Interface CredentialsMatcher

All Known Implementing Classes:
AllowAllCredentialsMatcher, HashedCredentialsMatcher, Md2CredentialsMatcher, Md5CredentialsMatcher, PasswordMatcher, Sha1CredentialsMatcher, Sha256CredentialsMatcher, Sha384CredentialsMatcher, Sha512CredentialsMatcher, SimpleCredentialsMatcher

public interface CredentialsMatcher

Interface implemented by classes that can determine if an AuthenticationToken's provided credentials matches a corresponding account's credentials stored in the system.

Simple direct comparisons are handled well by the SimpleCredentialsMatcher. If you hash user's credentials before storing them in a realm (a common practice), look at the HashedCredentialsMatcher implementations, as they support this scenario.

See Also:
SimpleCredentialsMatcher, AllowAllCredentialsMatcher, Md5CredentialsMatcher, Sha1CredentialsMatcher

Method Summary
 boolean doCredentialsMatch(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info)
          Returns true if the provided token credentials match the stored account credentials, false otherwise.

Method Detail


boolean doCredentialsMatch(AuthenticationToken token,
                           AuthenticationInfo info)
Returns true if the provided token credentials match the stored account credentials, false otherwise.

token - the AuthenticationToken submitted during the authentication attempt
info - the AuthenticationInfo stored in the system.
true if the provided token credentials match the stored account credentials, false otherwise.

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