Uses of Class

Packages that use UIBean

Uses of UIBean in org.apache.struts2.components

Subclasses of UIBean in org.apache.struts2.components
 class ActionError
          Render action errors if they exists the specific layout of the rendering depends on the theme itself.
 class ActionMessage
          Render action messages if they exists, specific rendering layout depends on the theme itself.
 class Anchor

A tag that creates a HTML <a >.This tag supports the same attributes as the "url" tag, including nested parameters using the "param" tag.


 class Checkbox
          Renders an HTML input element of type checkbox, populated by the specified property from the ValueStack.
 class CheckboxList
          Creates a series of checkboxes from a list.
 class ClosingUIBean
          ClosingUIBean is the standard superclass for UI components such as div etc.
 class ComboBox
          The combo box is basically an HTML INPUT of type text and HTML SELECT grouped together to give you a combo box functionality.
 class Debug
 class Div
          Creates an HTML <div>
 class DoubleListUIBean
          DoubleListUIBean is the standard superclass of all Struts double list handling components.
 class DoubleSelect
          Renders two HTML select elements with second one changing displayed values depending on selected entry of first one.
 class FieldError
          Render field errors if they exists.
 class File
          Renders an HTML file input element.
 class Form

Renders HTML an input form.

The remote form allows the form to be submitted without the page being refreshed.

 class FormButton
 class GenericUIBean
          Renders an custom UI widget using the specified templates.
 class Head
          Renders parts of the HEAD section for an HTML file.
 class Hidden
          Renders an HTML input element of type hidden, populated by the specified property from the ValueStack.
 class InputTransferSelect
          Create a input transfer select component which is basically an text input and <select ...> tag with buttons in the middle of them allowing text to be added to the transfer select.
 class Label
          Renders an HTML LABEL that will allow you to output label:name combination that has the same format treatment as the rest of your UI controls.
 class ListUIBean
          DoubleListUIBean is the standard superclass of all Struts list handling components.
 class OptionTransferSelect
          Create a option transfer select component which is basically two <select ...> tag with buttons in the middle of them allowing options in each of the <select ...> to be moved between themselves.
 class Password
          Render an HTML input tag of type password.
 class Radio
          Render a radio button input field.
 class Reset
          Render a reset button.
 class Select
          Render an HTML input tag of type select.
 class Submit
          Render a submit button.
 class TextArea
          Render HTML textarea tag.
 class TextField
          Render an HTML input field of type text
 class Token
          Stop double-submission of forms.
 class UpDownSelect
          Create a Select component with buttons to move the elements in the select component up and down.

Methods in org.apache.struts2.components with parameters of type UIBean
protected  Map UIBean.getTooltipConfig(UIBean component)

Uses of UIBean in org.apache.struts2.components.template

Methods in org.apache.struts2.components.template that return UIBean
 UIBean TemplateRenderingContext.getTag()

Constructors in org.apache.struts2.components.template with parameters of type UIBean
TemplateRenderingContext(Template template, Writer writer, ValueStack stack, Map params, UIBean tag)

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