Uses of Class

Packages that use Ini.Section
org.apache.shiro.config Components that support configuring Shiro in any application. 

Uses of Ini.Section in org.apache.shiro.config

Methods in org.apache.shiro.config that return Ini.Section
 Ini.Section Ini.addSection(String sectionName)
          Ensures a section with the specified name exists, adding a new one if it does not yet exist.
 Ini.Section Ini.get(Object key)
 Ini.Section Ini.getSection(String sectionName)
          Returns the Ini.Section with the given name or null if no section with that name exists.
 Ini.Section Ini.put(String key, Ini.Section value)
 Ini.Section Ini.remove(Object key)
 Ini.Section Ini.removeSection(String sectionName)
          Removes the section with the specified name and returns it, or null if the section did not exist.

Methods in org.apache.shiro.config that return types with arguments of type Ini.Section
 Set<Map.Entry<String,Ini.Section>> Ini.entrySet()
 Collection<Ini.Section> Ini.getSections()
          Returns the sections managed by this Ini instance or an empty collection if there are no sections.
 Collection<Ini.Section> Ini.values()

Methods in org.apache.shiro.config with parameters of type Ini.Section
protected  Map<String,?> IniSecurityManagerFactory.createDefaults(Ini ini, Ini.Section mainSection)
 Ini.Section Ini.put(String key, Ini.Section value)

Method parameters in org.apache.shiro.config with type arguments of type Ini.Section
 void Ini.putAll(Map<? extends String,? extends Ini.Section> m)

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