Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

Package org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool

Interface Summary
PoolConfiguration A list of properties that are configurable for a connection pool.
Validator Interface to be implemented by custom validator classes.

Class Summary
ConnectionPool Implementation of simple connection pool.
DataSource A DataSource that can be instantiated through IoC and implements the DataSource interface since the DataSourceProxy is used as a generic proxy.
DataSourceFactory JNDI object factory that creates an instance of BasicDataSource that has been configured based on the RefAddr values of the specified Reference, which must match the names and data types of the BasicDataSource bean properties.
DataSourceProxy The DataSource proxy lets us implements methods that don't exist in the current compiler JDK but might be methods that are part of a future JDK DataSource interface.
DisposableConnectionFacade A DisposableConnectionFacade object is the top most interceptor that wraps an object of type PooledConnection.
FairBlockingQueue<E> A simple implementation of a blocking queue with fairness waiting.
JdbcInterceptor Abstract class that is to be extended for implementations of interceptors.
PooledConnection Represents a pooled connection and holds a reference to the Connection object
ProxyConnection A ProxyConnection object is the bottom most interceptor that wraps an object of type PooledConnection.
TrapException Interceptor that traps any unhandled exception types and throws an exception that has been declared by the method called, or throw a SQLException if it is declared.

Exception Summary

Apache Tomcat 7.0.28

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