Uses of Class

Packages that use IndexReader
org.apache.lucene.analysis.query Automatically filter high-frequency stopwords. 
Benchmarking Lucene By Tasks. 
org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks Extendable benchmark tasks. 
org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements Enhanced category features 
org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements.association Association category enhancements 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index Indexing of document categories 
org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params Indexing-time specifications for handling facets Faceted Search API Association-based aggregators. Caching to speed up facets accumulation. Parameters for Faceted Search Association-based Parameters for Faceted Search. Sampling for facets accumulation Taxonomy implemented using a Lucene-Index 
org.apache.lucene.facet.util Various utilities for faceted search 
org.apache.lucene.index Code to maintain and access indices. 
Static Index Pruning Tools 
org.apache.lucene.misc Miscellaneous index tools. 
org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query This package contains SrndQuery and its subclasses. Code to search indices.
Programmatic control over documents scores. This module enables search result grouping with Lucene, where hits with the same value in the specified single-valued group field are grouped together. The highlight package contains classes to provide "keyword in context" features typically used to highlight search terms in the text of results pages. This modules support index-time and query-time joins.
The payloads package provides Query mechanisms for finding and using payloads. Regular expression Query. Document similarity query generators. The calculus of spans. Suggest alternate spellings for words. This is an another highlighter implementation. 
org.apache.lucene.spatial.geohash Support for Geohash encoding, decoding, and filtering. 
org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier Support for filtering based upon geographic location. InstantiatedIndex, alternative RAM store for small corpora. 
org.apache.lucene.util Some utility classes. 

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.analysis.query

Methods in org.apache.lucene.analysis.query with parameters of type IndexReader
 int QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.addStopWords(IndexReader reader)
          Deprecated. Stopwords should be calculated at instantiation using QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version, Analyzer, IndexReader)
 int QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.addStopWords(IndexReader reader, float maxPercentDocs)
          Deprecated. Stowords should be calculated at instantiation using QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version, Analyzer, IndexReader, float)
 int QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.addStopWords(IndexReader reader, int maxDocFreq)
          Deprecated. Stopwords should be calculated at instantiation using QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version, Analyzer, IndexReader, int)
 int QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.addStopWords(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, float maxPercentDocs)
          Deprecated. Stowords should be calculated at instantiation using QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version, Analyzer, IndexReader, Collection, float)
 int QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.addStopWords(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, int maxDocFreq)
          Deprecated. Stowords should be calculated at instantiation using QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version, Analyzer, IndexReader, Collection, int)

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.analysis.query with parameters of type IndexReader
QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Analyzer delegate, IndexReader indexReader)
          Creates a new QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer with stopwords calculated for all indexed fields from terms with a document frequency percentage greater than QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer.defaultMaxDocFreqPercent
QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Analyzer delegate, IndexReader indexReader, Collection<String> fields, float maxPercentDocs)
          Creates a new QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer with stopwords calculated for the given selection of fields from terms with a document frequency percentage greater than the given maxPercentDocs
QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Analyzer delegate, IndexReader indexReader, Collection<String> fields, int maxDocFreq)
          Creates a new QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer with stopwords calculated for the given selection of fields from terms with a document frequency greater than the given maxDocFreq
QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Analyzer delegate, IndexReader indexReader, float maxPercentDocs)
          Creates a new QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer with stopwords calculated for all indexed fields from terms with a document frequency percentage greater than the given maxPercentDocs
QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer(Version matchVersion, Analyzer delegate, IndexReader indexReader, int maxDocFreq)
          Creates a new QueryAutoStopWordAnalyzer with stopwords calculated for all indexed fields from terms with a document frequency greater than the given maxDocFreq

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask that return IndexReader
 IndexReader PerfRunData.getIndexReader()

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask with parameters of type IndexReader
 void PerfRunData.setIndexReader(IndexReader indexReader)
          Set the index reader.

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks

Methods in org.apache.lucene.benchmark.byTask.tasks with parameters of type IndexReader
abstract  int BenchmarkHighlighter.doHighlight(IndexReader reader, int doc, String field, Document document, Analyzer analyzer, String text)
protected  Document ReadTask.retrieveDoc(IndexReader ir, int id)
protected  Document SearchTravRetLoadFieldSelectorTask.retrieveDoc(IndexReader ir, int id)

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements with parameters of type IndexReader
EnhancementsPayloadIterator(List<CategoryEnhancement> enhancementsList, IndexReader indexReader, Term term)

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements.association

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.facet.enhancements.association with parameters of type IndexReader
AssociationsPayloadIterator(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Construct a new association-iterator, initializing the inner payload iterator, with the supplied term and checking whether there are any associations within the given index

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.facet.index

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index with parameters of type IndexReader
 PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessor FacetsPayloadProcessorProvider.getReaderProcessor(IndexReader reader)

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.index.params with parameters of type IndexReader
 CategoryListIterator CategoryListParams.createCategoryListIterator(IndexReader reader, int partition)
          Create the category list iterator for the specified partition.

