Uses of Class

Packages that use CacheException
org.apache.shiro.cache Caching support used to enhance performance for any security operation. 

Uses of CacheException in org.apache.shiro.cache

Methods in org.apache.shiro.cache that throw CacheException
 void MapCache.clear()
 void Cache.clear()
          Clear all entries from the cache.
protected abstract  Cache AbstractCacheManager.createCache(String name)
          Creates a new Cache instance associated with the specified name.
 V MapCache.get(K key)
 V Cache.get(K key)
          Returns the Cached value stored under the specified key or null if there is no Cache entry for that key.
<K,V> Cache<K,V>
CacheManager.getCache(String name)
          Acquires the cache with the specified name.
<K,V> Cache<K,V>
AbstractCacheManager.getCache(String name)
          Returns the cache with the specified name.
 V MapCache.put(K key, V value)
 V Cache.put(K key, V value)
          Adds a Cache entry.
 V MapCache.remove(K key)
 V Cache.remove(K key)
          Remove the cache entry corresponding to the specified key.

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