Zend Framework
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Represents the apps:nickname element used by the Apps data API. This is used to describe a nickname's properties, and is usually contained within instances of Zend_Gdata_Gapps_NicknameEntry.
string $_name = 'null'
The name of the nickname. This name is used as the email address for this nickname.
$_rootElement = 'nickname'
$_rootNamespace = 'apps'
string $name
Constructs a new Zend_Gdata_Gapps_Extension_Nickname object.
Magic toString method allows using this directly via echo Works best in PHP >= 4.2.0
DOMDocument $doc
null, $majorVersion
1, $minorVersion
Retrieves a DOMElement which corresponds to this element and all child properties. This is used to build an entry back into a DOM and eventually XML text for sending to the server upon updates, or for application storage/persistence.
Get the value for this element's name attribute.
string $value
Set the value for this element's name attribute. This name uniquely describes this nickname within the domain. Emails addressed to this name will be delivered to the user who owns this nickname.
DOMNode $attribute
Given a DOMNode representing an attribute, tries to map the data into instance members. If no mapping is defined, the name and value are stored in an array.