Uses of IndexReader in

Fields in declared as IndexReader
protected  IndexReader FacetsAccumulator.indexReader

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 TotalFacetCounts TotalFacetCountsCache.getTotalCounts(IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy, FacetIndexingParams facetIndexingParams, CategoryListCache clCache)
          Get the total facet counts for a reader/taxonomy pair and facet indexing parameters.
protected  FacetsAccumulator FacetsCollector.initFacetsAccumulator(FacetSearchParams facetSearchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
          Create the FacetsAccumulator to be used.
protected  ScoredDocIdCollector FacetsCollector.initScoredDocCollector(FacetSearchParams facetSearchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
          Create a ScoredDocIdCollector to be used as the first phase of the facet collection.
 void TotalFacetCountsCache.load(File inputFile, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy, FacetIndexingParams facetIndexingParams)
          Load TotalFacetCounts matching input parameters from the provided outputFile and add them into the cache for the provided indexReader, taxonomy, and facetIndexingParams.
 void FacetsCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void ScoredDocIdCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int base)
 void outputFile, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy, FacetIndexingParams facetIndexingParams, CategoryListCache clCache)
          Store the TotalFacetCounts matching input parameters into the provided outputFile, making them available for a later call to TotalFacetCountsCache.load(File, IndexReader, TaxonomyReader, FacetIndexingParams).

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
AdaptiveFacetsAccumulator(FacetSearchParams searchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
          Create an AdaptiveFacetsAccumulator
AdaptiveFacetsAccumulator(FacetSearchParams searchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader, IntArrayAllocator intArrayAllocator, FloatArrayAllocator floatArrayAllocator)
          Create an AdaptiveFacetsAccumulator
FacetsAccumulator(FacetSearchParams searchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
FacetsCollector(FacetSearchParams facetSearchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
          Create a collector for accumulating facets while collecting documents during search.
PayloadIntDecodingIterator(IndexReader indexReader, Term term, IntDecoder decoder)
PayloadIntDecodingIterator(IndexReader indexReader, Term term, IntDecoder decoder, byte[] buffer)
PayloadIterator(IndexReader indexReader, Term term)
PayloadIterator(IndexReader indexReader, Term term, byte[] buffer)
StandardFacetsAccumulator(FacetSearchParams searchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
StandardFacetsAccumulator(FacetSearchParams searchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader, IntArrayAllocator intArrayAllocator, FloatArrayAllocator floatArrayAllocator)

Uses of IndexReader in

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
AssociationFloatSumAggregator(IndexReader reader, float[] sumArray)
AssociationFloatSumAggregator(String field, IndexReader reader, float[] sumArray)
AssociationIntSumAggregator(IndexReader reader, int[] sumArray)
AssociationIntSumAggregator(String field, IndexReader reader, int[] sumArray)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 void CategoryListCache.loadAndRegister(CategoryListParams clp, IndexReader reader, TaxonomyReader taxo, FacetIndexingParams iparams)
          Load and register CategoryListData.

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 Aggregator ScoreFacetRequest.createAggregator(boolean useComplements, FacetArrays arrays, IndexReader reader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy)
 Aggregator CountFacetRequest.createAggregator(boolean useComplements, FacetArrays arrays, IndexReader reader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy)
abstract  Aggregator FacetRequest.createAggregator(boolean useComplements, FacetArrays arrays, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy)
          Create an aggregator for this facet request.
 CategoryListIterator FacetRequest.createCategoryListIterator(IndexReader reader, TaxonomyReader taxo, FacetSearchParams sParams, int partition)
          Create the category list iterator for the specified partition.

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 Aggregator AssociationIntSumFacetRequest.createAggregator(boolean useComplements, FacetArrays arrays, IndexReader reader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy)
 Aggregator AssociationFloatSumFacetRequest.createAggregator(boolean useComplements, FacetArrays arrays, IndexReader reader, TaxonomyReader taxonomy)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 SampleFixer Sampler.getSampleFixer(IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader, FacetSearchParams searchParams)
          Get a fixer of sample facet accumulation results.

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
SamplingAccumulator(Sampler sampler, FacetSearchParams searchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader)
SamplingAccumulator(Sampler sampler, FacetSearchParams searchParams, IndexReader indexReader, TaxonomyReader taxonomyReader, IntArrayAllocator intArrayAllocator, FloatArrayAllocator floatArrayAllocator)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in that return IndexReader
protected  IndexReader DirectoryTaxonomyReader.openIndexReader(Directory directory)
protected  IndexReader DirectoryTaxonomyWriter.openReader()
          Open an IndexReader from the internal IndexWriter, by calling open(IndexWriter, boolean).

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.facet.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.facet.util with parameters of type IndexReader
static ScoredDocIDs ScoredDocIdsUtils.createAllDocsScoredDocIDs(IndexReader reader)
          Creates a ScoredDocIDs which returns document IDs all non-deleted doc ids according to the given reader.
static ScoredDocIDs ScoredDocIdsUtils.getComplementSet(ScoredDocIDs docids, IndexReader reader)
          Create a complement of the input set.

