] getTermPositions(int index)
Description copied from interface: TermPositionVector
Returns an array of positions in which the term is found. Terms are identified by the index at which its number appears in the term String array obtained from the indexOf method. May return null if positions have not been stored.

Specified by:
getTermPositions in interface TermPositionVector


public TermVectorOffsetInfo[] getOffsets(int index)
Description copied from interface: TermPositionVector
Returns an array of TermVectorOffsetInfo in which the term is found. May return null if offsets have not been stored.

Specified by:
getOffsets in interface TermPositionVector
index - The position in the array to get the offsets from
An array of TermVectorOffsetInfo objects or the empty list
See Also: