Uses of Interface

Packages that use Transformer
org.apache.commons.collections This package contains the interfaces and utilities shared across all the subpackages of this component. 
org.apache.commons.collections.bag This package contains implementations of the Bag and SortedBag interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.buffer This package contains implementations of the Buffer interface. 
org.apache.commons.collections.collection This package contains implementations of the Collection interface. 
org.apache.commons.collections.comparators This package contains implementations of the Comparator interface. 
org.apache.commons.collections.functors This package contains implementations of the Closure, Predicate, Transformer and Factory interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.iterators This package contains implementations of the Iterator interface. 
org.apache.commons.collections.list This package contains implementations of the List interface. This package contains implementations of the Map, IterableMap, OrderedMap and SortedMap interfaces. 
org.apache.commons.collections.set This package contains implementations of the Set and SortedSet interfaces. 

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections that return Transformer
static Transformer TransformerUtils.asTransformer(Closure closure)
          Creates a Transformer that calls a Closure each time the transformer is used.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.asTransformer(Factory factory)
          Creates a Transformer that calls a Factory each time the transformer is used.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.asTransformer(Predicate predicate)
          Creates a Transformer that calls a Predicate each time the transformer is used.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.chainedTransformer(java.util.Collection transformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls each transformer in turn, passing the result into the next transformer.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.chainedTransformer(Transformer[] transformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls each transformer in turn, passing the result into the next transformer.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.chainedTransformer(Transformer transformer1, Transformer transformer2)
          Create a new Transformer that calls two transformers, passing the result of the first into the second.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.cloneTransformer()
          Gets a transformer that returns a clone of the input object.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.constantTransformer(java.lang.Object constantToReturn)
          Creates a Transformer that will return the same object each time the transformer is used.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.exceptionTransformer()
          Gets a transformer that always throws an exception.
protected  Transformer BeanMap.getTypeTransformer(java.lang.Class aType)
          Deprecated. Returns a transformer for the given primitive type.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.instantiateTransformer()
          Gets a Transformer that expects an input Class object that it will instantiate.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.instantiateTransformer(java.lang.Class[] paramTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Creates a Transformer that expects an input Class object that it will instantiate.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.invokerTransformer(java.lang.String methodName)
          Gets a Transformer that invokes a method on the input object.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.invokerTransformer(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Class[] paramTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Gets a Transformer that invokes a method on the input object.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.mapTransformer(java.util.Map map)
          Creates a Transformer that uses the passed in Map to transform the input object (as a simple lookup).
static Transformer TransformerUtils.nopTransformer()
          Gets a transformer that returns the input object.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.nullTransformer()
          Gets a transformer that always returns null.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.stringValueTransformer()
          Gets a transformer that returns a java.lang.String representation of the input object.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchMapTransformer(java.util.Map objectsAndTransformers)
          Create a new Transformer that uses the input object as a key to find the transformer to call.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(java.util.Map predicatesAndTransformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(Predicate predicate, Transformer trueTransformer, Transformer falseTransformer)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of two transformers depending on the specified predicate.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections with parameters of type Transformer
