API Docs for: 3.5.1

YUI Class

Defined in: yui/js/yui.js:13
Module: yui-base
Parent Module: yui

The YUI global namespace object. If YUI is already defined, the existing YUI object will not be overwritten so that defined namespaces are preserved. It is the constructor for the object the end user interacts with. As indicated below, each instance has full custom event support, but only if the event system is available. This is a self-instantiable factory function. You can invoke it directly like this:

 YUI().use('*', function(Y) {
     // ready

But it also works like this:

 var Y = YUI();

Configuring the YUI object:

    debug: true,
    combine: false
}).use('node', function(Y) {
    //Node is ready to use

See the API docs for the Config class for the complete list of supported configuration properties accepted by the YUI constuctor.



  • [o]

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:13


  • [o] Object optional multiple

    0..n optional configuration objects. these values are store in Y.config. See Config for the list of supported properties.



  • r
  • [moot=false]

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:596

Executes the function associated with each required module, binding the module to the YUI instance.


  • r Array

    The array of modules to attach

  • [moot=false] Boolean optional

    Don't throw a warning if the module is not attached


  • o

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:286

Old way to apply a config to the instance (calls applyConfig under the hood)


  • o Object

    The config to apply


() private

If the instance has a prefix attribute and the event type is not prefixed, the instance prefix is applied to the supplied type.


() private

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:296

Initialize this YUI instance


  • what
  • type
  • o

This is the entry point for the event monitoring system. You can monitor 'attach', 'detach', 'fire', and 'publish'. When configured, these events generate an event. click -> clickattach, clickdetach, click_publish -- these can be subscribed to like other events to monitor the event system. Inividual published events can have monitoring turned on or off (publish can't be turned off before it it published) by setting the events 'monitor' config.


  • what String

    'attach', 'detach', 'fire', or 'publish'

  • type String

    Name of the event being monitored

  • o Object

    Information about the event interaction, such as fire() args, subscription category, publish config


  • callback
  • response
  • args

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:820

Notify handler from Loader for attachment/load errors


  • callback Function

    The callback to pass to the Y.config.loadErrorFn

  • response Object

    The response returned from Loader

  • args Array

    The aruments passed from Loader


() private

Returns an array with the detach key (if provided), and the prefixed event name from _getType Y.on('detachcategory| menu:click', fn)


() private

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:470

Finishes the instance setup. Attaches whatever modules were defined when the yui modules was registered.


  • args
  • *callback

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:840

This private method is called from the use method queue. To ensure that only one set of loading logic is performed at a time.


  • args String multiple

    1-n modules to bind (uses arguments array).

  • *callback Function

    callback function executed when the instance has the required functionality. If included, it must be the last parameter.


  • name
  • fn
  • version
  • details

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:531

Registers a module with the YUI global. The easiest way to create a first-class YUI module is to use the YUI component build tool.


The build system will produce the YUI.add wrapper for you module, along with any configuration info required for the module.


  • name String

    module name.

  • fn Function

    entry point into the module that is used to bind module to the YUI instance.

    • Y YUI

      The YUI instance this module is executed in.

    • name String

      The name of the module

  • version String

    version string.

  • details Object

    optional config data:

    • requires Array

      features that must be present before this module can be attached.

    • optional Array

      optional features that should be present if loadOptional is defined. Note: modules are not often loaded this way in YUI 3, but this field is still useful to inform the user that certain features in the component will require additional dependencies.

    • use Array

      features that are included within this module which need to be attached automatically when this module is attached. This supports the YUI 3 rollup system -- a module with submodules defined will need to have the submodules listed in the 'use' config. The YUI component build tool does this for you.


YUI: the YUI instance.


YUI.add('davglass', function(Y, name) {
    Y.davglass = function() {
        alert('Dav was here!');
}, '3.4.0', { requires: ['yui-base', 'harley-davidson', 'mt-dew'] });


  • o

Registers another EventTarget as a bubble target. Bubble order is determined by the order registered. Multiple targets can be specified.

Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true.

Included in the event-custom-complex submodule.



  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [args*]

Inherited from EventTarget but overwritten in event-custom/js/event-target.js:904

Like on(), this method creates a subscription to a custom event or to the execution of a method on an object.

For events, after() subscribers are executed after the event's defaultFn unless e.preventDefault() was called from an on() subscriber.

See the on() method for additional subscription options.

NOTE: The subscription signature shown is for events, not for function injection. See Y.Do.after for that signature.


  • type String

    The custom event name

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [args*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber


EventHandle: A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription


  • receiver
  • supplier
  • [overwrite=false]
  • [whitelist]

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:137

Copies object properties from the supplier to the receiver. If the target has the property, and the property is an object, the target object will be augmented with the supplier's value.


  • receiver Object

    Object to receive the augmentation.

  • supplier Object

    Object that supplies the properties with which to augment the receiver.

  • [overwrite=false] Boolean optional

    If true, properties already on the receiver will be overwritten if found on the supplier.

  • [whitelist] String[] optional

    Whitelist. If supplied, only properties in this list will be applied to the receiver.


Object: Augmented object.


  • selector

Provided by the node-core module.

Defined in node/js/node-core.js:240

Retrieves a NodeList based on the given CSS selector.


  • selector String

    The CSS selector to test against.


NodeList: A NodeList instance for the matching HTMLCollection/Array.


  • o

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:1246

Available since 3.5.0

Static method on the Global YUI object to apply a config to all YUI instances. It's main use case is "mashups" where several third party scripts are trying to write to a global YUI config at the same time. This way they can all call YUI.applyConfig({}) instead of overwriting other scripts configs.


