Class IndexSearcher

  extended by

public class IndexSearcher
extends Object

Implements search over a single IndexReader.

Applications usually need only call the inherited search(Query,int) or search(Query,Filter,int) methods. For performance reasons, if your index is unchanging, you should share a single IndexSearcher instance across multiple searches instead of creating a new one per-search. If your index has changed and you wish to see the changes reflected in searching, you should use DirectoryReader.openIfChanged(DirectoryReader) to obtain a new reader and then create a new IndexSearcher from that. Also, for low-latency turnaround it's best to use a near-real-time reader (,boolean)). Once you have a new IndexReader, it's relatively cheap to create a new IndexSearcher from it.

NOTE: IndexSearcher instances are completely thread safe, meaning multiple threads can call any of its methods, concurrently. If your application requires external synchronization, you should not synchronize on the IndexSearcher instance; use your own (non-Lucene) objects instead.

Nested Class Summary
static class IndexSearcher.LeafSlice
          A class holding a subset of the IndexSearchers leaf contexts to be executed within a single thread.
Field Summary
protected  List<AtomicReaderContext> leafContexts
protected  IndexSearcher.LeafSlice[] leafSlices
          used with executor - each slice holds a set of leafs executed within one thread
protected  IndexReaderContext readerContext
Constructor Summary
IndexSearcher(IndexReader r)
          Creates a searcher searching the provided index.
IndexSearcher(IndexReaderContext context)
          Creates a searcher searching the provided top-level IndexReaderContext.
IndexSearcher(IndexReaderContext context, ExecutorService executor)
          Creates a searcher searching the provided top-level IndexReaderContext.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader r, ExecutorService executor)
          Runs searches for each segment separately, using the provided ExecutorService.
Method Summary
 CollectionStatistics collectionStatistics(String field)
          Returns CollectionStatistics for a field.
 Weight createNormalizedWeight(Query query)
          Creates a normalized weight for a top-level Query.
 Document doc(int docID)
          Sugar for .getIndexReader().document(docID)
 void doc(int docID, StoredFieldVisitor fieldVisitor)
          Sugar for .getIndexReader().document(docID, fieldVisitor)
 Document document(int docID, Set<String> fieldsToLoad)
          Sugar for .getIndexReader().document(docID, fieldsToLoad)
 Explanation explain(Query query, int doc)
          Returns an Explanation that describes how doc scored against query.
protected  Explanation explain(Weight weight, int doc)
          Expert: low-level implementation method Returns an Explanation that describes how doc scored against weight.
static Similarity getDefaultSimilarity()
          Expert: returns a default Similarity instance.
 IndexReader getIndexReader()
          Return the IndexReader this searches.
 Similarity getSimilarity()
 IndexReaderContext getTopReaderContext()
          Returns this searchers the top-level IndexReaderContext.
 Query rewrite(Query original)
          Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
protected  void search(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, Collector collector)
          Lower-level search API.
protected  TopFieldDocs search(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, FieldDoc after, int nDocs, Sort sort, boolean fillFields, boolean doDocScores, boolean doMaxScore)
          Just like search(Weight, int, Sort, boolean, boolean), but you choose whether or not the fields in the returned FieldDoc instances should be set by specifying fillFields.
protected  TopDocs search(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves, Weight weight, ScoreDoc after, int nDocs)
          Expert: Low-level search implementation.
 void search(Query query, Collector results)
          Lower-level search API.
 void search(Query query, Filter filter, Collector results)
          Lower-level search API.
 TopDocs search(Query query, Filter filter, int n)
          Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null.
 TopFieldDocs search(Query query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort)
          Search implementation with arbitrary sorting.
 TopFieldDocs search(Query query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort, boolean doDocScores, boolean doMaxScore)
          Search implementation with arbitrary sorting, plus control over whether hit scores and max score should be computed.
 TopDocs search(Query query, int n)
          Finds the top n hits for query.
 TopFieldDocs search(Query query, int n, Sort sort)
          Search implementation with arbitrary sorting and no filter.
protected  TopFieldDocs search(Weight weight, FieldDoc after, int nDocs, Sort sort, boolean fillFields, boolean doDocScores, boolean doMaxScore)
          Just like search(Weight, int, Sort, boolean, boolean), but you choose whether or not the fields in the returned FieldDoc instances should be set by specifying fillFields.
protected  TopFieldDocs search(Weight weight, int nDocs, Sort sort, boolean doDocScores, boolean doMaxScore)
          Expert: Low-level search implementation with arbitrary sorting and control over whether hit scores and max score should be computed.
protected  TopDocs search(Weight weight, ScoreDoc after, int nDocs)
          Expert: Low-level search implementation.
 TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after, Query query, Filter filter, int n)
          Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null, where all results are after a previous result (after).
 TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after, Query query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort)
          Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null, where all results are after a previous result (after).
 TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after, Query query, Filter filter, int n, Sort sort, boolean doDocScores, boolean doMaxScore)
          Finds the top n hits for query where all results are after a previous result (after), allowing control over whether hit scores and max score should be computed.
 TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after, Query query, int n)
          Finds the top n hits for query where all results are after a previous result (after).
 TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after, Query query, int n, Sort sort)
          Finds the top n hits for query where all results are after a previous result (after).
 void setSimilarity(Similarity similarity)
          Expert: Set the Similarity implementation used by this IndexSearcher.
protected  IndexSearcher.LeafSlice[] slices(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves)
          Expert: Creates an array of leaf slices each holding a subset of the given leaves.
 TermStatistics termStatistics(Term term, TermContext context)
          Returns TermStatistics for a term.
 String toString()
protected  Query wrapFilter(Query query, Filter filter)
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final IndexReaderContext readerContext


