Getting Started with Blackberry

Getting Started with Blackberry

Cordova for BlackBerry makes use of the BlackBerry WebWorks framework. BlackBerry WebWorks tooling is available for Windows or Mac environments. WebWorks applications can ONLY be deployed to BlackBerry devices running OS 5.0 and higher or the BlackBerry PlayBook operating system.

1. Requirements

2. Install SDK + Cordova

3. Setup New Project

4. Hello World

Build the Cordova sample project by typing ant target build in your command prompt/terminal while you are in your project's directory. Replace target with either blackberry or playbook. Note this is a sample Cordova project and not a basic hello world application. The provided index.html in the www contains example usages of many of the Cordova API.

5A. Deploy to Simulator

BlackBerry smartphone simulators are only available on Windows. PlayBook simulators require VMWare Player (Windows) or VMWare Fusion (Mac OS X). The WebWorks SDK provides a default simulator. Additional simulators are available.

5B. Deploy to Device (Windows and Mac)

Additional Information

The following articles provide help to issues you may encounter when developing a Cordova application which is based on the BlackBerry WebWorks framework.