Package org.apache.shiro.authc.pam

Support for PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, which is the capability to authenticate a user against multiple configurable (pluggable) modules (Shiro calls these Realms).


Interface Summary
AuthenticationStrategy A AuthenticationStrategy implementation assists the ModularRealmAuthenticator during the log-in process in a pluggable realm (PAM) environment.

Class Summary
AbstractAuthenticationStrategy Abstract base implementation for Shiro's concrete AuthenticationStrategy implementations.
AllSuccessfulStrategy AuthenticationStrategy implementation that requires all configured realms to successfully process the submitted AuthenticationToken during the log-in attempt.
AtLeastOneSuccessfulStrategy AuthenticationStrategy implementation that requires at least one configured realm to successfully process the submitted AuthenticationToken during the log-in attempt.
FirstSuccessfulStrategy AuthenticationStrategy implementation that only accepts the account data from the first successfully consulted Realm and ignores all subsequent realms.
ModularRealmAuthenticator A ModularRealmAuthenticator delgates account lookups to a pluggable (modular) collection of Realms.

Exception Summary
UnsupportedTokenException Exception thrown during the authentication process when an AuthenticationToken implementation is encountered that is not supported by one or more configured Realms.

Package org.apache.shiro.authc.pam Description

Support for PAM, or Pluggable Authentication Modules, which is the capability to authenticate a user against multiple configurable (pluggable) modules (Shiro calls these Realms).

The primary class of interest here is the ModularRealmAuthenticator which is an Authenticator implementation that coordinates authentication attempts across one or more Realm instances.

How the ModularRealmAuthenticator actually coordinates this behavior is configurable based on your application's needs using an injectible AuthenticationStrategy.

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