static Closure ClosureUtils.asClosure(Transformer transformer)
          Creates a Closure that calls a Transformer each time it is called.
static Predicate PredicateUtils.asPredicate(Transformer transformer)
          Create a new Predicate that wraps a Transformer.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.chainedTransformer(Transformer[] transformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls each transformer in turn, passing the result into the next transformer.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.chainedTransformer(Transformer transformer1, Transformer transformer2)
          Create a new Transformer that calls two transformers, passing the result of the first into the second.
static java.util.Collection CollectionUtils.collect(java.util.Collection inputCollection, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a new Collection consisting of the elements of inputCollection transformed by the given transformer.
static java.util.Collection CollectionUtils.collect(java.util.Collection inputCollection, Transformer transformer, java.util.Collection outputCollection)
          Transforms all elements from inputCollection with the given transformer and adds them to the outputCollection.
static java.util.Collection CollectionUtils.collect(java.util.Iterator inputIterator, Transformer transformer)
          Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer and adds them to the outputCollection.
static java.util.Collection CollectionUtils.collect(java.util.Iterator inputIterator, Transformer transformer, java.util.Collection outputCollection)
          Transforms all elements from the inputIterator with the given transformer and adds them to the outputCollection.
static java.util.Map MapUtils.lazyMap(java.util.Map map, Transformer transformerFactory)
          Returns a "lazy" map whose values will be created on demand.
static java.util.SortedMap MapUtils.lazySortedMap(java.util.SortedMap map, Transformer transformerFactory)
          Returns a "lazy" sorted map whose values will be created on demand.
static java.util.Iterator IteratorUtils.objectGraphIterator(java.lang.Object root, Transformer transformer)
          Gets an iterator that operates over an object graph.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.
static Transformer TransformerUtils.switchTransformer(Predicate predicate, Transformer trueTransformer, Transformer falseTransformer)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of two transformers depending on the specified predicate.
static void CollectionUtils.transform(java.util.Collection collection, Transformer transformer)
          Transform the collection by applying a Transformer to each element.
static Bag BagUtils.transformedBag(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed bag backed by the given bag.
static Buffer BufferUtils.transformedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed buffer backed by the given buffer.
static java.util.Collection CollectionUtils.transformedCollection(java.util.Collection collection, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed bag backed by the given collection.
static java.util.Comparator ComparatorUtils.transformedComparator(java.util.Comparator comparator, Transformer transformer)
          Gets a Comparator that passes transformed objects to the given comparator.
static java.util.Iterator IteratorUtils.transformedIterator(java.util.Iterator iterator, Transformer transform)
          Gets an iterator that transforms the elements of another iterator.
static java.util.List ListUtils.transformedList(java.util.List list, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed list backed by the given list.
static java.util.Map MapUtils.transformedMap(java.util.Map map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Returns a transformed map backed by the given map.
static Predicate PredicateUtils.transformedPredicate(Transformer transformer, Predicate predicate)
          Creates a predicate that transforms the input object before passing it to the predicate.
static java.util.Set SetUtils.transformedSet(java.util.Set set, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed set backed by the given set.
static SortedBag BagUtils.transformedSortedBag(SortedBag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed sorted bag backed by the given bag.
static java.util.SortedMap MapUtils.transformedSortedMap(java.util.SortedMap map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Returns a transformed sorted map backed by the given map.
static java.util.SortedSet SetUtils.transformedSortedSet(java.util.SortedSet set, Transformer transformer)
          Returns a transformed sorted set backed by the given set.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.bag

