Package org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap

Realms that acquire security data from an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server utilizing LDAP/Naming APIs.


Interface Summary
LdapContextFactory Interface that encapsulates the creation of LdapContext objects that are used by JndiLdapRealms to perform authentication attempts and query for authorization data.

Class Summary
AbstractLdapRealm A Realm that authenticates with an LDAP server to build the Subject for a user.
DefaultLdapContextFactory Deprecated. replaced by the JndiLdapContextFactory implementation.
JndiLdapContextFactory LdapContextFactory implementation using the default Sun/Oracle JNDI Ldap API, utilizing JNDI environment properties and an InitialContext.
JndiLdapRealm An LDAP Realm implementation utilizing Sun's/Oracle's JNDI API as an LDAP API.
LdapUtils Utility class providing static methods to make working with LDAP easier.

Package org.apache.shiro.realm.ldap Description

Realms that acquire security data from an LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) server utilizing LDAP/Naming APIs.

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