Package org.apache.shiro.session

Components related to managing sessions, the time-based data contexts in which a Subject interacts with an application.


Interface Summary
Session A Session is a stateful data context associated with a single Subject (user, daemon process, etc) who interacts with a software system over a period of time.
SessionListener Interface to be implemented by components that wish to be notified of events that occur during a Session's life cycle.

Class Summary
ProxiedSession Simple Session implementation that immediately delegates all corresponding calls to an underlying proxied session instance.
SessionListenerAdapter Simple adapter implementation of the SessionListener interface, effectively providing no-op implementations of all methods.

Exception Summary
ExpiredSessionException A special case of a StoppedSessionException.
InvalidSessionException Exception thrown when attempting to interact with the system under an established session when that session is considered invalid.
SessionException General security exception attributed to problems during interaction with the system during a session.
StoppedSessionException Exception thrown when attempting to interact with the system under a session that has been stopped.
UnknownSessionException Exception thrown when attempting to interact with the system under the pretense of a particular session (e.g.

Package org.apache.shiro.session Description

Components related to managing sessions, the time-based data contexts in which a Subject interacts with an application.

Sessions in Shiro are completely POJO-based and do not require an application to use Web-based or EJB-based session management infrastructure - the client and/or server technoloy is irrelevent in Shiro's architecture, allowing session management to be employed in the smallest standalone application to the largest enterprise deployments.

This design decision opens up a new world to Java applications - most notably the ability to participate in a session regardless if the client is using HTTP, custom sockets, web services, or even non-Java progamming languages. Aside from Shiro, there is currently no technology in Java today allows this heterogenous client-session capability.

Also because of this freedom, Shiro naturally supports Single Sign-On for any application as well, using this heterogeneous session support.

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