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.bag with parameters of type Transformer
static Bag TransformedBag.decorate(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming bag.
static SortedBag TransformedSortedBag.decorate(SortedBag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming sorted bag.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.bag with parameters of type Transformer
TransformedBag(Bag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
TransformedSortedBag(SortedBag bag, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer with parameters of type Transformer
static Buffer TransformedBuffer.decorate(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming buffer.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.buffer with parameters of type Transformer
TransformedBuffer(Buffer buffer, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.collection

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.collection declared as Transformer
protected  Transformer TransformedCollection.transformer
          The transformer to use

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.collection with parameters of type Transformer
static java.util.Collection TransformedCollection.decorate(java.util.Collection coll, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming collection.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.collection with parameters of type Transformer
TransformedCollection(java.util.Collection coll, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.comparators

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.comparators declared as Transformer
protected  Transformer TransformingComparator.transformer
          The transformer being used.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.comparators with parameters of type Transformer
TransformingComparator(Transformer transformer)
          Constructs an instance with the given Transformer and a ComparableComparator.
TransformingComparator(Transformer transformer, java.util.Comparator decorated)
          Constructs an instance with the given Transformer and Comparator.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.functors

Classes in org.apache.commons.collections.functors that implement Transformer
 class ChainedTransformer
          Transformer implementation that chains the specified transformers together.
 class CloneTransformer
          Transformer implementation that returns a clone of the input object.
 class ClosureTransformer
          Transformer implementation that calls a Closure using the input object and then returns the input.
 class ConstantTransformer
          Transformer implementation that returns the same constant each time.
 class ExceptionTransformer
          Transformer implementation that always throws an exception.
 class FactoryTransformer
          Transformer implementation that calls a Factory and returns the result.
 class InstantiateTransformer
          Transformer implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
 class InvokerTransformer
          Transformer implementation that creates a new object instance by reflection.
 class MapTransformer
          Transformer implementation that returns the value held in a specified map using the input parameter as a key.
 class NOPTransformer
          Transformer implementation that does nothing.
 class PredicateTransformer
          Transformer implementation that calls a Predicate using the input object and then returns the input.
 class StringValueTransformer
          Transformer implementation that returns the result of calling String.valueOf on the input object.
 class SwitchTransformer
          Transformer implementation calls the transformer whose predicate returns true, like a switch statement.

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.functors declared as Transformer
static Transformer StringValueTransformer.INSTANCE
          Singleton predicate instance
static Transformer NOPTransformer.INSTANCE
          Singleton predicate instance
static Transformer ExceptionTransformer.INSTANCE
          Singleton predicate instance
static Transformer CloneTransformer.INSTANCE
          Singleton predicate instance
static Transformer InstantiateTransformer.NO_ARG_INSTANCE
          Singleton instance that uses the no arg constructor
static Transformer ConstantTransformer.NULL_INSTANCE
          Returns null each time

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.functors that return Transformer
 Transformer SwitchTransformer.getDefaultTransformer()
          Gets the default transformer.
static Transformer StringValueTransformer.getInstance()
          Factory returning the singleton instance.
static Transformer NOPTransformer.getInstance()
          Factory returning the singleton instance.
static Transformer ExceptionTransformer.getInstance()
          Factory returning the singleton instance.
static Transformer CloneTransformer.getInstance()
          Factory returning the singleton instance.
static Transformer InstantiateTransformer.getInstance(java.lang.Class[] paramTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Transformer method that performs validation.
static Transformer ClosureTransformer.getInstance(Closure closure)
          Factory method that performs validation.
static Transformer ChainedTransformer.getInstance(java.util.Collection transformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls each transformer in turn, passing the result into the next transformer.
static Transformer FactoryTransformer.getInstance(Factory factory)
          Factory method that performs validation.
static Transformer SwitchTransformer.getInstance(java.util.Map predicatesAndTransformers)
          Create a new Transformer that calls one of the transformers depending on the predicates.
static Transformer MapTransformer.getInstance(java.util.Map map)
          Factory to create the transformer.
static Transformer ConstantTransformer.getInstance(java.lang.Object constantToReturn)
          Transformer method that performs validation.
static Transformer PredicateTransformer.getInstance(Predicate predicate)
          Factory method that performs validation.
static Transformer SwitchTransformer.getInstance(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter arrays.
static Transformer InvokerTransformer.getInstance(java.lang.String methodName)
          Gets an instance of this transformer calling a specific method with no arguments.
static Transformer InvokerTransformer.getInstance(java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Class[] paramTypes, java.lang.Object[] args)
          Gets an instance of this transformer calling a specific method with specific values.
static Transformer ChainedTransformer.getInstance(Transformer[] transformers)
          Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter array.
static Transformer ChainedTransformer.getInstance(Transformer transformer1, Transformer transformer2)
          Factory method that performs validation.
 Transformer TransformerPredicate.getTransformer()
          Gets the transformer.
 Transformer TransformerClosure.getTransformer()
          Gets the transformer.
 Transformer TransformedPredicate.getTransformer()
          Gets the transformer in use.
 Transformer[] SwitchTransformer.getTransformers()
          Gets the transformers, do not modify the array.
 Transformer[] ChainedTransformer.getTransformers()
          Gets the transformers, do not modify the array.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.functors with parameters of type Transformer
static Transformer SwitchTransformer.getInstance(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter arrays.
static Transformer SwitchTransformer.getInstance(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter arrays.
static Predicate TransformerPredicate.getInstance(Transformer transformer)
          Factory to create the predicate.
static Closure TransformerClosure.getInstance(Transformer transformer)
          Factory method that performs validation.
static Transformer ChainedTransformer.getInstance(Transformer[] transformers)
          Factory method that performs validation and copies the parameter array.
static Predicate TransformedPredicate.getInstance(Transformer transformer, Predicate predicate)
          Factory to create the predicate.
static Transformer ChainedTransformer.getInstance(Transformer transformer1, Transformer transformer2)
          Factory method that performs validation.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.functors with parameters of type Transformer
ChainedTransformer(Transformer[] transformers)
          Constructor that performs no validation.
SwitchTransformer(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Constructor that performs no validation.
SwitchTransformer(Predicate[] predicates, Transformer[] transformers, Transformer defaultTransformer)
          Constructor that performs no validation.
TransformedPredicate(Transformer transformer, Predicate predicate)
          Constructor that performs no validation.
TransformerClosure(Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that performs no validation.
TransformerPredicate(Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that performs no validation.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators

