Class JndiTemplate

  extended by org.apache.shiro.jndi.JndiTemplate

public class JndiTemplate
extends Object

Helper class that simplifies JNDI operations. It provides methods to lookup and bind objects, and allows implementations of the JndiCallback interface to perform any operation they like with a JNDI naming context provided.

Note that this implementation is an almost exact copy of the Spring Framework's identically named class from their 2.5.4 distribution - we didn't want to re-invent the wheel, but not require a full dependency on the Spring framework, nor does Spring make available only its JNDI classes in a small jar, or we would have used that. Since Shiro is also Apache 2.0 licensed, all regular licenses and conditions and authors have remained in tact.

See Also:
JndiCallback, execute(org.apache.shiro.jndi.JndiCallback)

Constructor Summary
          Create a new JndiTemplate instance.
JndiTemplate(Properties environment)
          Create a new JndiTemplate instance, using the given environment.
Method Summary
 void bind(String name, Object object)
          Bind the given object to the current JNDI context, using the given name.
protected  Context createInitialContext()
          Create a new JNDI initial context.
 Object execute(JndiCallback contextCallback)
          Execute the given JNDI context callback implementation.
 Properties getEnvironment()
          Return the environment for the JNDI InitialContext, or null if none should be used.
 Object lookup(String name)
          Look up the object with the given name in the current JNDI context.
 Object lookup(String name, Class requiredType)
          Look up the object with the given name in the current JNDI context.
 void rebind(String name, Object object)
          Rebind the given object to the current JNDI context, using the given name.
 void setEnvironment(Properties environment)
          Set the environment for the JNDI InitialContext.
 void unbind(String name)
          Remove the binding for the given name from the current JNDI context.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public JndiTemplate()
Create a new JndiTemplate instance.


public JndiTemplate(Properties environment)
Create a new JndiTemplate instance, using the given environment.

environment - the Properties to initialize with
Method Detail


public void setEnvironment(Properties environment)
Set the environment for the JNDI InitialContext.

environment - the Properties to initialize with


public Properties getEnvironment()
Return the environment for the JNDI InitialContext, or null if none should be used.

the environment for the JNDI InitialContext, or null if none should be used.


public Object execute(JndiCallback contextCallback)
               throws NamingException
Execute the given JNDI context callback implementation.

contextCallback - JndiCallback implementation
a result object returned by the callback, or null
NamingException - thrown by the callback implementation
See Also:


protected Context createInitialContext()
                                throws NamingException
Create a new JNDI initial context. Invoked by execute(org.apache.shiro.jndi.JndiCallback).

The default implementation use this template's environment settings. Can be subclassed for custom contexts, e.g. for testing.

the initial Context instance
NamingException - in case of initialization errors


public Object lookup(String name)
              throws NamingException
Look up the object with the given name in the current JNDI context.

name - the JNDI name of the object
object found (cannot be null; if a not so well-behaved JNDI implementations returns null, a NamingException gets thrown)
NamingException - if there is no object with the given name bound to JNDI


public Object lookup(String name,
                     Class requiredType)
              throws NamingException
Look up the object with the given name in the current JNDI context.

name - the JNDI name of the object
requiredType - type the JNDI object must match. Can be an interface or superclass of the actual class, or null for any match. For example, if the value is Object.class, this method will succeed whatever the class of the returned instance.
object found (cannot be null; if a not so well-behaved JNDI implementations returns null, a NamingException gets thrown)
NamingException - if there is no object with the given name bound to JNDI


public void bind(String name,
                 Object object)
          throws NamingException
Bind the given object to the current JNDI context, using the given name.

name - the JNDI name of the object
object - the object to bind
NamingException - thrown by JNDI, mostly name already bound


public void rebind(String name,
                   Object object)
            throws NamingException
Rebind the given object to the current JNDI context, using the given name. Overwrites any existing binding.

name - the JNDI name of the object
object - the object to rebind
NamingException - thrown by JNDI


public void unbind(String name)
            throws NamingException
Remove the binding for the given name from the current JNDI context.

name - the JNDI name of the object
NamingException - thrown by JNDI, mostly name not found

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