Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

Class AbstractHttp11Processor<S>

  extended by org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessor<S>
      extended by org.apache.coyote.http11.AbstractHttp11Processor<S>
All Implemented Interfaces:
ActionHook, Processor<S>
Direct Known Subclasses:
Http11AprProcessor, Http11NioProcessor, Http11Processor

public abstract class AbstractHttp11Processor<S>
extends AbstractProcessor<S>

Field Summary
protected  boolean comet
          Comet used.
protected  String[] compressableMimeTypes
          List of MIMES which could be gzipped
protected  int compressionLevel
          Allowed compression level.
protected  int compressionMinSize
          Minimum content size to make compression.
protected  int connectionUploadTimeout
          Maximum timeout on uploads. 5 minutes as in Apache HTTPD server.
protected  boolean contentDelimitation
          Content delimiter for the request (if false, the connection will be closed at the end of the request).
protected  boolean disableUploadTimeout
          Flag to disable setting a different time-out on uploads.
protected  boolean error
          Error flag.
protected  boolean expectation
          Is there an expectation ?
protected  char[] hostNameC
          Host name (used to avoid useless B2C conversion on the host name).
protected  boolean http09
          HTTP/0.9 flag.
protected  boolean http11
          HTTP/1.1 flag.
protected  boolean keepAlive
protected  int keepAliveTimeout
          The number of seconds Tomcat will wait for a subsequent request before closing the connection.
protected  boolean keptAlive
          Flag used to indicate that the socket should treat the next request processed like a keep-alive connection - i.e. one where there may not be any data to process.
protected  String localAddr
          The local Host address.
protected  String localName
          Local Host associated with the current connection.
protected  int localPort
          Local port to which the socket is connected
protected  int maxKeepAliveRequests
          Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor.
protected  int maxSavePostSize
          Max saved post size.
protected  Pattern noCompressionUserAgents
          Regular expression that defines the user agents to not use gzip with
protected  boolean openSocket
          Flag used to indicate that the socket should be kept open (e.g. for keep alive or send file.
protected  boolean readComplete
          Flag that indicates if the request headers have been completely read.
protected  String remoteAddr
          Remote Address associated with the current connection.
protected  String remoteHost
          Remote Host associated with the current connection.
protected  int remotePort
          Remote port to which the socket is connected
protected  Pattern restrictedUserAgents
          Regular expression that defines the restricted user agents.
protected  boolean sendfileInProgress
          Flag that indicates that send file processing is in progress and that the socket should not be returned to the poller (where a poller is used).
protected  String server
          Allow a customized the server header for the tin-foil hat folks.
protected static StringManager sm
          The string manager for this package.
protected  int socketBuffer
          Socket buffering.
protected  UpgradeInbound upgradeInbound
          Listener to which data available events are passed once the associated connection has completed the HTTP upgrade process.
Fields inherited from class org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessor
adapter, asyncStateMachine, endpoint, request, response
Constructor Summary
AbstractHttp11Processor(AbstractEndpoint endpoint)
Method Summary
 void action(ActionCode actionCode, Object param)
          Send an action to the connector.
 void addCompressableMimeType(String mimeType)
          Add a mime-type which will be compressible The mime-type String will be exactly matched in the response mime-type header .
protected  boolean addInputFilter(InputFilter[] inputFilters, String encodingName)
          Add an input filter to the current request.
 AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState asyncDispatch(SocketStatus status)
          Process in-progress Servlet 3.0 Async requests.
protected abstract  boolean breakKeepAliveLoop(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
          Checks to see if the keep-alive loop should be broken, performing any processing (e.g. sendfile handling) that may have an impact on whether or not the keep-alive loop should be broken.
protected abstract  boolean disableKeepAlive()
          Processors (currently only HTTP BIO) may elect to disable HTTP keep-alive in some circumstances.
 void endRequest()