  • o Object

    the configuration object.


    modules: {
        davglass: {
            fullpath: './davglass.js'

    modules: {
        foo: {
            fullpath: './foo.js'

YUI().use('davglass', function(Y) {
    //Module davglass will be available here..


  • o

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:239

Available since 3.2.0

Applies a new configuration object to the YUI instance config. This will merge new group/module definitions, and will also update the loader cache if necessary. Updating Y.config directly will not update the cache.


  • o Object

    the configuration object.


  • id
  • method
  • args

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:499

Executes a method on a YUI instance with the specified id if the specified method is whitelisted.


  • id String

    the YUI instance id.

  • method String

    the name of the method to exectute. Ex: 'Object.keys'.

  • args Array

    the arguments to apply to the method.


Object: the return value from the applied method or null.


  • condition
  • message

Provided by the test module.

Defined in test/js/YTestWrapAfter.js:27

Asserts that a given condition is true. If not, then a Y.Assert.Error object is thrown and the test fails.


  • condition Boolean

    The condition to test.

  • message String

    The message to display if the assertion fails.


  • receiver
  • supplier
  • [overwrite=false]
  • [whitelist]
  • [args]

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:31

Augments the receiver with prototype properties from the supplier. The receiver may be a constructor function or an object. The supplier must be a constructor function.

If the receiver is an object, then the supplier constructor will be called immediately after receiver is augmented, with receiver as the this object.

If the receiver is a constructor function, then all prototype methods of supplier that are copied to receiver will be sequestered, and the supplier constructor will not be called immediately. The first time any sequestered method is called on the receiver's prototype, all sequestered methods will be immediately copied to the receiver's prototype, the supplier's constructor will be executed, and finally the newly unsequestered method that was called will be executed.

This sequestering logic sounds like a bunch of complicated voodoo, but it makes it cheap to perform frequent augmentation by ensuring that suppliers' constructors are only called if a supplied method is actually used. If none of the supplied methods is ever used, then there's no need to take the performance hit of calling the supplier's constructor.


  • receiver Function | Object

    Object or function to be augmented.

  • supplier Function

    Function that supplies the prototype properties with which to augment the receiver.

  • [overwrite=false] Boolean optional

    If true, properties already on the receiver will be overwritten if found on the supplier's prototype.

  • [whitelist] String[] optional

    An array of property names. If specified, only the whitelisted prototype properties will be applied to the receiver, and all others will be ignored.

  • [args] Array | Any optional

    Argument or array of arguments to pass to the supplier's constructor when initializing.


Function: Augmented object.



Executes the callback before a DOM event, custom event or method. If the first argument is a function, it is assumed the target is a method. For DOM and custom events, this is an alias for Y.on.

For DOM and custom events: type, callback, context, 0-n arguments

For methods: callback, object (method host), methodName, context, 0-n arguments


detach handle


  • f
  • c
  • args

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:338

Returns a function that will execute the supplied function in the supplied object's context, optionally adding any additional supplied parameters to the beginning of the arguments collection the supplied to the function.


  • f Function | String

    the function to bind, or a function name to execute on the context object.

  • c Object

    the execution context.

  • args Any multiple

    0..n arguments to include before the arguments the function is executed with.


Function: the wrapped function.


  • evt

Propagate an event. Requires the event-custom-complex module.



Boolean: the aggregated return value from Event.Custom.fire


  • source
  • [cache={}]
  • [refetch]

Returns a wrapper for a function which caches the return value of that function, keyed off of the combined string representation of the argument values provided when the wrapper is called.

Calling this function again with the same arguments will return the cached value rather than executing the wrapped function.

Note that since the cache is keyed off of the string representation of arguments passed to the wrapper function, arguments that aren't strings and don't provide a meaningful toString() method may result in unexpected caching behavior. For example, the objects {} and {foo: 'bar'} would both be converted to the string [object Object] when used as a cache key.


  • source Function

    The function to memoize.

  • [cache={}] Object optional

    Object in which to store cached values. You may seed this object with pre-existing cached values if desired.

  • [refetch] Any optional

    If supplied, this value is compared with the cached value using a == comparison. If the values are equal, the wrapped function is executed again even though a cached value exists.


Function: Wrapped function.


  • name

Provided by the node-data module.

Defined in node/js/node-data.js:104

Clears internally stored data.


  • name String

    The name of the field to clear. If no name is given, all data is cleared.


  • name

Provided by the node-data module.

Defined in node/js/node-data.js:154

Clears data on all Node instances bound to the NodeList.


  • name String

    The name of the field to clear. If no name is given, all data is cleared.


  • o
  • safe
  • f
  • c
  • owner
  • cloned
Array | Object

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:233

Deep object/array copy. Function clones are actually wrappers around the original function. Array-like objects are treated as arrays. Primitives are returned untouched. Optionally, a function can be provided to handle other data types, filter keys, validate values, etc.


  • o Object

    what to clone.

  • safe Boolean

    if true, objects will not have prototype items from the source. If false, they will. In this case, the original is initially protected, but the clone is not completely immune from changes to the source object prototype. Also, cloned prototype items that are deleted from the clone will result in the value of the source prototype being exposed. If operating on a non-safe clone, items should be nulled out rather than deleted.

  • f Function

    optional function to apply to each item in a collection; it will be executed prior to applying the value to the new object. Return false to prevent the copy.

  • c Object

    optional execution context for f.

  • owner Object

    Owner object passed when clone is iterating an object. Used to set up context for cloned functions.

  • cloned Object

    hash of previously cloned objects to avoid multiple clones.


Array | Object: the cloned object.


  • type
  • fn
  • el
  • filter
  • context
  • args

Provided by the event-delegate module.