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.index

Subclasses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.index
 class FilterIndexReader
          A FilterIndexReader contains another IndexReader, which it uses as its basic source of data, possibly transforming the data along the way or providing additional functionality.
 class MultiReader
          An IndexReader which reads multiple indexes, appending their content.
 class ParallelReader
          An IndexReader which reads multiple, parallel indexes.
 class PruningReader
          This class produces a subset of the input index, by removing some postings data according to rules implemented in a TermPruningPolicy, and optionally it can also remove stored fields of documents according to rules implemented in a StorePruningPolicy.
 class SegmentReader
          IndexReader implementation over a single segment.
 class SlowMultiReaderWrapper
          Acts like Lucene 4.x's SlowMultiReaderWrapper for testing of top-level MultiTermEnum, MultiTermDocs, ...

Fields in org.apache.lucene.index declared as IndexReader
protected  IndexReader
protected  IndexReader[] MultiReader.subReaders

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index that return IndexReader
 IndexReader ParallelReader.clone(boolean openReadOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use ParallelReader.clone() instead.
 IndexReader IndexReader.clone(boolean openReadOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use clone() instead.
 IndexReader MultiReader.clone(boolean openReadOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use MultiReader.clone() instead.
 IndexReader SegmentReader.clone(boolean openReadOnly)
protected  IndexReader ParallelReader.doOpenIfChanged()
protected  IndexReader IndexReader.doOpenIfChanged()
          If the index has changed since it was opened, open and return a new reader; else, return null.
protected  IndexReader MultiReader.doOpenIfChanged()
protected  IndexReader SegmentReader.doOpenIfChanged()
protected  IndexReader ParallelReader.doOpenIfChanged(boolean openReadOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use ParallelReader.doOpenIfChanged() instead.
protected  IndexReader IndexReader.doOpenIfChanged(boolean openReadOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use doOpenIfChanged() instead
protected  IndexReader MultiReader.doOpenIfChanged(boolean openReadOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use MultiReader.doOpenIfChanged() instead.
protected  IndexReader SegmentReader.doOpenIfChanged(boolean openReadOnly)
protected  IndexReader IndexReader.doOpenIfChanged(IndexCommit commit)
          If the index has changed since it was opened, open and return a new reader; else, return null.
protected  IndexReader IndexReader.doOpenIfChanged(IndexWriter writer, boolean applyAllDeletes)
          If the index has changed since it was opened, open and return a new reader; else, return null.
 IndexReader RandomIndexWriter.getReader()
 IndexReader IndexWriter.getReader()
          Deprecated. Please use open(IndexWriter,boolean) instead.
 IndexReader RandomIndexWriter.getReader(boolean applyDeletions)
 IndexReader IndexWriter.getReader(int termInfosIndexDivisor)
          Deprecated. Please use open(IndexWriter,boolean) instead. Furthermore, this method cannot guarantee the reader (and its sub-readers) will be opened with the termInfosIndexDivisor setting because some of them may have already been opened according to IndexWriterConfig.setReaderTermsIndexDivisor(int). You should set the requested termInfosIndexDivisor through IndexWriterConfig.setReaderTermsIndexDivisor(int) and use IndexWriter.getReader().
 IndexReader[] PruningReader.getSequentialSubReaders()
 IndexReader[] SlowMultiReaderWrapper.getSequentialSubReaders()
 IndexReader[] IndexReader.getSequentialSubReaders()
          Expert: returns the sequential sub readers that this reader is logically composed of.
 IndexReader[] MultiReader.getSequentialSubReaders()
 IndexReader[] FilterIndexReader.getSequentialSubReaders()
static IndexReader directory)
          Returns a IndexReader reading the index in the given Directory, with readOnly=true.
static IndexReader directory, boolean readOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use open(Directory) instead
static IndexReader directory, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, boolean readOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use open(Directory) instead
static IndexReader directory, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, boolean readOnly, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use open(Directory,int) instead
static IndexReader directory, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
          Expert: Returns a IndexReader reading the index in the given Director and given termInfosIndexDivisor
static IndexReader commit)
          Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in the given IndexCommit.
static IndexReader commit, boolean readOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use open(IndexCommit) instead
static IndexReader commit, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, boolean readOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use open(IndexCommit) instead
static IndexReader commit, IndexDeletionPolicy deletionPolicy, boolean readOnly, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use open(IndexCommit,int) instead
static IndexReader commit, int termInfosIndexDivisor)
          Expert: returns an IndexReader reading the index in the given IndexCommit and termInfosIndexDivisor.
static IndexReader writer, boolean applyAllDeletes)
          Open a near real time IndexReader from the IndexWriter.
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader)
          If the index has changed since the provided reader was opened, open and return a new reader; else, return null.
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader, boolean readOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use openIfChanged(IndexReader) instead
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader, IndexCommit commit)
          If the IndexCommit differs from what the provided reader is searching, or the provided reader is not already read-only, open and return a new readOnly=true reader; else, return null.
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader, IndexWriter writer, boolean applyAllDeletes)
          Expert: If there changes (committed or not) in the IndexWriter versus what the provided reader is searching, then open and return a new read-only IndexReader searching both committed and uncommitted changes from the writer; else, return null (though, the current implementation never returns null).
 IndexReader IndexReader.reopen()
          Deprecated. Use openIfChanged(IndexReader) instead
 IndexReader IndexReader.reopen(boolean openReadOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use openIfChanged(IndexReader) instead
 IndexReader IndexReader.reopen(IndexCommit commit)
          Deprecated. Use openIfChanged(IndexReader,IndexCommit) instead
 IndexReader IndexReader.reopen(IndexWriter writer, boolean applyAllDeletes)
          Deprecated. Use openIfChanged(IndexReader,IndexWriter,boolean) instead