protected  int findBytes(ByteChunk bc, byte[] b)
          Specialized utility method: find a sequence of lower case bytes inside a ByteChunk.
 String getCompression()
          Return compression level.
 int getConnectionUploadTimeout()
          Get the upload timeout.
 boolean getDisableUploadTimeout()
          Get the flag that controls upload time-outs.
protected abstract  AbstractInputBuffer<S> getInputBuffer()
          Exposes input buffer to super class to allow better code re-use.
 int getKeepAliveTimeout()
          Return the number Keep-Alive timeout.
protected abstract  Log getLog()
 int getMaxKeepAliveRequests()
          Return the number of Keep-Alive requests that we will honor.
 int getMaxSavePostSize()
          Return the maximum size of a POST which will be buffered in SSL mode.
protected abstract  AbstractOutputBuffer<S> getOutputBuffer()
          Exposes output buffer to super class to allow better code re-use.
 String getServer()
          Get the server header name.
 int getSocketBuffer()
          Get the socket buffer flag.
 UpgradeInbound getUpgradeInbound()
protected abstract  boolean handleIncompleteRequestLineRead()
          Defines how a connector handles an incomplete request line read.
protected  void initializeFilters(int maxTrailerSize)
          Initialize standard input and output filters.
 boolean isComet()
 boolean isUpgrade()
protected  void parseHost(MessageBytes valueMB)
          Parse host.
protected  void prepareRequest()
          After reading the request headers, we have to setup the request filters.
protected abstract  void prepareRequestInternal()
          Connector implementation specific request preparation.
 AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState process(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
          Process pipelined HTTP requests using the specified input and output streams.
 void recycle(boolean isSocketClosing)
protected abstract  void recycleInternal()
protected abstract  void resetTimeouts()
          Provides a mechanism for those connector implementations (currently only NIO) that need to reset timeouts from Async timeouts to standard HTTP timeouts once async processing completes.
protected abstract  void setCometTimeouts(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
          Provides a mechanism for those connectors (currently only NIO) that need that need to set comet timeouts.
 void setCompressableMimeTypes(String compressableMimeTypes)
          Set compressable mime-type list List contains users agents separated by ',' : ie: "text/html,text/xml,text/plain"
 void setCompressableMimeTypes(String[] compressableMimeTypes)
          Set compressible mime-type list (this method is best when used with a large number of connectors, where it would be better to have all of them referenced a single array).
 void setCompression(String compression)
          Set compression level.
 void setCompressionMinSize(int compressionMinSize)
          Set Minimum size to trigger compression.
 void setConnectionUploadTimeout(int timeout)
          Set the upload timeout.
 void setDisableUploadTimeout(boolean isDisabled)
          Set the flag to control upload time-outs.
 void setKeepAliveTimeout(int timeout)
          Set the Keep-Alive timeout.
 void setMaxKeepAliveRequests(int mkar)
          Set the maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor.
 void setMaxSavePostSize(int msps)
          Set the maximum size of a POST which will be buffered in SSL mode.
 void setNoCompressionUserAgents(String noCompressionUserAgents)
          Set no compression user agent pattern.
protected abstract  void setRequestLineReadTimeout()
          Configures the timeout to be used for reading the request line.
 void setRestrictedUserAgents(String restrictedUserAgents)
          Set restricted user agent list (which will downgrade the connector to HTTP/1.0 mode).
 void setServer(String server)
          Set the server header name.
 void setSocketBuffer(int socketBuffer)
          Set the socket buffer flag.
protected abstract  void setSocketTimeout(int timeout)
          Set the socket timeout.
protected abstract  void setSocketWrapper(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
          Allows the super class to set the socket wrapper being used.
protected  boolean statusDropsConnection(int status)
          Determine if we must drop the connection because of the HTTP status code.
 AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState upgradeDispatch()
          Processes data received on a connection that has been through an HTTP upgrade.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessor
asyncPostProcess, event, getAdapter, getEndpoint, getExecutor, getRequest, isAsync, setAdapter
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.coyote.Processor