Defined in event/js/delegate.js:286

Sets up event delegation on a container element. The delegated event will use a supplied filter to test if the callback should be executed. This filter can be either a selector string or a function that returns a Node to use as the currentTarget for the event.

The event object for the delegated event is supplied to the callback function. It is modified slightly in order to support all properties that may be needed for event delegation. 'currentTarget' is set to the element that matched the selector string filter or the Node returned from the filter function. 'container' is set to the element that the listener is delegated from (this normally would be the 'currentTarget').

Filter functions will be called with the arguments that would be passed to the callback function, including the event object as the first parameter. The function should return false (or a falsey value) if the success criteria aren't met, and the Node to use as the event's currentTarget and 'this' object if they are.


  • type String

    the event type to delegate

  • fn Function

    the callback function to execute. This function will be provided the event object for the delegated event.

  • el String | Node

    the element that is the delegation container

  • filter String | Function

    a selector that must match the target of the event or a function that returns a Node or false.

  • context Object

    optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to.

  • args Object multiple

    0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback function. These arguments will be added after the event object.


EventHandle: the detach handle



Defined in yui/js/yui.js:1211

Available since 3.3.0

Destroys the YUI instance


  • type
  • fn
  • context

Detach one or more listeners the from the specified event


  • type String | Object

    Either the handle to the subscriber or the type of event. If the type is not specified, it will attempt to remove the listener from all hosted events.

  • fn Function

    The subscribed function to unsubscribe, if not supplied, all subscribers will be removed.

  • context Object

    The custom object passed to subscribe. This is optional, but if supplied will be used to disambiguate multiple listeners that are the same (e.g., you subscribe many object using a function that lives on the prototype)


EventTarget: the host


  • type

Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will be removed.


  • type String

    The type, or name of the event


  • o
  • d

Provided by the dump module.

Defined in dump/js/dump.js:18

Returns a simple string representation of the object or array. Other types of objects will be returned unprocessed. Arrays are expected to be indexed.


  • o Object

    The object to dump.

  • d Number

    How deep to recurse child objects, default 3.


String: the dump result.


  • o
  • f
  • c
  • proto

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:197

Executes the supplied function for each item in a collection. Supports arrays, objects, and NodeLists


  • o Object

    the object to iterate.

  • f Function

    the function to execute. This function receives the value, key, and object as parameters.

  • c Object

    the execution context for the function.

  • proto Boolean

    if true, prototype properties are iterated on objects.


YUI: the YUI instance.


  • msg
  • e
  • src

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:1132

Report an error. The reporting mechanism is controlled by the throwFail configuration attribute. If throwFail is not specified, the message is written to the Logger, otherwise a JS error is thrown. If an errorFn is specified in the config it must return true to keep the error from being thrown.


  • msg String

    the error message.

  • e Error | String

    Optional JS error that was caught, or an error string.

  • src Object

    Optional additional info (passed to Y.config.errorFn and Y.message) and throwFail is specified, this error will be re-thrown.


YUI: this YUI instance.


  • r
  • s
  • px
  • sx

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:156

Utility to set up the prototype, constructor and superclass properties to support an inheritance strategy that can chain constructors and methods. Static members will not be inherited.


  • r Function

    the object to modify.

  • s Function

    the object to inherit.

  • px Object

    prototype properties to add/override.

  • sx Object

    static properties to add/override.


Object: the extended object.


  • message

Provided by the test module.

Defined in test/js/YTestWrapAfter.js:43

Forces an assertion error to occur. Shortcut for Y.Assert.fail().


  • message String

    (Optional) The message to display with the failure.


  • type
  • arguments

Fire a custom event by name. The callback functions will be executed from the context specified when the event was created, and with the following parameters.

If the custom event object hasn't been created, then the event hasn't been published and it has no subscribers. For performance sake, we immediate exit in this case. This means the event won't bubble, so if the intention is that a bubble target be notified, the event must be published on this object first.

The first argument is the event type, and any additional arguments are passed to the listeners as parameters. If the first of these is an object literal, and the event is configured to emit an event facade, that object is mixed into the event facade and the facade is provided in place of the original object.


  • type String | Object

    The type of the event, or an object that contains a 'type' property.

  • arguments Object*

    an arbitrary set of parameters to pass to the handler. If the first of these is an object literal and the event is configured to emit an event facade, the event facade will replace that parameter after the properties the object literal contains are copied to the event facade.


EventTarget: the event host


  • node
  • doc
deprecated static

Provided by the node-deprecated module.

Defined in node/js/node-deprecated.js:27

Deprecated: Use Y.one

Returns a single Node instance bound to the node or the first element matching the given selector.



  • name

Provided by the node-data module.

Defined in node/js/node-data.js:125

Retrieves arbitrary data stored on each Node instance bound to the NodeList.


  • name String

    Optional name of the data field to retrieve. If no name is given, all data is returned.


Array: An array containing all of the data for each Node instance. or an object hash of all fields.


  • name
Any | Object

Provided by the node-data module.

Defined in node/js/node-data.js:16

Retrieves arbitrary data stored on a Node instance. If no data is associated with the Node, it will attempt to retrieve a value from the corresponding HTML data attribute. (e.g. node.getData('foo') will check node.getAttribute('data-foo')).


  • name String

    Optional name of the data field to retrieve. If no name is given, all data is returned.


Any | Object: Whatever is stored at the given field, or an object hash of all fields.