Methods in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type IndexReader
 void TermVectorAccessor.accept(IndexReader indexReader, int documentNumber, String fieldName, TermVectorMapper mapper)
          Visits the TermVectorMapper and populates it with terms available for a given document, either via a vector created at index time or by resolving them from the inverted index.
 void ParallelReader.add(IndexReader reader)
          Add an IndexReader.
 void ParallelReader.add(IndexReader reader, boolean ignoreStoredFields)
          Add an IndexReader whose stored fields will not be returned.
 void RandomIndexWriter.addIndexes(IndexReader... readers)
 void IndexWriter.addIndexes(IndexReader... readers)
          Merges the provided indexes into this index.
 PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessor PayloadProcessorProvider.getReaderProcessor(IndexReader reader)
          Returns a PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessor for the given Directory, through which PayloadProcessorProvider.ReaderPayloadProcessors can be obtained for each Term, or null if none should be used.
 void IndexReader.ReaderClosedListener.onClose(IndexReader reader)
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader)
          If the index has changed since the provided reader was opened, open and return a new reader; else, return null.
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader, boolean readOnly)
          Deprecated. Write support will be removed in Lucene 4.0. Use openIfChanged(IndexReader) instead
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader, IndexCommit commit)
          If the IndexCommit differs from what the provided reader is searching, or the provided reader is not already read-only, open and return a new readOnly=true reader; else, return null.
static IndexReader IndexReader.openIfChanged(IndexReader oldReader, IndexWriter writer, boolean applyAllDeletes)
          Expert: If there changes (committed or not) in the IndexWriter versus what the provided reader is searching, then open and return a new read-only IndexReader searching both committed and uncommitted changes from the writer; else, return null (though, the current implementation never returns null).
 void MultiPassIndexSplitter.split(IndexReader input, Directory[] outputs, boolean seq)
          Deprecated. use MultiPassIndexSplitter.split(Version, IndexReader, Directory[], boolean) instead. This method will be removed in Lucene 4.0.
 void MultiPassIndexSplitter.split(Version version, IndexReader input, Directory[] outputs, boolean seq)
          Split source index into multiple parts.
abstract  void IndexWriter.IndexReaderWarmer.warm(IndexReader reader)

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.index with parameters of type IndexReader
FilterIndexReader(IndexReader in)
          Construct a FilterIndexReader based on the specified base reader.
MultipleTermPositions(IndexReader indexReader, Term[] terms)
          Creates a new MultipleTermPositions instance.
MultiReader(IndexReader... subReaders)
          Construct a MultiReader aggregating the named set of (sub)readers.
MultiReader(IndexReader[] subReaders, boolean closeSubReaders)
          Construct a MultiReader aggregating the named set of (sub)readers.
PruningReader(IndexReader in, StorePruningPolicy storePolicy, TermPruningPolicy termPolicy)
SlowMultiReaderWrapper(IndexReader reader)

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.index.pruning

Fields in org.apache.lucene.index.pruning declared as IndexReader
protected  IndexReader
protected  IndexReader

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.index.pruning with parameters of type IndexReader
CarmelTopKTermPruningPolicy(IndexReader in, Map<String,Integer> fieldFlags)
          Constructor with default parameters
CarmelTopKTermPruningPolicy(IndexReader in, Map<String,Integer> fieldFlags, int k, float epsilon, int r, Similarity sim)
          Constructor with specific settings
CarmelUniformTermPruningPolicy(IndexReader in, Map<String,Integer> fieldFlags, Map<String,Float> thresholds, float defThreshold, Similarity sim)
RIDFTermPruningPolicy(IndexReader in, Map<String,Integer> fieldFlags, Map<String,Double> thresholds, double defThreshold)
StorePruningPolicy(IndexReader in, Map<String,Integer> fieldFlags)
          Constructs a policy.
TermPruningPolicy(IndexReader in, Map<String,Integer> fieldFlags)
          Construct a policy.
TFTermPruningPolicy(IndexReader in, Map<String,Integer> fieldFlags, Map<String,Integer> thresholds, int defThreshold)

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.misc

Methods in org.apache.lucene.misc with parameters of type IndexReader
static org.apache.lucene.misc.TermStats[] HighFreqTerms.getHighFreqTerms(IndexReader reader, int numTerms, String field)
static long HighFreqTerms.getTotalTermFreq(IndexReader reader, Term term)
static org.apache.lucene.misc.TermStats[] HighFreqTerms.sortByTotalTermFreq(IndexReader reader, org.apache.lucene.misc.TermStats[] terms)
          Takes array of TermStats.

