Interface SortedBytesMergeUtils.BytesRefConsumer

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Enclosing class:

public static interface SortedBytesMergeUtils.BytesRefConsumer

Implementation of this interface consume the merged bytes with their corresponding ordinal and byte offset. The offset is the byte offset in target sorted source where the currently merged BytesRef instance should be stored at.

Method Summary
 void consume(BytesRef ref, int ord, long offset)
          Consumes a single BytesRef.

Method Detail


void consume(BytesRef ref,
             int ord,
             long offset)
             throws IOException
Consumes a single BytesRef. The provided BytesRef instances are strictly increasing with respect to the used Comparator used for merging

ref - the BytesRef to consume
ord - the ordinal of the given BytesRef in the merge target
offset - the byte offset of the given BytesRef in the merge target
IOException - if an IOException occurs

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