Class Shiro1CryptFormat

  extended by org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.format.Shiro1CryptFormat
All Implemented Interfaces:
HashFormat, ModularCryptFormat, ParsableHashFormat

public class Shiro1CryptFormat
extends Object
implements ModularCryptFormat, ParsableHashFormat

The Shiro1CryptFormat is a fully reversible Modular Crypt Format (MCF). Because it is fully reversible (i.e. Hash -> String, String -> Hash), it does NOT use the traditional MCF encoding alphabet (the traditional MCF encoding, aka H64, is bit-destructive and cannot be reversed). Instead, it uses fully reversible Base64 encoding for the Hash digest and any salt value.


Hash instances formatted with this implementation will result in a String with the following dollar-sign ($) delimited format:


Each token is defined as follows:

Position Token Description Required?
1 mcfFormatId The Modular Crypt Format identifier for this implementation, equal to shiro1. ( This implies that all shiro1 MCF-formatted strings will always begin with the prefix $shiro1$ ). true
2 algorithmName The name of the hash algorithm used to perform the hash. This is an algorithm name understood by MessageDigest.getInstance, for example MD5, SHA-256, SHA-256, etc. true
3 iterationCount The number of hash iterations performed. true (1 <= N <= Integer.MAX_VALUE)
4 base64EncodedSalt The Base64-encoded salt byte array. This token only exists if a salt was used to perform the hash. false
5 base64EncodedDigest The Base64-encoded digest byte array. This is the actual hash result. true

See Also:
ModularCryptFormat, ParsableHashFormat

Field Summary
static String ID
static String MCF_PREFIX
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.format.ModularCryptFormat
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String format(Hash hash)
          Returns a formatted string representing the specified Hash instance.
 String getId()
          Returns the Modular Crypt Format identifier that indicates how the formatted String should be parsed.
 Hash parse(String formatted)
          Parses the specified formatted string and returns the corresponding Hash instance.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String ID
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MCF_PREFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public Shiro1CryptFormat()
Method Detail


public String getId()
Description copied from interface: ModularCryptFormat
Returns the Modular Crypt Format identifier that indicates how the formatted String should be parsed. This id is always in the MCF-formatted string's first token.

Example values are md5, 1, 2, apr1, etc.

Specified by:
getId in interface ModularCryptFormat
the Modular Crypt Format identifier that indicates how the formatted String should be parsed.


public String format(Hash hash)
Description copied from interface: HashFormat
Returns a formatted string representing the specified Hash instance.

Specified by:
format in interface HashFormat
hash - the hash instance to format into a String.
a formatted string representing the specified Hash instance.


public Hash parse(String formatted)
Description copied from interface: ParsableHashFormat
Parses the specified formatted string and returns the corresponding Hash instance.

Specified by:
parse in interface ParsableHashFormat
formatted - the formatted string representing a Hash.
the corresponding Hash instance.

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