protected final List<AtomicReaderContext> leafContexts


protected final IndexSearcher.LeafSlice[] leafSlices
used with executor - each slice holds a set of leafs executed within one thread

Constructor Detail


public IndexSearcher(IndexReader r)
Creates a searcher searching the provided index.


public IndexSearcher(IndexReader r,
                     ExecutorService executor)
Runs searches for each segment separately, using the provided ExecutorService. IndexSearcher will not shutdown/awaitTermination this ExecutorService on close; you must do so, eventually, on your own. NOTE: if you are using NIOFSDirectory, do not use the shutdownNow method of ExecutorService as this uses Thread.interrupt under-the-hood which can silently close file descriptors (see LUCENE-2239).

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


public IndexSearcher(IndexReaderContext context,
                     ExecutorService executor)
Creates a searcher searching the provided top-level IndexReaderContext.

Given a non-null ExecutorService this method runs searches for each segment separately, using the provided ExecutorService. IndexSearcher will not shutdown/awaitTermination this ExecutorService on close; you must do so, eventually, on your own. NOTE: if you are using NIOFSDirectory, do not use the shutdownNow method of ExecutorService as this uses Thread.interrupt under-the-hood which can silently close file descriptors (see LUCENE-2239).

See Also:
IndexReaderContext, IndexReader.getContext()
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


public IndexSearcher(IndexReaderContext context)
Creates a searcher searching the provided top-level IndexReaderContext.

See Also:
IndexReaderContext, IndexReader.getContext()
WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.
Method Detail


public static Similarity getDefaultSimilarity()
Expert: returns a default Similarity instance. In general, this method is only called to initialize searchers and writers. User code and query implementations should respect getSimilarity().

NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


protected IndexSearcher.LeafSlice[] slices(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves)
Expert: Creates an array of leaf slices each holding a subset of the given leaves. Each IndexSearcher.LeafSlice is executed in a single thread. By default there will be one IndexSearcher.LeafSlice per leaf (AtomicReaderContext).


public IndexReader getIndexReader()
Return the IndexReader this searches.


public Document doc(int docID)
             throws IOException
Sugar for .getIndexReader().document(docID)



public void doc(int docID,
                StoredFieldVisitor fieldVisitor)
         throws IOException
Sugar for .getIndexReader().document(docID, fieldVisitor)



public final Document document(int docID,
                               Set<String> fieldsToLoad)
                        throws IOException
Sugar for .getIndexReader().document(docID, fieldsToLoad)



public void setSimilarity(Similarity similarity)
Expert: Set the Similarity implementation used by this IndexSearcher.


public Similarity getSimilarity()


protected Query wrapFilter(Query query,
                           Filter filter)
NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


public TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after,
                           Query query,
                           int n)
                    throws IOException
Finds the top n hits for query where all results are after a previous result (after).

By passing the bottom result from a previous page as after, this method can be used for efficient 'deep-paging' across potentially large result sets.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after,
                           Query query,
                           Filter filter,
                           int n)
                    throws IOException
Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null, where all results are after a previous result (after).

By passing the bottom result from a previous page as after, this method can be used for efficient 'deep-paging' across potentially large result sets.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopDocs search(Query query,
                      int n)
               throws IOException
Finds the top n hits for query.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopDocs search(Query query,
                      Filter filter,
                      int n)
               throws IOException
Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public void search(Query query,
                   Filter filter,
                   Collector results)
            throws IOException
Lower-level search API.

Collector.collect(int) is called for every matching document.

query - to match documents
filter - if non-null, used to permit documents to be collected.
results - to receive hits
BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public void search(Query query,
                   Collector results)
            throws IOException
Lower-level search API.

Collector.collect(int) is called for every matching document.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopFieldDocs search(Query query,
                           Filter filter,
                           int n,
                           Sort sort)
                    throws IOException
Search implementation with arbitrary sorting. Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null, and sorting the hits by the criteria in sort.

NOTE: this does not compute scores by default; use search(Query,Filter,int,Sort,boolean,boolean) to control scoring.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopFieldDocs search(Query query,
                           Filter filter,
                           int n,
                           Sort sort,
                           boolean doDocScores,
                           boolean doMaxScore)
                    throws IOException
Search implementation with arbitrary sorting, plus control over whether hit scores and max score should be computed. Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null, and sorting the hits by the criteria in sort. If doDocScores is true then the score of each hit will be computed and returned. If doMaxScore is true then the maximum score over all collected hits will be computed.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after,
                           Query query,
                           Filter filter,
                           int n,
                           Sort sort)
                    throws IOException
Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null, where all results are after a previous result (after).

