Package org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash

Cryptographic Hashing components that greatly simplify one-way data hashing in an application.


Interface Summary
ConfigurableHashService A HashService that allows configuration of its strategy via JavaBeans-compatible setter methods.
Hash A Cryptographic Hash represents a one-way conversion algorithm that transforms an input source to an underlying byte array.
HashRequest A HashRequest is composed of data that will be used by a HashService to compute a hash (aka 'digest').
HashService A HashService hashes input sources utilizing a particular hashing strategy.

Class Summary
AbstractHash Deprecated. in Shiro 1.1 in favor of using the concrete SimpleHash implementation directly.
DefaultHashService Default implementation of the HashService interface, supporting a customizable hash algorithm name, secure-random salt generation, multiple hash iterations and an optional internal privateSalt.
HashRequest.Builder A Builder class representing the Builder design pattern for constructing HashRequest instances.
Md2Hash Generates an MD2 Hash (RFC 1319) from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
Md5Hash Generates an MD5 Hash (RFC 1321) from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
Sha1Hash Generates an SHA-1 Hash (Secure Hash Standard, NIST FIPS 180-1) from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
Sha256Hash Generates an SHA-256 Hash from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
Sha384Hash Generates an SHA-384 Hash from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
Sha512Hash Generates an SHA-512 Hash from a given input source with an optional salt and hash iterations.
SimpleHash A Hash implementation that allows any MessageDigest algorithm name to be used.
SimpleHashRequest Simple implementation of HashRequest that can be used when interacting with a HashService.

Package org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash Description

Cryptographic Hashing components that greatly simplify one-way data hashing in an application.

The Hash interface and its implementations are significantly easier to understand and use compared to the JDK's MessageDigest mechanism.

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