Package org.apache.struts2.views.xslt

The new xslt view supports an extensible Java XML adapter framework that makes it easy to customize the XML rendering of objects and to incorporate structured XML text and arbitarary DOM fragments into the output.


Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractAdapterElement AbstractAdapterElement extends the abstract Node type and implements the DOM Element interface.
AbstractAdapterNode AbstractAdapterNode is the base for childAdapters that expose a read-only view of a Java object as a DOM Node.
AdapterFactory AdapterFactory produces Node adapters for Java object types.
BeanAdapter This class is the most general type of adapter, utilizing reflective introspection to present a DOM view of all of the public properties of its value.
MapAdapter MapAdapter adapters a java.util.Map type to an XML DOM with the following structure:
ProxyAttrAdapter ProxyAttrAdapter is a pass-through adapter for objects which already implement the Attr interface.
ProxyElementAdapter ProxyElementAdapter is a pass-through adapter for objects which already implement the Element interface.
ProxyNamedNodeMap A NamedNodeMap that wraps the Nodes returned in their proxies.
ProxyNodeAdapter ProxyNodeAdapter is a read-only delegating adapter for objects which already implement the Node interface.
ProxyTextNodeAdapter ProxyTextNodeAdapter is a pass-through adapter for objects which already implement the Text interface.
ServletURIResolver ServletURIResolver is a URIResolver that can retrieve resources from the servlet context using the scheme "response".
SimpleAdapterDocument SimpleAdapterDocument adapted a Java object and presents it as a Document.
StringAdapter StringAdapter adapts a Java String value to a DOM Element with the specified property name containing the String's text.
XSLTResult XSLTResult uses XSLT to transform an action object to XML.

Package org.apache.struts2.views.xslt Description

The new xslt view supports an extensible Java XML adapter framework that makes it easy to customize the XML rendering of objects and to incorporate structured XML text and arbitarary DOM fragments into the output.

The XSLTResult class now uses an extensible adapter factory for rendering the Struts action Java object tree to an XML DOM for consumption by the stylesheet. Users can easily register their own adapters to produce custom XML views of Java types or simply extend a default "String" adapter and return plain or XML text to be incorporated into the DOM. The new adapter mechanism is capable of proxying existing DOM trees and incorporating them into the results, so you can freely mix DOMs produced from other sources into your result tree.

A default java.util.Map adapter is also now provided to render Maps to XML.

Please see the javadoc on the AdapterFactory for more details.

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