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query that return IndexReader
 IndexReader SpanNearClauseFactory.getIndexReader()

Methods in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query with parameters of type IndexReader
 Query DistanceQuery.getSpanNearQuery(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, float boost, BasicQueryFactory qf)
abstract  void SimpleTerm.visitMatchingTerms(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor mtv)
 void SrndPrefixQuery.visitMatchingTerms(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor mtv)
 void SrndTermQuery.visitMatchingTerms(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor mtv)
 void SrndTruncQuery.visitMatchingTerms(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, SimpleTerm.MatchingTermVisitor mtv)

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.queryParser.surround.query with parameters of type IndexReader
SpanNearClauseFactory(IndexReader reader, String fieldName, BasicQueryFactory qf)

Uses of IndexReader in

Fields in declared as IndexReader
protected static IndexReader SearchEquivalenceTestBase.reader
protected  IndexReader FieldCacheDocIdSet.reader
protected  IndexReader[] IndexSearcher.subReaders

Methods in that return IndexReader
 IndexReader IndexSearcher.getIndexReader()
          Return the IndexReader this searches.
 IndexReader[] IndexSearcher.getSubReaders()
          Returns the atomic subReaders used by this searcher.

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 long NRTManager.TrackingIndexWriter.addIndexes(IndexReader... readers)
abstract  SpanFilterResult SpanFilter.bitSpans(IndexReader reader)
          Returns a SpanFilterResult with true for documents which should be permitted in search results, and false for those that should not and Spans for where the true docs match.
 SpanFilterResult CachingSpanFilter.bitSpans(IndexReader reader)
 SpanFilterResult SpanQueryFilter.bitSpans(IndexReader reader)
protected  DocIdSet CachingWrapperFilter.docIdSetToCache(DocIdSet docIdSet, IndexReader reader)
          Provide the DocIdSet to be cached, using the DocIdSet provided by the wrapped Filter.
 Explanation ConstantScoreQuery.ConstantWeight.explain(IndexReader reader, int doc)
 Explanation DisjunctionMaxQuery.DisjunctionMaxWeight.explain(IndexReader reader, int doc)
          Explain the score we computed for doc
 Explanation BooleanQuery.BooleanWeight.explain(IndexReader reader, int doc)
abstract  Explanation Weight.explain(IndexReader reader, int doc)
          An explanation of the score computation for the named document.
protected  void IndexSearcher.gatherSubReaders(List<IndexReader> allSubReaders, IndexReader r)
 byte[] FieldCache.getBytes(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as a single byte and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 byte[] FieldCache.getBytes(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.ByteParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as bytes and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 byte[] FieldCache.getBytes(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.ByteParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as bytes and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 DocIdSet RemoteCachingWrapperFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
          Deprecated. Uses the FilterManager to keep the cache for a filter on the searcher side of a remote connection.
 DocIdSet ChainedFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet BooleanFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
          Returns the a DocIdSetIterator representing the Boolean composition of the filters that have been added.
 DocIdSet DuplicateFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet TermsFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet CachingWrapperFilterHelper.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet FieldValueFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet FieldCacheTermsFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
abstract  DocIdSet FieldCacheRangeFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
          This method is implemented for each data type
 DocIdSet CachingSpanFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet QueryWrapperFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
abstract  DocIdSet Filter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
          Creates a DocIdSet enumerating the documents that should be permitted in search results.
 DocIdSet MultiTermQueryWrapperFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
          Returns a DocIdSet with documents that should be permitted in search results.
 DocIdSet SpanQueryFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet CachingWrapperFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 Bits FieldCache.getDocsWithField(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field and returns a bit set at the size of reader.maxDoc(), with turned on bits for each docid that does have a value for this field.
 double[] FieldCache.getDoubles(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 double[] FieldCache.getDoubles(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.DoubleParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as doubles and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 double[] FieldCache.getDoubles(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.DoubleParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as doubles and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
protected  FilteredTermEnum PrefixQuery.getEnum(IndexReader reader)
protected abstract  FilteredTermEnum MultiTermQuery.getEnum(IndexReader reader)
          Construct the enumeration to be used, expanding the pattern term.
protected  FilteredTermEnum TermRangeQuery.getEnum(IndexReader reader)
protected  FilteredTermEnum NumericRangeQuery.getEnum(IndexReader reader)
protected  FilteredTermEnum FuzzyQuery.getEnum(IndexReader reader)
protected  FilteredTermEnum WildcardQuery.getEnum(IndexReader reader)
 float[] FieldCache.getFloats(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 float[] FieldCache.getFloats(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.FloatParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 float[] FieldCache.getFloats(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.FloatParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as floats and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 int[] FieldCache.getInts(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 int[] FieldCache.getInts(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.IntParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 int[] FieldCache.getInts(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.IntParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as integers and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 long[] FieldCache.getLongs(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as longs and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 long[] FieldCache.getLongs(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.LongParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as longs and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 long[] FieldCache.getLongs(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.LongParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as longs and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 short[] FieldCache.getShorts(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as shorts and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 short[] FieldCache.getShorts(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.ShortParser parser)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as shorts and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 short[] FieldCache.getShorts(IndexReader reader, String field, FieldCache.ShortParser parser, boolean setDocsWithField)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the terms in field as shorts and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() of the value each document has in the given field.
