
Binary i/o API, used for all index data.


Class Summary
BufferedIndexInput Base implementation class for buffered IndexInput.
BufferedIndexOutput Base implementation class for buffered IndexOutput.
ByteArrayDataInput DataInput backed by a byte array.
ByteArrayDataOutput DataOutput backed by a byte array.
ChecksumIndexInput Reads bytes through to a primary IndexInput, computing checksum as it goes.
ChecksumIndexOutput Writes bytes through to a primary IndexOutput, computing checksum.
CompoundFileDirectory Class for accessing a compound stream.
CompoundFileDirectory.FileEntry Offset/Length for a slice inside of a compound file
DataInput Abstract base class for performing read operations of Lucene's low-level data types.
DataOutput Abstract base class for performing write operations of Lucene's low-level data types.
Directory A Directory is a flat list of files.
FileSwitchDirectory Expert: A Directory instance that switches files between two other Directory instances.
FlushInfo A FlushInfo provides information required for a FLUSH context.
FSDirectory Base class for Directory implementations that store index files in the file system.
FSDirectory.FSIndexInput Base class for reading input from a RandomAccessFile
FSDirectory.FSIndexOutput Writes output with RandomAccessFile.write(byte[], int, int)
FSLockFactory Base class for file system based locking implementation.
IndexInput Abstract base class for input from a file in a Directory.
IndexOutput Abstract base class for output to a file in a Directory.
InputStreamDataInput A DataInput wrapping a plain InputStream.
IOContext IOContext holds additional details on the merge/search context.
Lock An interprocess mutex lock.
Lock.With Utility class for executing code with exclusive access.
LockFactory Base class for Locking implementation.
LockStressTest Simple standalone tool that forever acquires & releases a lock using a specific LockFactory.
LockVerifyServer Simple standalone server that must be running when you use VerifyingLockFactory.
MergeInfo A MergeInfo provides information required for a MERGE context.
MMapDirectory File-based Directory implementation that uses mmap for reading, and FSDirectory.FSIndexOutput for writing.
NativeFSLockFactory Implements LockFactory using native OS file locks.
NIOFSDirectory An FSDirectory implementation that uses java.nio's FileChannel's positional read, which allows multiple threads to read from the same file without synchronizing.
NIOFSDirectory.NIOFSIndexInput Reads bytes with, long)
NoLockFactory Use this LockFactory to disable locking entirely.
NRTCachingDirectory Wraps a RAMDirectory around any provided delegate directory, to be used during NRT search.
OutputStreamDataOutput A DataOutput wrapping a plain OutputStream.
RAMDirectory A memory-resident Directory implementation.
RAMFile Represents a file in RAM as a list of byte[] buffers.
RAMInputStream A memory-resident IndexInput implementation.
RAMOutputStream A memory-resident IndexOutput implementation.
RateLimiter Simple class to rate limit IO.
SimpleFSDirectory A straightforward implementation of FSDirectory using
SimpleFSDirectory.SimpleFSIndexInput Reads bytes with followed by[], int, int).
SimpleFSLockFactory Implements LockFactory using File.createNewFile().
SingleInstanceLockFactory Implements LockFactory for a single in-process instance, meaning all locking will take place through this one instance.
TrackingDirectoryWrapper A delegating Directory that records which files were written to and deleted.
VerifyingLockFactory A LockFactory that wraps another LockFactory and verifies that each lock obtain/release is "correct" (never results in two processes holding the lock at the same time).

Enum Summary
IOContext.Context Context is a enumerator which specifies the context in which the Directory is being used for.

Exception Summary
AlreadyClosedException This exception is thrown when there is an attempt to access something that has already been closed.
LockObtainFailedException This exception is thrown when the write.lock could not be acquired.
LockReleaseFailedException This exception is thrown when the write.lock could not be released.
NoSuchDirectoryException This exception is thrown when you try to list a non-existent directory.

Package Description

Binary i/o API, used for all index data.

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