  • type
  • prefixed

Returns the custom event of the provided type has been created, a falsy value otherwise


  • type String

    the type, or name of the event

  • prefixed String

    if true, the type is prefixed already


CustomEvent: the custom event or null


() Location

Defined in yui/js/yui-core.js:55

Available since 3.5.0

Returns the location object from the window/frame in which this YUI instance operates, or undefined when executing in a non-browser environment (e.g. Node.js).

It is not recommended to hold references to the window.location object outside of the scope of a function in which its properties are being accessed or its methods are being called. This is because of a nasty bug/issue that exists in both Safari and MobileSafari browsers: WebKit Bug 34679.


Location: The location object from the window/frame in which this YUI instance operates.



Returns an array of bubble targets for this object.




  • pre

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:1163

Generate an id that is unique among all YUI instances


  • pre String

    optional guid prefix.


String: the guid.


  • name
  • value

Provided by the io-base module.

Defined in io/js/io-base.js:880

Method for setting and deleting IO HTTP headers to be sent with every request.

Hosted as a property on the io function (e.g. Y.io.header).



  • o
  • type

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:1226

Available since 3.3.0

instanceof check for objects that works around memory leak in IE when the item tested is window/document


  • o Object

    The object to check.

  • type Object

    The class to check against.


  • url
  • config
Object static

Provided by the io-base module.

Defined in io/js/io-base.js:768

Method for initiating an ajax call. The first argument is the url end point for the call. The second argument is an object to configure the transaction and attach event subscriptions. The configuration object supports the following properties:

HTTP method verb (e.g., GET or POST). If this property is not not defined, the default value will be GET.
This is the name-value string that will be sent as the transaction data. If the request is HTTP GET, the data become part of querystring. If HTTP POST, the data are sent in the message body.
Defines the transport to be used for cross-domain requests. By setting this property, the transaction will use the specified transport instead of XMLHttpRequest. The properties of the transport object are:
The transport to be used: 'flash' or 'native'
Set the value to 'XML' if that is the expected response content type.
Form serialization configuration object. Its properties are:
Node object or id of HTML form
true to also serialize disabled form field values (defaults to false)
Assigns transaction event subscriptions. Available events are:
Fires when a request is sent to a resource.
Fires when the transaction is complete.
Fires when the HTTP response status is within the 2xx range.
Fires when the HTTP response status is outside the 2xx range, if an exception occurs, if the transation is aborted, or if the transaction exceeds a configured timeout.
Fires at the conclusion of the transaction lifecycle, after success or failure.

Callback functions for start and end receive the id of the transaction as a first argument. For complete, success, and failure, callbacks receive the id and the response object (usually the XMLHttpRequest instance). If the arguments property was included in the configuration object passed to Y.io(), the configured data will be passed to all callbacks as the last argument.

Pass true to make a same-domain transaction synchronous. CAVEAT: This will negatively impact the user experience. Have a very good reason if you intend to use this.
The "`this'" object for all configured event handlers. If a specific context is needed for individual callbacks, bind the callback to a context using Y.bind().
Object map of transaction headers to send to the server. The object keys are the header names and the values are the header values.
Millisecond threshold for the transaction before being automatically aborted.
User-defined data passed to all registered event handlers. This value is available as the second argument in the "start" and "end" event handlers. It is the third argument in the "complete", "success", and "failure" event handlers. Be sure to quote this property name in the transaction configuration as "arguments" is a reserved word in JavaScript (e.g. Y.io({ ..., "arguments": stuff })).


  • url String

    qualified path to transaction resource.

  • config Object

    configuration object for the transaction.



  • url
  • c
  • args
JSONPRequest static

Provided by the jsonp module.

Defined in jsonp/js/jsonp.js:228


  • url String

    the url of the JSONP service with the {callback} placeholder where the callback function name typically goes.

  • c Function | Object

    Callback function accepting the JSON payload as its argument, or a configuration object (see above).

  • args Any multiple

    additional arguments to pass to send()



  • when
  • o
  • fn
  • data
  • periodic

Provided by the yui-later module.

Defined in yui/js/yui-later.js:10

Executes the supplied function in the context of the supplied object 'when' milliseconds later. Executes the function a single time unless periodic is set to true.


  • when Int

    the number of milliseconds to wait until the fn is executed.

  • o Object

    the context object.

  • fn Function | String

    the function to execute or the name of the method in the 'o' object to execute.

  • data Object

    [Array] data that is provided to the function. This accepts either a single item or an array. If an array is provided, the function is executed with one parameter for each array item. If you need to pass a single array parameter, it needs to be wrapped in an array [myarray].

    Note: native methods in IE may not have the call and apply methods. In this case, it will work, but you are limited to four arguments.

  • periodic Boolean

    if true, executes continuously at supplied interval until canceled.


Object: a timer object. Call the cancel() method on this object to stop the timer.


  • msg
  • cat
  • src
  • silent

Provided by the yui-log module.

Defined in yui/js/yui-log.js:17

If the 'debug' config is true, a 'yui:log' event will be dispatched, which the Console widget and anything else can consume. If the 'useBrowserConsole' config is true, it will write to the browser console if available. YUI-specific log messages will only be present in the -debug versions of the JS files. The build system is supposed to remove log statements from the raw and minified versions of the files.


  • msg String

    The message to log.

  • cat String

    The log category for the message. Default categories are "info", "warn", "error", time". Custom categories can be used as well. (opt).

  • src String

    The source of the the message (opt).

  • silent Boolean

    If true, the log event won't fire.


YUI: YUI instance.


  • objects

Returns a new object containing all of the properties of all the supplied objects. The properties from later objects will overwrite those in earlier objects.

Passing in a single object will create a shallow copy of it. For a deep copy, use clone().


  • objects Object multiple

    One or more objects to merge.


Object: A new merged object.