Fields in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators declared as Transformer
protected  Transformer ObjectGraphIterator.transformer
          The transformer to use

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators that return Transformer
 Transformer TransformIterator.getTransformer()
          Gets the transformer this iterator is using.

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators with parameters of type Transformer
 void TransformIterator.setTransformer(Transformer transformer)
          Sets the transformer this the iterator to use.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.iterators with parameters of type Transformer
ObjectGraphIterator(java.lang.Object root, Transformer transformer)
          Constructs an ObjectGraphIterator using a root object and transformer.
TransformIterator(java.util.Iterator iterator, Transformer transformer)
          Constructs a new TransformIterator that will use the given iterator and transformer.

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.list

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.list with parameters of type Transformer
static java.util.List TransformedList.decorate(java.util.List list, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming list.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.list with parameters of type Transformer
TransformedList(java.util.List list, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

Uses of Transformer in

Fields in declared as Transformer
protected  Transformer LazyMap.factory
          The factory to use to construct elements
protected  Transformer TransformedMap.keyTransformer
          The transformer to use for the key
protected  Transformer TransformedMap.valueTransformer
          The transformer to use for the value

Methods in with parameters of type Transformer
static java.util.Map LazyMap.decorate(java.util.Map map, Transformer factory)
          Factory method to create a lazily instantiated map.
static java.util.Map DefaultedMap.decorate(java.util.Map map, Transformer factory)
          Factory method to create a defaulting map.
static java.util.Map TransformedMap.decorate(java.util.Map map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming map.
static java.util.SortedMap LazySortedMap.decorate(java.util.SortedMap map, Transformer factory)
          Factory method to create a lazily instantiated sorted map.
static java.util.SortedMap TransformedSortedMap.decorate(java.util.SortedMap map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming sorted map.
static java.util.Map TransformedMap.decorateTransform(java.util.Map map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming map that will transform existing contents of the specified map.
static java.util.SortedMap TransformedSortedMap.decorateTransform(java.util.SortedMap map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming sorted map that will transform existing contents of the specified map.

Constructors in with parameters of type Transformer
LazyMap(java.util.Map map, Transformer factory)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
LazySortedMap(java.util.SortedMap map, Transformer factory)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
TransformedMap(java.util.Map map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
TransformedSortedMap(java.util.SortedMap map, Transformer keyTransformer, Transformer valueTransformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

Uses of Transformer in org.apache.commons.collections.set

Methods in org.apache.commons.collections.set with parameters of type Transformer
static java.util.Set TransformedSet.decorate(java.util.Set set, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming set.
static java.util.SortedSet TransformedSortedSet.decorate(java.util.SortedSet set, Transformer transformer)
          Factory method to create a transforming sorted set.

Constructors in org.apache.commons.collections.set with parameters of type Transformer
TransformedSet(java.util.Set set, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).
TransformedSortedSet(java.util.SortedSet set, Transformer transformer)
          Constructor that wraps (not copies).

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