 FieldCache.StringIndex FieldCache.getStringIndex(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found reads the term values in field and returns an array of them in natural order, along with an array telling which element in the term array each document uses.
 String[] FieldCache.getStrings(IndexReader reader, String field)
          Checks the internal cache for an appropriate entry, and if none is found, reads the term values in field and returns an array of size reader.maxDoc() containing the value each document has in the given field.
protected  FilteredTermEnum MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod.getTermsEnum(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
          Returns the MultiTermQuerys FilteredTermEnum
 IndexSearcher SearcherFactory.newSearcher(IndexReader reader)
          Returns a new IndexSearcher over the given reader.
 void FieldCache.purge(IndexReader r)
          Expert: drops all cache entries associated with this reader.
 Query FuzzyLikeThisQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query BoostingQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query ConstantScoreQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query MultiTermQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          To rewrite to a simpler form, instead return a simpler enum from MultiTermQuery.getEnum(IndexReader).
 Query DisjunctionMaxQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          Optimize our representation and our subqueries representations
 Query BooleanQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query MultiPhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query NGramPhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query PhraseQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query FilteredQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          Rewrites the wrapped query.
 Query Query.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
          Expert: called to re-write queries into primitive queries.
 Q ScoringRewrite.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
abstract  Query MultiTermQuery.RewriteMethod.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
 Q TopTermsRewrite.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
 Scorer ConstantScoreQuery.ConstantWeight.scorer(IndexReader reader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)
 Scorer DisjunctionMaxQuery.DisjunctionMaxWeight.scorer(IndexReader reader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)
          Create the scorer used to score our associated DisjunctionMaxQuery
 Scorer BooleanQuery.BooleanWeight.scorer(IndexReader reader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)
abstract  Scorer Weight.scorer(IndexReader reader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)
          Returns a Scorer which scores documents in/out-of order according to scoreDocsInOrder.
 void CheckHits.SetCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void CheckHits.ExplanationAsserter.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
abstract  void Collector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
          Called before collecting from each IndexReader.
 void TotalHitCountCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
abstract  void FieldComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
          Set a new Reader.
 void FieldComparator.NumericComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.ByteComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.DocComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.DoubleComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.FloatComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.IntComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.LongComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.RelevanceComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.ShortComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.StringComparatorLocale.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.StringOrdValComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void FieldComparator.StringValComparator.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void PositiveScoresOnlyCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void CachingCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void TimeLimitingCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int base)
 void MultiCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int o)
 void TopScoreDocCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int base)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type IndexReader
protected  void IndexSearcher.gatherSubReaders(List<IndexReader> allSubReaders, IndexReader r)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
AssertingIndexSearcher(IndexReader r)
AssertingIndexSearcher(IndexReader r, ExecutorService ex)
CheckHits.ExplanationAssertingSearcher(IndexReader r)
FieldCacheDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
FuzzyTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term)
          Creates a FuzzyTermEnum with an empty prefix and a minSimilarity of 0.5f.
FuzzyTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term, float minSimilarity)
          Creates a FuzzyTermEnum with an empty prefix.
FuzzyTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term, float minSimilarity, int prefixLength)
          Constructor for enumeration of all terms from specified reader which share a prefix of length prefixLength with term and which have a fuzzy similarity > minSimilarity.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader r)
          Creates a searcher searching the provided index.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader r, ExecutorService executor)
          Runs searches for each segment separately, using the provided ExecutorService.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader reader, IndexReader[] subReaders, int[] docStarts)
          Expert: directly specify the reader, subReaders and their docID starts.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader reader, IndexReader[] subReaders, int[] docStarts)
          Expert: directly specify the reader, subReaders and their docID starts.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader reader, IndexReader[] subReaders, int[] docStarts, ExecutorService executor)
          Expert: directly specify the reader, subReaders and their docID starts, and an ExecutorService.
IndexSearcher(IndexReader reader, IndexReader[] subReaders, int[] docStarts, ExecutorService executor)
          Expert: directly specify the reader, subReaders and their docID starts, and an ExecutorService.
PrefixTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term prefix)
SingleTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term singleTerm)
          Creates a new SingleTermEnum.
TermRangeTermEnum(IndexReader reader, String field, String lowerTermText, String upperTermText, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, Collator collator)
          Enumerates all terms greater/equal than lowerTerm but less/equal than upperTerm.
WildcardTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term)
          Creates a new WildcardTermEnum.