  • msg
  • cat
  • src
  • silent

Provided by the yui-log module.

Defined in yui/js/yui-log.js:89

Write a system message. This message will be preserved in the minified and raw versions of the YUI files, unlike log statements.


  • msg String

    The message to log.

  • cat String

    The log category for the message. Default categories are "info", "warn", "error", time". Custom categories can be used as well. (opt).

  • src String

    The source of the the message (opt).

  • silent Boolean

    If true, the log event won't fire.


YUI: YUI instance.


  • receiver
  • supplier
  • [overwrite=false]
  • [whitelist]
  • [mode=0]
  • [merge=false]
Function | Object | YUI

Mixes supplier's properties into receiver.

Properties on receiver or receiver's prototype will not be overwritten or shadowed unless the overwrite parameter is true, and will not be merged unless the merge parameter is true.

In the default mode (0), only properties the supplier owns are copied (prototype properties are not copied). The following copying modes are available:

  • 0: Default. Object to object.
  • 1: Prototype to prototype.
  • 2: Prototype to prototype and object to object.
  • 3: Prototype to object.
  • 4: Object to prototype.


  • receiver Function | Object

    The object or function to receive the mixed properties.

  • supplier Function | Object

    The object or function supplying the properties to be mixed.

  • [overwrite=false] Boolean optional

    If true, properties that already exist on the receiver will be overwritten with properties from the supplier.

  • [whitelist] String[] optional

    An array of property names to copy. If specified, only the whitelisted properties will be copied, and all others will be ignored.

  • [mode=0] Number optional

    Mix mode to use. See above for available modes.

  • [merge=false] Boolean optional

    If true, objects and arrays that already exist on the receiver will have the corresponding object/array from the supplier merged into them, rather than being skipped or overwritten. When both overwrite and merge are true, merge takes precedence.


Function | Object | YUI: The receiver, or the YUI instance if the specified receiver is falsy.


  • namespace

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:1073

Adds a namespace object onto the YUI global if called statically.

// creates YUI.your.namespace.here as nested objects

If called as a method on a YUI instance, it creates the namespace on the instance.

 // creates Y.property.package

Dots in the input string cause namespace to create nested objects for each token. If any part of the requested namespace already exists, the current object will be left in place. This allows multiple calls to namespace to preserve existing namespaced properties.

If the first token in the namespace string is "YAHOO", the token is discarded.

Be careful with namespace tokens. Reserved words may work in some browsers and not others. For instance, the following will fail in some browsers because the supported version of JavaScript reserves the word "long":


Note: If you pass multiple arguments to create multiple namespaces, only the last one created is returned from this function.


  • namespace String multiple

    namespaces to create.


Object: A reference to the last namespace object created.


  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [arg*]

Inherited from EventTarget but overwritten in event-custom/js/event-target.js:808

Y.on() can do many things:

  • Subscribe to custom events published and fired from Y
  • Subscribe to custom events published with broadcast 1 or 2 and fired from any object in the YUI instance sandbox
  • Subscribe to DOM events
  • Subscribe to the execution of a method on any object, effectively treating that method as an event

For custom event subscriptions, pass the custom event name as the first argument and callback as the second. The this object in the callback will be Y unless an override is passed as the third argument.

Y.on('io:complete', function () {
    Y.MyApp.updateStatus('Transaction complete');

To subscribe to DOM events, pass the name of a DOM event as the first argument and a CSS selector string as the third argument after the callback function. Alternately, the third argument can be a Node, NodeList, HTMLElement, array, or simply omitted (the default is the window object).

Y.on('click', function (e) {

    // proceed with ajax form submission
    var url = this.get('action');
}, '#my-form');

The this object in DOM event callbacks will be the Node targeted by the CSS selector or other identifier.

on() subscribers for DOM events or custom events published with a defaultFn can prevent the default behavior with e.preventDefault() from the event object passed as the first parameter to the subscription callback.

To subscribe to the execution of an object method, pass arguments corresponding to the call signature for Y.Do.before(...).

NOTE: The formal parameter list below is for events, not for function injection. See Y.Do.before for that signature.


  • type String

    DOM or custom event name

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [arg*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber


EventHandle: A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription


  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [arg*]

Inherited from EventTarget but overwritten in event-custom/js/event-target.js:863

Listen for an event one time. Equivalent to on(), except that the listener is immediately detached when executed.

See the on() method for additional subscription options.


  • type String

    DOM or custom event name

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [arg*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber


EventHandle: A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription


  • type
  • fn
  • [context]
  • [arg*]

Inherited from EventTarget but overwritten in event-custom/js/event-target.js:881

Listen for an event one time. Equivalent to once(), except, like after(), the subscription callback executes after all on() subscribers and the event's defaultFn (if configured) have executed. Like after() if any on() phase subscriber calls e.preventDefault(), neither the defaultFn nor the after() subscribers will execute.

The listener is immediately detached when executed.

See the on() method for additional subscription options.


  • type String

    The custom event name

  • fn Function

    The callback to execute in response to the event

  • [context] Object optional

    Override this object in callback

  • [arg*] Any optional

    0..n additional arguments to supply to the subscriber


EventHandle: A subscription handle capable of detaching the subscription


  • node
Node | null

Provided by the node-core module.

Defined in node/js/node-core.js:249

Returns a single Node instance bound to the node or the first element matching the given selector. Returns null if no match found. Note: For chaining purposes you may want to use Y.all, which returns a NodeList when no match is found.



Node | null: a Node instance or null if no match found.