By passing the bottom result from a previous page as after, this method can be used for efficient 'deep-paging' across potentially large result sets.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopFieldDocs search(Query query,
                           int n,
                           Sort sort)
                    throws IOException
Search implementation with arbitrary sorting and no filter.

query - The query to search for
n - Return only the top n results
sort - The Sort object
The top docs, sorted according to the supplied Sort instance
IOException - if there is a low-level I/O error


public TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after,
                           Query query,
                           int n,
                           Sort sort)
                    throws IOException
Finds the top n hits for query where all results are after a previous result (after).

By passing the bottom result from a previous page as after, this method can be used for efficient 'deep-paging' across potentially large result sets.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public TopDocs searchAfter(ScoreDoc after,
                           Query query,
                           Filter filter,
                           int n,
                           Sort sort,
                           boolean doDocScores,
                           boolean doMaxScore)
                    throws IOException
Finds the top n hits for query where all results are after a previous result (after), allowing control over whether hit scores and max score should be computed.

By passing the bottom result from a previous page as after, this method can be used for efficient 'deep-paging' across potentially large result sets. If doDocScores is true then the score of each hit will be computed and returned. If doMaxScore is true then the maximum score over all collected hits will be computed.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


protected TopDocs search(Weight weight,
                         ScoreDoc after,
                         int nDocs)
                  throws IOException
Expert: Low-level search implementation. Finds the top n hits for query, applying filter if non-null.

Applications should usually call search(Query,int) or search(Query,Filter,int) instead.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


protected TopDocs search(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves,
                         Weight weight,
                         ScoreDoc after,
                         int nDocs)
                  throws IOException
Expert: Low-level search implementation. Finds the top n hits for query.

Applications should usually call search(Query,int) or search(Query,Filter,int) instead.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


protected TopFieldDocs search(Weight weight,
                              int nDocs,
                              Sort sort,
                              boolean doDocScores,
                              boolean doMaxScore)
                       throws IOException
Expert: Low-level search implementation with arbitrary sorting and control over whether hit scores and max score should be computed. Finds the top n hits for query and sorting the hits by the criteria in sort.

Applications should usually call search(Query,Filter,int,Sort) instead.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


protected TopFieldDocs search(Weight weight,
                              FieldDoc after,
                              int nDocs,
                              Sort sort,
                              boolean fillFields,
                              boolean doDocScores,
                              boolean doMaxScore)
                       throws IOException
Just like search(Weight, int, Sort, boolean, boolean), but you choose whether or not the fields in the returned FieldDoc instances should be set by specifying fillFields.

NOTE: this does not compute scores by default. If you need scores, create a TopFieldCollector instance by calling TopFieldCollector.create(, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) and then pass that to search(List, Weight, Collector).



protected TopFieldDocs search(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves,
                              Weight weight,
                              FieldDoc after,
                              int nDocs,
                              Sort sort,
                              boolean fillFields,
                              boolean doDocScores,
                              boolean doMaxScore)
                       throws IOException
Just like search(Weight, int, Sort, boolean, boolean), but you choose whether or not the fields in the returned FieldDoc instances should be set by specifying fillFields.



protected void search(List<AtomicReaderContext> leaves,
                      Weight weight,
                      Collector collector)
               throws IOException
Lower-level search API.

Collector.collect(int) is called for every document.

NOTE: this method executes the searches on all given leaves exclusively. To search across all the searchers leaves use leafContexts.

leaves - the searchers leaves to execute the searches on
weight - to match documents
collector - to receive hits
BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public Query rewrite(Query original)
              throws IOException
Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public Explanation explain(Query query,
                           int doc)
                    throws IOException
Returns an Explanation that describes how doc scored against query.

This is intended to be used in developing Similarity implementations, and, for good performance, should not be displayed with every hit. Computing an explanation is as expensive as executing the query over the entire index.



protected Explanation explain(Weight weight,
                              int doc)
                       throws IOException
Expert: low-level implementation method Returns an Explanation that describes how doc scored against weight.

This is intended to be used in developing Similarity implementations, and, for good performance, should not be displayed with every hit. Computing an explanation is as expensive as executing the query over the entire index.

Applications should call explain(Query, int).

BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses - If a query would exceed BooleanQuery.getMaxClauseCount() clauses.


public Weight createNormalizedWeight(Query query)
                              throws IOException
Creates a normalized weight for a top-level Query. The query is rewritten by this method and Query.createWeight( called, afterwards the Weight is normalized. The returned Weight can then directly be used to get a Scorer.

NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


public IndexReaderContext getTopReaderContext()
Returns this searchers the top-level IndexReaderContext.

See Also:


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public TermStatistics termStatistics(Term term,
                                     TermContext context)
                              throws IOException
Returns TermStatistics for a term. This can be overridden for example, to return a term's statistics across a distributed collection.

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.


public CollectionStatistics collectionStatistics(String field)
                                          throws IOException
Returns CollectionStatistics for a field. This can be overridden for example, to return a field's statistics across a distributed collection.

WARNING: This API is experimental and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

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