Class SimpleAuthenticationInfo

  extended by org.apache.shiro.authc.SimpleAuthenticationInfo
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, AuthenticationInfo, MergableAuthenticationInfo, SaltedAuthenticationInfo

public class SimpleAuthenticationInfo
extends Object
implements MergableAuthenticationInfo, SaltedAuthenticationInfo

Simple implementation of the MergableAuthenticationInfo interface that holds the principals and credentials.

See Also:
AuthenticatingRealm, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  Object credentials
          The credentials verifying the account principals.
protected  ByteSource credentialsSalt
          Any salt used in hashing the credentials.
protected  PrincipalCollection principals
          The principals identifying the account associated with this AuthenticationInfo instance.
Constructor Summary
          Default no-argument constructor.
SimpleAuthenticationInfo(Object principal, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt, String realmName)
          Constructor that takes in a single 'primary' principal of the account, its corresponding hashed credentials, the salt used to hash the credentials, and the name of the realm to associate with the principals.
SimpleAuthenticationInfo(Object principal, Object credentials, String realmName)
          Constructor that takes in a single 'primary' principal of the account and its corresponding credentials, associated with the specified realm.
SimpleAuthenticationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals, Object credentials)
          Constructor that takes in an account's identifying principal(s) and its corresponding credentials that verify the principals.
SimpleAuthenticationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals, Object hashedCredentials, ByteSource credentialsSalt)
          Constructor that takes in an account's identifying principal(s), hashed credentials used to verify the principals, and the salt used when hashing the credentials.
Method Summary
 boolean equals(Object o)
          Returns true if the Object argument is an instanceof SimpleAuthenticationInfo and its principals are equal to this instance's principals, false otherwise.
 Object getCredentials()
          Returns the credentials associated with the corresponding Subject.
 ByteSource getCredentialsSalt()
          Returns the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.
 PrincipalCollection getPrincipals()
          Returns all principals associated with the corresponding Subject.
 int hashCode()
          Returns the hashcode of the internal principals instance.
 void merge(AuthenticationInfo info)
          Takes the specified info argument and adds its principals and credentials into this instance.
 void setCredentials(Object credentials)
          Sets the credentials that verify the principals/identity of the associated Realm account.
 void setCredentialsSalt(ByteSource salt)
          Sets the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.
 void setPrincipals(PrincipalCollection principals)
          Sets the identifying principal(s) represented by this instance.
 String toString()
          Simple implementation that merely returns principals.toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected PrincipalCollection principals
The principals identifying the account associated with this AuthenticationInfo instance.


protected Object credentials
The credentials verifying the account principals.


protected ByteSource credentialsSalt
Any salt used in hashing the credentials.

Constructor Detail


public SimpleAuthenticationInfo()
Default no-argument constructor.


public SimpleAuthenticationInfo(Object principal,
                                Object credentials,
                                String realmName)
Constructor that takes in a single 'primary' principal of the account and its corresponding credentials, associated with the specified realm.

This is a convenience constructor and will construct a PrincipalCollection based on the principal and realmName argument.

principal - the 'primary' principal associated with the specified realm.
credentials - the credentials that verify the given principal.
realmName - the realm from where the principal and credentials were acquired.


public SimpleAuthenticationInfo(Object principal,
                                Object hashedCredentials,
                                ByteSource credentialsSalt,
                                String realmName)
Constructor that takes in a single 'primary' principal of the account, its corresponding hashed credentials, the salt used to hash the credentials, and the name of the realm to associate with the principals.

This is a convenience constructor and will construct a PrincipalCollection based on the principal and realmName argument.

principal - the 'primary' principal associated with the specified realm.
hashedCredentials - the hashed credentials that verify the given principal.
credentialsSalt - the salt used when hashing the given hashedCredentials
realmName - the realm from where the principal and credentials were acquired.
See Also:


public SimpleAuthenticationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals,
                                Object credentials)
Constructor that takes in an account's identifying principal(s) and its corresponding credentials that verify the principals.

principals - a Realm's account's identifying principal(s)
credentials - the accounts corresponding principals that verify the principals.


public SimpleAuthenticationInfo(PrincipalCollection principals,
                                Object hashedCredentials,
                                ByteSource credentialsSalt)
Constructor that takes in an account's identifying principal(s), hashed credentials used to verify the principals, and the salt used when hashing the credentials.

principals - a Realm's account's identifying principal(s)
hashedCredentials - the hashed credentials that verify the principals.
credentialsSalt - the salt used when hashing the hashedCredentials.
See Also:
Method Detail


public PrincipalCollection getPrincipals()
Description copied from interface: AuthenticationInfo
Returns all principals associated with the corresponding Subject. Each principal is an identifying piece of information useful to the application such as a username, or user id, a given name, etc - anything useful to the application to identify the current Subject.

The returned PrincipalCollection should not contain any credentials used to verify principals, such as passwords, private keys, etc. Those should be instead returned by getCredentials().

Specified by:
getPrincipals in interface AuthenticationInfo
all principals associated with the corresponding Subject.


public void setPrincipals(PrincipalCollection principals)
Sets the identifying principal(s) represented by this instance.

principals - the indentifying attributes of the corresponding Realm account.


public Object getCredentials()
Description copied from interface: AuthenticationInfo
Returns the credentials associated with the corresponding Subject. A credential verifies one or more of the principals associated with the Subject, such as a password or private key. Credentials are used by Shiro particularly during the authentication process to ensure that submitted credentials during a login attempt match exactly the credentials here in the AuthenticationInfo instance.

Specified by:
getCredentials in interface AuthenticationInfo
the credentials associated with the corresponding Subject.


public void setCredentials(Object credentials)
Sets the credentials that verify the principals/identity of the associated Realm account.

credentials - attribute(s) that verify the account's identity/principals, such as a password or private key.


public ByteSource getCredentialsSalt()
Returns the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.

Note that this attribute is NOT handled in the merge method - a hash salt is only useful within a single realm (as each realm will perform it's own Credentials Matching logic), and once finished in that realm, Shiro has no further use for salts. Therefore it doesn't make sense to 'merge' salts in a multi-realm scenario.

Specified by:
getCredentialsSalt in interface SaltedAuthenticationInfo
the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.


public void setCredentialsSalt(ByteSource salt)
Sets the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.

Note that this attribute is NOT handled in the merge method - a hash salt is only useful within a single realm (as each realm will perform it's own Credentials Matching logic), and once finished in that realm, Shiro has no further use for salts. Therefore it doesn't make sense to 'merge' salts in a multi-realm scenario.

salt - the salt used to hash the credentials, or null if no salt was used or credentials were not hashed at all.


public void merge(AuthenticationInfo info)
Takes the specified info argument and adds its principals and credentials into this instance.

Specified by:
merge in interface MergableAuthenticationInfo
info - the AuthenticationInfo to add into this instance.


public boolean equals(Object o)
Returns true if the Object argument is an instanceof SimpleAuthenticationInfo and its principals are equal to this instance's principals, false otherwise.

equals in class Object
o - the object to compare for equality.
true if the Object argument is an instanceof SimpleAuthenticationInfo and its principals are equal to this instance's principals, false otherwise.


public int hashCode()
Returns the hashcode of the internal principals instance.

hashCode in class Object
the hashcode of the internal principals instance.


public String toString()
Simple implementation that merely returns principals.toString()

toString in class Object

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