  • type
  • [pre=this._yuievt.config.prefix]

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:172

Available since 3.3.0

Takes the type parameter passed to 'on' and parses out the various pieces that could be included in the type. If the event type is passed without a prefix, it will be expanded to include the prefix one is supplied or the event target is configured with a default prefix.


  • type String

    the type

  • [pre=this._yuievt.config.prefix] String optional

    the prefix


Array: an array containing: * the detach category, if supplied, * the prefixed event type, * whether or not this is an after listener, * the supplied event type


  • type
  • opts

Creates a new custom event of the specified type. If a custom event by that name already exists, it will not be re-created. In either case the custom event is returned.


  • type String

    the type, or name of the event

  • opts Object

    optional config params. Valid properties are:

    • 'broadcast': whether or not the YUI instance and YUI global are notified when the event is fired (false)
    • 'bubbles': whether or not this event bubbles (true) Events can only bubble if emitFacade is true.
    • 'context': the default execution context for the listeners (this)
    • 'defaultFn': the default function to execute when this event fires if preventDefault was not called
    • 'emitFacade': whether or not this event emits a facade (false)
    • 'prefix': the prefix for this targets events, e.g., 'menu' in 'menu:click'
    • 'fireOnce': if an event is configured to fire once, new subscribers after the fire will be notified immediately.
    • 'async': fireOnce event listeners will fire synchronously if the event has already fired unless async is true.
    • 'preventable': whether or not preventDefault() has an effect (true)
    • 'preventedFn': a function that is executed when preventDefault is called
    • 'queuable': whether or not this event can be queued during bubbling (false)
    • 'silent': if silent is true, debug messages are not provided for this event.
    • 'stoppedFn': a function that is executed when stopPropagation is called
    • 'monitored': specifies whether or not this event should send notifications about when the event has been attached, detached, or published.
    • 'type': the event type (valid option if not provided as the first parameter to publish)


CustomEvent: the custom event


  • f
  • c
  • args

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:363

Returns a function that will execute the supplied function in the supplied object's context, optionally adding any additional supplied parameters to the end of the arguments the function is executed with.


  • f Function | String

    the function to bind, or a function name to execute on the context object.

  • c Object

    the execution context.

  • args Any multiple

    0..n arguments to append to the end of arguments collection supplied to the function.


Function: the wrapped function.


  • o

Removes a bubble target



  • name
  • val

Provided by the node-data module.

Defined in node/js/node-data.js:84

Stores arbitrary data on a Node instance. This is not stored with the DOM node.


  • name String

    The name of the field to set. If no name is given, name is treated as the data and overrides any existing data.

  • val Any

    The value to be assigned to the field.


  • name
  • val

Provided by the node-data module.

Defined in node/js/node-data.js:140

Stores arbitrary data on each Node instance bound to the NodeList. This is not stored with the DOM node.


  • name String

    The name of the field to set. If no name is given, name is treated as the data and overrides any existing data.

  • val Any

    The value to be assigned to the field.


  • o
  • f
  • c
  • proto

Provided by the oop module.

Defined in oop/js/oop.js:214

Executes the supplied function for each item in a collection. The operation stops if the function returns true. Supports arrays, objects, and NodeLists.


  • o Object

    the object to iterate.

  • f Function

    the function to execute. This function receives the value, key, and object as parameters.

  • c Object

    the execution context for the function.

  • proto Boolean

    if true, prototype properties are iterated on objects.


Boolean: true if the function ever returns true, false otherwise.


  • o
  • readOnly

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:1174

Returns a guid associated with an object. If the object does not have one, a new one is created unless readOnly is specified.


  • o Object

    The object to stamp.

  • readOnly Boolean

    if true, a valid guid will only be returned if the object has one assigned to it.


String: The object's guid or null.


() deprecated

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:335

Deprecated: use on

subscribe to an event


  • fn
  • ms

Provided by the yui-throttle module.

Defined in yui-throttle/js/throttle.js:20

Available since 3.1.0

Throttles a call to a method based on the time between calls.


  • fn Function

    The function call to throttle.

  • ms Int

    The number of milliseconds to throttle the method call. Can set globally with Y.config.throttleTime or by call. Passing a -1 will disable the throttle. Defaults to 150.


Function: Returns a wrapped function that calls fn throttled.


() deprecated

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:455

Deprecated: use detach

detach a listener


  • type

Inherited from EventTarget: event-custom/js/event-target.js:476

Deprecated: use detachAll

Removes all listeners from the specified event. If the event type is not specified, all listeners from all hosted custom events will be removed.


  • type String

    The type, or name of the event


  • modules
  • [callback]

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:724

Attaches one or more modules to the YUI instance. When this is executed, the requirements are analyzed, and one of several things can happen:

  • All requirements are available on the page -- The modules are attached to the instance. If supplied, the use callback is executed synchronously.

  • Modules are missing, the Get utility is not available OR the 'bootstrap' config is false -- A warning is issued about the missing modules and all available modules are attached.

  • Modules are missing, the Loader is not available but the Get utility is and boostrap is not false -- The loader is bootstrapped before doing the following....

  • Modules are missing and the Loader is available -- The loader expands the dependency tree and fetches missing modules. When the loader is finshed the callback supplied to use is executed asynchronously.


  • modules String | Array multiple

    1-n modules to bind (uses arguments array).

  • [callback] Function optional

    callback function executed when the instance has the required functionality. If included, it must be the last parameter.

    • Y YUI

      The YUI instance created for this sandbox

    • data Object

      Object data returned from Loader.


YUI: the YUI instance.