Uses of IndexReader in

Fields in declared as IndexReader
protected  IndexReader CustomScoreProvider.reader

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 DocValues ByteFieldSource.getCachedFieldValues(FieldCache cache, String field, IndexReader reader)
 DocValues ShortFieldSource.getCachedFieldValues(FieldCache cache, String field, IndexReader reader)
 DocValues IntFieldSource.getCachedFieldValues(FieldCache cache, String field, IndexReader reader)
 DocValues FloatFieldSource.getCachedFieldValues(FieldCache cache, String field, IndexReader reader)
abstract  DocValues FieldCacheSource.getCachedFieldValues(FieldCache cache, String field, IndexReader reader)
          Return cached DocValues for input field and reader.
protected  CustomScoreProvider CustomScoreQuery.getCustomScoreProvider(IndexReader reader)
          Returns a CustomScoreProvider that calculates the custom scores for the given IndexReader.
 DocValues OrdFieldSource.getValues(IndexReader reader)
 DocValues ReverseOrdFieldSource.getValues(IndexReader reader)
abstract  DocValues ValueSource.getValues(IndexReader reader)
          Return the DocValues used by the function query.
 DocValues FieldCacheSource.getValues(IndexReader reader)
 Query ValueSourceQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query CustomScoreQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
CustomScoreProvider(IndexReader reader)
          Creates a new instance of the provider class for the given IndexReader.

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 void TermSecondPassGroupingCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void TermFirstPassGroupingCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void AbstractFirstPassGroupingCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void BlockGroupingCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void TermAllGroupsCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)
 void AbstractSecondPassGroupingCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in that return IndexReader
protected  IndexReader WeightedSpanTermExtractor.getReaderForField(String field)

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
static TokenStream TokenSources.getAnyTokenStream(IndexReader reader, int docId, String field, Analyzer analyzer)
          A convenience method that tries a number of approaches to getting a token stream.
static TokenStream TokenSources.getAnyTokenStream(IndexReader reader, int docId, String field, Document doc, Analyzer analyzer)
          A convenience method that tries to first get a TermPositionVector for the specified docId, then, falls back to using the passed in Document to retrieve the TokenStream.
static WeightedTerm[] QueryTermExtractor.getIdfWeightedTerms(Query query, IndexReader reader, String fieldName)
          Extracts all terms texts of a given Query into an array of WeightedTerms
static TokenStream TokenSources.getTokenStream(IndexReader reader, int docId, String field)
static TokenStream TokenSources.getTokenStream(IndexReader reader, int docId, String field, Analyzer analyzer)
 Map<String,WeightedSpanTerm> WeightedSpanTermExtractor.getWeightedSpanTermsWithScores(Query query, TokenStream tokenStream, String fieldName, IndexReader reader)
          Creates a Map of WeightedSpanTerms from the given Query and TokenStream.

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
QueryScorer(Query query, IndexReader reader, String field)
QueryScorer(Query query, IndexReader reader, String field, String defaultField)
QueryTermScorer(Query query, IndexReader reader, String fieldName)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 DocIdSet RawTermFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 Query ToChildBlockJoinQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query ToParentBlockJoinQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 void ToParentBlockJoinCollector.setNextReader(IndexReader reader, int docBase)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 Explanation PayloadTermQuery.PayloadTermWeight.explain(IndexReader reader, int doc)
 Scorer PayloadNearQuery.PayloadNearSpanWeight.scorer(IndexReader reader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)
 Scorer PayloadTermQuery.PayloadTermWeight.scorer(IndexReader reader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
PayloadSpanUtil(IndexReader reader)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
protected  FilteredTermEnum RegexQuery.getEnum(IndexReader reader)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
RegexTermEnum(IndexReader reader, Term term, RegexCapabilities regexImpl)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 Query MoreLikeThisQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
MoreLikeThis(IndexReader ir)
          Constructor requiring an IndexReader.
MoreLikeThis(IndexReader ir, Similarity sim)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 Explanation SpanWeight.explain(IndexReader reader, int doc)
 Spans SpanOrQuery.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
 Spans SpanPositionCheckQuery.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
 Spans SpanTermQuery.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
 Spans SpanNearQuery.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
 Spans SpanNotQuery.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
 Spans SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
abstract  Spans SpanQuery.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
          Expert: Returns the matches for this query in an index.
 Spans FieldMaskingSpanQuery.getSpans(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanOrQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanPositionCheckQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanNearQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanNotQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
 Query FieldMaskingSpanQuery.rewrite(IndexReader reader)
abstract  SpanQuery SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper.SpanRewriteMethod.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
 SpanQuery SpanMultiTermQueryWrapper.TopTermsSpanBooleanQueryRewrite.rewrite(IndexReader reader, MultiTermQuery query)
 Scorer SpanWeight.scorer(IndexReader reader, boolean scoreDocsInOrder, boolean topScorer)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
NearSpansOrdered(SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery, IndexReader reader)
NearSpansOrdered(SpanNearQuery spanNearQuery, IndexReader reader, boolean collectPayloads)
NearSpansUnordered(SpanNearQuery query, IndexReader reader)
SpanPositionCheckQuery.PositionCheckSpan(IndexReader reader)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 String[] SpellChecker.suggestSimilar(String word, int numSug, IndexReader ir, String field, boolean morePopular)
          Deprecated. use suggestSimilar(String, int, IndexReader, String, SuggestMode)
  • SuggestMode.SUGGEST_WHEN_NOT_IN_INDEX instead of morePopular=false
  • SuggestMode.SuGGEST_MORE_POPULAR instead of morePopular=true
 String[] SpellChecker.suggestSimilar(String word, int numSug, IndexReader ir, String field, boolean morePopular, float accuracy)
          Deprecated. use suggestSimilar(String, int, IndexReader, String, SuggestMode, float)
  • SuggestMode.SUGGEST_WHEN_NOT_IN_INDEX instead of morePopular=false
  • SuggestMode.SuGGEST_MORE_POPULAR instead of morePopular=true
 String[] SpellChecker.suggestSimilar(String word, int numSug, IndexReader ir, String field, SuggestMode suggestMode)
          Calls suggestSimilar(word, numSug, ir, suggestMode, field, this.accuracy)
 String[] SpellChecker.suggestSimilar(String word, int numSug, IndexReader ir, String field, SuggestMode suggestMode, float accuracy)
          Suggest similar words (optionally restricted to a field of an index).

