Class AbstractSessionDAO

  extended by org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.AbstractSessionDAO
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
CachingSessionDAO, MemorySessionDAO

public abstract class AbstractSessionDAO
extends Object
implements SessionDAO

An abstract SessionDAO implementation that performs some sanity checks on session creation and reading and allows for pluggable Session ID generation strategies if desired. The SessionDAO update and delete methods are left to subclasses.

Session ID Generation

This class also allows for plugging in a SessionIdGenerator for custom ID generation strategies. This is optional, as the default generator is probably sufficient for most cases. Subclass implementations that do use a generator (default or custom) will want to call the generateSessionId(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method from within their doCreate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) implementations.

Subclass implementations that rely on the EIS data store to generate the ID automatically (e.g. when the session ID is also an auto-generated primary key), they can simply ignore the SessionIdGenerator concept entirely and just return the data store's ID from the doCreate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) implementation.


Constructor Summary
          Default no-arg constructor that defaults the sessionIdGenerator to be a JavaUuidSessionIdGenerator.
Method Summary
protected  void assignSessionId(Session session, Serializable sessionId)
          Utility method available to subclasses that wish to assign a generated session ID to the session instance directly.
 Serializable create(Session session)
          Creates the session by delegating EIS creation to subclasses via the doCreate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method, and then asserting that the returned sessionId is not null.
protected abstract  Serializable doCreate(Session session)
          Subclass hook to actually persist the given Session instance to the underlying EIS.
protected abstract  Session doReadSession(Serializable sessionId)
          Subclass implementation hook that retrieves the Session object from the underlying EIS or null if a session with that ID could not be found.
protected  Serializable generateSessionId(Session session)
          Generates a new ID to be applied to the specified session instance.
 SessionIdGenerator getSessionIdGenerator()
          Returns the SessionIdGenerator used by the generateSessionId(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method.
 Session readSession(Serializable sessionId)
          Retrieves the Session object from the underlying EIS identified by sessionId by delegating to the doReadSession( method.
 void setSessionIdGenerator(SessionIdGenerator sessionIdGenerator)
          Sets the SessionIdGenerator used by the generateSessionId(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.shiro.session.mgt.eis.SessionDAO
delete, getActiveSessions, update

Constructor Detail


public AbstractSessionDAO()
Default no-arg constructor that defaults the sessionIdGenerator to be a JavaUuidSessionIdGenerator.

Method Detail


public SessionIdGenerator getSessionIdGenerator()
Returns the SessionIdGenerator used by the generateSessionId(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method. Unless overridden by the setSessionIdGenerator(SessionIdGenerator) method, the default instance is a JavaUuidSessionIdGenerator.

the SessionIdGenerator used by the generateSessionId(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method.


public void setSessionIdGenerator(SessionIdGenerator sessionIdGenerator)
Sets the SessionIdGenerator used by the generateSessionId(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method. Unless overridden by this method, the default instance ss a JavaUuidSessionIdGenerator.

sessionIdGenerator - the SessionIdGenerator to use in the generateSessionId(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method.


protected Serializable generateSessionId(Session session)
Generates a new ID to be applied to the specified session instance. This method is usually called from within a subclass's doCreate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) implementation where they assign the returned id to the session instance and then create a record with this ID in the EIS data store.

Subclass implementations backed by EIS data stores that auto-generate IDs during record creation, such as relational databases, don't need to use this method or the sessionIdGenerator attribute - they can simply return the data store's generated ID from the doCreate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) implementation if desired.

This implementation uses the configured SessionIdGenerator to create the ID.

session - the new session instance for which an ID will be generated and then assigned
the generated ID to assign


public Serializable create(Session session)
Creates the session by delegating EIS creation to subclasses via the doCreate(org.apache.shiro.session.Session) method, and then asserting that the returned sessionId is not null.

Specified by:
create in interface SessionDAO
session - Session object to create in the EIS and associate with an ID.
the EIS id (e.g. primary key) of the created Session object.


protected void assignSessionId(Session session,
                               Serializable sessionId)
Utility method available to subclasses that wish to assign a generated session ID to the session instance directly. This method is not used by the AbstractSessionDAO implementation directly, but it is provided so subclasses don't need to know the Session implementation if they don't need to.

This default implementation casts the argument to a SimpleSession, Shiro's default EIS implementation.

session - the session instance to which the sessionId will be applied
sessionId - the id to assign to the specified session instance.


protected abstract Serializable doCreate(Session session)
Subclass hook to actually persist the given Session instance to the underlying EIS.

session - the Session instance to persist to the EIS.
the id of the session created in the EIS (i.e. this is almost always a primary key and should be the value returned from Session.getId().


public Session readSession(Serializable sessionId)
                    throws UnknownSessionException
Retrieves the Session object from the underlying EIS identified by sessionId by delegating to the doReadSession( method. If null is returned from that method, an UnknownSessionException will be thrown.

Specified by:
readSession in interface SessionDAO
sessionId - the id of the session to retrieve from the EIS.
the session identified by sessionId in the EIS.
UnknownSessionException - if the id specified does not correspond to any session in the EIS.


protected abstract Session doReadSession(Serializable sessionId)
Subclass implementation hook that retrieves the Session object from the underlying EIS or null if a session with that ID could not be found.

sessionId - the id of the Session to retrieve.
the Session in the EIS identified by sessionId or null if a session with that ID could not be found.

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