Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

Class CharsetMapper

  extended by org.apache.catalina.util.CharsetMapper

public class CharsetMapper
extends Object

Utility class that attempts to map from a Locale to the corresponding character set to be used for interpreting input text (or generating output text) when the Content-Type header does not include one. You can customize the behavior of this class by modifying the mapping data it loads, or by subclassing it (to change the algorithm) and then using your own version for a particular web application.

$Id: CharsetMapper.java 1002556 2010-09-29 10:07:10Z markt $
Craig R. McClanahan

Field Summary
          Default properties resource name.
Constructor Summary
          Construct a new CharsetMapper using the default properties resource.
CharsetMapper(String name)
          Construct a new CharsetMapper using the specified properties resource.
Method Summary
 void addCharsetMappingFromDeploymentDescriptor(String locale, String charset)
          The deployment descriptor can have a locale-encoding-mapping-list element which describes the webapp's desired mapping from locale to charset.
 String getCharset(Locale locale)
          Calculate the name of a character set to be assumed, given the specified Locale and the absence of a character set specified as part of the content type header.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE
Default properties resource name.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CharsetMapper()
Construct a new CharsetMapper using the default properties resource.


public CharsetMapper(String name)
Construct a new CharsetMapper using the specified properties resource.

name - Name of a properties resource to be loaded
IllegalArgumentException - if the specified properties resource could not be loaded for any reason.
Method Detail


public String getCharset(Locale locale)
Calculate the name of a character set to be assumed, given the specified Locale and the absence of a character set specified as part of the content type header.

locale - The locale for which to calculate a character set


public void addCharsetMappingFromDeploymentDescriptor(String locale,
                                                      String charset)
The deployment descriptor can have a locale-encoding-mapping-list element which describes the webapp's desired mapping from locale to charset. This method gets called when processing the web.xml file for a context

locale - The locale for a character set
charset - The charset to be associated with the locale

Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

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