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
HighFrequencyDictionary(IndexReader reader, String field, float thresh)
LuceneDictionary(IndexReader reader, String field)

Uses of IndexReader in

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 String FragmentsBuilder.createFragment(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList)
          create a fragment.
 String BaseFragmentsBuilder.createFragment(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList)
 String FragmentsBuilder.createFragment(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder)
          create a fragment.
 String BaseFragmentsBuilder.createFragment(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder)
 String[] FragmentsBuilder.createFragments(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, int maxNumFragments)
          create multiple fragments.
 String[] BaseFragmentsBuilder.createFragments(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, int maxNumFragments)
 String[] FragmentsBuilder.createFragments(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, int maxNumFragments, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder)
          create multiple fragments.
 String[] BaseFragmentsBuilder.createFragments(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldFragList fieldFragList, int maxNumFragments, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder)
 String FastVectorHighlighter.getBestFragment(FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, int fragCharSize)
          return the best fragment.
 String FastVectorHighlighter.getBestFragment(FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, int fragCharSize, FragListBuilder fragListBuilder, FragmentsBuilder fragmentsBuilder, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder)
          return the best fragment.
 String[] FastVectorHighlighter.getBestFragments(FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, int fragCharSize, int maxNumFragments)
          return the best fragments.
 String[] FastVectorHighlighter.getBestFragments(FieldQuery fieldQuery, IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, int fragCharSize, int maxNumFragments, FragListBuilder fragListBuilder, FragmentsBuilder fragmentsBuilder, String[] preTags, String[] postTags, Encoder encoder)
          return the best fragments.
 FieldQuery FastVectorHighlighter.getFieldQuery(Query query, IndexReader reader)
          create a FieldQuery object.
protected  Field[] BaseFragmentsBuilder.getFields(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName)
protected  String[] BaseFragmentsBuilder.getFieldValues(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
FieldTermStack(IndexReader reader, int docId, String fieldName, FieldQuery fieldQuery)
          a constructor.

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.spatial.geohash

Methods in org.apache.lucene.spatial.geohash with parameters of type IndexReader
 DocIdSet GeoHashDistanceFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier

Methods in org.apache.lucene.spatial.tier with parameters of type IndexReader
 DocIdSet LatLongDistanceFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)
 DocIdSet CartesianShapeFilter.getDocIdSet(IndexReader reader)

Uses of IndexReader in

Subclasses of IndexReader in
 class InstantiatedIndexReader
          Deprecated. contrib/instantiated will be removed in 4.0; you can use the memory codec to hold all postings in RAM

Methods in with parameters of type IndexReader
 void InstantiatedIndexWriter.addIndexes(IndexReader[] readers)

Constructors in with parameters of type IndexReader
InstantiatedIndex(IndexReader sourceIndexReader)
          Deprecated. Creates a new instantiated index that looks just like the index in a specific state as represented by a reader.
InstantiatedIndex(IndexReader sourceIndexReader, Set<String> fields)
          Deprecated. Creates a new instantiated index that looks just like the index in a specific state as represented by a reader.

Uses of IndexReader in org.apache.lucene.util

Methods in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type IndexReader
protected abstract  void ReaderUtil.Gather.add(int base, IndexReader r)
static void ReaderUtil.gatherSubReaders(List<IndexReader> allSubReaders, IndexReader reader)
          Gathers sub-readers from reader into a List.
static Collection<String> ReaderUtil.getIndexedFields(IndexReader reader)
static FieldInfos ReaderUtil.getMergedFieldInfos(IndexReader reader)
          Call this to get the (merged) FieldInfos for a composite reader
static IndexSearcher LuceneTestCase.newSearcher(IndexReader r)
          create a new searcher over the reader.
static IndexSearcher LuceneTestCase.newSearcher(IndexReader r, boolean maybeWrap)
          create a new searcher over the reader.

Method parameters in org.apache.lucene.util with type arguments of type IndexReader
static void ReaderUtil.gatherSubReaders(List<IndexReader> allSubReaders, IndexReader reader)
          Gathers sub-readers from reader into a List.

Constructors in org.apache.lucene.util with parameters of type IndexReader
ReaderUtil.Gather(IndexReader r)