Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

Interface JarScanner

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface JarScanner

Scans a web application and classloader hierarchy for JAR files. Uses include TLD scanning and web-fragment.xml scanning. Uses a call-back mechanism so the caller can process each JAR found.

Method Summary
 void scan(ServletContext context, ClassLoader classloader, JarScannerCallback callback, Set<String> jarsToSkip)
          Scan the provided ServletContext and classloader for JAR files.

Method Detail


void scan(ServletContext context,
          ClassLoader classloader,
          JarScannerCallback callback,
          Set<String> jarsToSkip)
Scan the provided ServletContext and classloader for JAR files. Each JAR file found will be passed to the callback handler to be processed.

context - The ServletContext - used to locate and access WEB-INF/lib
classloader - The classloader - used to access JARs not in WEB-INF/lib
callback - The handler to process any JARs found
jarsToSkip - List of JARs to ignore

Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

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