 // loads and attaches dd and its dependencies
 YUI().use('dd', function(Y) {});

 // loads and attaches dd and node as well as all of their dependencies (since 3.4.0)
 YUI().use(['dd', 'node'], function(Y) {});

 // attaches all modules that are available on the page
 YUI().use('*', function(Y) {});

 // intrinsic YUI gallery support (since 3.1.0)
 YUI().use('gallery-yql', function(Y) {});

 // intrinsic YUI 2in3 support (since 3.1.0)
 YUI().use('yui2-datatable', function(Y) {});




Provided by the event-custom-base module.

Defined in event-custom/js/event-target.js:796

Hosts YUI page level events. This is where events bubble to when the broadcast config is set to 2. This property is only available if the custom event module is loaded.


Object static

Defined in yui/js/yui.js:69

YUI.GlobalConfig is a master configuration that might span multiple contexts in a non-browser environment. It is applied first to all instances in all contexts.


YUI.GlobalConfig = {
    filter: 'debug'

YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
    //debug files used here

    filter: 'min'
}).use('node', function(Y) {
    //min files used here



Provided by the loader-base module.

Defined in loader/js/loader.js:44

The component metadata is stored in Y.Env.meta. Part of the loader module.



Defined in yui/js/yui.js:308

The version number of the YUI instance.



Defined in yui/js/yui.js:99

YUI_config is a page-level config. It is applied to all instances created on the page. This is applied after YUI.GlobalConfig, and before the instance level configuration objects.


//Single global var to include before YUI seed file
YUI_config = {
    filter: 'debug'

YUI().use('node', function(Y) {
    //debug files used here

    filter: 'min'
}).use('node', function(Y) {
    //min files used here



Provided by the event-base module.

Defined in event/js/available.js:8

Executes the callback as soon as the specified element is detected in the DOM. This function expects a selector string for the element(s) to detect. If you already have an element reference, you don't need this event.

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    the callback function to execute.

  • el String

    an selector for the element(s) to attach

  • context Object

    optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to.

  • args Object Multiple

    0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback function. These arguments will be added after the event object.


Provided by the event-base module.

Defined in event/js/available.js:30

Executes the callback as soon as the specified element is detected in the DOM with a nextSibling property (indicating that the element's children are available). This function expects a selector string for the element(s) to detect. If you already have an element reference, you don't need this event.

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    the callback function to execute.

  • el String

    an selector for the element(s) to attach.

  • context Object

    optional argument that specifies what 'this' refers to.

  • args Object Multiple

    0..n additional arguments to pass on to the callback function. These arguments will be added after the event object.


Provided by the event module.

Defined in event/js/event-ready.js:7

The domready event fires at the moment the browser's DOM is usable. In most cases, this is before images are fully downloaded, allowing you to provide a more responsive user interface.

In YUI 3, domready subscribers will be notified immediately if that moment has already passed when the subscription is created.

One exception is if the yui.js file is dynamically injected into the page. If this is done, you must tell the YUI instance that you did this in order for DOMReady (and window load events) to fire normally. That configuration option is 'injected' -- set it to true if the yui.js script is not included inline.

This method is part of the 'event-ready' module, which is a submodule of 'event'.


Provided by the event-flick module.

Defined in event-gestures/js/Flick.js:46

Sets up a "flick" event, that is fired whenever the user initiates a flick gesture on the node where the listener is attached. The subscriber can specify a minimum distance or velocity for which the event is to be fired. The subscriber can also specify if there is a particular axis which they are interested in - "x" or "y". If no axis is specified, the axis along which there was most distance covered is used.

It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to "on", you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("flick", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    The method the event invokes. It receives an event facade with an e.flick object containing the flick related properties: e.flick.time, e.flick.distance, e.flick.velocity and e.flick.axis, e.flick.start.

  • cfg Object

    Optional. An object which specifies any of the following:

    minDistance (in pixels, defaults to 10)
    The minimum distance between start and end points, which would qualify the gesture as a flick.
    minVelocity (in pixels/ms, defaults to 0)
    The minimum velocity which would qualify the gesture as a flick.
    preventDefault (defaults to false)
    Can be set to true/false to prevent default behavior as soon as the touchstart/touchend or mousedown/mouseup is received so that things like scrolling or text selection can be prevented. This property can also be set to a function, which returns true or false, based on the event facade passed to it.
    axis (no default)
    Can be set to "x" or "y" if you want to constrain the flick velocity and distance to a single axis. If not defined, the axis along which the maximum distance was covered is used.


Provided by the event-move module.

Defined in event-gestures/js/Move.js:276

Sets up a "gesturemove" event, that is fired on touch devices in response to a single finger "touchmove", and on mouse based devices in response to a "mousemove".

By default this event is only fired when the same node has received a "gesturemovestart" event. The subscriber can set standAlone to true, in the configuration properties, if they want to listen for this event without an initial "gesturemovestart".

By default this event sets up it's internal "touchmove" and "mousemove" DOM listeners on the document element. The subscriber can set the root configuration property, to specify which node to attach DOM listeners to, if different from the document.

This event can also be listened for using node.delegate().

It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to on/delegate, you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("gesturemove", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    The method the event invokes. It receives the event facade of the underlying DOM event (mousemove or touchmove.touches[0]) which contains position co-ordinates.

  • cfg Object

    Optional. An object which specifies:

    standAlone (defaults to false)
    true, if the subscriber should be notified even if a "gesturemovestart" has not occured on the same node.
    root (defaults to document)
    The node to which the internal DOM listeners should be attached.
    preventDefault (defaults to false)
    Can be set to true/false to prevent default behavior as soon as the touchmove or mousemove is received. As with gesturemovestart, can also be set to function which returns true/false based on the event facade passed to it.


Provided by the event-move module.

