Package org.apache.lucene.codecs

Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index.


Class Summary
BlockTermState Holds all state required for PostingsReaderBase to produce a DocsEnum without re-seeking the terms dict.
BlockTreeTermsReader A block-based terms index and dictionary that assigns terms to variable length blocks according to how they share prefixes.
BlockTreeTermsReader.Stats BlockTree statistics for a single field returned by BlockTreeTermsReader.FieldReader.computeStats().
BlockTreeTermsWriter Block-based terms index and dictionary writer.
Codec Encodes/decodes an inverted index segment.
CodecUtil Utility class for reading and writing versioned headers.
DocValuesArraySource DocValues DocValues.Source implementation backed by simple arrays.
DocValuesConsumer Abstract API that consumes IndexableFields.
DocValuesFormat Encodes/decodes DocValues
FieldInfosFormat Encodes/decodes FieldInfos
FieldInfosReader Codec API for reading FieldInfos.
FieldInfosWriter Codec API for writing FieldInfos.
FieldsConsumer Abstract API that consumes terms, doc, freq, prox, offset and payloads postings.
FieldsProducer Abstract API that produces terms, doc, freq, prox, offset and payloads postings.
FilterCodec A codec that forwards all its method calls to another codec.
LiveDocsFormat Format for live/deleted documents
MappingMultiDocsAndPositionsEnum Exposes flex API, merged from flex API of sub-segments, remapping docIDs (this is used for segment merging).
MappingMultiDocsEnum Exposes flex API, merged from flex API of sub-segments, remapping docIDs (this is used for segment merging).
MultiLevelSkipListReader This abstract class reads skip lists with multiple levels.
MultiLevelSkipListWriter This abstract class writes skip lists with multiple levels.
NormsFormat format for normalization factors
PerDocConsumer Abstract API that consumes per document values.
PerDocProducer Abstract API that provides access to one or more per-document storage features.
PerDocProducerBase Abstract base class for PerDocProducer implementations
PostingsBaseFormat Provides a PostingsReaderBase and PostingsWriterBase.
PostingsConsumer Abstract API that consumes postings for an individual term.
PostingsFormat Encodes/decodes terms, postings, and proximity data.
PostingsReaderBase The core terms dictionaries (BlockTermsReader, BlockTreeTermsReader) interact with a single instance of this class to manage creation of DocsEnum and DocsAndPositionsEnum instances.
PostingsWriterBase Extension of PostingsConsumer to support pluggable term dictionaries.
SegmentInfoFormat Expert: Controls the format of the SegmentInfo (segment metadata file).
SegmentInfoReader Specifies an API for classes that can read SegmentInfo information.
SegmentInfoWriter Specifies an API for classes that can write out SegmentInfo data.
StoredFieldsFormat Controls the format of stored fields
StoredFieldsReader Codec API for reading stored fields.
StoredFieldsWriter Codec API for writing stored fields:
TermsConsumer Abstract API that consumes terms for an individual field.
TermStats Holder for per-term statistics.
TermVectorsFormat Controls the format of term vectors
TermVectorsReader Codec API for reading term vectors:
TermVectorsWriter Codec API for writing term vectors:

Package org.apache.lucene.codecs Description

Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index.

The Codec API allows you to customise the way the following pieces of index information are stored:

For some concrete implementations beyond Lucene's official index format, see the Codecs module.

Codecs are identified by name through the Java Service Provider Interface. To create your own codec, extend Codec and pass the new codec's name to the super() constructor:

public class MyCodec extends Codec {

    public MyCodec() {

You will need to register the Codec class so that the ServiceLoader can find it, by including a META-INF/services/org.apache.lucene.codecs.Codec file on your classpath that contains the package-qualified name of your codec.

If you just want to customise the PostingsFormat, or use different postings formats for different fields, then you can register your custom postings format in the same way (in META-INF/services/org.apache.lucene.codecs.PostingsFormat), and then extend the default Lucene40Codec and override Lucene40Codec.getPostingsFormatForField(String) to return your custom postings format.

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