Interface PasswordService

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public interface PasswordService

A PasswordService supports common use cases when using passwords as a credentials mechanism.

Most importantly, implementations of this interface are expected to employ best-practices to ensure that passwords remain as safe as possible in application environments.


A PasswordService is used at two different times during an application's lifecycle:

Account Creation or Password Reset

Whenever you create a new user account or reset that account's password, we must translate the end-user submitted raw/plaintext password value to a string format that is much safer to store. You do that by calling the encryptPassword(Object) method to create the safer value. For example:
 String submittedPlaintextPassword = ...
 String encryptedValue = passwordService.encryptPassword(submittedPlaintextPassword);
 userAccount.setPassword(encryptedValue);; //create or update to your data store
Be sure to save this encrypted password in your data store and never the original/raw submitted password.

Login Password Comparison

Shiro performs the comparison during login automatically. Along with your PasswordService, you just have to configure a PasswordMatcher on a realm that has password-based accounts. During a login attempt, shiro will use the PasswordMatcher and the PasswordService to automatically compare submitted passwords.

For example, if using Shiro's INI, here is how you might configure the PasswordMatcher and PasswordService:

 passwordService = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.DefaultPasswordService
 # configure the passwordService to use the settings you desire
 passwordMatcher = org.apache.shiro.authc.credential.PasswordMatcher
 passwordMatcher.passwordService = $passwordService
 # Finally, set the matcher on a realm that requires password matching for account authentication:
 myRealm = ...
 myRealm.credentialsMatcher = $passwordMatcher

See Also:
DefaultPasswordService, PasswordMatcher

Method Summary
 String encryptPassword(Object plaintextPassword)
          Converts the specified plaintext password (usually acquired from your application's 'new user' or 'password reset' workflow) into a formatted string safe for storage.
 boolean passwordsMatch(Object submittedPlaintext, String encrypted)
          Returns true if the submittedPlaintext password matches the existing saved password, false otherwise.

Method Detail


String encryptPassword(Object plaintextPassword)
                       throws IllegalArgumentException
Converts the specified plaintext password (usually acquired from your application's 'new user' or 'password reset' workflow) into a formatted string safe for storage. The returned string can be safely saved with the corresponding user account record (e.g. as a 'password' attribute).

It is expected that the String returned from this method will be presented to the passwordsMatch(plaintext,encrypted) method when performing a password comparison check.


The input argument type can be any 'byte backed' Object - almost always either a String or character array representing passwords (character arrays are often a safer way to represent passwords as they can be cleared/nulled-out after use. Any argument type supported by ByteSource.Util#isCompatible(Object) is valid.

For example:

 String rawPassword = ...
 String encryptedValue = passwordService.encryptPassword(rawPassword);
or, identically:
 char[] rawPasswordChars = ...
 String encryptedValue = passwordService.encryptPassword(rawPasswordChars);

The resulting encryptedValue should be stored with the account to be retrieved later during a login attempt. For example:

 String encryptedValue = passwordService.encryptPassword(rawPassword);
 userAccount.setPassword(encryptedValue);; //create or update to your data store

plaintextPassword - the raw password as 'byte-backed' object (String, character array, ByteSource, etc) usually acquired from your application's 'new user' or 'password reset' workflow.
the encrypted password, formatted for storage.
IllegalArgumentException - if the argument cannot be easily converted to bytes as defined by ByteSource.Util#isCompatible(Object).
See Also:


boolean passwordsMatch(Object submittedPlaintext,
                       String encrypted)
Returns true if the submittedPlaintext password matches the existing saved password, false otherwise.


The submittedPlaintext argument type can be any 'byte backed' Object - almost always either a String or character array representing passwords (character arrays are often a safer way to represent passwords as they can be cleared/nulled-out after use. Any argument type supported by ByteSource.Util#isCompatible(Object) is valid.

For example:

 String submittedPassword = ...
 passwordService.passwordsMatch(submittedPassword, encryptedPassword);
or similarly:
 char[] submittedPasswordCharacters = ...
 passwordService.passwordsMatch(submittedPasswordCharacters, encryptedPassword);

submittedPlaintext - a raw/plaintext password submitted by an end user/Subject.
encrypted - the previously encrypted password known to be associated with an account. This value is expected to have been previously generated from the encryptPassword method (typically when the account is created or the account's password is reset).
true if the submittedPlaintext password matches the existing saved password, false otherwise.
See Also:

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