Defined in event-gestures/js/Move.js:395

Sets up a "gesturemoveend" event, that is fired on touch devices in response to a single finger "touchend", and on mouse based devices in response to a "mouseup".

By default this event is only fired when the same node has received a "gesturemove" or "gesturemovestart" event. The subscriber can set standAlone to true, in the configuration properties, if they want to listen for this event without a preceding "gesturemovestart" or "gesturemove".

By default this event sets up it's internal "touchend" and "mouseup" DOM listeners on the document element. The subscriber can set the root configuration property, to specify which node to attach DOM listeners to, if different from the document.

This event can also be listened for using node.delegate().

It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to on/delegate, you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("gesturemoveend", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    The method the event invokes. It receives the event facade of the underlying DOM event (mouseup or touchend.changedTouches[0]).

  • cfg Object

    Optional. An object which specifies:

    standAlone (defaults to false)
    true, if the subscriber should be notified even if a "gesturemovestart" or "gesturemove" has not occured on the same node.
    root (defaults to document)
    The node to which the internal DOM listeners should be attached.
    preventDefault (defaults to false)
    Can be set to true/false to prevent default behavior as soon as the touchend or mouseup is received. As with gesturemovestart, can also be set to function which returns true/false based on the event facade passed to it.


Provided by the event-move module.

Defined in event-gestures/js/Move.js:89

Sets up a "gesturemovestart" event, that is fired on touch devices in response to a single finger "touchstart", and on mouse based devices in response to a "mousedown". The subscriber can specify the minimum time and distance thresholds which should be crossed before the "gesturemovestart" is fired and for the mouse, which button should initiate a "gesturemovestart". This event can also be listened for using node.delegate().

It is recommended that you use Y.bind to set up context and additional arguments for your event handler, however if you want to pass the context and arguments as additional signature arguments to on/delegate, you need to provide a null value for the configuration object, e.g: node.on("gesturemovestart", fn, null, context, arg1, arg2, arg3)

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    The method the event invokes. It receives the event facade of the underlying DOM event (mousedown or touchstart.touches[0]) which contains position co-ordinates.

  • cfg Object

    Optional. An object which specifies:

    minDistance (defaults to 0)
    The minimum distance threshold which should be crossed before the gesturemovestart is fired
    minTime (defaults to 0)
    The minimum time threshold for which the finger/mouse should be help down before the gesturemovestart is fired
    button (no default)
    In the case of a mouse input device, if the event should only be fired for a specific mouse button.
    preventDefault (defaults to false)
    Can be set to true/false to prevent default behavior as soon as the touchstart or mousedown is received (that is before minTime or minDistance thresholds are crossed, and so before the gesturemovestart listener is notified) so that things like text selection and context popups (on touch devices) can be prevented. This property can also be set to a function, which returns true or false, based on the event facade passed to it (for example, DragDrop can determine if the target is a valid handle or not before preventing default).


Provided by the history-hash module.

Defined in history/js/history-hash.js:330

Available since 3.2.0

Synthetic window.onhashchange event that normalizes differences across browsers and provides support for browsers that don't natively support onhashchange.

This event is provided by the history-hash module.

Event Payload:

  • e EventFacade

    Event facade with the following additional properties:

    Previous hash fragment value before the change.
    Previous URL (including the hash fragment) before the change.
    New hash fragment value after the change.
    New URL (including the hash fragment) after the change.


YUI().use('history-hash', function (Y) {
  Y.on('hashchange', function (e) {
    // Handle hashchange events on the current window.
  }, Y.config.win);


Provided by the event-key module.

Defined in event/js/key.js:131

Add a key listener. The listener will only be notified if the keystroke detected meets the supplied specification. The specification is a string that is defined as:

"down", "up", or "press"
"shift", "ctrl", "alt", or "meta"
"enter", "backspace", "esc", "tab", "pageup", or "pagedown"


  • Y.on("key", callback, "press:12,65+shift+ctrl", "#my-input");
  • Y.delegate("key", preventSubmit, "enter", "#forms", "input[type=text]");
  • Y.one("doc").on("key", viNav, "j,k,l,;");

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    the function to execute

  • id String | HTMLElement | Collection

    the element(s) to bind

  • spec String

    the keyCode and modifier specification

  • o Object

    optional context object

  • args Object

    0..n additional arguments to provide to the listener.


Provided by the event-mousewheel module.

Defined in event/js/mousewheel.js:25

Mousewheel event. This listener is automatically attached to the correct target, so one should not be supplied. Mouse wheel direction and velocity is stored in the 'wheelDelta' field.

Event Payload:

  • type String


  • fn Function

    the callback to execute

  • context Object

    optional context object

  • args Object

    0..n additional arguments to provide to the listener.


Synthetic event that fires when the value property of an <input> or <textarea> node changes as a result of a user-initiated keystroke, mouse operation, or input method editor (IME) input event.

Unlike the onchange event, this event fires when the value actually changes and not when the element loses focus. This event also reports IME and multi-stroke input more reliably than oninput or the various key events across browsers.

For performance reasons, only focused nodes are monitored for changes, so programmatic value changes on nodes that don't have focus won't be detected.

Event Payload:

  • prevVal String

    Previous value prior to the latest change.

  • newVal String

    New value after the latest change.


YUI().use('event-valuechange', function (Y) {
    Y.one('#my-input').on('valueChange', function (e) {
        Y.log('previous value: ' + e.prevVal);
        Y.log('new value: ' + e.newVal);


Provided by the event-resize module.

Defined in event/js/resize-window.js:9

Old firefox fires the window resize event once when the resize action finishes, other browsers fire the event periodically during the resize. This code uses timeout logic to simulate the Firefox behavior in other browsers.