Field Detail


protected static final StringManager sm
The string manager for this package.


protected boolean error
Error flag.


protected boolean keepAlive


protected boolean openSocket
Flag used to indicate that the socket should be kept open (e.g. for keep alive or send file.


protected boolean keptAlive
Flag used to indicate that the socket should treat the next request processed like a keep-alive connection - i.e. one where there may not be any data to process. The initial value of this flag on entering the process method is different for connectors that use polling (NIO / APR - data is always expected) compared to those that use blocking (BIO - data is only expected if the connection isn't in the keep-alive state).


protected boolean sendfileInProgress
Flag that indicates that send file processing is in progress and that the socket should not be returned to the poller (where a poller is used).


protected boolean readComplete
Flag that indicates if the request headers have been completely read.


protected boolean http11
HTTP/1.1 flag.


protected boolean http09
HTTP/0.9 flag.


protected boolean contentDelimitation
Content delimiter for the request (if false, the connection will be closed at the end of the request).


protected boolean expectation
Is there an expectation ?


protected boolean comet
Comet used.


protected Pattern restrictedUserAgents
Regular expression that defines the restricted user agents.


protected int maxKeepAliveRequests
Maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor.


protected int keepAliveTimeout
The number of seconds Tomcat will wait for a subsequent request before closing the connection.


protected String remoteAddr
Remote Address associated with the current connection.


protected String remoteHost
Remote Host associated with the current connection.


protected String localName
Local Host associated with the current connection.


protected int localPort
Local port to which the socket is connected


protected int remotePort
Remote port to which the socket is connected


protected String localAddr
The local Host address.


protected int connectionUploadTimeout
Maximum timeout on uploads. 5 minutes as in Apache HTTPD server.


protected boolean disableUploadTimeout
Flag to disable setting a different time-out on uploads.


protected int compressionLevel
Allowed compression level.


protected int compressionMinSize
Minimum content size to make compression.


protected int socketBuffer
Socket buffering.


protected int maxSavePostSize
Max saved post size.


protected Pattern noCompressionUserAgents
Regular expression that defines the user agents to not use gzip with


protected String[] compressableMimeTypes
List of MIMES which could be gzipped


protected char[] hostNameC
Host name (used to avoid useless B2C conversion on the host name).


protected String server
Allow a customized the server header for the tin-foil hat folks.


protected UpgradeInbound upgradeInbound
Listener to which data available events are passed once the associated connection has completed the HTTP upgrade process.

Constructor Detail


public AbstractHttp11Processor(AbstractEndpoint endpoint)
Method Detail


protected abstract Log getLog()


public void setCompression(String compression)
Set compression level.


public void setCompressionMinSize(int compressionMinSize)
Set Minimum size to trigger compression.


public void setNoCompressionUserAgents(String noCompressionUserAgents)
Set no compression user agent pattern. Regular expression as supported by Pattern. ie: "gorilla|desesplorer|tigrus"


public void addCompressableMimeType(String mimeType)
Add a mime-type which will be compressible The mime-type String will be exactly matched in the response mime-type header .

mimeType - mime-type string


public void setCompressableMimeTypes(String[] compressableMimeTypes)
Set compressible mime-type list (this method is best when used with a large number of connectors, where it would be better to have all of them referenced a single array).


public void setCompressableMimeTypes(String compressableMimeTypes)
Set compressable mime-type list List contains users agents separated by ',' : ie: "text/html,text/xml,text/plain"


public String getCompression()
Return compression level.


public void setRestrictedUserAgents(String restrictedUserAgents)
Set restricted user agent list (which will downgrade the connector to HTTP/1.0 mode). Regular expression as supported by Pattern. ie: "gorilla|desesplorer|tigrus"


public void setMaxKeepAliveRequests(int mkar)
Set the maximum number of Keep-Alive requests to honor. This is to safeguard from DoS attacks. Setting to a negative value disables the check.


public int getMaxKeepAliveRequests()
Return the number of Keep-Alive requests that we will honor.


public void setKeepAliveTimeout(int timeout)
Set the Keep-Alive timeout.


public int getKeepAliveTimeout()
Return the number Keep-Alive timeout.


public void setMaxSavePostSize(int msps)
Set the maximum size of a POST which will be buffered in SSL mode.


public int getMaxSavePostSize()
Return the maximum size of a POST which will be buffered in SSL mode.


public void setDisableUploadTimeout(boolean isDisabled)
Set the flag to control upload time-outs.


public boolean getDisableUploadTimeout()
Get the flag that controls upload time-outs.


public void setSocketBuffer(int socketBuffer)
Set the socket buffer flag.


public int getSocketBuffer()
Get the socket buffer flag.


public void setConnectionUploadTimeout(int timeout)
Set the upload timeout.


