Uses of Class

Packages that use Beta

Uses of Beta in org.apache.poi.hssf.converter

Classes in org.apache.poi.hssf.converter with annotations of type Beta
 class AbstractExcelConverter
          Common class for ExcelToFoConverter and ExcelToHtmlConverter
 class AbstractExcelUtils
          Common class for ExcelToFoUtils and ExcelToHtmlUtils
 class ExcelToFoConverter
          Converts xls files (97-2007) to XSL FO.
 class ExcelToFoUtils
 class ExcelToHtmlConverter
          Converts xls files (97-2007) to HTML file.
 class ExcelToHtmlUtils

Uses of Beta in org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter

Classes in org.apache.poi.hwpf.converter with annotations of type Beta
 class AbstractWordConverter
 class AbstractWordUtils
 class DefaultFontReplacer
 class FoDocumentFacade
 interface FontReplacer
 class HtmlDocumentFacade
 class NumberFormatter
          Utility class to translate numbers in letters, usually for lists.
 interface PicturesManager
          User-implemented pictures manager to store images on-disk
 class TextDocumentFacade
 class WordToFoConverter
 class WordToFoUtils
 class WordToHtmlConverter
          Converts Word files (95-2007) into HTML files.
 class WordToHtmlUtils
 class WordToTextConverter

Uses of Beta in

Classes in with annotations of type Beta
 class HWPFLister
          Used by developers to list out key information on a HWPF file.

Uses of Beta in

Classes in with annotations of type Beta
 interface ChartAxis
          High level representation of chart axis.
 interface ChartAxisFactory
          A factory for different chart axis.
 interface ChartData
          A base for all charts data types.
 interface ChartDataFactory
          A factory for different charts data types.
 interface ChartDataSource<T>
          Represents data model of the charts.
 interface ChartLegend
          High level representation of chart legend.
 class DataSources
          Class DataSources is a factory for ChartDataSource instances.
 interface ManualLayout
          High level representation of chart element manual layout.
 interface ManuallyPositionable
          Abstraction of chart element that can be positioned with manual layout.
 interface ScatterChartSerie
          Represents scatter charts serie.
 interface ValueAxis

Uses of Beta in org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel

Classes in org.apache.poi.xslf.usermodel with annotations of type Beta
 class XMLSlideShow
          High level representation of a ooxml slideshow.
 class XSLFAutoShape
          Represents a shape with a preset geometry.
 class XSLFColor
          Encapsulates logic to read color definitions from DrawingML and convert them to java.awt.Color
 class XSLFCommentAuthors
 class XSLFComments
 class XSLFCommonSlideData
 class XSLFConnectorShape
          Specifies a connection shape.
 class XSLFDrawing
 class XSLFFactory
          Instantiates sub-classes of POIXMLDocumentPart depending on their relationship type
 class XSLFFreeformShape
          Represents a custom geometric shape.
 class XSLFGraphicFrame
 class XSLFGroupShape
          Represents a group shape that consists of many shapes grouped together.
 class XSLFImageRenderer
          For now this class renders only images supported by the javax.imageio.ImageIO framework.
 class XSLFNotes
 class XSLFNotesMaster
          Notes master object associated with this layout.
 class XSLFPictureData
          Instantiates sub-classes of POIXMLDocumentPart depending on their relationship type
 class XSLFPictureShape
          Represents a picture shape
 class XSLFRelation
 class XSLFShape
          Base super-class class for all shapes in PresentationML
 class XSLFSheet
 class XSLFSimpleShape
          Represents a single (non-group) shape in a .pptx slide show
 class XSLFSlide
 class XSLFSlideLayout
 class XSLFSlideMaster
          Slide master object associated with this layout.
 class XSLFTableStyles
 class XSLFTextBox
 class XSLFTextParagraph
          Represents a paragraph of text within the containing text body.
 class XSLFTextRun
          Represents a run of text within the containing text body.
 class XSLFTextShape
          Represents a shape that can hold text.
 class XSLFTheme
          A shared style sheet in a .pptx slide show

Uses of Beta in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.charts

Classes in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.charts with annotations of type Beta
 class XSSFChartAxis
          Base class for all axis types.
 class XSSFChartDataFactory
 class XSSFChartLegend
          Represents a SpreadsheetML chart legend
 class XSSFManualLayout
          Represents a SpreadsheetML manual layout.
 class XSSFScatterChartData
          Represents DrawingML scatter charts.
 class XSSFValueAxis
          Value axis type.

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