Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

Class SchemaResolver

  extended by org.apache.catalina.util.SchemaResolver
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SchemaResolver
extends Object
implements EntityResolver

This class implements a local SAX's EntityResolver. All DTDs and schemas used to validate the web.xml file will re-directed to a local file stored in the servlet-api.jar and jsp-api.jar.

Jean-Francois Arcand

Field Summary
protected  Digester digester
          The digester instance for which this class is the entity resolver.
protected  HashMap<String,String> entityValidator
          The URLs of dtds and schemas that have been registered, keyed by the public identifier that corresponds.
protected  String schemaExtension
          Extension to make the difference between DTD and Schema.
Constructor Summary
SchemaResolver(Digester digester)
          Create a new EntityResolver that will redirect all remote dtds and schema to a local destination.
Method Summary
 void register(String publicId, String entityURL)
          Register the specified DTD/Schema URL for the specified public identifier.
 InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
          Resolve the requested external entity.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected Digester digester
The digester instance for which this class is the entity resolver.


protected HashMap<String,String> entityValidator
The URLs of dtds and schemas that have been registered, keyed by the public identifier that corresponds.


protected String schemaExtension
Extension to make the difference between DTD and Schema.

Constructor Detail


public SchemaResolver(Digester digester)
Create a new EntityResolver that will redirect all remote dtds and schema to a local destination.

digester - The digester instance.
Method Detail


public void register(String publicId,
                     String entityURL)
Register the specified DTD/Schema URL for the specified public identifier. This must be called before the first call to parse(). When adding a schema file (*.xsd), only the name of the file will get added. If two schemas with the same name are added, only the last one will be stored.

publicId - Public identifier of the DTD to be resolved
entityURL - The URL to use for reading this DTD


public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId,
                                 String systemId)
                          throws SAXException
Resolve the requested external entity.

Specified by:
resolveEntity in interface EntityResolver
publicId - The public identifier of the entity being referenced
systemId - The system identifier of the entity being referenced
SAXException - if a parsing exception occurs

Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

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