public int getConnectionUploadTimeout()
Get the upload timeout.


public void setServer(String server)
Set the server header name.


public String getServer()
Get the server header name.


protected int findBytes(ByteChunk bc,
                        byte[] b)
Specialized utility method: find a sequence of lower case bytes inside a ByteChunk.


protected boolean statusDropsConnection(int status)
Determine if we must drop the connection because of the HTTP status code. Use the same list of codes as Apache/httpd.


protected abstract void setSocketWrapper(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
Allows the super class to set the socket wrapper being used.


protected abstract AbstractInputBuffer<S> getInputBuffer()
Exposes input buffer to super class to allow better code re-use.

The input buffer used by the processor.


protected abstract AbstractOutputBuffer<S> getOutputBuffer()
Exposes output buffer to super class to allow better code re-use.

The output buffer used by the processor.


protected void initializeFilters(int maxTrailerSize)
Initialize standard input and output filters.


protected boolean addInputFilter(InputFilter[] inputFilters,
                                 String encodingName)
Add an input filter to the current request.

false if the encoding was not found (which would mean it is unsupported)


public final void action(ActionCode actionCode,
                         Object param)
Send an action to the connector.

actionCode - Type of the action
param - Action parameter


protected abstract boolean disableKeepAlive()
Processors (currently only HTTP BIO) may elect to disable HTTP keep-alive in some circumstances. This method allows the processor implementation to determine if keep-alive should be disabled or not.


protected abstract void setRequestLineReadTimeout()
                                           throws IOException
Configures the timeout to be used for reading the request line.



protected abstract boolean handleIncompleteRequestLineRead()
Defines how a connector handles an incomplete request line read.

true if the processor should break out of the processing loop, otherwise false.


protected abstract void setSocketTimeout(int timeout)
                                  throws IOException
Set the socket timeout.



public AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState process(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
                                             throws IOException
Process pipelined HTTP requests using the specified input and output streams.

Specified by:
process in interface Processor<S>
Specified by:
process in class AbstractProcessor<S>
socketWrapper - Socket from which the HTTP requests will be read and the HTTP responses will be written.
IOException - error during an I/O operation


protected void prepareRequest()
After reading the request headers, we have to setup the request filters.


protected abstract void prepareRequestInternal()
Connector implementation specific request preparation. Ideally, this will go away in the future.


protected void parseHost(MessageBytes valueMB)
Parse host.


public AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState asyncDispatch(SocketStatus status)
Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
Process in-progress Servlet 3.0 Async requests. These will start as HTTP requests.

Specified by:
asyncDispatch in interface Processor<S>
Specified by:
asyncDispatch in class AbstractProcessor<S>


public boolean isComet()
Specified by:
isComet in interface Processor<S>
Specified by:
isComet in class AbstractProcessor<S>


public boolean isUpgrade()
Specified by:
isUpgrade in interface Processor<S>
Specified by:
isUpgrade in class AbstractProcessor<S>


public AbstractEndpoint.Handler.SocketState upgradeDispatch()
                                                     throws IOException
Description copied from class: AbstractProcessor
Processes data received on a connection that has been through an HTTP upgrade.

Specified by:
upgradeDispatch in interface Processor<S>
Specified by:
upgradeDispatch in class AbstractProcessor<S>


public UpgradeInbound getUpgradeInbound()
Specified by:
getUpgradeInbound in interface Processor<S>
Specified by:
getUpgradeInbound in class AbstractProcessor<S>


protected abstract void resetTimeouts()
Provides a mechanism for those connector implementations (currently only NIO) that need to reset timeouts from Async timeouts to standard HTTP timeouts once async processing completes.


protected abstract void setCometTimeouts(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
Provides a mechanism for those connectors (currently only NIO) that need that need to set comet timeouts.


public void endRequest()


protected abstract boolean breakKeepAliveLoop(SocketWrapper<S> socketWrapper)
Checks to see if the keep-alive loop should be broken, performing any processing (e.g. sendfile handling) that may have an impact on whether or not the keep-alive loop should be broken.

true if the keep-alive loop should be broken


public final void recycle(boolean isSocketClosing)


protected abstract void recycleInternal()

Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

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