Class PagedBytes

  extended by org.apache.lucene.util.PagedBytes

public final class PagedBytes
extends Object

Represents a logical byte[] as a series of pages. You can write-once into the logical byte[] (append only), using copy, and then retrieve slices (BytesRef) into it using fill.

NOTE: This API is for internal purposes only and might change in incompatible ways in the next release.

Nested Class Summary
 class PagedBytes.PagedBytesDataInput
 class PagedBytes.PagedBytesDataOutput
static class PagedBytes.Reader
          Provides methods to read BytesRefs from a frozen PagedBytes.
Constructor Summary
PagedBytes(int blockBits)
          1<<blockBits must be bigger than biggest single BytesRef slice that will be pulled
Method Summary
 void copy(BytesRef bytes)
          Copy BytesRef in
 void copy(BytesRef bytes, BytesRef out)
          Copy BytesRef in, setting BytesRef out to the result.
 void copy(IndexInput in, long byteCount)
          Read this many bytes from in
 long copyUsingLengthPrefix(BytesRef bytes)
          Copy bytes in, writing the length as a 1 or 2 byte vInt prefix.
 PagedBytes.Reader freeze(boolean trim)
          Commits final byte[], trimming it if necessary and if trim=true
 PagedBytes.PagedBytesDataInput getDataInput()
          Returns a DataInput to read values from this PagedBytes instance.
 PagedBytes.PagedBytesDataOutput getDataOutput()
          Returns a DataOutput that you may use to write into this PagedBytes instance.
 long getPointer()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PagedBytes(int blockBits)
1<<blockBits must be bigger than biggest single BytesRef slice that will be pulled

Method Detail


public void copy(IndexInput in,
                 long byteCount)
          throws IOException
Read this many bytes from in



public void copy(BytesRef bytes)
Copy BytesRef in


public void copy(BytesRef bytes,
                 BytesRef out)
Copy BytesRef in, setting BytesRef out to the result. Do not use this if you will use freeze(true). This only supports bytes.length <= blockSize


public PagedBytes.Reader freeze(boolean trim)
Commits final byte[], trimming it if necessary and if trim=true


public long getPointer()


public long copyUsingLengthPrefix(BytesRef bytes)
Copy bytes in, writing the length as a 1 or 2 byte vInt prefix.


public PagedBytes.PagedBytesDataInput getDataInput()
Returns a DataInput to read values from this PagedBytes instance.


public PagedBytes.PagedBytesDataOutput getDataOutput()
Returns a DataOutput that you may use to write into this PagedBytes instance. If you do this, you should not call the other writing methods (eg, copy); results are undefined.

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