Uses of Class

Packages that use AccountException
org.apache.shiro.authc Core interfaces and exceptions concerning Authentication (the act of logging-in). 

Uses of AccountException in org.apache.shiro.authc

Subclasses of AccountException in org.apache.shiro.authc
 class ConcurrentAccessException
          Thrown when an authentication attempt has been received for an account that has already been authenticated (i.e.
 class DisabledAccountException
          Thrown when attempting to authenticate and the corresponding account has been disabled for some reason.
 class ExcessiveAttemptsException
          Thrown when a system is configured to only allow a certain number of authentication attempts over a period of time and the current session has failed to authenticate successfully within that number.
 class LockedAccountException
          A special kind of DisabledAccountException, this exception is thrown when attempting to authenticate and the corresponding account has been disabled explicitly due to being locked.
 class UnknownAccountException
          Thrown when attempting to authenticate with a principal that doesn't exist in the system (e.g.

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